Tips for coping with a breakup?

Tips for coping with a breakup?

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  1. 9 months ago

    There’s no pussy like new pussy

  2. 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    you just posted a gay narcissist who really doesn't care except if it makes him look bad. so yeah, be a gay narcissist.

  4. 9 months ago

    Shane Hunt won.

  5. 9 months ago

    Recently got out of an abusive relationship with a women with Borderline Personality Disorder.

    I attempted suicide twice. Saw her with a new man and it destroyed me. I can tell you some advice that helped me.

    First and foremost is self-care. Start taking care of your appearance. Find a skincare routine. Brush your teeth. Fricking Floss! Go to a really nice barber and get some sick fricking haircut that you always wanted.

    Second, start hitting the fricking gym. I'm a powerlifter (lol meme). I never do arms, but you know what? I fricking hit arms. I fricking hit abs. I want to not only perform like a monster, but I want to look like a monster too. I want to be a fricking slayer.

    Lastly, I started to read a lot of fricking books. I'm currently reading 2 books at the same time. One self-help book (mostly on shit that I need to work out that got me into an abusive situation) and a fiction book to help me become more "worldly."

    Honestly though, time will make everything better. I had an abusive relationship so I had to put the work in to stop being depressed. It's been 8 months and I had to move to a new state to get over her bullshit. Not quite as dramatic as a regular break-up, but hopefully some of my advice may help.

    • 9 months ago

      Brush my teeth? Woah. Never thought of doing that one before. Thanks bro, you just blew my mind. Gonna start brushing my teeth from now on.

    • 9 months ago

      good for you dude. these things are hard to get over. im impressed by your attitude. keep trucking along, YGMI

    • 9 months ago

      I dated a crazy abusive b***h also. Shit sucks. There's good women though

    • 9 months ago

      >I attempted suicide twice.
      you are the one with BPD, or at least you have it too. This is part of the diagnosis/

      How did you try to have a nice day? If a man wants to kill himself he will get a gun and blow his brains out or jump off a tall building over concrete

      you, twice, used some pussy method you knew deep down would fail so. you could b***h and moan. This is BPD

      • 9 months ago

        >you, twice, used some pussy method you knew deep down would fail so. you could b***h and moan. This is BPD
        Are you making the statement that everyone that attempts suicide has BPD? Are you making the statement that nobody without BPD will attempt suicide?

        • 9 months ago

          He's making the statement that if you want to do an hero you do it properly. If you "attempt", you never wanted to unalive yourself, you just wanted attention.

          • 9 months ago

            Are you making the statement that anyone that does so is BPD?

    • 9 months ago

      >be a fricking slayer.

    • 9 months ago

      >Lifting for this

      Tips for coping with a breakup?

      Greg douche is basically living proof that there’s no point in lifting as a manlet. He couldn’t even keep that ugly goblins woman with being jacked and on roids with millions of dollars

  6. 9 months ago

    adderall + modafinil + red bull + gym baby

    works for me every time.

  7. 9 months ago

    My ex is a stupid incompetent b***h
    And will always fail in life due to her own stupidity
    She is so stupid to the point that she has had tens of thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands worth of help
    Yet ended up an objective failure.
    I get satisfaction knowing this

  8. 9 months ago

    Just need to remind yourself that she is not who you thought she was. She just cased you, learned what you want in a woman and pretended to be exactly that to extract as much attention and validation from you as possible.

    That's it, that's all it was. It's the simplest, oldest chick scam. Gas up some loser, and he'll show you what he values. Pretend to be that and he'll give you anything you want.

    You think you lost a gf, more accurately you lost a fake Internet gf who kept breaking plans to meet.
    Spiritually she is a pajeet scammer, trying to maximise on gift cards she could get from you by tailoring her persona to the values you showed her that you appreciate.

    You got scammed, but you've already lost all you are going to lose. It's nothing personal, she's just doing what scorpions do.

    Focus on not letting that happen again in future. If you miss her you're not understanding the situation.

    • 9 months ago

      You forget she banged 3 dudes between phase 2 and 4

      • 9 months ago

        He should've done the same

  9. 9 months ago

    Greg is infertile because of roids. He needs to date single mothers from now on instead of damning some poor young woman to spinsterhood.

  10. 9 months ago

    There's nothing you can do intentionally that would actually help you in a measurable way.
    I'm an old man, I'm 38. I went though more breakups from the serious relationships than some of you boys had lays in total. It really doesn't matter if you
    >hit the gym, run 20 km, ohp your bench etc etc
    >drink and fight randos
    >drink and cry like a little b***h
    >take really good care of yourself and iron your bedsheets
    >dress in sweatpants and hoodies exclusively and only leave house after 9pm
    None of it matters if you got too attached and showed/got some real love. You'll always remember her, and her, and her. Just enjoy it while it lasts, thank God you had it, and "it is what it is" it off when it's over.

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