To my fellow gymcells

How do you guys cope with the clear and ever present loneliness we all face?

I've accepted ill never find love because of my height/jawline/autism but that doesn't mean it doesn't burn away at me

I don't even care about sex. I just want to feel any form of love or companionship. And sure the gym takes away the sting but not all the way

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  1. 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    dude just needs to fix the hair, lose the glasses and smile instead of doing incel lips at the camera

    maybe save up for a bit of rhinoplasty

  3. 9 months ago

    Im an HIT cultist now so I actually have free time to not be lonely. The less time in the gym and online, the less alone I've felt. More so you stop giving a shit about your emotions so much and want to achieve things. I basically only post here or IST when pooping.

  4. 9 months ago

    Really what can you do as an Incel? Nobody even wants to be friends with you because you’re a virgin, nobody respects you because you’re a virgin. Lifting won’t help with that. I’m 5’7 and age 20 and even after lifting nothing has changed. All of my friends have abandoned me for being Incel. It’s either rope or mass shooting for incels, and even then people would laugh if you killed yourself so why should you?

    • 9 months ago

      Fake it till you make it 🙂

      • 9 months ago

        Cope. There’s literally no way a person can live happily or even content as an Incel. You’re completely alone and ostracised by everyone. All this just because I’m short? Meanwhile child rapists have wives and children

    • 9 months ago

      you dont have not because you're an incel virgin or arent jacked
      you dont have friends and are incel because something is wrong with your mind, personality etc that makes you unlikable

      • 9 months ago

        There is literally nothing wrong with my personality. Sometimes I can be boring/quiet and that’s it. I tried the whole be confident meme and it made Shit worse for me. You aren’t supposed to be confident at 5’7 and 5/10 face

        • 9 months ago

          >There is literally nothing wrong with my personality.

          Massive red flag in the first sentence + brainwashed by modern internet slang about standards + forcing to be confident when it's clearly not the case = you have a lot of work to do. Here are some tips:
          -Accept that you're doing plenty of things wrong and that all you think it's true it's probably bullshit
          -Abandon /misc/ or any thread/forum where you're exposed to that "pills" bullshit and demoralization
          -Seek professional help, someone you pay to talk about all your shit, like a psychologist
          -Read stoic philosophy and stick to your healthy habits
          -Try to meditate
          -Expose yourself to risks, normalize this exposure. And by "risks" I mean "I'm awkward but I should try to socialize here", "I should try to talk to this person", etc, not risk like "let's gonna drive at high speed at this road" (maybe you also need this type of risk, but let's focus on the easy things first)
          Unironically touch grass. Go for walks, read in parks, observe the nature, get out of your house at night to have a walk with your own mind, no phone, no books, no nothing, just you and the pace of your walks

          Eventually you'll find out more about you and you'll improve just by accident. THEN you start with having friends, AND THEN you can try to find love or get laid. Good luck.

        • 9 months ago

          >You aren’t supposed to be confident at 5’7 and 5/10 face
          So you're slightly (not even super) short and with a perfectly average face?
          Guess what you mentally ill homosexual, it is 100% your shitty personality and that much is apparent just from your posts.

          • 9 months ago

            5’7 is not “slightly below” average it’s like the bottom 90% these days surely. I’m normally the shortest wherever I go and everyone else points it out

            • 9 months ago

              >bottom 90%

    • 9 months ago

      how does everybody know you're a virgin without you saying it? Whatever it is, that's your issue. Not the fact that you're a virgin

      • 9 months ago

        I'm not completely certain, but I think that normalgays can naturally detect virgins (in most cases).

        • 9 months ago

          It's called acting like a weirdo and you need to stop it in order to leave your virginity behind

        • 9 months ago

          >I think that normalgays can naturally detect virgins (in most cases).

          HOLY KEK, this is worse than I thought, I insist with my previous post

          >There is literally nothing wrong with my personality.

          Massive red flag in the first sentence + brainwashed by modern internet slang about standards + forcing to be confident when it's clearly not the case = you have a lot of work to do. Here are some tips:
          -Accept that you're doing plenty of things wrong and that all you think it's true it's probably bullshit
          -Abandon /misc/ or any thread/forum where you're exposed to that "pills" bullshit and demoralization
          -Seek professional help, someone you pay to talk about all your shit, like a psychologist
          -Read stoic philosophy and stick to your healthy habits
          -Try to meditate
          -Expose yourself to risks, normalize this exposure. And by "risks" I mean "I'm awkward but I should try to socialize here", "I should try to talk to this person", etc, not risk like "let's gonna drive at high speed at this road" (maybe you also need this type of risk, but let's focus on the easy things first)
          Unironically touch grass. Go for walks, read in parks, observe the nature, get out of your house at night to have a walk with your own mind, no phone, no books, no nothing, just you and the pace of your walks

          Eventually you'll find out more about you and you'll improve just by accident. THEN you start with having friends, AND THEN you can try to find love or get laid. Good luck.

          Also, here's another free advice: Nobody thinks about you. You're not the center of the universe, nobody thinks about you at all when you're walking on the street and you act like a complete schizo thinking that nobody likes you. In fact, nobody cares at all about you, that's why you're lonely, and you're in a sort of Pigmalion effect where you're even more lonely because you think that people thinks that you think that... etc. Just plain dumb, you need a hard reset.

        • 9 months ago

          do you really think having sex would magically fix all the things that make you unlikable to everyone? if so then get a hooker but I'll spoil it for you, it wont. you're an incel because you're unlikable not unlikable because you're an incel.

          • 9 months ago

            How do you stop being unlikeable then?

            • 9 months ago

              Anon, I'm gonna tell you the same thing the doctor told me, shut the frick up moron

              • 9 months ago

                >don’t speak
                >”why’re you so quiet all the time, Incel?”
                >”ugh you’re such an annoying little Incel”

              • 9 months ago

                Most people on the planet end up finding happiness, it's literally your fault you can't

              • 9 months ago

                What are you waffling on about moron

      • 9 months ago

        I'm not completely certain, but I think that normalgays can naturally detect virgins (in most cases).

        NTA but you don't have to be a normalgay to make a mostly accurate instinctual guess about if someone is a virgin - we have the funny memes about the Chad X vs the Virgin Y.

        I'd say there's different degrees to being a virgin too like when I was completely kissless dateless 0 experience yeah it was 100% obvious I was a virgin but then after a few failed dates
        but then long story short I got some awful dates and then some good ones and got kiss and hold hands and got some sexual experience but no sex proper so I was still technically a virgin - but then when I did lose my virginity the girl didn't know I was a virgin.

        So people can only really tell if you're a low confidence awkward guy who's never been on a date, if you're the virgin of virgins. If you've dated a few girls and seen some breasts maybe even got one bj one time but have yet to put p in the v, it's not so obvious.

        With girls it's a whole other thing too.

  5. 9 months ago

    Honestly if your an incel there's just no hope

    Women want Chad Chad and Chad alone. Don't believe me? Even 5/10 foids are with men with Chad genes. He will either be tall or with a Chad jaw even if he hasn't looksmaxxed

    • 9 months ago

      This is cope maybe in pozzed America women will shag random guys as long as they aren’t manlets

    • 9 months ago

      >if you're not a 10/10 Chad then you're a 0/10 incel, and there's nothing in between
      you know normal people exist too right

      I think we call them normies

      • 9 months ago

        and all normies that have a foid gf have Chad genes. They just haven't looksmaxxed as I said

        • 9 months ago

          >they have chad genes they just haven't looksmaxxed
          that contradicts the whole chad gene colored pill theory

  6. 9 months ago

    I've started doing a bunch of extracurricular things to try to meet my wife. Largely but not exclusively through my uni. Volleyball, intramural volleyball, physics outreach stuff, I might join the climbing club. Figure out what your wife will be into and then get into that hobby. Sooner or later you'll find her. And the activities will keep you from being alone with your thought too much
    t. shadowbanned from hinge

  7. 9 months ago

    Didn't read, this pic unironically cured my blackpill

    • 9 months ago

      >t. had a hairline all throughout his 20s

  8. 9 months ago

    A girl I work with got my number somehow and texted me last night. It made me so nervous that I had to go do some cardio. I still haven't texted her back. I wish I wasn't like this. Its so much easier to be hated

    • 9 months ago

      >Its so much easier to be hated
      unironically this
      I feel better surrounded by strangers who ignore me than by people who try to be friendly

    • 9 months ago

      cause youre ashamed of yourself i guess

  9. 9 months ago

    I moved to Asia found a 22 year old wife, and started injecting testosterone that I buy over the counter.

    • 9 months ago

      You fell in love with a ladyboy?

  10. 9 months ago

    You aren't ever alone.

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