Trainer said not to go deep (ass to grass, a phrase I learnt recently) while doing barbell squats.

Trainer said not to go deep (ass to grass, a phrase I learnt recently) while doing barbell squats. However, online I've found people go down as much as possible. Can someone tell me whether there is any substance in my trainer's advice?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I've been going atg for over 10 years. No problem. Hip and ankle mobility required tho. I actually think it's safer to go atg than stop at parallel and have all that weight on your knees. ATG the weight loads your hamstrings and quads.

  2. 12 months ago

    it’s okay to do ass to grass as long as you pause so it isn’t gay

  3. 12 months ago

    atg is subpar than parallel thats why. theres legit studies on exactly this but cba finding it to link.

    • 12 months ago

      Shut the frick up then without a link

  4. 12 months ago

    use a machine

  5. 12 months ago

    It's fine if you have the mobility. If you have long femurs or something just elevate your heels a little and you're good

  6. 12 months ago

    Both are fine but if I do atg I use a lower weight. I find it to be a better mobility exercise than a power/weight exercise.

  7. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      so what happens beyond 135, can you just not stand back up cuz you've exceeded the range of all your muscles

      • 12 months ago

        you'll be stuck in that position forever, be careful out there bros

        • 12 months ago

          I made that mistake 3 years ago and have to literally duck walk wherever I go. Women laugh at me, guys call me duck boy and I can't even stand up to fight them, they just push me over and I helplessly roll to the ground. I've even considered getting a wheelchair to make it less embarrassing but I just squat in it like a moron and it makes people think I'm a fricking deranged downie. I can't work, I can't go out in public, my own family don't even want to be seen with me but still pretend like they care and "feel" sorry for me. I can't even get a prostitute to frick me because "I don't do weird fetishes, anon". My life is fricking over but I still have to wait 50 years to fricking die.
          Got massive quads though

  8. 12 months ago

    ATG spares the knees, I would go with it instead tbh. Just make sure your ankle mobility and hip internal/external rotation are good, and if you have really long femurs, elevate your heels (which you can do either way if you want more quad bias). Just make sure to use a slow eccentric, and optionally pause at the bottom. No point divebombing unless you're doing oly IMO

  9. 12 months ago

    I always go atg effortlessly but might have something of a buttwink, is that an issue if I have no pain?

  10. 12 months ago

    what exactly is this link?

    • 12 months ago

      dolphin porn

    • 12 months ago

      It says boobies_cleavage.mp4, surely it can be trusted?

      • 12 months ago

        I dunno bro
        That's a long video

  11. 12 months ago

    ATG, brother. Trainer high AF. ROM is EVERYTHING.

  12. 12 months ago

    Squatting is a meme

  13. 12 months ago

    ATG is only good if you train up to it properly. Your trainer is probably used to people who lack the mobility and strength to go all the way down, which would end up making ATG counterproductive to train. There's a sentiment out there that not going ATG is better for the knees as well, although this is only true again if you train it improperly (ego lifting, bad form, etc.) I'm not sure his reasoning for you, but perhaps there's something in your form he sees that you don't, or he plans on having you squat parallel and then go deeper over time. It's better to squat parallel with good form than ATG with bad form. Honestly just ask him about it, he'll probably explain to you his reasoning. Parallel squats aren't bad btw, although if you have the mobility and strength to go lower with good form I don't see any reason to do parallel squats over atg (or as low as is comfortable for you).

    • 12 months ago

      not OP, but what kinds of stretches can i start doing to help my mobility for squatting?

      • 12 months ago

        I'm not an exercise specialist so take this with a grain of salt, but it depends on the individual. For some people their hips are way too tight, or they have doggy doodoo ankle mobility. Others like me have really tight hamstrings. Unironically find like a 5-10 minute daily yoga video on youtube and try to follow what they do, it sounds really gay but it's always the yoga b***hes with ridiculous flexibility so I don't see why we shouldn't copy success. For your individual differences, there's tons of vids on youtube that can show you where you are especially tight and give you exercises to help with it, usually it's in a couple areas. Personally I'd look up specifically hamstrings, hips, and ankle mobility, (usually most people's problem areas) and there will be guides on how to assess where you're at and how to improve. Some of it is weakness as well, so make sure your core and legs/ass are strong enough to hold your body in the positions it needs to be. Oh yeah, and check out knees over toes guy, he's kinda memey but his shit is legit.

      • 12 months ago

        Try putting plates/wedges under your heels and doing pause squats with lighter weight ATG, then doing your normal squats at or slightly below parallel.

    • 12 months ago

      >Honestly just ask him about it, he'll probably explain to you his reasoning.
      That's very optimistic of you. Most trainers are worthless and just parrot whatever gymbros older than them have told them. One "trainer" once interrupted my DB chest press to tell me that I should completely flare out my elbows. If you trainer isn't a coach who has trained professional athletes, it's a waste of money.

      Everything is available for free on the internet morons.

      not OP, but what kinds of stretches can i start doing to help my mobility for squatting?

      Tibialis raises. But it has less to do with ankle mobility and more to do with femur length.

  14. 12 months ago

    I always go ATG on lowbar but too upright and I have butt wink and my knees shoot forward and I often hurt my spine

  15. 12 months ago

    If you are trying to bodybuild, ATG will do nothing for you. Not every exercise needs full ROM if you are bodybuilding. You target the muscle you want to build and sometimes it can be better targeted without full ROM.

    • 12 months ago

      >If you are trying to bodybuild, ATG will do nothing for you.
      Dafaq? ATG is better in every regard when it comes to bodybuilding. That's like saying that going halfway down on bench is better for pec growth; it makes no fricking sense lol
      >better quad hypertrophy due to superior stretch (quads respond to stretch mediated hypertrophy)
      >better adductor/glute growth for the same reasons (although the adductor magnus gets biased more than the glute max when compared to parallel squats)
      >less systemic fatigue due to lower absolute loads
      >greater VMO bias due to hitting maximal knee flexion (important for knee health)
      >better for strengthening the tendons and ligaments
      The only cons are
      >worse for your ego
      >higher mobility demands at the knee and hip

      • 12 months ago

        >higher mobility demands at the ankle* and hip

  16. 12 months ago

    I'm gonna do it
    I'm gonna download it
    See you fellas in prison

    • 12 months ago

      do tell the rest of us.
      was it an innocent rickroll? or something devious?

      • 12 months ago


        >It's just OP's creep video of a woman with cleavage standing outside
        My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

  17. 12 months ago

    What a beautiful young woman you've posted

  18. 12 months ago
  19. 12 months ago

    >It's just OP's creep video of a woman with cleavage standing outside
    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

  20. 12 months ago

    Are you new to lifting? He might have just meant don't go too far down until you know you have the flexibilty and form to do it safely.

  21. 12 months ago

    >try to do lowbar squat
    >feel barbell grinding into my bone
    Is this normal

  22. 12 months ago

    For many people trying to go deep is a bad idea because:
    They have a shit mobility
    They have wrong body proportions
    Some issues with joints, back

    Otherwise for quads you need to go deep. Do front squats (again, if you have proportions for tgat), buy lifting shoes, do stretches to lengthen tigt muscles etc.
    If your goal is ass, do it in a poweshitting style till parallel.

    • 12 months ago

      It's still relevant but it doesn't show the complete picture since it's a one dimensional model. The more you externally rotate your hips (ie, more diagonal femur angle), the easier it is to hit depth since you're simulating shorter femurs. I have somewhat good leverages for squatting, but if I stand with my feet touching while pointing straight ahead, I can't actually hit ATG without severe buttwink. If I take my usual squatting stance, I can hit ATG just fine without any buttwink because of the more diagonal femur angle.

      Point being, while the ankles are important to address, the hips are also important to address since the more you can externally rotate, the less dorsiflexion you need to hit ATG without buttwink

      • 12 months ago

        True, but people have different structures of hip joints. If you are asian or east/southern slavic, you have extremely mobile hips. Western europeans don't

    • 12 months ago

      99% of people have shit positions when they go atg. they end up relaxing their pelvis and doing weird stuff with their hips and back to contort themself into an "atg" position. they never get stronger than 2pl8 because of this and then they cope and tell themself "yeah but i'm doing it 'properly' so it's harder." depthgaygery is another form of ego-lifting. it's even more insidious than quarter-squatting because at least the heavy quarter-squatter isn't a fricking pussy, he's just stupid. the point at which you rebound while staying TIGHT and holding proper position is the proper depth for you. maybe that is sitting on your ankles but probably not.

      here's a good squat

  23. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      kek lost it at him waving that sign the side of the road. Actually decent vid

  24. 12 months ago

    who is this

    • 12 months ago


  25. 12 months ago

    >ass to grass: correct way to do orthodox squat
    >not going ass to grass: more constant strength placed on the quad muscles

  26. 12 months ago

    I had an skiing accident some year ago and my knees got really fricked from that. I dude my own rehab and what I felt did the most help was going ATG on squats (I did start at zero weight). My knees are as healthy as ever now.

  27. 12 months ago

    Take as you see fit:
    I've heard off various track & field coaches over the years that ATG overstretches the tendons, causing you to loose springiness (vitally important for sprinting and jumping). This is akin to repeatedly overloading an elastice band - turns baggy after a bit. Other than that, no idea.

    • 12 months ago

      >This is akin to repeatedly overloading an elastice band
      elastic bands arent part of a muscular system where it tries to repairs damages by replacing nutrients and removing waste. You can't make comparisons like this without going beyond just what happens mechanically short term.
      Stretching before physical activity does reduce power/strength production though so there is some truth to what you posted.

      Trainer said not to go deep (ass to grass, a phrase I learnt recently) while doing barbell squats. However, online I've found people go down as much as possible. Can someone tell me whether there is any substance in my trainer's advice?

      Either your trainer is an idiot or you have extremely bad form when trying to reach the bottom of the squat. If its the latter, its because your form is breaking down.

  28. 12 months ago

    Everyone who squats should seek to be at or below the elusive 90 degree maki, best described as crease of hip below top of knee. How deep below there you go is individual and dependent on your spinal flexion, more than anything else.

    If dropping deeper thank crease below top of knee causes your back to begin to "round over" or cause butt wink (google it), then stop. Go no further. But every squat you do should be an exercise in maintaing proper spinal position while going deep.

    its your back that guides the process.
    The greatest determinant of whether you should go

  29. 12 months ago

    I opened this link, do I have a virus now?

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