>travelling with the family of an acquaintance of mine

>travelling with the family of an acquaintance of mine
>her dad, 50-something, average frame/build, about 5'9, asks me about my lifts since I obviously lift
>say that my best bench ever was a 420lbs gym lift, 407lbs in comp.
>"That's impressive, anon. I used to bench 450lbs when I was your age. Naturally, of course. You should've seen my lifting partner. He benched 615."

Why are boomers like this?

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  1. 1 month ago

    yeah some guy when i was working retail was telling me he squatted 200 kg xD
    i was like yo why aren't you Olympic world record holder aren't you like 60kg 5'5 manlet
    >i used to be very big and strong
    yeah sure buddy XDDDDDDDD

  2. 1 month ago

    Boomer dudes are some of the most insecure homosexuals out there
    They're the why it's so bad now in the west.

    • 1 month ago

      >reeee boomers!!!
      Why are zillenials such whiny homosexuals?


      >travelling with the family of an acquaintance of mine
      >her dad, 50-something, average frame/build, about 5'9, asks me about my lifts since I obviously lift
      >say that my best bench ever was a 420lbs gym lift, 407lbs in comp.
      >"That's impressive, anon. I used to bench 450lbs when I was your age. Naturally, of course. You should've seen my lifting partner. He benched 615."

      Why are boomers like this?

      Probs just jerking ya chain, joshin ya, bantering etc

      • 1 month ago

        The downgrade of the west started in the 1950s-1960s, boomers back applaud it
        Now we see the full extension of they decisions and they blame newer gens and refugees for they failure.
        Glad that Corona happen.

        • 1 month ago

          Can't blame Boomers for starting it.
          eg. A lot of them were yet to be born when the ships started dumping boat loads of blacks in the UK.
          They sure as shit did nothing to stop it, though, and will pretend the changes are great until the day they die.
          They got to grow up before a lot of the worst changes. They had a duty to at least moan about it so the next generations would know it's not normal.
          eg. I wouldn't know what it's like to not have full suburbs taken over by Asians. But I'm not sure if I went to school with a single black.
          Kids now may not know what it's like to not have to put up with violent blacks at school.
          What you grow up in you consider to be normal.
          Only the ones that came before can tell you it was different and better.

          • 1 month ago

            I disagree. They did try. They consistently voted for anti immigration policies. They voted to ban gay marriage. They were hardcore against drugs despite what may have happened in their youth. It’s not their fault that our system of governance, while it obviously worked well for a while as far as standard of living is concerned, is literally one of the worst to ever grace the face of the earth
            > Princeton University study: Public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law
            There’s not much they could have done. We don’t control shit. Democracy=israeli and globalist elite control. Japan is proving that. They have a safe orderly society and they’re getting ready to import problems that can literally never be fixed. They will make the average citizens lives worse into perpetuity. But there’s nothing they can do about it. Democracy is literally going to plunge humanity into an irreversible dark age due to the fact that it incentivizes and increases just about every negative genetic trait and behavior.

            • 1 month ago

              Dont blame democracy. Democracy was fine until television. The Media has been pozzed since day one and used as a tool to allow evil to control the will of the people. No generation would have been able to stand up to it or deny it. It pushed for women's rights, civil rights, pushed alcohol, drugs, fake lifestyles, and rap music on everyone. The ones who fought back or shunned it ended up like Ruby Ridge or Waco. Now we all sit around listening to hit pieces by Oliver and Jon Stewart while they try to paint a false narrative in the guise of comedy.

              • 1 month ago

                >Democracy was fine until women's vote / more than one vote per household
                fixed this for you
                in the original form of democracy only land holding males above the age of 30 could vote
                current technology + universal suffrage = irreversible disaster, the narratives and algorithms tell women what the in-group beliefs are and the majority of men go along with it because the alure of pussy might as well be black magic

              • 1 month ago

                Women also vote for socialism and bigger government, while paying net loss in taxes. Men pay the majority of taxes, so the welfare state subsidizes deadbeats and losers bailing them out from mistakes so they never learn.

                Enjoy the decline.

        • 1 month ago

          The immigration act in 1965.
          Nixon leaving the golden standard in 1971, the federal reserve creation as well ofc long before that.

    • 1 month ago

      >boomers so insecure lol
      >becomes insecure when a boomer says he lifted more

    • 1 month ago

      I thought it was their looting of the financial and real estate markets at the expense of their children.

  3. 1 month ago

    >Why do insecure people try to overcompensate for their life failures?
    We'll never know

  4. 1 month ago

    They just pick whatever you say and add what they think is a reasonable number. You should like it. it means he's threatened by you and is trying to gaslight you into thinking he deserves your respect/admiration/is your peer. He isn't your peer, doesn't deserve your respect, not only for not lifting but because he's using a woman's tactic.

  5. 1 month ago

    No one at that age lifted in their youth. No one. Hes lying. Lifting was so niche it only became mainstream in the 80s.

    • 1 month ago

      >Lifting was so niche it only became mainstream in the 80s.
      I think strength training became a thing for normies in the mid to late 70s
      the boomer in op story is 50 years old he probably had experience with lifting even if he exaggerate

    • 1 month ago

      Guys who played sports did. It just was rare for a normal guy to do bodybuilding type stuff after their playing days were over

      • 1 month ago

        nope, think back to every boomer sports movie - was there ever a montage of people lifting weight?
        it was ALWAYS people doing weird "functional" training that mimiced the sport.
        if they did include a shot of someone weightlifting it was to show how vain they were and that they were doing bicep curls with 20lb weights all the time.

        • 1 month ago

          Drago was doing cleans in Rocky 4.

          • 1 month ago

            ussr/russians were literally LAUGHED at for doing esoteric exercises the rest of the world wasn't doing and still getting the same results as everyone else.

            • 1 month ago

              Nah the Soviets were dominating.

              • 1 month ago

                dominating the drug testers and faking results? yeah sure

    • 1 month ago

      You realize 50-somethings are all gen X now, right? They were 20 in '85 at the oldest.

  6. 1 month ago

    >gets mogged hard
    >comes to 4chin.orgIST to cry about it
    The kids these days...

  7. 1 month ago

    god just seeing her makes me so horny

  8. 1 month ago

    Lying is their tactic to keep up with the Joneses. If it is any consolation to you, his wife and daughter(s) are probably tired of his shit.

  9. 1 month ago

    To be fair it isn't only old boomers who lie about their lifts, everyone does. Everyone here claims to have a 4pl8 bench. You see scrawny 130lbs zoomers on tiktok saying they bench 3pl8. You've got the fake weights gays. Brad castleberry and the female brad castleberry

    People lie because they're insecure. It's unfair to say it's only boomers, it's pretty much everyone lying about lifts

  10. 1 month ago

    Elsa was the GOAT pre-bog, then she answered the call

    Feels bad man

  11. 1 month ago

    narcassistic boomers have to 'one up' everyone/everything all the time, no matter what. Get used to it.

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