Tried recreating a pic from when I started going to the gym almost 3 years ago and Im kinda disappointed because I was expecting a bigger differenc...

Tried recreating a pic from when I started going to the gym almost 3 years ago and I’m kinda disappointed because I was expecting a bigger difference. I had a period of around half a year where I lost a lot of my gains because of certain reasons, so not sure whether to be happy with the results given the time or not.

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  1. 10 months ago

    >3 years natty for this
    Truly a meme

    • 10 months ago

      There’s no excuse to look like that at 5”3 if you’ve been lifting for longer than 6 months

  2. 10 months ago

    I want to have sex with u

    • 10 months ago

      you look handsome

      Thank you anons, I appreciate it

      • 10 months ago

        i can rape your bootyhole in the showers and theres nothing you can do to stop me. how does that make you feel?

  3. 10 months ago

    >training until mild discomfort
    >regressive underload
    >low protein diet
    >go to gym once every 5 business days

    • 10 months ago

      This is not true, I had a medical emergency last april and lost 15 pounds, only got back to where i was before at the start of this year. Attached pic is march 2022.

      • 10 months ago

        how are you so lean but have no abs or even vascularity. what have you been doing bro

        • 10 months ago

          Bad bodyfat distribution+ low blood pressure. I have the same issue. T. 96/47 resting BP

        • 10 months ago

          I’m not that lean in that picture, and in the other pic I don’t have a pump and not really focusing on flexing the abs that much. No problem with vascularity but do have abs that are a underdeveloped, been training them more recently

      • 10 months ago

        yikes. one word: ass

      • 10 months ago

        rip you looked good there

        • 10 months ago

          I have more muscle now, just a bit leaner now. This pic is with a pump while the first one is not

          whats your 1RMS?
          whats your daily caloric and protein intake?
          how much do you sleep?
          whats your program? (dont give me a fricking list of exercises)
          this is pathetic progress for 3 years.

          55kg OHP
          80kg Bench
          110 Squat
          140 Deadlift
          But I don’t do deadlifts and squats in my routine anymore
          I eat around 2500 calories, depends on the day, I eat at least a pound of meat a day and eggs for another meal, so I get anywhere from 120 to 160g of protein.
          I’ve experimented with a lot of programs but rn I’m doing a PPL variant that’s been working pretty good for me

          • 10 months ago

            >I’ve experimented with a lot of programs but rn I’m doing a PPL variant that’s been working pretty good for me

            >But I don’t do deadlifts and squats in my routine anymore

            >ignored the question about sleep

            follow a real program you fricking clown or stay DYEL forever. You are in no position to experiment since you clearly suck dick at this whole lifting thing.

            • 10 months ago

              I sleep enough, suck my wiener you homosexual. I clearly said that I lost a year of gains due to medical issues, shove your “real program” up your ass

      • 10 months ago

        Lookin thick solid and tight anon

    • 10 months ago

      The last one is a good thing for natties

  4. 10 months ago

    you look significantly better anon but you're definitely leaving gains on the table for 3 years of training.
    If you're running a decent program and giving a good effort, then my assumption is that you are afraid to put on weight. your frame looks like the body of a person who doesn't want to add poundage out of fear that you will suddenly become a bloatlord or lose your abs or whatever.
    try eating a little bit more, if you're 140 maybe try going up to 145 and see how it goes. you're not going to become kyriakos overnight.

    • 10 months ago

      I’m 152 at 5’11 rn, I went up to 165 and got a lot of gains like that but I have shit fat storage genetics and I get really fat in my face after 160, and especially after 165 and I just don’t want to go more than that because It’s actually noticeable how people perceive and act with me when I’m lean vs not. But I just started lean bulking recently and do plan to get back to 165 before cutting again, so that should be good. Your analysis is pretty good tho, hats off anon

      • 10 months ago

        Nta buy it was obvious. Too many people think bulking is a meme then they wonder why they make no gains. Then they start coping with the natty limit.
        Keep the bulk slow and it should last at least 6 months; ideally 8-10.

  5. 10 months ago

    you look handsome

  6. 10 months ago

    Well ya know OP, life happens to all of us…

  7. 10 months ago

    You're not eating enough, or not training enough. Probably the former.

  8. 10 months ago

    Wdm disappointed? The difference is quite obvious in your arms, especially your right bicep. You've lost the frail look in your chest and it looks like you've ditched the flared ribs.

  9. 10 months ago

    It’s actually not that bad. You seem genetically wired to be an ectomorph. If you want more get on gear

  10. 10 months ago

    Not eating enough, not lifting heavy enough. Try to gain about 1 pound of bodyweight a week, then the next week maintain that weight. Every two weeks at most, increase lifts by 5% by weight or increasing reps by at least 2 or so. You have a ways to go for gaining size. Shoot for reps to failure between 8 to 12. If you fail close to 12, add weight. Don't worry about stalling, that will happen but doesn't last forever, assuming you're following my advice. If you really stall hard, rest a full day with high protein intake and lots of sleep.

  11. 10 months ago

    homie straight up cap this is average progress or even below average for a year a half how did it take you 3 years? Are you bussin?

  12. 10 months ago

    Train with intensity, with progressive overload and eat more protein. You're running something similar to 4x12 for your exercise, aren't you? Drop the volume, do 2 sets until failure

  13. 10 months ago

    Have you ever heard about the concept of "food"?

  14. 10 months ago

    Eat more you frick
    >B-but I wanna be lean year-round
    Then you'll remain small

  15. 10 months ago

    Bro you look good don't get me wrong. But you should be lifting way harder. You have to find someone bigger than you have them train you. Find one of the gray haired Giants and get some advice. Nobody here on IST is it's going to be able to show you what it actually feels like to be tortured by an old school lifter.

  16. 10 months ago

    you still look like shit and honestly i can tell the difference between the photos to be honest with you

  17. 10 months ago

    whats your 1RMS?
    whats your daily caloric and protein intake?
    how much do you sleep?
    whats your program? (dont give me a fricking list of exercises)
    this is pathetic progress for 3 years.

  18. 10 months ago

    Eat more

  19. 10 months ago

    >I had a period of around half a year where I lost a lot of my gains because of certain reasons
    1. Excuses (probably, unless you were seriously injured or legitimately were starving or something)
    2. You'll get it back very quickly the second go around. "Muscle Memory" (not neurologically speaking) is a hell of a thing

    • 10 months ago

      Only that with getting the gains back you also get fat back and if you want to get back to a comparable physique you will have to cut afterwards, which is what I did.

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