I just got my results back from my recent Testosterone test and my results were 7.4 nmol/L (Which is like 215 Ng/dl) needless to say, this is a measly result. I exhibit all the traits of low testosterone. I'm constantly tired, I have no ambition or reason to live, I'm constantly depressed and anxious, I often think about killing myself because my life sucks and I hate myself and I feel like shit all the time. Not to mention how incredibly weak I am and how no one respects me. Worst part is that I'm only 19.

I'm going to ask(Beg) my GP (I live in the UK) for TRT because that's kind of my only shot in life, I've tried everything but nothing is working, I'm trapped in my own personal hell and there is no escape.

What are the chances I receive TRT treatment? I believe it's going to be hard, but I need to hope I guess this treatment, if they tell me no it's basically a death sentence. I can't keep living like this.

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  1. 5 months ago

    >What are the chances I receive TRT treatment?
    >I'm only 19.

    Without an under the table bribe, none. You should be able to get birth control easily, however. It has estrogen in it and that's a hormone so there ya go, just lie, get some birth control then find a troony to get TRT (it'd be bigoted to deny them so they can't) then trade your birth control (so they can regulate their new period for their new vegana) for their TRT and you can be an actual healthy man.

  2. 5 months ago

    Don't beg. Just ask him like an adult to give your TRT. Also, make him understand you've made up your mind and if he doesn't give it to you then you'll get it by some other means.

  3. 5 months ago

    fix your lifestyle first
    maybe see if you can get a loicense for that TRT mate

    • 5 months ago

      Believe me man, I've tried. I've been trying to fix my life for the past two years (and I've had some success) but nothing has changed. I can't build muscle and I find it incredibly hard to lose bodyfat, despite not eating much/going days without eating and trying to walk/exercise as much as I can. TRT is my only shot right now.

      Don't beg. Just ask him like an adult to give your TRT. Also, make him understand you've made up your mind and if he doesn't give it to you then you'll get it by some other means.

      I'm going to make it very clear that I need that TRT.

      >What are the chances I receive TRT treatment?
      >I'm only 19.

      Without an under the table bribe, none. You should be able to get birth control easily, however. It has estrogen in it and that's a hormone so there ya go, just lie, get some birth control then find a troony to get TRT (it'd be bigoted to deny them so they can't) then trade your birth control (so they can regulate their new period for their new vegana) for their TRT and you can be an actual healthy man.

      >Birth control
      I'm a dude, even pitiful levels of tests like mine are unachievable for a girl
      And yeah, I imagine it'll be difficult.

      • 5 months ago

        I know you're a dude. That was the point: sexism DOES exist and this is how it fricks young *men* over. So yeah, unfortunately, I'm being kinda serious.

        • 5 months ago

          Life sucks

          Aren't there private clinics to give you that? Here it's kind of unlikely to get it in the local nhs but there are private clinics and they'll give you anything as long as you pay.

          On a side note, are you horny?

          Side note, I do jerk off, however, but that's out of compulsion/boredom. I don't enjoy Porn and I have to force myself to cum these days. If you showed me a picture of breasts I wouldn't care.

      • 5 months ago

        >and I find it incredibly hard to lose bodyfat, despite not eating much/going days without eating and trying to walk/exercise as much as I can
        The reason you're failing is because you're fricking your metabolism. Count your calories anon and don't suddenly stop eating, this will just slow your body and ironically prevent weight loss

      • 5 months ago

        >Despite not eating much/going days without eating...
        There's your problem, YOU'RE NOT EATING ENOUGH. Losing bodyfat is simple, go on a calorie deficit, like 200 calories below maintenance, increase protein intake. Boom, problem solved. Also consume healthy fats, good cholesterol levels are important for optimal test levels.

  4. 5 months ago

    Aren't there private clinics to give you that? Here it's kind of unlikely to get it in the local nhs but there are private clinics and they'll give you anything as long as you pay.

    On a side note, are you horny?

    • 5 months ago

      I'll gladly pay whatever price

      Also no, I'm almost never horny.

    • 5 months ago

      This is the UK we're talking about anon.

      • 5 months ago

        I googled it and apparently there's such clinics in the uk as well anon. I'd go there and be upfront, frick the nhs, you have to be an extreme case to get a prescription for testo, if at all

  5. 5 months ago

    I'm in the same boat at 34 and I've tried to find a doctor in my city that will get me TRT, and only got close once. I also asked for HCG to keep my balls from shrinking and he changed his mind after I said that. Really, I think I'd like to try HCG without the TRT and see if that helps.

    Every single doctor in Cheyenne is worthless and charges a ton to do nothing, so at this point my only option is to drive down to Colorado to find someone.

  6. 5 months ago

    Genuinely curious about your lifestyles. Do you lift? Are you sedentary? What do you eat?

    • 5 months ago

      Currently, I am mostly sedentary. I do try to lift and exercise but I am constantly tired and feel no motivation to do anything. I was much more consistent with lifting a year ago, however, I didn't see any results after a while and still felt very weak.

      As for what I eat, I just eat whatever my mom makes. Typical I just have OMAD with a small meal before that,

      • 5 months ago

        >As for what I eat, I just eat whatever my mom makes
        Fix your diet before roiding

      • 5 months ago

        >Poor diet (I know UK mums, they just heat frozen chicken and stuff in the oven)
        >No exercise
        Anon, you workout ESPECIALLY if you dont feel like it. Even with test youll still be lazy as frick, of course you cant lose bodyfat like that.
        Start by setting an alarm on your phone everyday morning and waking up when it rings.
        Since youre 19 Im assuming youre just wasting time on online games, so the first thing i want you to do before breakfast is to get dressed and go for a walk. Then you can go home and do whatever you want.

      • 5 months ago

        Mate if you don't eat 3 square meals a day you will feel like shit.
        Get a slow cooker and do up some chili or peanut chicken in big batches with rice. Smash some food and lift heavy.

  7. 5 months ago

    > I tried everything
    > I am 19

    You are just a stupid clueless kid.
    You are just waking up to the reality how hard life is. Welcome to earth, motherfricker.

  8. 5 months ago

    Im 34 and have been feeling overall kinda shitty. Saw one of those TRT ads. Went to a clinic and had blood work done. Turns out my Test in on the low end 300. 265 is considered low so im pretty much right there and Estrogen is high.

    My IGF-1 was also low to and they offered to give me something to help but it was out of my price range.

    Either way starting TRT and an Estrogen blocker to see if it makes me feel like less of a piece of shit.

  9. 5 months ago

    Eat your onions, eat your garlic, eat your ginger, eat your turmeric, eat your black pepper, eat your pumpkin seeds, eat your collagen, eat your protein, eat your liver, eat your goddamned food, you moron. Then get on a decent exercise regimen and just do it. You almost certainly do not need a doctor to unfrick you. It is easy and cheap to do at home. My voice carries as much weight as any doctor's after that corona fiasco. This is medical advice.

    tl;dr: You live in the UK, so go eat a frickload of chicken tikka masala for a couple of weeks and then see if you're still a wreck. Make it yourself, too. It's cheap and easy.

    • 5 months ago

      >eat your liver
      I can't or else I'll die

  10. 5 months ago

    If you don't get a prescription, it's actually incredibly easy to do TRT and just buy your own test. Probably would be cheaper as well.

  11. 5 months ago

    Stop drinking from plastic bottles
    Take your vitamins
    Go outside
    Look at beautiful women in real life
    Presto change-o!

  12. 5 months ago

    I'm 24
    I'm going to take sarms to tank my test and get trt, I can't go back to natty lifting

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm going to take sarms to tank my tes
      sarms had almost no effect on my test levels, but it was ostarine, which is the mildest one, and I was taking 20mg for 50 days (I only had 100 10mg pills), so the cycle was probably too short. the gains were nice, though. I thought it would be only slightly better than creatine, but I got some solid kilos without increasing my waist at all

  13. 5 months ago

    TRT is for life, also don't fall for meme doses of less than 120mg. Stay in the 150mg-250mg range, you're going to need HCG to keep your balls alive
    I'd do a full men panel blood test first, maybe you're deficient on something before going TRT

    Also do HGH, you're going to be taller and your dick is going to get bigger, that's all

  14. 5 months ago

    try enclo first, because shrinking your balls and being on HRT injections every few days just to not be a eunuch is not fun. there's a chance your balls are fine and just your pituitary doesn't produce enough lutenizing hormone etc. to induce your balls to produce enough test. I live in the EU, but I recently bought enclo in a UK store, so you shouldn't have any problems getting it. my test was ~670 last time I'd measured it, but I wanted more and it was still at above 1000 a month after finishing an enclo bottle

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Did you have any downsides ?

      How much and when did you took it ?

  15. 5 months ago

    Don't go to your GP, go to a specialised test clinic. They have them in the UK. GPs are compromised and will only give you test if you want to transition

  16. 5 months ago

    How bout try fixing your testosterone naturally you pathetic worm. No wonder you're low test at 19

  17. 5 months ago

    You don't need a doctor if he doesn't help you.
    Just read on it yourself then order from a UGL.
    I'm 27 and had 200 total test too now it is over 1k on 150mg testc a week (I also use 500iu hcg to keep my balls and fertility).
    Been on it since the fall and its been great, insulin injection needles to the side delt dont hurt at all.

    • 5 months ago

      >I also use 500iu hcg to keep my balls and fertility

      • 5 months ago

        They havent decreased in size yet so yea. But for my case my balls were already the problem since LH was high and they werent producing anything even before TRT.

        How bout try fixing your testosterone naturally you pathetic worm. No wonder you're low test at 19

        Some problems aren't fixable by sheer will and that mentality is more destructive than it does any good. I knew I was low test for 2 years and tried to increase it naturally which didn't work because I later found out my balls were simply damaged. If I hadn't listened to people like you I would have hopped on TRT sooner and felt better 2 years ago but no "just increase it naturally" How about you have a nice day self improver scum?

        • 5 months ago

          You literally arent a man

          • 5 months ago

            And you are a coward

  18. 5 months ago

    >doesn't lift
    >posts on IST
    Why are you Black folk like this?

  19. 5 months ago

    are you *rich*? like, properly rich, not just have a semi decent career?

    if yes, TRT clinic.
    if no, UGL test from the internets.

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