TRT advice

TL;DR: got clean from hard drugs, been taking 200mg/nl every 2 weeks for the past 7-8 weeks, I have good test levels for my age without the extra test, want to know if non-Rx supps like DIM and other test boosters/estrogen inhibitors will work to ween off bc if it's one thing I don't like doing its going cold turkey on anything.

I recently got clean from the heroin/fentanyl, 15 years of use. I've always been athletic and lifting since around age 21 (I'm 40 next year). Since getting clean, 7 weeks ago, I have dropped from 235lbs to 212lbs; I'm 6'0", and sitting around 12% bodyfat. I had been lifting regularly when still using smack.
When getting clean I wanted to help kick-start my motivation and energy - 15 years is a long time of hard drug use - and anyone that has used knows when you get clean it's a b***h to do things for a while. I've had boundless energy though but because I started Test Cyprionate and small doses of adderall after kicking dope I am not sure if it's because of these things or if its just me getting back to my normal hyper self.
I got 5 vials of Test Cyprionate 200mg/nl (1CC) used every 2 weeks intra-muscular. I have taken 4 doses of it over the past 7 weeks.
My point is I don't know if all the energy is from me getting clean/my good diet, I also had been lifting 4x/week when using fentanyl - and b/c I started using test immediately after withdrawal I am not sure if this is the testosterone (I have good test levels naturally w/o the Test Cyprionate) or just me returning to normal. I want to stop using the test but am afraid to just stop it cold turkey, even though I've done just a 200mg/nl vial every 2 weeks.
Should I ween to 100mg/nl for a 2 week period (half bottle), then 50mg (quarter bottle)?
Will non-Rx supplements like estrogen aromatase inhibitors like DIM (Diindolymethane), ginger root, and products like Animal Test etc. help keep side effects down when weening off? Will I even really have any side effects from 200mg/nl every 2 weeks?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Just take dutasteride for a free 30% test boost.

    • 1 year ago

      Is it anything like finasteride (propecia)? My friend has prostate swelling issues and pisses like 10x a night, at age 39, and he was Rx'd finasteride and it turned him into a b***h. He stopped working out, stopped eating well, and was sitting around playing vidya for 8+ hrs a day instead. This guy is normally a full on adrenaline junkie, does 2+ jumps from a plane a day to get enough jumps to get his skydiving instructor license, rides motorcycles everywhere, works out like an animal, and for the time he was using finasteride it turned him into a menopausal woman. Within 3 days of stopping it he got his drive back.

  2. 1 year ago

    Didn't read wall of useless text. keep it at 200mg but per week, split into two doses. Your doctor is an idiot and your test levels will drop hard after day 4 of your bi-monthly shot
    >verification not required

    • 1 year ago

      >It wasn't Rxed to me, but a friend with low T levels (very overweight, 5'7 280lbs+ at some points hit 300). I got it because of (text you didn't read) I wanted a boost after getting off dope. I lifted and my diet was pretty much on point while using fentanyl, but just 4 days of withdrawal I lost 17 lbs. That stuff is straight poison and the final straw was this horse tranquilizer shit in there. I have no desire to ever touch that garbage shit again, and it was obviously destroying my metabolism as I see now.
      >Anyway that's why I ask, doctor gave him the 200mg/nl per 2 weeks dose instructions, I was doing the same. The bottles are single-use and I'm afraid to re-use it bc of potential bacterial infection. I was told I could tape the top and stick it in the refrigerator, then shake the vial and warm it up w my hands to remove any crystals. I OCD-wipe everything down with alcohol wipes like 5x over before I do anything. But otherwise I was planning on just using half the bottle, then 1/4 the bottle, but its a waste of money since single dose.

  3. 1 year ago

    Once every two weeks is moronic. I would do twice weekly except I kept forgetting to take them, so I do 1 shot every sunday night now and I have no quarrels.
    Also I didn't read all that stuff you wrote.

    • 1 year ago

      I thought so b/c I heard of people doing 175 weekly. But again this wasn't a mandatory TRT for me nor was I looking for particular gains from it, but using it as a kick-start post dope. I will look at getting multi-use vials. Thanks

  4. 1 year ago

    I can tell you're a fat frick just from the way you typed this mess out

    • 1 year ago

      Im in the top 1/2% of typists in the world, you're a worthless homosexual, you can suck my testosterone shriveled testicles.

      • 1 year ago

        You're mentally ill is what you are

        • 1 year ago

          youre still a failure

          • 1 year ago

            i also bet you use home rows like a good little goy

  5. 1 year ago

    You need as much as possible, take a dose every day and then cut back the following week to nothing. Your body will adapt and start properly producing increased T levels.

    • 1 year ago

      Any experience using supplements to help with increasing T levels back to normal, in particular DIM, ginger root, arachadonic acid and some other proprietary stuff like Animal Pak's "Animal Test"?

      • 1 year ago

        Lots of zinc and magnesium usually did the trick

        • 1 year ago

          ZMA, took that supplement before bed for quite a while when I was younger and had free test serum evaluations and it definitely did rise. Good stuff. DIM seems to be decent at inhibiting estrogen aromatase as they recommend it to women with/at risk of breast cancer.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd really like to drop off of it, wait a month or so and use ZMA/DIM/ginger/and my normal diet which apparently many of the foods help testosterone (e.g. high animal cholesterol from beef bone marrow, calve liver, various other organs, grass fed/finished ground beef ($6/lb at walmart, best price anywhere, organic), fruits (apples/bananas/berries/coconut milk/meat), raw honey, raw milk/raw cheese, full fat greek yogurt, eat around 1+ lb of beef a day, plus the lifting. I will go off the test, use supps for a month, get off those wait another month and get a testosterone syrum test and see where I sit. Who knows maybe I'm feeling so good because the drugs crashed my hormonal balances but ever since stopping I've felt 10x better in general and like I said 17lbs oozed off in the first 4 days of quitting that synthetic opioid poison hell.
      Once I know where that value lies I will adjust accordingly.
      Thanks all

  6. 1 year ago

    Anyone here just order test online and do their own trt without doctors involved? I've gotten my test checked a few times but i'm still in the "healthy range".

    So you guys do 100mg twice a week? What about for estrogen what do you guys do for that? And do you have to give blood once a month?

    • 1 year ago

      I had gotten mine thru a friend whom was Rxed it. There is a whole industry of mens health doctors that will prescribe these whether gel or intramuscular shot.,

      • 1 year ago

        How do I go about finding such a doctor? I live in canada and it's pretty hard to get anything done medical-wise.

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