>TRT confirmed to fuck heart health

>TRT confirmed to frick heart health
oh no no no

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  1. 12 months ago

    >blast roids with reckless abandon
    >have chronic health issues for the rest of your life
    Lol what an idiot

    • 12 months ago

      Nono, you don't understand it's from the doctor. And also they monitor their health very carefully and take blood tests so actually they are healthier than you.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah listen to the ~~*doctor*~~ giving you mystery juice to fight against the cough

    • 12 months ago

      ofc, why do you think normal doctors won't give you trt unless you have real symptoms and not just a low number.

      TRT=/= roids
      > t. pinning 1-2ml Test weekly to cope with massive mental illness and depression

      my t levels were >300 at age 20. Getting my levels to the high end of natty isnt steroids, its replacement, ergo, testosterone replacement therapy. Its not a steroid its a hormone naturally occurring in the body.


      • 12 months ago

        >>TRT confirmed to frick heart health

        This is good news.
        Too many frauds are trying to normalize TRT as "just TRT," when for most influencers who claim it's "just TRT," it's not even a physiological dose, but something like 250mg of TC a week.
        But even when they really are on a physiological dose of T, it's still towards the upper end of normal, and its guaranteed regardless of your diet, sleep, work/romance life, and also your BF%.
        TRT frauds can maintain BF%s that would tank a normal man's T, and consequently physiques that are unmaintainable for natties.

  2. 12 months ago

    TRT=/= roids
    > t. pinning 1-2ml Test weekly to cope with massive mental illness and depression

    • 12 months ago

      Testosterone is a steroid, therefore being on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) where you put testosterone in your body, is the same thing being on steroids.

      • 12 months ago

        my t levels were >300 at age 20. Getting my levels to the high end of natty isnt steroids, its replacement, ergo, testosterone replacement therapy. Its not a steroid its a hormone naturally occurring in the body.

        • 12 months ago

          >being this willfully stupid when information is freely available to you on the internet
          Perhaps your test levels are naturally low because you’re a genetic dead end

          • 12 months ago

            ive impregnated 3 women since then, and i dont believe your gay science. Men can also be pregnant according to your dumb labcoat creeps, I bet you believe that too
            >b.b.b.but snopes fact checked it!

          • 12 months ago

            You're not increasing your test from the low end to the high end by just eating right and doing meme supplement routines.
            In most cases, if you lift, sleep well and eat well, you're already maxing out your natural test production.
            Test below 300ng/dl at that age is just illness and he should hop on the sauce because no amount of side effects from roids will make his life more miserable than low test does.
            Most of you Black folk are actually low test, you just never bother to get them checked, levels are dropping globally very quick.
            That's why most of you are arguing like women over trivial shit on this board, you're low test.

            my t levels were >300 at age 20. Getting my levels to the high end of natty isnt steroids, its replacement, ergo, testosterone replacement therapy. Its not a steroid its a hormone naturally occurring in the body.

            Get checked for thyroid and pituitary gland tumors. They mess up hormone production.

            • 12 months ago

              Maybe they should find the cause why their test is so low? Perhaps they lack basic nutrients and body produces less test no to use up the remaining ones?
              Trt is just a patch on a rotting wound.

              • 12 months ago

                Hypogonadism is caused by a variety of things, but mostly it's a genetic disorder. A low T guy going from leading a terrible lifestyle to having a perfect diet, perfect sleep, perfect amount of physical exercise, etc might be able to raise his testosterone levels by 20%. But those 20% mean jack fricking shit if the guys testosterone levels are sub-300ng/dl. Even with the lifestyle changes he'll remain low T.

                A lot of men do need TRT to raise their test and feel normal, but it's definitely being overprescribed to a lot of men who want to have the same testosterone levels as the top 10% of 20 year old men going into their 40s and 50s. Those guys don't have hypogonadism. They just don't want to deal with the negative effects related to libido and energy that comes from growing old

        • 12 months ago

          so if you go over the natty limit it stops being a hormone naturally occurring in the body and starts being a steroid?

          • 12 months ago

            No its still not a steroid if its a hormone but you wouldnt be natty then

        • 12 months ago

          >non arguments
          >just word games
          >steroid its a hormone naturally occurring in the body

        • 12 months ago

          >Its not a steroid its a hormone naturally occurring in the body
          I laffed

    • 12 months ago

      Testosterone is a steroid, therefore being on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) where you put testosterone in your body, is the same thing being on steroids.

      That roidBlack person was NOT on trt, he was blasting deca, test, tren and whatever else he had in reach.

    • 12 months ago

      my t levels were >300 at age 20. Getting my levels to the high end of natty isnt steroids, its replacement, ergo, testosterone replacement therapy. Its not a steroid its a hormone naturally occurring in the body.

      have a nice day unironically

  3. 12 months ago

    >in other news, water is wet

  4. 12 months ago

    Did anyone watch the video? The guy he is talking about had heart failure already and didn't go on TRT He also said this video is not anti TRT.

    • 12 months ago

      Nobody does,
      90% of the content is AI generated,
      not a single Black on this website is a human,
      just ChatGPT without restrictions.

  5. 12 months ago

    The problem is that low test also fricks with your health.

  6. 12 months ago

    It’s insane to me how little we understand about the human body. All we really know about hormones is “we gave x hormone to y amount of people and this is generally what happened”

    Then we go around flooding peoples systems with exogenous hormones their bodies don’t want to produce and wonder why troonys keep killing themselves.

    • 12 months ago

      wdym? just follow the train lines dumdum. Simple as

  7. 12 months ago

    >blast 500mgs once a year
    >200mg "TRT" year round, sometimes TRT+ Anavar
    >have a few cocaine benders a year where I rail grams in days
    >recently sniffed 300mg ritalin in a night, almost felt like I was gonna get a heart attack
    Yeah I'm having a feeling it won't be long before I will finally meet Rich Piana and Zyzz brah.

  8. 12 months ago

    Fricking newbies don't know about the legendary basement deadlifter.
    It's the price to pay for glory, you wouldn't understand him.

    • 12 months ago

      if we're the newbies then how come you didn't know he's low t and cycled off completely

  9. 12 months ago

    I also get all of my medical advice from literal who's on YouTube

  10. 12 months ago

    If you do cardio while frauding, does that exasperate heart enlargement or help prevent it?

    • 12 months ago

      I'm not sure. The only roidtroons I know of that do a lot of cardio are the crazy Black person goggins and 87IQ supplement merchant ZOGBOT Nick bare

  11. 12 months ago

    More importantly is he vaxxed?

    • 12 months ago

      He said his wife always buys organic, grass fed raw milk from local farms. Hard to believe someone like that will be vaxxed.

      That roidBlack person was NOT on trt, he was blasting deca, test, tren and whatever else he had in reach.

      Watch the video, Pete was indeed never on TRT or claimed to be, but the video is about another individual who went cold turkey off roids, feels like shit and has followers tell him that he should be on TRT and the guy apparently has heart issues so he has to stay roid-free.

      • 12 months ago

        >He said his wife always buys organic, grass fed raw milk from local farms. Hard to believe someone like that will be vaxxed.
        not really

  12. 12 months ago

    >roidtroony blasts over a decade
    wtf how could this happen

  13. 12 months ago

    dude looks like he makes podcasts about how america has fallen

  14. 12 months ago

    Test goes down as we age because it's harmful, I see plenty of old guys on T these days because muh doctor prescribed it, but they will not live past 60s

  15. 12 months ago

    50-100mg/week will land you pretty much at the exact average for men aged 18-35, and there's no health complications for that unless you're super sensitive to side-effects.
    A lot of TRT clinics pander to roiders and are willing to prescribe 150-200mg/week to them, which tends to put them in the top 10% of what is possible to achieve naturally, and sometimes 200mg can get them into the supranatural range which obviously isn't healthy.

    Idiots who don't take dosage into account should be ignored completely. It's a legit medical treatment for people with low T, but some people also abuse large amounts of it. It's like comparing someone with ADHD who needs 10mg of adderall per day to a meth head who smokes crystal every day. Comparing the two is idiocy, as is comparing TRT patients on low doses to people who roid

  16. 12 months ago

    I love pete

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