>try doing that when you're 30! >i'm 30, if i did that my back would crack in half!

>try doing that when you're 30!
>i'm 30, if i did that my back would crack in half!
>i had to stop doing that, 30 is no joke!
>my 30 year old knees can't handle that!
>being 30 means waking up with a new pain every day!
Is everyone on the internet biologically programmed to die at twenty or something? Why are they collapsing only a decade into adulthood?

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    10 Year of being wasted with fast food, alcohol and 0 sleep

    • 5 months ago

      >Graduate high school
      >Stop playing football
      >Don't pick up any exercise to compensate
      >Don't improve the quantity/quality of your diet
      >Drink soda and alcohol
      That shit people spout about "live fast, die young" is half true; you don't die young, you just get old, young.

  2. 5 months ago

    I turn 30 in 1 month and just got diagnosed with advanced heart failure so you might be onto something

    • 5 months ago

      >roiding for this

      • 5 months ago

        Nope, just shit luck I guess. No idea what caused, I thought I was getting a cold or pneumonia only to be told to go to the hospital immediately and found out I had an EF of 11%. The fact that I was young and not a fat sack of crap is the only reason I am still kicking.

        • 5 months ago

          what was your diet and lifestyle like?

          • 5 months ago

            I work a lot at a stressful job and used to drink a lot of coffee, but don't do drugs, haven't had anything to drink in like 2 years. I used to be in better shape, but I am not overweight or anything like that.

            • 5 months ago

              >Lot of coffee
              How much per day?

              • 5 months ago

                At least 3-4 cups a day. Days with >15 were common. I think my record was 21 but those were smaller paper cups they have in offices.

    • 5 months ago

      Be the suicide bomber you want to see in the world

    • 5 months ago

      If no larp: I will have one on you anon. Godspeed. It ain’t over until it’s over

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Pouring one out for you buddy, I’m sorry things turned out this way

    • 5 months ago

      Time to get right with Christ if you are not already. In sorry

    • 5 months ago

      yeah well im 29 and i have deluxe heart failure so

      • 5 months ago

        The McCoronary new at McCucks

      • 5 months ago

        lel underrated

    • 5 months ago

      Did you get vaxxd

      • 5 months ago



        how many boosters did you get

        None, just the first one

        I am a moron, so what do I know, but I don't think it was the vax or covid related. I had used a fitness watch most days since 2017 and my heart rate (pretty high, all the time) was basically the same that whole time until about 3 weeks before I got diagnosed. Maybe that is just cope though.

        • 5 months ago

          >I don't think it was the vax or covid related.
          it probably was. it's well established now that the vax fricks with your heart and also your immune system in general, so if there's no other explanation that's likely what caused it.
          >my heart rate (pretty high, all the time) was basically the same that whole time until about 3 weeks before I got diagnosed.
          how high? and are you saying it changed 3 weeks before the diagnosis? if so, changed to what? just wondering because I've always had a pretty high heart rate too.

          for the record I'm genuinely sorry this happened to you and I sincerely hope that you can find solace through the suffering. idk if you're religious at all, but i can assure you that part of the purpose of this life is indeed to suffer, because suffering is what shapes our souls, and how we suffer determines whether the result is positive or negative, so i hope that you are given the grace you need in order to suffer well.

          if you wanna talk more about this stuff, religion and whatnot, I'd be glad to. philosophy and theology are two of my biggest passions

          • 5 months ago

            Like a resting of 115-120 (consistently since 2016) before and like 130-140 after it suddenly got worse. Part of the reason I went in is my Apple Watch warned me my heart rate was 140 despite laying down for 30 minutes. I had been in good shape so I didn’t think too much about my high heart rate. That’s also why I think it’s not the vax (or at least not entirely). I have about 18% heart function, there is no way that I could go from 100%->18% without it impacting my heart rate and the vax just didn’t cause that for me. Not saying it doesn’t cause that for other people or didn’t contribute for me but at the very least there was something else going on

            • 5 months ago

              >Like a resting of 115-120
              That's crazy. For reference, my resting heart rate is at 50 bpm, sometimes less if I'm really well rested. You must have some sort of heart defect, possibly complicated by the vaxx. I hope there's some kind of surgery they could do if your issue is mechanical. Do you have any hope or have you basically resigned yourself to death at this point? God bless.

              • 5 months ago

                Ya, it was messed up for years. My heart is apparently super big and the valves leak. The main complication was that I got a viral infection (not Covid) which made my heart failure way worse in Dec which is when it was diagnosed. Almost missed seeing my daughter open presents on Christmas but I got out on Christmas Eve. They gave me a bunch of medicine and now my walking and resting heart rate are down by like 50bpm so my resting is down to like 60ish also. I just got some test results back this morning that indicates the stress on my heart is going way down. No idea how well it’s actually pumping blood but I’m hoping it means I can start exercising again soon or even just doing basic chores. I’m tired of feeling like someone from 600lb life who’s family has to take care of them.

              • 5 months ago

                I refuse to not get better.

          • 5 months ago

            >it's well established now that the vax fricks with your heart and also your immune system in general, so if there's no other explanation that's likely what caused it.
            A friend of mine who diligently BOOOOSTED now has rheumatoid arthritis.
            In his late twenties.

        • 5 months ago

          vax tax claims another. Rip brother, don't forget your pills

        • 5 months ago

          You have two options now
          - Accept that you were murdered by big pharma lies and die meekly and be forgotten
          - Use your last few months to plan a new Minecraft world where you kill as many people who ended the only life you'll ever have for profit, starting with Anthony Fauci (pretend the npcs are these people). Seriously, what do you have to lose?

          • 5 months ago

            Option 3, stay alive through my sheer hatred of fat people, raw dog my wife, have 3 more kids, and live for another 40 years.

            • 5 months ago

              The vaccinated don’t deserve happiness

    • 5 months ago

      how does it feel knowing you wasted your life browsing this shithole?

      • 5 months ago

        Not as bad as thinking about the fact my daughter is young enough she might not remember what I look like.

        • 5 months ago

          Its ok. I’ll be her daddy

          • 5 months ago

            I lost

        • 5 months ago

          Jesus. I hope things get better for you anon

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        my gf who is annoying as frick is obese and vaxxed plus like 5x boosted, how long until she gets platinum ultra heart failure? 2 weeks?

        • 5 months ago

          >my gf who is annoying as frick is obese and vaxxed
          literally me bro
          whats the plan for the situation

          • 5 months ago

            keep fricking her indefinitely, we're on a good schedule and i can keep her around with minimal effort and she's not like b***hy and abusive so i'll just hang on for now. she tolerates me being neet etc without complaint so i'm not too mad, just bored

            • 5 months ago

              >i can keep her around with minimal effort and she's not like b***hy and abusive so i'll just hang on for now
              fair, mines the same, don't really need to flaunt or do much to keep her interested which is good because I don't care to be doing shit-tests every other week.
              have a good one bro

            • 5 months ago

              >i can keep her around with minimal effort and she's not like b***hy and abusive so i'll just hang on for now
              fair, mines the same, don't really need to flaunt or do much to keep her interested which is good because I don't care to be doing shit-tests every other week.
              have a good one bro

              You are both fricking pathetic LMAO

            • 5 months ago

              How is this better than being single?

              • 5 months ago

                saves me from spending all day every day swiping on tinder and talking to b***hes and organizing dates etc. i know the meme is that women are gains goblins but having the gf checkbox marked with minimal effort is dramatically less work than being single and still actively trying to frick

                >my gf who is annoying as frick is obese and vaxxed plus like 5x boosted

                you're transferring fluids with a vaxxie, dude. you are not unvaxxed now.

                how long until i get heart failure then

              • 5 months ago

                Honestly i had one of these it works great if you get them into your kinky games. Mine even setupa 3some for us without me asking and the girl was pretty attractive. She also did my laundry. Unfortunately I got married which came with more responsibilities.. but my wife cooks and does laundry, so theres some pluses. That an my babies aren't ugly.

              • 5 months ago

                Real shame they turned out moronic and trans tho

          • 5 months ago

            You failed by marrying let alone dating such a worthless woman

          • 5 months ago

            my gf who is annoying as frick is obese and vaxxed plus like 5x boosted, how long until she gets platinum ultra heart failure? 2 weeks?

            When people said "frick fat people" we didn't mean literally you gross degenerate

        • 5 months ago

          Why are you in a relationship with such a horrible person?

          • 5 months ago

            Because he hates himself

        • 5 months ago

          >my gf who is annoying as frick is obese and vaxxed plus like 5x boosted

          you're transferring fluids with a vaxxie, dude. you are not unvaxxed now.

        • 5 months ago

          >Why isnt every car crash the same with this experimental car?
          >checkmate bigot

          • 5 months ago

            i think you misread me, i agree the vax is bad for your heart, just wondering how long it actually takes for somebody who's heartfailuremaxxing to actually make it

    • 5 months ago

      how many boosters did you get

    • 5 months ago

      >drug abuse
      Which one?
      If anything but the first option: no shit dumbass

      • 5 months ago

        Probably genetics, but they don't really know. No one in my family has it in their history. Never smoked, didn't do drugs, didn't drink heavily, not a butter golem.

    • 5 months ago

      Take Bill Gates with you on your way out

      • 5 months ago

        you know some pol user was raided for writing something like this

        • 5 months ago

          nah, it was a psy-op after all.

          • 5 months ago

            how do you know?

            • 5 months ago

              >how do you know it's fake and gay?
              How can it not be?
              >"I think I saw you there"

              He "saw" the sherrif posting on /misc/. Nothing to see here goyim.

    • 5 months ago

      Take out the local politician that wanted to mandate the vaccines that you took that put you in the situation

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      the vax claims another
      i would give my condolences, but you asked for it!

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Chequed and vaxxed

    • 5 months ago

      >he took the vax

    • 5 months ago

      What were the symptoms?

      • 5 months ago

        Honestly way less bad than it sounds. It has been really hard to reconcile how sick I feel vs how sick I apparently am. Besides feeling tired all of the time, the main thing is occasional trouble breathing. When your heart sucks fluid backs up and leaks into your lungs. I feel kind of like I have mild pneumonia if you know what that feels like. Recently started feeling like someone was putting their hand on my chest, just a pressure.

    • 5 months ago

      You know what you must do.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick all the blokes making fun of ypu mate
      That's terrible news. I hope you enjoy what time you have left and get to spend time with loved ones

    • 5 months ago

      Just get an artifical heart anon. youll live a long life with one

    • 5 months ago


      None, just the first one

      I am a moron, so what do I know, but I don't think it was the vax or covid related. I had used a fitness watch most days since 2017 and my heart rate (pretty high, all the time) was basically the same that whole time until about 3 weeks before I got diagnosed. Maybe that is just cope though.


    • 5 months ago

      Don't worry bro you will be renewed.

    • 5 months ago

      Congrats, I've been stuck on intermediate for a while.

      • 5 months ago

        Don't worry, you will make it there someday.

    • 5 months ago

      Best of luck anon. Medicine is rapidly advancing so you might luck out.

      • 5 months ago

        The doctors seem to be super optimistic. They believe there is a decent chance I will mostly recover which is great because when I google my EF it is technically classified as "end stage" and I keep finding things that basically say "some people can even live up to a year!" which is much less encouraging

        • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago




    • 5 months ago

      we told you not to take the vaxx


      >try doing that when you're 30!
      >i'm 30, if i did that my back would crack in half!
      >i had to stop doing that, 30 is no joke!
      >my 30 year old knees can't handle that!
      >being 30 means waking up with a new pain every day!
      Is everyone on the internet biologically programmed to die at twenty or something? Why are they collapsing only a decade into adulthood?

      there is a huge conglomerate of people that belives life changes drastically at 30. In reality, most people with bad habits will continue having them well beyond their 20s. thus trying to make you believe it's an age and not a moronation issue.

    • 5 months ago

      frick the gays shitting on you, I hope you make it through this bro

    • 5 months ago

      If real, I'm sorry bro. I hope you pull through.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick all the anti vaccine freaks laughing at you to justify their paranoia. I wish you the best with the time you have left.

      • 5 months ago

        frick the gays shitting on you, I hope you make it through this bro

        Thanks mates, I appreciate it. It doesn't bother me too much, you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm sorry to hear it man. I don't know how far along it is but just take all your doctors advice and hopefully you can turn things around

    • 5 months ago

      vax status?

      • 5 months ago

        >heart disease has been the number 1 cause of death in the US for decades
        >zomg it was the vax

        • 5 months ago

          2 shekels deposited in your account moshe

  3. 5 months ago

    most people online are shut in lifetime obese lazy fricks. if they happen to be a normalgay they’re either hiding their alcoholism or got fat after they married and had kids. actual IST 30 year olds haven’t hit the wall yet

  4. 5 months ago

    I'm almost 40 and stronger than I've ever been. LMAOing at the early bloomers that peaked in highschool.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        >the 40 year old poonisher

      • 5 months ago

        Why'd you post a selfie?

    • 5 months ago

      Sounding like a
      >40 is the new 20 brah!

      • 5 months ago

        Protip: He's still a weak 40 yo, he was just even weaker in the past.

      • 5 months ago

        lol you gays act like you’re never going to age. What are you going to when you turn 40? Just withdraw from life and become a hermit because of your age or something?

      • 5 months ago

        damn dude you are totally right! you should have a nice day now that way you can avoid ending up like that!

      • 5 months ago

        Sorry about your receding hairline brah.

    • 5 months ago

      i was a skinnyfat cringelord supreme until 29, now i'm a muscular cringelord supreme at 31. only injury i've had is a minor strain even though i was sedentary for 20 years

    • 5 months ago

      You should also train explosive movements and stretch often.
      At your age if you try to use your strength without warming up you'll tear something

      • 5 months ago

        That's good advice for anyone though.

  5. 5 months ago

    im 26 and i still feel like i did when I was 19, both mentally and physically
    idk where people get this 'aging kills you' thing from
    according to WALLed boomers im supposed to start having chronic pains and knee issues by now

    • 5 months ago

      20 years in an office or bluecollar isntgood for u.

    • 5 months ago

      >idk where people get this 'aging kills you' thing from
      homie, you're 26. of course you don't know shit

    • 5 months ago

      Same. My uncle lives an easy going life and exercises often. He says he feels the same as his 20s and he is 45.

      It comes down to how well you maintain your health.

    • 5 months ago

      I am 26 and feel like shit, but was almost murdered several times though so I doubt I am normal for 26.

    • 5 months ago

      >according to WALLed boomers im supposed to start having chronic pains and knee issues by now
      Zoomers not understanding what the wall is or why it only applies to women will always be the biggest example of zoomers being dipshits on the internet.

      I'll make it easy for you- women get free shit for being women when they are 18. When they are 30, men are less likely to give them free shit. They usually take this poorly. This is a privilege they have essentially lost with age.

      This is what the WALL is.

      There is no wall for men because you were always just a man and society always expected you to either sink or swim, no one ever gave you free shit or bought you stuff for merely existing. You cannot lose privileges you never had.

  6. 5 months ago

    Im thinking something like this.

    When you hit some resistance in something youre trying to do, what is your reaction? You search the internet for some specific information, you find that on a website, you open it but it blurs the page and asks you to sign up to see it, for example. Is your reaction to "frick off" and shut it down? Lets take it a step ahead, imagine you really want to work a specific business. First you need to enroll a 2 year training course and then theres going to be more study and things to do, whats your reaction? "Not worth it? Who has the time? Im not a 15 yo student lol!"

    Now what I think is, these people grow up, they hit these resistances, "oh look I got love handles" whats their reaction? The answer is most people just dont care. They just keep coping out of every single thing. My back cant handle that, my knee cant handle that, oh Im literally dying from alcoholism and obesity, its not just fitness related things, whatever it is they immediately retreat at the face of some resistance, just delete it out of their minds. Thus that issue immediately doubles and triples in power and there starts a circle of your mind getting used to doing this, and then you just keep rotting from within. Literally you wienerblock yourself from doing things, basically.

    This is I think whats essentially going on with these sort of people. Thanks for attending to my ted talk. Make sure to visit the merch shop

    • 5 months ago

      > Make sure to visit the merch shop
      What you selling bb?

    • 5 months ago

      Painfully underrated post

    • 5 months ago

      Truer than you think. Some people are maniacal about pursuing a goal while others will give up if it doesn’t come with immediate ease.

  7. 5 months ago

    Because you are using reddit too much. I admit I do too sometimes.

    Redditors are sedentary and have not exercised since gym class in high school. They work dull office jobs, sometimes even at home. They smoke endless amounts of weed and drink every weekend.

    Do not compare yourselves to them. Never, never, never, compare yourselves to them. Total blackpill death.

    • 5 months ago

      maybe you shuold go back homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        Not even him but the overlap between IST and reddit is almost a circle

        • 5 months ago

          dont care
          still not browsing reddit
          go and stay go

          • 5 months ago

            I don't care what you do.

        • 5 months ago

          No it isnt. This will never be your site. Leftoid homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        It's not 2012 anymore where its IST vs reddit homosexual. Reddit has 100 times the activity and userbase of this place. check out the catalogue and you'll know why. the idea that most users here are not on both is laughable

        • 5 months ago

          Outed yourself as a normie

        • 5 months ago

          Go back

    • 5 months ago

      >terminally online response
      Office people are like this at every job

    • 5 months ago

      Every weekend? Shit, I drink every night.

  8. 5 months ago

    >haha i let myself become fat Black person and now im completely useless

    wow you dont say?

  9. 5 months ago

    I'll get extra tired after I exert myself at 30 and I have neck and shoulder problems that I attribute to poor posture and the intensity of BJJ that I do. I'm more active than I ever have been before. I'm not at peak strength because I do BJJ instead of lifting. Think of it the same way women dramatically let themselves go during pregnancy when they need some 300 extra calories to maintain a child. I'm doing fine.

  10. 5 months ago

    About to turn 34 and never felt better. Been working out 14 years consistently and still feel like I’m in my young 20s.

    • 5 months ago

      Based. 33 year old silent generation here, just rooned sub 3 marathon, then got back up to 2pl8 bench.

    • 5 months ago

      Based. 33 year old silent generation here, just rooned sub 3 marathon, then got back up to 2pl8 bench.

      32. I feel this as well but I’m really starting to wonder if I will ever mentally mature. I still enjoy talking to early mid 20s people more than I do people my own age. Not a IST thing. Just an observation

      • 5 months ago

        I thought that too (I am 30) that I was not mentally mature, but then I talk to people aged 20-25 and you listen to the shit they say and you realise how much you've grown

        • 5 months ago

          I feel like a really wise 23 year old. Its not terrible but its not like I can just be kickin it with kids all the time. Thats weird

          • 5 months ago

            Some zoomers are more bearable to talk/hang with than many millenials, for the reasons listed in the post above you...

      • 5 months ago

        i worked a different job sites when i was younger and wenever i worked a place for 5 days in a row, i literally felt myself getting old.

  11. 5 months ago

    >Why are they collapsing only a decade into adulthood?
    Alcohol, garbage food, drugs and zero exercise for years and years

  12. 5 months ago

    I'm about to turn 27
    I stopped working out entirely about a year ago because autoimmune shit got the better of me entirely. I've been trying all kinds of meme shit, prescriptions and alt medicine to try and get over it.
    Anyway, in a year, the sedentary lifestyle has ruined me so badly. It's incredible how quickly you degrade when you're not exercising regularly. I grunt when I stand up, my left knee throbs with pain when I wake up in the morning, I get tired quickly. I feel impossibly old. I need to get back to where I was, working out 4/5 times a week, if the damage is still reversible. This isn't any kind of life.

    • 5 months ago

      in my experience, you just feel like shit because you're not working out regularly, but once you start exercising again you'll forget about a lot of those minor aches and pains pretty quickly
      turns out that just staying active is better for joints than doing nothing and keeping them immobile

    • 5 months ago

      >It's incredible how quickly you degrade when you're not exercising regularly.

      yes, you have to be obsessed with fitness. nature is fairly unforgiving when you 'fall off the train'

      just today I did some hip flexor exercises for the first time in about a month. holy shit i can feel I am weaker. it's only been a month, I lost gains that fast. Had to take more breaks and grunting in exertion more just to lift my legs up and draw circles in the air.

      • 5 months ago

        >holy shit i can feel I am weaker. it's only been a month, I lost gains that fast.
        theres an app for that

  13. 5 months ago

    >be me, liftan
    >good day, really getting it on, decide to end my session with some weighted dips
    >chubby office guy (work gym) sitting on bench glancing at me periodically
    >finish up, headphones off
    Chubs speaks
    >”enjoy it while you can man, it goes away”
    > “as soon as you hit thirty you can’t get after it anymore, blah blah, weak knees, blah, other bullshit”
    I don’t know bro thirty wasn’t that bad
    >Chubs is confused, asks me how old I am
    Thirty one, you?
    > “I-i just turned thirty”

    • 5 months ago

      Damn. homie been coping since 25 at least

    • 5 months ago

      Then you became him gymbro and then everyone clapped

    • 5 months ago

      brutal embarrassing mog

    • 5 months ago

      >>”enjoy it while you can man, it goes away”
      should have responded
      >"just like this DICK" and then you get out your boner

    • 5 months ago
  14. 5 months ago

    Many People get into adulthood and have no idea how to balance their lives with the added responsibilities so they throw everything good out and pick up an unhealthy coping mechanism. I’ve watched it happen to plenty of friends who I now look 10 years younger than despite being 2 years older than them.
    t. 29 year old not balding not aging in the face not aging in the body flat stomach still have muscles still can run jump climb bend without breaking

    • 5 months ago

      >friends who I now look 10 years younger than
      That's a weird way of phrasing "friends who look 10 years older than me"

      • 5 months ago

        there is more than one way to finish a grammatical maze. the meaning is intact.
        let us just appreciate the beauty of a language that has multiple ways through the maze in order to convey the same intent.

        breath taking.
        browsing IST between sets is pretty comfy ngl

  15. 5 months ago

    Most people don't exercise at all once they finish highschool and sometimes even in highschool they found ways to forgo the PE classes. Add to that years of drinking, cooming excessively, shit food, smoking, stress, bad sleeping schedule and you get people physically collapsing in their 30s.
    This shit is also imo responsible for a big chunk of women hitting the wall much earlier than they would have if they would have taken care of themselves in their youth

    • 5 months ago

      It's actually awful when you consider your typical millenial shitbag

      >smokes weed
      >drinks excessive amounts of alcohol, at home
      >works from home in some office job
      >eats sugary cereals
      >takeaway food on the regular
      >thinks exercise is for right wing chuds
      >is more or less a social shut in, doesn't even go for walks

      It's a miracle they even make it to 30

      • 5 months ago

        not so miraculous when you realize the last sane thought they had was before puberty

        puberty is now a fricking gangbang of chemical exposure and hormonal changes and intense bursts of stimuli that most people don't leave with their sanity intact anymore

  16. 5 months ago

    I'm 29 and I'm in the best physical condition of my life so far.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm 29 and I'm in the best physical condition of my life so far.

      • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      I was too until this winter kek now i'm fat (but not really I only gained 10 pounds)

  17. 5 months ago

    No, there is an active patio trying to convince people that exercise and strength training will prematurely age you. Zoomers have an irrational fear of turning thirty and ~~*they*~~ are attempting to exploit that. Lifting will keep you strong and mobile in your geriatric years, it will stave off osteoporosis, and there is now a clear positive correlation between those who lift and those who are less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's.

    • 5 months ago

      *Psyop not patio
      >t. filthy phone poster

    • 5 months ago

      The psyop is definitely targeting millennials too.
      >you don't want to be le heckin national chud do you? If you don't, don't work out!

  18. 5 months ago

    im 32 i feel great

  19. 5 months ago

    im 31 and i cant even walk up a floor of stairs without resting. every morning waking up for work and being in an office with other wagies definitely ages u quicker.

    • 5 months ago

      This is such nonsense. A few years ago I did technical contracting for a few months in a big building (16 floors or so). My office was up on the 13th floor and the cafeteria was on the ground floor.

      Now I have this rule for myself. I always take the stairs when it's an option. It's not actually a fitness thing. When I was growing up my grandfather had a stroke and half of his body was paralyzed. There were two flights of stairs to get up to my grandparents' place and after the medical bills and with him not being able to work any more they couldn't afford to move or install a lift (yes, I'm American) and so for over a decade my grandfather somehow forced himself up and down those stairs by holding on to the handrail with his good hand and dragging his limp body up one stair at a time while pushing himself up with his good foot. I promised myself as long as I could physically do it, I'd always take the stairs and be grateful for the fact that I could do it at all.

      Anyway, point is after lunch I refused to ride the elevator, tellling my astonished colleagues "Taking the stairs, see you up there!". Well after about a week, one of them joined me: "See you up there guys. I'll take the stairs with anon today.". By the end of the first month there was a little team of maybe 10 people who were taking the stairs up to the 13th floor after lunch.

      • 5 months ago

        Thats a pretty cool story, thanks anon.

      • 5 months ago

        kino ending

      • 5 months ago

        Wholesome post

      • 5 months ago


        Your grandfather is a strong man. You as well. Good head on shoulders.

      • 5 months ago

        Staying fit and warding off bad luck. Who the frick wants to be trapped in an elevator on the 13th floor?

        • 5 months ago

          >how to survive a falling elevator
          Obviously you just make a little hop just before it hits the ground, then land safely at rest. (:

      • 5 months ago

        Why the 13th floor? Kinda spooky.

      • 5 months ago

        You sound like a fun guy, anon

  20. 5 months ago

    I turned 34 a few weeks ago and I wrestle 4 times per week alongside running and gym work.

    My friends from school are literally falling apart. Bad backs, fat, busted knees etc, they've been completely inactive since their early 20s...

    • 5 months ago

      Where tf do you wrestle as an adult? I looked around and didn't see shit.

      • 5 months ago

        china already won ww3.

  21. 5 months ago

    I'm about to turn 28 and the main changes I've seen is that I actually need to put time into basic mobility work and can't max out quite as often. I also care about doing cardio more.
    Of course I wish I was still a 20 year old but who doesn't?

    • 5 months ago

      Start going to hot yoga on your rest days dude. I was 32 and overweight this summer now im 15% bf and more flexible than in my entire life.

  22. 5 months ago

    >lift at 18-20
    >literally don't lift for an entire decade
    >return at 30
    >stronger than I was at 20 within 2 years
    Is there a difference? I don't know, I don't remember. I just go lift and space the lifts/body parts according to how I recover. If I tweak something, I quickly change plans to get around it. I don't do moronic and impulsive shit, I build up to heavy lifts. 1/2/3/4+ for reps and I haven't failed a single squat/DL rep yet. On upper body lifts I am more comfortable yolo'ing, it's a lower relative load anyways.
    Experience/wisdom >>> the % of raw physical fortitude I had 10 years ago.

    • 5 months ago

      Muscle cell nucleus don't atrophy/dissapear like muscle cell mass, regaining former strenght is easy.

      • 5 months ago

        A decade is a long time.
        Also note, stronger. At a lower bodyweight.

    • 5 months ago

      for me the biggest difference is that I barely drink anymore
      it's crazy how much of a gains goblin alcohol is

  23. 5 months ago

    I'm 31 and I don't feel much different than I did when I was in high school. I weigh the exact same and I don't look much older. Still get pimples just like I did back then. The only difference I have noticed physically is that I can't jump as high. But then again I don't skateboard or play basketball everyday like I did back then so I literally never jump.

  24. 5 months ago

    Its what 10 years of wageslavery does to people.

  25. 5 months ago

    Im 38, lift 3 days a week and do bjj 2-3 times a week.

    • 5 months ago

      > 28
      > bjj 5 times a week
      > lift 6 days a week
      It truly is over after 30 seems like

      • 5 months ago

        homies overtraining for no reason

      • 5 months ago

        homies doing all that just to be 40% as attractive as the average zoomer

  26. 5 months ago

    I’m 29 this year and in the best shape of my life. I feel amazing and I’m stronger than I’ve ever been, only issue is fricked knees from being fat as a teen.
    I doubt I’ll fall apart in the span of a year.

  27. 5 months ago

    I'm 34 and no sign of any aches.
    However I started doing the "whup" or "whuaa" every time I sit down or stand up. I guess it happens to all of us

    • 5 months ago

      Weak hips and/or obesity

    • 5 months ago

      whup whup, terrain terrain

    • 5 months ago

      I started doing this at 22 because my uncle did it and I began to emulate him eventually.

  28. 5 months ago

    I'll be 37 soon, and I can tell there is some wear and tear, some joints hurt and I have a bulged disc. I actually think it has more to do with having an office job because most "injuries" I had did not happen during lifting.

  29. 5 months ago

    Most people start their career around mid-twenties, sitting in an office all day with stress kills your body faster than smoking, so it's little surprise 30-somethings are acting like 50 year olds. Don't underestimate how unhealthy the average Joe is: Work all day (either backbreaking blue-collar work or stressful, sedentary office work), then eat some microwave goyslop, then watch TV the whole evening and have 1 or 2 beers. Most people are flabbergasted when I tell them I don't drink alcohol or consume candy

    • 5 months ago

      I work in finance, am 33, work between 50-60 hours a week, and make myself go on walks every day at work. I average 9k steps a day and then work out after work. Walking by itself is fricking huge and if most office workers simply walked more they would cut their health issues in half

      • 5 months ago

        >i average 9k steps a day
        thats low, literally normal amount of steps a human being should walk in a day

    • 5 months ago

      >Most people are flabbergasted when I tell them I don't drink alcohol or consume candy
      The amount of sugar-laden sweets they give at work is out of control. They had something each and every day this week. I declined, but I definitely joined in when it was a full meal and just skipped the dessert

  30. 5 months ago

    No but it's about the point where the damage you can do can easily outpace your recovery. So you tend to avoid taking as many risks because of how long it takes you to spring back reactive tendonopathies tend to go degenerative, bones are slower to remodel. Basically they're not used to using self control and caution then it bites them in the ass. Endurance sports usually peak in your late 30s or early 40s.

  31. 5 months ago

    I'm 33 now, been liftan (on and off) since about 23, although only been taking it seriously and doing it consistently for about 2 years now.

    When I was younger I went to the gym only when I felt like it, used way too much weight, had poor form, was drinking heavily on the weekends. As I've gotten older I've made the gym a proper routine, I'm lifting for technique rather than ego, my eating is pretty on point, and I no longer drink.

    So arguably I couldn't get away now with what I was doing at 25. I'd probably end up injured and/or fat. But considering that I've been dialing up my dedication and technique with age, I'm stronger and healthier than I've ever been.

  32. 5 months ago

    i'm 36. Being going to the gym on and off, riding bike and having an active life for +12 years.
    Two years ago I had to start doing yoga and stretches so my lower back wouldn't hurt. same time my right knee started to feel swollen, turns out I have the tip of the meniscus inner side chipped and apparently I'm too young for surgery and risking a premature arthrosis. I can bike and lift without problems but jogging or running is out of the question
    I dunno OP, I have friends my age and everybody seems to have at least a problem, minor or major, and they get worse the older you get. This is not to discourage you, I have a fullfiling life and you kinda get used to these issues and work around, it even prompted me to take care of myself to avoid injuries and don't do stupid stuff.
    But for me it's been some sort of realisation; I'm getting older, my body is starting to slowly deteriorate and leaving behind that feeling you have when you're a teenager or in your 20's that everything is eternal, that you'll never get old

  33. 5 months ago

    People who only trained up to 20 and then never did anything will feel like that with time.

  34. 5 months ago

    Im 39 an work in an office. Everybody is like this. Back/neck/knee/elbow whatever. Then they try some diet, then som kiro, then they just start taking pills and accept its their 'genes'. Im just a dyel and never had any pain. I tell them to lift but thats hard work so they stick to the pills.

  35. 5 months ago

    I'm 24 and I look like a boomer trying to use a computer

  36. 5 months ago

    I'm 43 and mog people in their 20s regularly.

    just don't be a dyel is all. It's that shrimple.

  37. 5 months ago

    Look at athletes, most of them peak at 30.
    It's just laziness, when you've got a job, kids etc... and you don't have any school PE nor any sports that you play ofc your back will break if you bend down.

    LeBron is 40 and he can still hit a tomahawk dunk. Kipchoge was 34 when he ran a sub 2 hour marathon. Hafthor bjornsson was 32 when he lifted 501kg. Most natural lifters and even enhanced lifters reach their peak physiques in their early 30s.

    Nothing in trained individuals suggests and dip after 30, if anything 30 is the prime age for physical activity

    • 5 months ago

      it strongly depends on the sport
      sprinters peak at like 24, endurance runners peak late 20s early 30s
      basketball has lots of good players who are in their 30s, baseball sees a lot of pitchers make it to 40, football is the exception since the dudes are putting their bodies through hell and can only play at a peak level for a few years

  38. 5 months ago

    Look at athletes, most of them peak at 30.
    It's just laziness, when you've got a job, kids etc... and you don't have any school PE nor any sports that you play ofc your back will break if you bend down.

    LeBron is 40 and he can still hit a tomahawk dunk. Kipchoge was 34 when he ran a sub 2 hour marathon. Hafthor bjornsson was 32 when he lifted 501kg. Most natural lifters and even enhanced lifters reach their peak physiques in their early 30s.

    Nothing in trained individuals suggests and dip after 30, if anything 30 is the prime age for physical activity.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        30 is when your tendons are at their peak though

  39. 5 months ago

    I am 32 I take enclomiphene my T went from 230ng to 550+ng. I've been on it for 6 months and switched to a HIIT gym, I'm gonna be fitter than I was in my 20s (cause I didn't lift) by this summer.

    If you are 30 get your T levels checked and fix it. Don't be a homosexual who acts like he's above optimizing his health. And don't do TRT if you want your balls to work if you ever need to get off of it.

    • 5 months ago

      where's a good source of that? I keep seeing ads for a product called Maximus but I am still in the dark about what it IS

      • 5 months ago

        I'm on maximus. It's legit, it basically tells your balls to start making test again. There are cheaper alternatives but maximus is very open and has a discord where you can talk to support and even the CEO. It's $150 a month. You can pay for a blood test, then they'll put you on it for 30 days and test again to see if test increased. You can probably just join the discord and ask questions before hopping on anything.

        I took the jump after me and my gf broke up last year. I felt pretty beta and like an emo gay. I lifted, ate right but decided to test the waters and found my test to be so damn low despite my healthy choices for over a year so I took the plunge. Definitely made me feel much better and my attitudes better too.

        • 5 months ago

          thanks for the primer, my man.

          • 5 months ago

            I know I'm shilling but I hate seeing people miserable when they could optimize their health and stop being doomers. I don't like the idea of trt, and if something happens where I need to jump ship things return to baseline after a week.

            • 5 months ago

              I'm not miserable, yet, but I like to research for the years ahead of me.

        • 5 months ago

          Is there a way you can get any of this with insurance?

  40. 5 months ago

    >get in really good shape and down to 12% bodyfat in the space of 2 years
    >bald guy at work says he envies me because he used to be shredded too and misses it
    >"I almost don't want you to find out, but once you get to my age... it just becomes impossible to keep it up. So enjoy it while it lasts, anon."
    >we talk some more and it turns out that I'm a few months older than him
    >realise I wasted the first 25 years of my life listening to fricking pretentious shitbags like this guy who don't have a single clue what they're on about

    • 5 months ago

      nothing quite like getting called 'young man' by a dumpy frick who's actually younger than you

    • 5 months ago

      bald guy L

  41. 5 months ago

    Pro athletes in their 30s don’t complain about this shit. It’s only people who say that don’t like working out and view eating healthy as boring who end up like this. I’m 33 and surf, swim, lift, and maintain low bodyfat and I don’t feel any different than I did at 25. Maybe not as explosive or and take a little longer to recover but nothing major.

  42. 5 months ago

    millennials have terrible diets and don't exercise so their bodies are breaking down early

  43. 5 months ago

    People got psyop'ed into destroying their bodies with drugs, alcohol, goyslop, doctoid medications, etc.

  44. 5 months ago

    Because from high school to 30 or whatever they are they haven’t exercised and continually eat shitty food and drink alcohol. If you drove a car for 10 years without an oil change and used E85 ethanol all the time it’s going to struggle to start too. If you work out, aren’t fat, and it an ok diet you’re just as good at 30 as at 20.

    I’m turning 30 in 2 months and I’m stronger now then ever and my knees aren’t any worse than when I was 18. I’m slower than when I was in high school but I’m also not playing sports and never sprint anymore.

  45. 5 months ago

    It's capitalism. People work 80 hours office jobs so that some rich israelite gets even richer. Wagies have no choice because they have to eat and live and support their family. You'd understand the issue if you weren't living off of daddy and were lucky enough to be able to reproduce.

    Only thing you can do if you understand is support communism/bolshevism, not the new left gay Black person shit.

    • 5 months ago

      have a nice day homosexual. You don’t have a job, don’t have purpose, and are weak and out of shape.

      • 5 months ago

        >You don’t have a job, don’t have purpose
        Wagies actually think their life is worthless if they don't have their cagie

        • 5 months ago

          >doesn’t refute anything I said
          >has no reading comprehension
          A person of average intelligence would realize the commas were separating items and that purpose was independent of having job. Ironically communists are the ones focuses entirely on working and jobs.

          How much do your parents make?

          • 5 months ago

            the anon stopped replying lol

            • 5 months ago

              It’s always fun when they give up

    • 5 months ago

      Without capitalism you would work even longer and harder dickbrain. In order for you to consume something it has to first be created. Capitalism is without question the most efficient way of producing things.

      If you lived in some small kibbutz farm you would be busting your ass doing manual labour every day from dusk to dawn to sustain a standard of living lower than someone who currently works at burger king.
      Communism/bolshevism as you call it is just a fantasy in which you delude yourself into thinking that other grunts will do the heavy lifting like producing all the food and services in society so you can be a poet or play video games all day or whatever your non-productive, non-contributing dreams are. In reality you would either be working hard for starvation rations or end up in a mass grave during a purge.

    • 5 months ago

      Without capitalism you would work even longer and harder dickbrain. In order for you to consume something it has to first be created. Capitalism is without question the most efficient way of producing things.

      If you lived in some small kibbutz farm you would be busting your ass doing manual labour every day from dusk to dawn to sustain a standard of living lower than someone who currently works at burger king.
      Communism/bolshevism as you call it is just a fantasy in which you delude yourself into thinking that other grunts will do the heavy lifting like producing all the food and services in society so you can be a poet or play video games all day or whatever your non-productive, non-contributing dreams are. In reality you would either be working hard for starvation rations or end up in a mass grave during a purge.

      Working your ass off on a farm is not communism
      People running away from office jobs and corporations are not communists. Everyone and their grandma is fed up with this way of life.

  46. 5 months ago

    I think it comes down to not having shit genetics or being fat.

    I turn 30 in a few months, and I have no aches and pains. I look good, and I exercise. I'm scheduled to hike up a mountain this year and will also compete in an ultra-endurance bike race. I'm doing both of these events with people much older than I am.

    This is after spending half my twenties as an alcoholic.

    • 5 months ago

      Part of it is literally just these morons have been memed into being old. They see all the gay memes about it so they just go along with it like imbeciles. Oh I'm 30 now, better start complaining about aches and pains constantly!

      But also most of them are fat and lazy piles of shit anyway.

      t. 39 and don't suffer from all this bullshit despite having been in fantastic shape and terrible shape multiple times throughout my life

      They're just b***hing, unless you're 400lb and genetically broken or, on the other side, brutalized yourself in high school and college sports there is zero chance you have serious physical problems by age 30

  47. 5 months ago

    Part of it is literally just these morons have been memed into being old. They see all the gay memes about it so they just go along with it like imbeciles. Oh I'm 30 now, better start complaining about aches and pains constantly!

    But also most of them are fat and lazy piles of shit anyway.

    t. 39 and don't suffer from all this bullshit despite having been in fantastic shape and terrible shape multiple times throughout my life

  48. 5 months ago

    i turned 40 a month ago,
    i feel well, fit, but age does take its toll
    recovery from lifts takes an extra day or so
    little things start to add up like a sprained knee never quite fully goes away,
    Just gotta make the best and keep going,
    If something hurts than do it a different way

  49. 5 months ago

    I'm 30 and basically always in low grade pain. I figure I've been too hard on my body, though. My knees and middle back particularly. I essentially always can ignore i though. Its no big deal

    But by the time I'm 40 I'm sure I'll be fricked

    • 5 months ago

      Look up barefoot sprinter and do athletic foundation. Just do it brother, I've been in pain for years and a month later feeling better across the board

  50. 5 months ago

    I turned 30 recently and all that is different is that I'm more tired than usual, but it's probably because the light inside of me has mostly gone out.

  51. 5 months ago

    I’m 33 and full of light and energy because I’m in the best shape of my life and I’ll be financially independent by this time next year.
    Don’t squander your youth, kids.

    • 5 months ago

      Dick size?

    • 5 months ago

      the guy on the left is me. how tf do I bulk? its hopeless. I was eating like a madman for a month, barely any weight gain. 3k cals daily. 1k banana + peanut butter shake in the morning. 4 pounds gained, max.

      • 5 months ago

        eat more
        you have to do it every single day for like six months with no break

  52. 5 months ago

    I started lifting at 30

  53. 5 months ago

    I’m 30 and feel no different physically than when I was 20 or so, in fact I’m in even better shape now. Normies just destroy their bodies and cope with muh ageing.

  54. 5 months ago

    You'll understand when you're 30 youngster

  55. 5 months ago

    Op, I’m 34 and I feel fine. I stretch often I guess. I can only attribute it to that and good sleep.

  56. 5 months ago

    Normies will put on beer and baby weight, eat high carb refined diets and will ridicule and drag you down for being fit. They'll also go to the doctor for pain pills instead of daily movement exercises. Just keep your fit goals to yourself while you navigate this bullshit modern life.

  57. 5 months ago

    55 and can walk 20 miles through hilly countryside in one go on an empty stomach and no stopping. Except to pee. That's a thing.

  58. 5 months ago

    It's really as simple as most people have no self control and need outside parties to keep them accountable. Most people have to be forced to not be lazy. You take away what they were forced to do as a kid and they fall apart.
    As a side note, you can usually tell someone is of good character just by their body.

  59. 5 months ago

    >be 32
    >things are perfectly fine though
    >can still do everything just fine
    >talking to my coworkers one day
    >they think i'm still in my 20s
    >all of them are complaining about how your body goes to shit after 30
    >mfw blankly staring at them the entire conversation realizing i'm surrounded by cripples

  60. 5 months ago

    Turned 30 and i am stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been. I recognized early that taking care of your body is how you avoid the 25 slump

  61. 5 months ago

    I didn't start lifting or doing cardio until I hit 31, and I'm felling and doing so much better compared to my 20's.
    I can only regret I wasn't doing this a decade earlier.

  62. 5 months ago

    Those 30s sounds like homosexuals.

    >36yo fitizen

  63. 5 months ago

    It's just an accumulation of bad habits, that's all. It's like tooth decay. Not brushing your teeth for 2 weeks straight wont see any real impact (besides horrid breath), but there is a very obvious process of tooth decay which will eventually manifest when it's too late to reverse it.
    Getting older is similar. When you are young, you can not sleep, drink all the time, and not workout, and you are generally "okay", but you are building an accumulation of damage to your body which will manifest itself in your 30s (at least, that's when I started seeing it in other people/they started having medical issues).
    I'm 34. I actually feel just as fit as I did when I was in college, and I definitely lift more. The only real thing I've noticed is that I recover a little slower, but I run up the stairs at work (3 flights) and just start breathing a little heavier.
    I honestly feel like I'm in my prime physically/mentally/emotionally. I have all the shit I wish I did when I was young (good job that pays, bought a house last year, have a GF I'm proposing to this year, a ton of hobbies) and I physically don't have any problems as long as I keep going to the gym regularly.
    On the flip-side, my co-workers my age have bad backs/joint problems, and they don't workout. It's the office chair sitting all day + no physical exercise which weakens the body.
    All the shit you see that "happens to you" when you get older is because of lack of exercise, sleep, and eating healthy. When you control for physical fitness, the "drop" in testosterone that's supposed to happen each year disappears until you hit 70, and even then it barely goes down on average.
    All the health problems that "happen" to old people only happen to old people who've accumulated damage and weakness from bad habits.
    This is ignoring all the genetic lottery bullshit that happens to people, of course.

    • 5 months ago

      >I'm 34. I actually feel just as fit as I did when I was in college, and I definitely lift more. The only real thing I've noticed is that I recover a little slower, but I run up the stairs at work (3 flights) and just start breathing a little heavier.
      I expect that the whole "you physically peak in your 20s" meme just applies to the highest level, pro level really, athletes, and even then many perform well into their 30s. I honestly don't feel myself slowing down at 35. Hell, I can even do the no sleep thing here and there.
      >I keep going to the gym regularly.
      Personally that's why I have a home gym. I can have a long workday and still get my sets in without having to drag myself to some place where I might have to wait for the squat rack to clear up or something.
      >On the flip-side, my co-workers my age have bad backs/joint problems, and they don't workout. It's the office chair sitting all day + no physical exercise which weakens the body.
      It blows my mind, I know 20 year olds in the office who act like old men on the verge of retirement.
      >When you control for physical fitness, the "drop" in testosterone that's supposed to happen each year disappears until you hit 70, and even then it barely goes down on average.
      That's a whitepill. I also expect they don't control for environmental factors like hormone disruptors in stuff people consume

      • 5 months ago

        People in martial arts generally peak in their early 30's. The average age of UFC champions is 32. You hit your physical peak in your late 20's and slowly start to decline after. If you take care of yourself you can mitigate that for a long time and stay on a similar level. Recovery will go slower and your reflexes generally decline late 30's, but apart from that you can still do amazing physical feats well in your 40's. George Foreman won the heavyweight boxing belt when he was 47 from holyfield who was about 28 at the time

        • 5 months ago

          Woops, he was actually 46,5 when he won the belt and fought Moorer who was 27. point still stands

        • 5 months ago

          That'd what I'm saying. When you're at that level, you'll take hits to your performance in your late twenties, but for most people, if you keep up your fitness and eat right, you'll do well for years to come

  64. 5 months ago

    Same shit post word for word seen multiple times before. NPC board

  65. 5 months ago

    I'm 39 and i can literally feel my body getting worse by the year. every other month is some kind of new joint pain. Anxiety used to come in episodes that lasted maybe a few months, now its permanent. I think I'm ready for the big sleep, guys. I'm tired.

    • 5 months ago

      get a hand full of meds and fix yourself, anon
      it's never too late

  66. 5 months ago

    I'm going to be 36 in two weeks, and I feel fine. I lift heavy 3 nights per week and can do everything I did 10 to 15 years ago and then some. The only creeping thing I've noticed is if I push myself hard while working in a different lift to my routine and have any soreness, it lasts 2-3 days instead of just one. That's it. Then again I had my blood tested last year to make sure everything is still good and I had 720ng/dl test still. I think there are some people who are down in the 300s to 400s at my age, so they probably recover much worse and build muscle more slowly.

  67. 5 months ago

    I'm 30, spent the last half of my twenties as a skeleton after I got out the military eating junk food, drinking soda, and playing vidya. It catches up to you. I just started running more

  68. 5 months ago

    Yep. The vast majority of 30 something year olds are bloated homosexuals who look like shit and lie about their peak in high school. Shit hormones, too many drugs and an undeserved sense of accomplishment have led them to their situation. Ah well, stay meager so I can keep being a fricking UNICORN.

    >t. 35 years old, 6'5", 235, jacked, athletic and visible abs, huge dick and no, no pictures, your zoomoid females would flock to my hulking, virile meat and I don't want to ALWAYS shoo them away, plus I pity my peers and all these younger, testosterone deficit b***h boys

    • 5 months ago


      homosexual autocorrect

  69. 5 months ago

    Legitimately the biggest thing that’s happened since I turned 35 is that I weight 200 lbs. But I’m at 1/2/3/4 for reps, crush cardio still, climb hard and still get monster morning wood so who the frick knows what’s going on. Diets mid at best and I drink on occasion.

    • 5 months ago

      >I weight 200 lbs

      Good job, you've avoided becoming a victim weight butt boy

      • 5 months ago

        Thanks anon it feels nice being a manlet and having people call me big guy and my friends thinking I lift all the time.

        • 5 months ago

          >being a manlet

          Oh no

          >people call me big guy

          Ohhhhhhh nooooo

          >thinking I lift

          It's so over

          • 5 months ago

            Things are pretty good m8, life’s been great lately. Fitness has a good hand in it. Good luck on your journey.

    • 5 months ago

      Thanks anon it feels nice being a manlet and having people call me big guy and my friends thinking I lift all the time.

      How are you short enough to be a manlet, weigh 200lbs, think you aren’t fat, and only do 1/2/3/4? Something isn’t adding up. Either you’re fat and weigh 200, or you have to lift way more.

      I’m a 5’7” actual manlet and easily clear 1/2/3/4. I’m 165 and would be incredibly fat at 200. Or I’d be juiced to the gills and at 2/4/5/6.

  70. 5 months ago


    feel great

    I suggest exercise

  71. 5 months ago

    one of the best rooners in the run club i'm is 35 and only started like 5 years ago
    guy does 18 miles runs every few days at like 6:30min/mile pace
    craziest thing is he's chinese

  72. 5 months ago

    I'm fricking 33 and feel awesome, only thing that kinda hurts sometimes is I got t-bones by some homosexual Californian doing 80 in a 20 and got every single rib broken when I was 23. Very occasionally they ache if I've been outside in the cold for like 10+ hours hiking or something. Couple of boxers fractures from random fights same dealz every blue moon they kinda hurt a bit but it goes away fast.

    These frickers aren't even complaining about actual damage just wear-and-tear fatness.

  73. 5 months ago


  74. 5 months ago

    >tfw 29 next year and still feel like im 21

  75. 5 months ago

    Your body is biologically hard wired to die at 30. Living past that is mostly a modern miracle.

    • 5 months ago

      This is complete bullshit

      • 5 months ago

        Actually though, look up the rate of living theory, mammals live for an average of 1 billion heartbeats. Fast beating hearts like rodents have short lives, slow beating hearts like elephants have long lives, humans expire at 35-40

        • 5 months ago

          Poor idiot
          Fricking clown
          What else you got, genetic determinism?
          Undergrad courses at your community college aren't something to start showijg off with

          • 5 months ago

            Why would you even want to live that long anyway, there is absolutely no chance I make it to 60 without killing myself, I am basically just waiting for an excuse like gun control being enacted or a draft to go nuts.

            • 5 months ago

              Shut up israelite
              Tired of your shit and I'm not the only one

              • 5 months ago

                Are you telling me you would willingly be drafted and you think I am the israelite? You would go fight a israeli war rather than taking the honorable death shooting your way out through their willing golems? You wouldn’t relish the opportunity to go to real war against a force taking away our guns and I am the israelite? Let me guess you are a ukraine gay.

            • 5 months ago

              >just waiting for arbitrary point to totally go off, you guys
              This is the schizo loser equivalent of waiting for January 1st to start getting in shape.
              Just like them you aren't going to do anything and should stfu, literally nobody is impressed by your projections of what you would do if only this or that condition were true.

              • 5 months ago

                The points aren’t arbitrary they are the points of no return and I am going to kill myself anyway my life is pain and I have no reason to grow old since I will always be alone

        • 5 months ago

          >most individuals in recorded history lived well past 30 if they made it past childhood
          >thousands of years of evidence of this
          >over a 100 years of this with photographic evidence before “modern” medicine
          >you only live to 30 trust me bro
          Where do you idiots come up with this shit? I’m honestly curious

    • 5 months ago

      Utter bullshit

  76. 5 months ago

    I'm 27, lean and physically active yet I really do feel like a lesser version of my younger self. I struggle to sleep well, have awful hangovers whenever I get drunk and my dick is nearly disfunctional. Granted it's probably due to being poisoned with SSRIs and antipsychotics for 5 years but I'm not sure I would've been better off without them or alive at all.

    • 5 months ago

      Get on NAC you will never have a hangover again

  77. 5 months ago

    they're sedentary and are fat as frick, and cope by assigning their poor health to natural circumstances of age rather than their lifestyle.
    my boss is 60 and is a competitive swimmer. I saw him fall down the stairs drunk onto concrete, the next day he bashed out 10km on the treadmill.
    my mate is 25 and dislocated his knee stepping off the curb. that 250lb tub of lard crippled himself.

    • 5 months ago

      I thought israeli people were smart
      Baby chimp refers to how baby chimps look more and more like humans, it's from a brief paragraph in a book I read.
      You all know which book
      I love having to explain the most moronic, simple shit to my gangstalkers.
      I'm not going back, I don't want to live in America, I certainly am not going to go through 7 years of jail to be some "boss" in a half rate hick shop somewhere in the prairie when I'm 60
      I'm staying where I am, and I'm living to 100
      Deal with it
      I spit on you, by the way

      • 5 months ago

        Anon plug your sink hole, there is a camera in your sink watching you

  78. 5 months ago

    I started getting dumber at 24 and just before 27 it felt like my body was starting to go

  79. 5 months ago

    I'm 30 and in the best shape in my life.

  80. 5 months ago

    They aren't unhealthy because they're old, they're unhealthy because they're fat fricks. The body can take all kind s of punishment in your 20's and bounce back. It's basically training wheels on your health. At 30 or so the training wheels come off. If you've been smart, ate healthily and gone to the gym, you'll be fine. If that youthful energy is the only thing holding your porky shitsack of a body together, well, I have bad news for you.

  81. 5 months ago

    ITT: people who should make a twitter account and blog there
    >100 exact same comments from 30+ boomers
    Wow you feel good, it's almost like you're not supposed to drop dead the second you leave your 20s!

  82. 5 months ago

    Jake the snake was fricked up on heroin and alcohol + years of falling down and smashing his body he did basic calisthenic yoga into his late 60s and fixed his shit. It's never ogre.

    • 5 months ago

      stability/mobility program is non-negotiable, for life: that's my conclusion

  83. 5 months ago

    35yo here
    probably ok if you don't stop whatever activity but I tried getting back into skateboarding last year and got jumpers knee
    hurts to go down stairs now (walking, not skating) and I'm doing PT
    shit sucks

  84. 5 months ago

    I used to hear that cope 10 years ago.
    Now I'm almost 30 and do muscle ups, front levers, feel fricking incredible physically and I haven't changed that much. Just kept doing what I was doing.
    Hangovers are hellish tho.

  85. 5 months ago

    i was in better shape at 30 than i was at 20. that said at 39 I don't have the speed I used to and getting maxed fired up in a physical activity will leave me hurting for the rest of the day.

  86. 5 months ago

    It's an American thing, because for some fricking reason you graduate at like 22 and by 23 you get married (?????????? who the frick does that bro you're a child, of course 30 sounds ancient to you

  87. 5 months ago

    I just turned 30 and I'm in my best shape ever.

  88. 5 months ago

    I’m 33 about to turn 34 in a few weeks and I’m as strong as I’ve ever been. From my understanding you can keep progressing until about 42 and that’s when things slow down. So I’m looking forward to many more good years

  89. 5 months ago

    I started to walk to my gym(1.5km walk) and I'm using always the stairs instead of escalators/lifts. It's amazing how much better shape you are by just walking.

  90. 5 months ago

    Everybody wants to live forever but nobody wants to eat gross-ass lentils

  91. 5 months ago

    >Is everyone on the internet biologically programmed to die at twenty or something? Why are they collapsing only a decade into adulthood?
    Most people on IST were not physically active in their 20s and it shows.

  92. 5 months ago

    I'm 31 as of two days ago and stronger than ever.

    People who say this shit are people who never could have done the thing at 20 either.

  93. 5 months ago

    >be 30
    >feel better than when i was 20
    skill issue

  94. 5 months ago

    I turn 28 in exactly 2 months and my right shoulder is in extreme on and off pain, I get constant headaches & jawaches, my hips hurt, and my balls sometime hurt when I walk. It's hard to even feel horny anymore, I also have trouble sleeping more than 5 hours. I also suddenly lost my abs and have a stomach now. Hitting the wall is a b***h. All I wanna do I fricking lift again.

  95. 5 months ago

    Well 30! = 265252859812191058636308480000000 so I get their point

  96. 5 months ago

    I'm 42, been training just 13 months. I do resistance training 6+ times a week and lift more than most of the guys at the gym. 280 BP, 3pl8 for most compounds other than OHP, etc. Was fat as frick at 330+lbs when I started. All of these statements are cope for lazy frickers. I feel frickin fantastic most days. I eat what I want, sleep like shit, and mog zoomers daily.

  97. 5 months ago

    38, the only that changed is that it takes longer to recover from hard excersise.

    I go lighter and more often instead. Also, because at this age you don't feel the need the ego lift anymore.

    Middle age man protip: throw in some cardio. Your whole system needs it. Even light jogging or biking is fine.

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