>tweaked my back for the 1,000th time doing deadlifts.

>tweaked my back for the 1,000th time doing deadlifts.

I've had enough of this shit bros. I'm just doing front squats, hip thrusts and kettlebell swings from now on. Frick deadlifts.

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  1. 7 months ago

    don't quit bro keep lighter tng deadlifts tucked away somewhere in your routine it takes practice but you need to do them or you won't be able to if you ever change your mind and want to go back

    • 7 months ago

      If I ever want to go back, I can just build back up. Plus, doing a movement so that I can do the movement seems like a silly argument to me.

      • 7 months ago

        at the very least it's a good stretch and back and grip exercise even with moderate-light weights. I can't imagine life without deadlifts and squats

        • 7 months ago

          I used to think like this too. I realised recently that our ancestors had strong backs and hams without DLs though. They are a modern trend. They are very effective but considering them the gold standard is just a fad imo.

          • 7 months ago

            everyone like them because it feels good lifting three plates after 2 months of poer shitting. there are movements far better with less wear and tear on the body/ endocrine system

            • 7 months ago

              Expand on this please.

              your ancestors lifted rocks, big sticks and carcasses
              if you've ever had to do one of those things you know deadlifts aren't a meme lift

              Exactly my point. KB swings and weighted carries are closer to these movements.

              • 7 months ago

                >Expand on this please.
                what part?
                if you dont know how to manage recovery like an experienced lifter you can frick up your CNS, which has effects on ur endocrine system to an extent. if you keep doing that from twenty to ur forties its the same as eating a diabetic amount of candy every day.

                deadlifting has its place but its not the be all end all. you should be using it as a tester to gauge ur over all strength progress. the one thing that has done the most for me is banded or weighted ( high volume depending on bands or weights). that has shot my general strength up so much rather then just keep deadlifting over and over and hurting myself.

              • 7 months ago

                i miss wrote. They movement im talking about it is glute ham raises, with bands or weights.

          • 7 months ago

            your ancestors lifted rocks, big sticks and carcasses
            if you've ever had to do one of those things you know deadlifts aren't a meme lift

  2. 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    I've replaced deadlifting in my routine with hang cleans and weighted hypers. It's been a few months. My back looks just as good if not better and back pain is a thing of the past.

    • 7 months ago

      Very useful reply thank you. How do you program these?

      • 7 months ago

        Hang cleans is a linear progression, based on sets of 3. When I can get 3x3, then I add more sets. When I hit 5 sets of 3, then I add weight and drop back to 3x3. Been doing them this way for years. If I am consistent I can hit 265 for sets of 3.

        Hypers I'm still figuring out. Started with bodyweight for 3 sets of 15-20. Now doing 4 sets of 12 holding a 45. Will start using a barbell soon to be able to surpass 45 pounds of resistance.

        • 7 months ago

          Forgot to mention that when I do hyoers, I intentionally round my back at the bottom and arch at the top. This works the electors very differently than holding your back flat when deadlifting.

        • 7 months ago

          >Hypers I'm still figuring out.
          i would do less volume with heavey weight and then do more volume with bands or light weight. you can switch between the two for recovery purposes

          I wish I had access to a belt squat.

          its worth it. Find a gym that has one and switch

  4. 7 months ago

    It sounds like you are yet another big time moron who just conventional deadlifted with no rhyme or reason in your progression.
    Most people, including you, should unironically learn how to do proper form sumo deadlift first, as well as deficit sumo deadlift. Reason being, it teaches you how to use your hips properly and builds flexibility and strength in that area. It helps you learn how to bias your hips in a conventional deadlift and not put as much strain on your lower back.

    Once you get past a certain strength level (dependant on individual, may be 275lbs-405lbs) very few people can sustain doing the same exact conventional deadlift every week. At this point it's very important to add variability to your training.
    I only touch a pure, free weight, conventional deadlift once every 4-6 weeks, and yet I break a PR in either weight or reps every time. No injuries or back cramps. The rest of the time in those weeks is spent on sumo deadlift variations, RDL variations, Squat training, and Hamstring/gluten volume work.

    • 7 months ago

      Some useful insights in this so thank you.

      i miss wrote. They movement im talking about it is glute ham raises, with bands or weights.

      Was asking you to expand on the alternative movements you mentioned so thank you. Will consider these. How are you programming the GHRs?

      • 7 months ago

        >How are you programming the GHRs?
        leg day. im a conjugate gay running a recovery phase right now but i do my max movement(betl squats) then quad excersise, then ham/ glue movement which is GHR for volume or strength depending on where i am in my training cycle

        • 7 months ago

          I wish I had access to a belt squat.

  5. 7 months ago

    People who always tell you to do deads and weighted squats that load your spine religiously
    >young people who a don’t know what chronic pain is and how it can ruin lives
    >fitness grifters who are selling something
    >powerlifters who need you to believe in an arbitrary measure of worth they are better at than you so that they feel validated
    People who tell you not to do deads and weighted squats that load your spine
    >every friendly neighborhood boomer you will ever meet
    >spine surgeons across the globe

    That boomer at the gym who tells you to stop ego lifting when you load up your poverty deadlift isn’t jealous of you, he just doesn’t want you to develop an opioid habit like he did.

    • 7 months ago

      There's a lot of truth here.

    • 7 months ago

      That boomer at the gym also bench pressed 405 back in high school donchaknow

  6. 7 months ago

    You don't need to do deadlifts, its a fatty boy exercise anyways

  7. 7 months ago

    >I'm just doing front squats
    they're great, buy you also have to be careful with them. I did them too fast recently, and my back felt funny for a few days. Not a bad pain, but pain nonetheless

    • 7 months ago

      I've done a lot of front squats so I'm comfortable with them now.

      If you're not keeping good form and bracing on a deadlift, how are you managing swings? Swings have a similar shear force unless you brace your core.

      I have never been injured doing swings. Probably because the absolute weight is so much lower and you can self regulate the intensity. Not sure why though.

      >he does not deadlift
      I sincerely hope you, (you) reading this do not partake in this terrible practice. Deadlifting is not only enjoyable for the end user, but strengthens all groups of your body in one fluid motion. Key word being fluid.

      They're enjoyable when they go well but horrific when they go badly. The negative effects on my other movements is too high. Also, they can be substituted.

  8. 7 months ago

    If you're not keeping good form and bracing on a deadlift, how are you managing swings? Swings have a similar shear force unless you brace your core.

  9. 7 months ago

    >he does not deadlift
    I sincerely hope you, (you) reading this do not partake in this terrible practice. Deadlifting is not only enjoyable for the end user, but strengthens all groups of your body in one fluid motion. Key word being fluid.

  10. 7 months ago

    I can’t empathize with these threads. I’ve been deadlifting since 2013 and have never been injured once doing them. Brace, take the slack out of the bar and push against the ground with your feet while extending the spine. Why do people get hurt doing this?

    • 7 months ago

      You have a different body to me. For most people, I think it comes down to ego lifting, poor bracing and awkward proportions. Maybe there are exercises that you have tried that you naturally struggle with.

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