Ugly and short people aren't evil.

Ugly and short people aren't evil. I'm sorry but the only evil person here is you for thinking looks can measure a person's character

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  1. 9 months ago

    Who is behind this post?:
    >Jeff Nippard
    >Greg Doucette
    >Mike Israetel

    • 9 months ago

      Karl Lagerfeld and Roald Dahl were right.

      All are ugly people inside and out, physically and spiritually.

      • 9 months ago
  2. 9 months ago

    Just playing Devil's advocate: how someone looks more or less mandates how they get treated, which in turn molds their character.

    Being a tall, handsome man, I more or less got treated well my whole life and had no real hardships. I don't wish harm on any others. However, I know so many less fortunate who seem to spend their every waking hour either cursing their fate or actively plotting the demise of others.

    • 9 months ago

      >Just playing Devil's advocate: how someone looks more or less mandates how they get treated, which in turn molds their character.
      Character is molded by yourself by your decisions. The only thing we control in life is how we react to what happens. That is your character. You can have people bend over backward for you and become spoiled, stupid, and shallow or you can become compassionate and noble. Which one do you see more of these days? It seems to me not being handed everything is your only chance in the modern world of having any sort of worthwhile character

      • 9 months ago


        this. I am a horribly bitter individual due to my experience living as an ugly man

        No you are not. You are some larping frick that writes this just the discussion 😉

    • 9 months ago

      this. I am a horribly bitter individual due to my experience living as an ugly man

    • 9 months ago

      this. I am a horribly bitter individual due to my experience living as an ugly man

      I think Confucius wrote about this, he said that the rich man who was humble was good, but the poor man who was cheerful was better

    • 9 months ago

      Idk i think it's pretty nuanced. I'm a real handsome piece of shit. There's a point at which all the favoritism becomes transparent and you just wind up hating people or at very least start to question every ounce of positive attention and wonder if anyone would even frick you if you didn't look like you. I imagine it's similar to being an non-obese girl.

      • 9 months ago

        It makes me happy this is the fate of evil people who are rich in earthly rewards. They just end up hating those who give them things and having it all taste like ashes in their mouths

        • 9 months ago

          Most of them don't, they look at you with pity not hate. The only ones that hate them are the ones that force themselves to live among you ugly morally inferior creatures.

          • 9 months ago

            And here we have it: the evil person showing their evil nature

    • 9 months ago

      Nah plenty of way better off people than you who are huge bastards,grew up in a rich area and know a little about this.

      • 9 months ago

        This. Like other anons pointed out, if you are treated well you can become disgustingly prideful. And if you are treated shitty yet return the favour with being respectful, that builds immense character.

        I still think a poor man with good character is worth more than a rich man with good character, as the rich guy has his reputation on the line and might be faking it.

        • 9 months ago

          The poor guy also has his reputation on the line. just because he's poor doesn't mean he has nothing to lose.

          • 9 months ago

            A poor guy can lose his reputation 10 times and still make up for it. A rich person is only cancelled once.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm average height, extremely handsome man. I have no respect for women as I have lost count of the number of times a girl with a man has openly flirted with me tried to touch me, entered into my physical space to cause jealousy. Women are c**ts, being attractive doesn't change that. It only makes it more apparent.

    • 9 months ago

      That's moronic. Have you never met a fellow tall handsome guy who was a piece of shit? Hell look at the most beautiful women, most of them are counts. They don't become nice because of people desiring them, they become narcisstic, entitled, and b***hy.

      • 9 months ago

        c**ts. Phonegayging is difficult these days.

    • 9 months ago

      >Being a tall, handsome man, I more or less got treated well my whole life and had no real hardships.
      wait that doesn't sound right...

  3. 9 months ago

    no one cares about good and evil. ugly short gremlins are desperate and conforming, they will accept whatever form of abuse from a woman in return of pussy, they will wageslave like cart mules in order to satisfy a prostitute's consumerist urges and dellude themselves into thinking they're in a dominant position. for every man who has to work on himself barely to have food on the table and live to see another day, there is a prostitute who can gladly live on tutorial mode courtsey of ugly short disgusting subhumans willing to provide( well tbh dudes have the same option with fat women but i like to be dramatic kek)

    • 9 months ago

      Bro's on to nothing. In the US the majority of people are wage slaves I've seen plenty of tall people as fast food workers or waiters. I've also seen lots of ugly tall dudes with fat ugly girlfriends. Why do you focus on short guys so much? You sound obsessed and unironically probably the bitter and evil dude op's talking about.

    • 9 months ago

      >no one cares about good and evil. ugly short gremlins are desperate and conforming, they will accept whatever form of abuse from a woman in return of pussy, they will wageslave like cart mules in order to satisfy a prostitute's consumerist urges and dellude themselves into thinking they're in a dominant position. for every man who has to work on himself barely to have food on the table and live to see another day, there is a prostitute who can gladly live on tutorial mode courtsey of ugly short disgusting subhumans willing to provide( well tbh dudes have the same option with fat women but i like to be dramatic kek)

    • 9 months ago

      luckily none of this is MY problem as long as her consumerism does not harm me or my environment

  4. 9 months ago

    The quote is true, and I never judge anyone by looks, only through actions which determine quality of character

  5. 9 months ago

    ugly guy, here. seems like a good metric to me.
    i am kinda ugly and weird-looking on the outside and i am kinda shitty and weird on the inside.

    • 9 months ago

      I bet you're a good person who's just done it tough.

      • 9 months ago

        i'm not saying i am all bad. i'm not 100% shitty inside or outside.
        but i'm not some pure hearted saint either.
        i would argue both that people uglier than me will trend towards being shittier people and people better looking than me will trend towards being better people.

  6. 9 months ago

    Why would I want to be over weight?
    I'd just wouldn't fit in anywhere either way

  7. 9 months ago

    In my experience, beautiful people have it easier, but have to suffer jealousy more. I met a guy f2f for the first time at work the other week, and he was probably 5`5, and looked vastly, vastly better than in his work profile pic. He was courteous, genuinely listened to everyone in the room and put the work in on everything we'd met up to do. I also met his boss for the first time, who was bald, overweight and had a sortof fricked up nose. Pretty boy spent the entire day being put down by his boss, constantly had his ideas questioned and shot down, and bit his tongue when boss man voiced utterly stupid ones in return. I'm more boss man's level of beauty, although admittedly not under his direct control, but he was significantly more open to what I was saying and doing. Couldn't help but wonder if there's a connection.

    • 9 months ago

      frick. *6`5. Pretty boy was tall af. Boss man was probably 5`10 or something.

    • 9 months ago

      of course there is. people love to pretend we as humans are so much sophisticated but the same hierarchical structure and competition profile applies to us just to other animals, if you strip away all the extra bullshit. the cuck boss felt intimidated by the chad and used his arbitrary power dynamic to try to hold onto his power.
      pretty fricking pathetic and you can see this shit everywhere in life if you can read body language and understand social dynamics

    • 9 months ago

      And by this very act that bossman makes him self even more unattractive. Not only was he not physically attractive, but he had to double down and make him self psychologically and socially or characterological ugly as well.

  8. 9 months ago

    Not taking advice from the guy whose claim to fame is tutoring a kid so bad that he goes on to be one of the worst employers and murdering him.

  9. 9 months ago

    I have a decent looking face but I'm 5'6 and look kind of youthful so I've struggled. I've had sex and dates but not often. If I were 6 feet tall and nothing else changed about me I'm pretty confident I could get a lot more.

  10. 9 months ago

    Character isn't perceptible until 6'2".

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