unironically why there is an obesity and poor health crisis in the west

unironically why there is an obesity and poor health crisis in the west

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    because blueberries are $4

    • 4 months ago

      gmo slop sprayed with preservatives

  2. 4 months ago

    >eating more fat than protein
    Food pyramids and shit are moronic. They want the population to be weak, fat and submissive. I cant wait to go to the gym today

  3. 4 months ago

    yes, it's because everyone follows the food guidelines too strictly

    • 4 months ago

      By and large the diet has shifted to more closely match the food guidelines. Also, public stuff like school lunches are mandated to follow government recommendations. I wonder why we have so many obese children and six year olds with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease…

      • 4 months ago

        Is it because of school lunches?

      • 4 months ago

        School lunches are absolute garbage. It's usually some form of sugar bread. I make their lunches every day even though the school lunch is free for them.

        • 4 months ago

          >even though the school lunch is free for them.
          cost vs value
          free is often the most expensive option

  4. 4 months ago

    I'm cutting but craving some KFC

    • 4 months ago

      >bulking/cutting/bulking/cutting/bulking/cutting..... forever
      why people still unironically put their bodies through this is unreal to me

      • 4 months ago

        So if I'm fat I'm just supposed to stay fat and if I'm skinny I'm just supposed to stay skinny?

        • 4 months ago

          just find a balance lol
          this whole thing of over eating calories with no real nutritional value to just to bulk
          and then starving yourself to cut is the norm these days and it is moronic

        • 4 months ago

          Why don't you just eat what you would need at your ideal bodyweight? You'll very quickly weigh that much and then your fat and muscle composition will get better as your lifts do.

          • 4 months ago

            That's called cutting

  5. 4 months ago

    People nowadays think the most important thing ever is being considered attractive, at the cost of your health and body function. The stereotype of beauty now is looking deformed or sick, nowadays people doesnt praise being strong, agile or even flexible, they just value huge asses on women and showing your ribcage as a men while being as pale and sick looking as possible. Im genuinely worried, as at my gym we are just the stereotypical 30 yo boomers and beyond, zoomers give up in 3 days and women only do meme exercises before just embracing being empowered and landwhaling into oblivion. Idiocracy movie was on point.

  6. 4 months ago

    Eating too much shit, not moving enough

  7. 4 months ago

    >95% plant based 5% animal based
    Wow, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates got really lucky by buying all of that farmland right before all this vegan nonsense started being pushed. They must be really smart investors, almost prescient.

    • 4 months ago

      more like they will farm animals and sell the meat to the ultra rich while the normals can only have bug burgers and gmo plants all day

  8. 4 months ago

    >unironically why there is an obesity and poor health crisis in the west
    midwits are the problem

  9. 4 months ago

    So if I want to get even a modest 80 g of protein per day (320 kcal) I also need to eat 347 grams of carbs (1388 kcal) and 107 grams of fat (963 kcal) for a total of 2671 kcal. That's permabulk territory.

  10. 4 months ago

    My doctor told me eat more grains and to not touch red meat, butter, cheese or fats.

    • 4 months ago

      Your doctor sounds like he operates on old data

  11. 4 months ago


  12. 4 months ago

    99% of people do 0 (zero) physical activity consistently. Just go to work (by car) sit for 8 hours and then come home and watch tv, play vidya or drink while eating fast food or pre cooked meals, full of fat and sugar.
    Nobody cooks their own food. All pre-cooked food and snacks in the supermarket and all fast food is designed to be addictive and cheap. Your body adores sugar and salt, because they are needed to survive. If you remove the processed shit and snacks, then everyone will revert back to a more normal body (still slightly overweight). If you just eat normal shit (stuff you could reasonably put your hands on 100-200 years ago) youll see its incredibly hard to overeat.
    Also like I said nobody does physical activities anymore. Even going clubbing would count but ppl are so antisocial that thats not a thing anymore. Only a small percentage of ppl play any sport, even casually.

  13. 4 months ago

    >Destroyed farmland
    Farmland is so sapped of nutrients that even supposedly healthy food holds no nutritional value. An apple from 50 years ago holds several times as many nutrients as an apple today. Additionally, the poor soil quality forces farmers to drench everything in fertilizer and other shit that probably causes cancer.
    High-quality foods are ridiculously expensive and people living paycheck to paycheck simply can't afford it. Organic produce, dairy, and eggs at least where I live are usually double the price of the regular stuff.
    >FDA ~~*regulators*~~
    More so applies to America. At least 90% of food found in your average Walmart contains some kind of endocrine disruptor or carcinogen.
    Microplastics are unavoidable, you can only do so much to mitigate your exposure. Tap water in most places is filled with fluoride, microplastics, birth control byproducts, lead, etc. Most people can't be bothered to get a filter.
    > Car-based society
    Mostly applies to America as well. Unless you live in a colonial city on the east coast chances are you need a car to live. Nobody walks anywhere, the average American probably walks less than a mile every day.
    >Lazy parents
    Fattie parents feed their kids slop. These poor kids are doomed from the start because their parents would rather feed them pop tarts and cookie crisps than cook an egg.
    >Lack of accountability
    Fatties know there's something wrong with them, but they're too lazy to change themselves. This means many of them try to normalize obesity and shame those who actually care about what they put into their body.
    >Mental health
    A lot of fatties are depressed (I wonder why) so instead of addressing the cause they treat the symptoms and hop on antidepressants. These DESTROY your brain and probably fricks with hormones too.

    There's probably a lot more, these are the main ones I can think of.

  14. 4 months ago

    i do 175 carbs 175 protein and 175 fats.
    23.5% carbs
    23.5% protein
    53% fat

  15. 4 months ago

    20% of fat will make you fat especially if its oil. 15% of plant protein is too little. such high recomendations for fat consumption can only not end being diaster when one is active likebin recomendations. you need cardio to ramp up lipolysis capacity. on 15% fat its extremely essential.

  16. 4 months ago

    car culture

  17. 4 months ago

    Because it's exactly what the government wants. Look at social programs like social security. They only work if they are enough younger workers to support an older population. The design was fine when it was created, but now we're reaching out a point where there are far more old people, and they're living longer. And less workers paying in to support them too. It's a financial disaster waiting to happen. The more people who die young, the better. And if you spend your life sick and getting medical care and prescriptions, all the better because you increase profits. Being fat and sick also increases the likelihood of mental illness and thus the likelihood of you taking psych meds, which is great for creating a docile, controllable population. Look at the rates of SSRIs in this country. It's among the highest in the world and skyrocketing.

    tl;dr sick, mind controlled cattle who die earlier are beneficial to the government.

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