Using psychedelics

Everyone knows about the ability of psychedelics to influence the mind (Steve Jobs is a good example). The question is, to what extent and in what ways? Assuming it’s legit, how do you effectively use it to enhance yourself without turning into a hippy/moron?

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  1. 12 months ago

    The trick is remembering that nothing you experience is a cosmic truth.

    It's just fun.

    • 12 months ago

      Bruh, if you take enough lsd or shrooms, you don't get a choice. That's kind of the point. You're gonna have a religious experience whether you like it or not, and while it lasts you'll be utterly convinced. It doesn't mean you can't rationalise it afterwards, of course, but something always sticks with you, whether you like it or not.

      • 12 months ago

        that’s kinda all it ultimately does though. it makes you FEEL like your having a meaningful religious experience. regardless of the actual content of that experience.

        experience: accidentally took 1200ug dose of chemically pure lsd as my first recreational substance.

        when you look at the content of a drug induced revelation it’s usually nonsense

        • 12 months ago

          True. Whatever profound experience you have may or may not be correct. Sometimes it actually is productive and it requires the user to have the insight to reflect on it later

        • 12 months ago

          Well no fricking duh, dummy, only total spergs think that psychedelic experiences impart wisdom in themselves. There is no source of wisdom, bestowing boons when you eat a shroom. It's the change of perspective coupled with increased neuroplasticity that's worthwhile.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah, that's what OP was asking. How to do it without becoming a moron/hippy.

      • 12 months ago

        >. You're gonna have a religious experience whether you like it or not, and while it lasts you'll be utterly convinced.
        for me it was more like pure despair - i had all my ego bound up in my intellect and LSD made me feel like i had forgotten everything i'd learnt.
        so in the middle of my trip i was starting from first principles and re-deriving math theorems in my head.
        all this while trying to convince the people that had given my lsd that i was completely normal.
        i'd say it was an alright trip coz it made realize i had so much ego bound up in one aspect of my life and was ignoring other aspects of my life like fitness.
        also coming down from LSD is the best i've ever feel in my body. unbelievable mind muscle connection but obviously i can't workout coz i'm tripping balls and things are melting.

      • 12 months ago

        Last time I took shrooms I became an ethno-facist (despite being only half white) then had a "revelation" that the earth is god's garden and that war/abuse of the earth will damn us to the hell of a polluted planet. Original sin is a warning that our actions today affect our children, and by not acting in gods image as he made us we are damning them to hell.

    • 12 months ago

      lmao look at this loser

      >did 250ug
      >did 10+ trips of 6gr of shrooms
      >was in religious psychosis for 6 months
      >still see unity in reality
      take your fun, double it and give it to the next person

      • 12 months ago


        >take shrooms
        >read up on dead internet theory
        >realize most of the news/international events are being provoked by ~~*special interest groups*~~
        >wonder how long ago AI started taking over news cycles
        >wonder if it's been happening for a long time, and that math might be the inherent nature of AI breaking through into our consciousness
        >it always exists, it's just waiting to be discovered
        >feel odd after getting to this conclusion
        >call my wife and tell her that I love her

        Honestly everyone here should work on trying to make the tradpill a reality

        • 12 months ago

          >thinking it was your wife and not merely an AI voice on the other line
          >go irl to your wife
          >she turns to you
          >"As an AI language model, I am...."

          • 12 months ago

            i actually made a joke about that while on the phone with her, as she started breaking up and her voice became "robotronic," as cell phone calls do with poor signal. She thought it was funny too.

            thanks friendo, cool story really fills the idea that AI is sort of hyper conscious "god" we made to fill that god sized hole in us

            how long ago AI started taking over news cycles
            If you look hard enough you can see the AI behind the cultural push for political and societal change on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Google. By your speed of hovering mouse, to your speed of clicking through and reading, by your searches they not only know what you're thinking about, but how to shape those ideas in what they want to do with the world. We have strayed a long way from God, and it's causing us pain which shows in all the fent deaths and suicides

            I agree completely. I believe that psychedelic experiences have the potential to help more people realize the absurdity of our modern lives, and remind people what really matters in life. Everyone is so caught up about the ~~*CURRENT THING*~~ that they forget they have to raise their kids. I just want to raise my family, spend time with my wife, and go surfing.

            • 12 months ago

              hope you find your tradwife, make her happy and have a lot of babies that will make you proud anon

              you sound like a great person and I wish you all the luck

              • 12 months ago

                One on the way in July! She's amazing. 9 siblings. Homeschooled. Everything I've ever wanted, and I'm thankful every day.

                Typical dink. Everyone's WRONG about modern life but I took a substance and I FIGURED it out.

                I'm sure your kids are so very average.

                I'll pray for you

              • 12 months ago

                btw, I hope you find what you're looking for in life too. I pray every morning, and I encourage everyone to do so as well. Whether it's placebo effect or not, I don't care. I had a large brain tumor excised in 2018, and I've been praying every morning giving thanks since I made it out of that procedure side effect free.

            • 12 months ago

              Typical dink. Everyone's WRONG about modern life but I took a substance and I FIGURED it out.

              I'm sure your kids are so very average.

            • 12 months ago

              Dead on man. Fair play for being able to get where you are. I had my first trip last weekend and since then I keep slipping into fantasies of moving back to my home country and settling down with a girl I knew in uni. I was a periphary member of their friend group. On new year's 2019-20 we hung out for a good chunk of the evening and eventually kissed. I thought about texting her the next day but I talked myself out of it and figured she was just a bit drunk and that she didn't think much of it. I'd talked to her a handful of times since, we always seemed to be on a similar wavelength but she was seeing another guy for a while so there wasn't exactly an avenue for us to get involved romantically. I'm gonna be back home soon, and spending a night in my uni town to catch up with some folks before I catch a flight the next day. I try to tell myself that what's done is done, that you can't try to relive the past but I really hope she's there when I visit.
              I don't expect anyone to care, I just needed to get this off my chest

        • 12 months ago

          thanks friendo, cool story really fills the idea that AI is sort of hyper conscious "god" we made to fill that god sized hole in us

          how long ago AI started taking over news cycles
          If you look hard enough you can see the AI behind the cultural push for political and societal change on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Google. By your speed of hovering mouse, to your speed of clicking through and reading, by your searches they not only know what you're thinking about, but how to shape those ideas in what they want to do with the world. We have strayed a long way from God, and it's causing us pain which shows in all the fent deaths and suicides

        • 12 months ago

          That seems tame.
          On nitrous trips I'm convinced reincarnation is what happens when you die.
          Reality is just a plane, currently I exist in an 3D earthly plane in a monkey like creature. All conscious beings are loosely tethered together on this plane as one. When you move spatially on this plane, your consciousness ball can bump into other consciousness balls.
          There are seemingly infinite different planes existing in parallel. When you die you move to the next plane of existence.
          The next plane is not necessarily 3D or earthly, but your consciousness survives in this new plane in a different form. You may or may not remember the previous "life". Eventually you will leave that plane and jump into the next one. Every plane has it's own physical or metaphysical rules. But it seems like each plane is better than the last somehow.
          It just keeps going. I learnt this in 5 minutes.

      • 12 months ago

        >>was in religious psychosis for 6 months
        that sounds terrible anon i hope ur ok

    • 12 months ago

      >is also a moronic Black person
      How about you redditrefugee Black folk stfu and lurk this site for at least a whole 2 years before posting? Shut the frick up low iq homosexual

      • 12 months ago

        lmao look at this loser

        >did 250ug
        >did 10+ trips of 6gr of shrooms
        >was in religious psychosis for 6 months
        >still see unity in reality
        take your fun, double it and give it to the next person

        >Wooks seething

  2. 12 months ago

    >Assuming it’s legit, how do you effectively use it to enhance yourself without turning into a hippy/moron?
    Psychedelics soak in your environment during your trip and a lot of the people I know who came out fricked up from psychedelics would be going them at the worst possible times, just like hopping in a car full of mostly strangers to go to some party across town or doing shrooms at grandma's on christmas.

    Also the hippy types would willingly be into that shit listening to The Doors and watching Fear & Loathing on repeat as background noise and reading Terrence McKenna etc.

  3. 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    no one here can really tell you ab the extent or what ways. its all too subjective. youve just gotta try it. those hippies and morons are that way because they choose to be.

  5. 12 months ago

    Brother is still struggling with psychotic episodes from a bad trip of shrooms 3 years ago

    Be fully aware of the risks

    • 12 months ago

      Psychedelics are meant for nothing but recreational fun. The morons that think that psychedelics changed their personality or outlook on life only think so because they're morons. Psychedelics only put you in a different headspace and amplify your emotions. Even during a bad trip a person with non-room temperature IQ will be aware that he's tripping and that it'll pass.

      So where does the psychedelics = eye opening idea come from? It's very simple. morons and normalgays simply don't think. They really never do. Any moment spent in silence is agony. Their adhd riddled brains refuse to spend more than a minute thinking about some problem or issue they're facing. These people go through life on autopilot. There is no room for retrospection and they never grow as people for that reason.

      That's where the psychedelics come in. On psychedelics they're finally forced to sit still and spend more than ten minutes with their own thoughts. They expect life altering revelations going in, so they are already in a mood that makes them start thinking about the usual garbage people "learn" from trips.

      Have you ever wondered why literally no psychgay ever talks about genuinely interesting revelations? It's always dumb frick take-aways like "I need to spend more time with my brother" or "I don't appreciate nature enough". Or they finally get a moment to think about their job and realize that they don't really enjoy the office lifestyle after all.

      Feel free to take them. Maybe they'll actually help you if you're a normalgay tard. And if not, at least you'll have some fun.

      Your brother has a weak mind.

      I've done a lot of psychedelics, and in my case, they've really helped me with general perspective and outlook. Every trip is different, but the general theme that carries over after every trip is that things matter, and that everything you do affects your life and reality in some way. So, in my case, they've helped me live a mindful and present life.

      You are not intelligent.

      • 12 months ago

        Have you ever taken psychedelics? If not, you can’t really argue this position.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes, like I said, they're good for recreation.

      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago

          Cool theory, brah. Care to share some of the insightful revelations that came upon you while in this enlightened state?

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah my dumbass was able to draw the connection between traumas from my past which caused me to cope with certain behaviors which became habits and I let them govern my life without realizing, a long chain of events dictated by a coping mechanism how horrid. So I made a direct effort to stop these self destructive habits and move forward with my life. It was not a character trait, it was not being smart or careful, it was a direct consequence of my own mind trying to protect its vehicle, self-reinforcing the habits.

            Also one time I was able to envision a perfect pyramid-like structure for building fires, directing the flow of oxygen around it and through it, and then having your burning material stacked in a triangular method so that the most heat and oxygen rise up to where they meet and catch fire quickly. Once it's set up the material will burn, collapse in on itself which also provides kindling, and then you just do it again. I wish I would have drawn it out. I tried doing it with sticks that night. Worked well enough but I couldn't get it right.

            • 12 months ago

              The second half of your post really makes you sound like a braindead burnout.

            • 12 months ago

              >my dumbass was able to draw the connection between traumas from my past which caused me to cope with certain behaviors which became habits and I let them govern my life without realizing, a long chain of events dictated by a coping mechanism
              This is what I would aim for. Unfortunately I'm hooked on SSRI for now.
              >my own mind trying to protect its vehicle, self-reinforcing the habits
              Feels just like home.

            • 12 months ago

              Your first paragraph basically reenforces what he said

        • 12 months ago

          LSD is for gays (confirmed boy söience!!!)

      • 12 months ago

        People are stupid because psychedelics helped them to take a step back & see everything in the big picture?

        Why are people on IST so serially angry. U can be affected by a drug and acknowledge that it changes your mentality, to not do so is hubris

        • 12 months ago

          Normalgays are stupid because they need psychedelics to engage in the difficult complex concept known as "thinking". Yes, normal intelligent people can reflect upon themselves without the aide of placebo's like that. Being incapable of introspection and complex thought makes you a simpleton. No other way around it.

          I accidentally took a heroic dose of mushrooms (grew my own in acacia bark, ate a bunch fresh). I basically got scared straight. Realized that I shouldn't spend time on philosophy and trying to understand the universe, just really get out of my head as it leads to nowhere. I need to get a solid job, go to the gym, settle down etc.
          Worked out for the best, I finally have a real job. live with my gf, and am in the best shape of my life.

          See? It's always dumb shit like this. Such a revelation!

          • 12 months ago

            I spent my whole life in introspection and complex thought only to realize it as a waste. Can't you read?

          • 12 months ago


            Everyone knows about the ability of psychedelics to influence the mind (Steve Jobs is a good example). The question is, to what extent and in what ways? Assuming it’s legit, how do you effectively use it to enhance yourself without turning into a hippy/moron?

            You'll get out of it what you put into it. I practiced intention by going through the process of growing my own. I started with smaller doses, during the day and at night then, slowly increased until I "got the message".
            Overall, it really helped me to wake up that I was programmed. That things happen in our family decades before we're born that will decide how I will be raised. That things will happen to me as a toddler, which I will never have memory of that will affect how I react to similar stimulus in the future. Likely, coloring my whole life for "good or bad" although, things just "are" and this is our experience.
            Things that I don't want to be or keep doing, I don't have to be or keep doing. I literally quit smoking after 20 years by deciding "the person who walks out of this room will have not ever been a smoker". It's like I didn't even have to quit. I just acknowledged I had 3 days to detox from a poison & after that I would always be free of it. 6 years later, still done with it. I wasn't high. It was a choice I made based on new insights about how the mind works that I had developed while on mushrooms.
            That's just stuff sharing with others won't make much sense to them. You have to have the experience to have the understanding. But, go ahead and shit on it. Doesn't hurt my feelings just makes me feel sad for you.

            • 12 months ago

              Stories like

              Yeah my dumbass was able to draw the connection between traumas from my past which caused me to cope with certain behaviors which became habits and I let them govern my life without realizing, a long chain of events dictated by a coping mechanism how horrid. So I made a direct effort to stop these self destructive habits and move forward with my life. It was not a character trait, it was not being smart or careful, it was a direct consequence of my own mind trying to protect its vehicle, self-reinforcing the habits.

              Also one time I was able to envision a perfect pyramid-like structure for building fires, directing the flow of oxygen around it and through it, and then having your burning material stacked in a triangular method so that the most heat and oxygen rise up to where they meet and catch fire quickly. Once it's set up the material will burn, collapse in on itself which also provides kindling, and then you just do it again. I wish I would have drawn it out. I tried doing it with sticks that night. Worked well enough but I couldn't get it right.



              I accidentally took a heroic dose of mushrooms (grew my own in acacia bark, ate a bunch fresh). I basically got scared straight. Realized that I shouldn't spend time on philosophy and trying to understand the universe, just really get out of my head as it leads to nowhere. I need to get a solid job, go to the gym, settle down etc.
              Worked out for the best, I finally have a real job. live with my gf, and am in the best shape of my life.

              underpin what psychedelics actually CAN do for you.

              Psychedelics are meant for nothing but recreational fun. The morons that think that psychedelics changed their personality or outlook on life only think so because they're morons. Psychedelics only put you in a different headspace and amplify your emotions. Even during a bad trip a person with non-room temperature IQ will be aware that he's tripping and that it'll pass.

              So where does the psychedelics = eye opening idea come from? It's very simple. morons and normalgays simply don't think. They really never do. Any moment spent in silence is agony. Their adhd riddled brains refuse to spend more than a minute thinking about some problem or issue they're facing. These people go through life on autopilot. There is no room for retrospection and they never grow as people for that reason.

              That's where the psychedelics come in. On psychedelics they're finally forced to sit still and spend more than ten minutes with their own thoughts. They expect life altering revelations going in, so they are already in a mood that makes them start thinking about the usual garbage people "learn" from trips.

              Have you ever wondered why literally no psychgay ever talks about genuinely interesting revelations? It's always dumb frick take-aways like "I need to spend more time with my brother" or "I don't appreciate nature enough". Or they finally get a moment to think about their job and realize that they don't really enjoy the office lifestyle after all.

              Feel free to take them. Maybe they'll actually help you if you're a normalgay tard. And if not, at least you'll have some fun.

              Your brother has a weak mind.
              You are not intelligent.

              is just being snobbish and dismissive about it for no real reason. Something that may SEEM obvious may be hard to follow to its natural conclusion quickly, something psychedelics seems to do. Their eyes were opened in the sense that they gained a deeper understanding of seemingly mundane truths. Their thoughts were converted to action, if that makes sense. We’re all here on a late night at IST, there’s no need for us to bicker.

              • 12 months ago

                >guy quit smoking
                >young adult making the realization that his parents influenced their actions and that they're their own person and now free in the world (this is part of growing up for the average person)
                >guy deciding that there's no use trying to understand the universe
                You're right anon. I'm glad that we have this amazing tool at our disposal. What would we do without it?
                I never said that psychedelics couldn't help with that stuff by the way. It's just that it only helps barely sapient normalgays. Don't attribute it to the drug, but attribute it to them finally thinking things through (and a little bit of placebo).


                Another dumb upset psychgay. Any interesting revelations you wish to share? Let me guess. Your career choice was deep down nothing but a way to gain your grandfathers affection?

              • 12 months ago

                Chill out pseud, you're not convincing anyone or changing anyone's mind.

              • 12 months ago

                You're right, there is no convincing NPC's that don't think in the first place.

              • 12 months ago

                i bet this was also you two years ago

              • 12 months ago

                >facebook boomer meme
                go back

              • 12 months ago

                >doesn't refute it

              • 12 months ago

                Seethe more, pseudie.
                You're splitting hairs when we've all said it "helped" us understand these things on a deeper level in which we were then able to actualize change.
                No one's saying shrooms magically fixed us, that's for the DMT lizards who use lasers to take out all our pain do.
                >"This hurts you. What if we took that away?"
                Felt like someone pulled a large, long thorn out from around my xiphoid process. I honestly don't remember what, specifically, was hurting me anymore but, I know I've been able to not take things so personally, have more empathy and extreme gratitude for life since.
                Even in my last major depression spiral, probably one of the toughest yet, I never once wished I was dead or tried to actively harm myself. I over ate & vegetated. No more blackout drinking, reckless driving, severe bouts of rage and, yes, no more smoking cigarettes.
                I'm currently working on activity & food with helo from a trainer and nutritionalist with the mindset that I will be painfully honest with them in all things and no longer hide from shame. This is the only way I will learn what coping mechanisms I have put in my own way that will prevent me from a truely happier existence.
                Even my parents have begun to change for the happier as I've been able to be more honest about why I have behaved in the past. It's often let them see their own BS in my past behavior.

              • 12 months ago

                >you're a pseud, psychs don't just make normalgays learn very basic life lessons. They're genuine life and brain altering wonder substances!!
                >proceeds to give more examples of "life lessons" that normal people with self reflection skills stumble upon with ease.
                Happy they helped you, but like I said, you're a normalgay that's not very sapient. Quitting cigs? Eating healthy? Jesus, dude. If you had spent two hours thinking sober you could also have come upon those realizations. As for your relationship with your parents, that's a normal part of becoming an adult for anyone with the capability of personal growth.

                Oh boy. You never had a proper trip, senpai. Either that, or you're not as smart as you think. All you wrote is complete nonsense, unsubstantiated, not even a conjecture, just pulled out your ass.

                Care to share some of the revelations you've had?

                People dont talk about it or describe it well because its an ineffable experience. Words cant do it justice because its an extra-ordinary experience. It would be like trying to describe colors to a blind person.

                We're not talking about the feeling of tripping (which is difficult to describe), but about psychedelics as a teaching tool (i.e. what you take away from your trip). The latter is easy to put into words. It's always inane bullshit as proven by this thread.

              • 12 months ago

                Jesus man, you must be fun at parties. A total and complete sperg, an autistic know it all with a God complex. Have fun with that, sincerely. It must feel great in your head

              • 12 months ago

                I'm great at parties, thanks. The nice thing about simpletons like you is that they're very easy to read and adapt to. Don't worry, had I met you in real life I would've pretended that your trip findings were very profound.
                >God complex
                It's not a complex. It's truth.


                i bet this was also you two years ago


                Sometimes people need an emotional catalyst to motivate them to make changes that the rational part of them knows that they should do but cannot commit itself to out of fear, laziness or any other reason. The often profound experiences induced by psychedelics help with that, there are countless anecdotes of that, but I guess you will just dismiss everyone as a moronic NPC who had to think for the first time in their life?

                Yes. If you need the headspace of psychedelics to come to conclusions such as "it's time to quit smoking" then you are moronic. I'll give you that though. It's true that sometimes the normalgay is already aware of it and needs some excuse/placebo - "I talked to God" - to finally act upon it. Either way, it's still an example of a weak mind.

              • 12 months ago

                the point is that you're so certain that "science" is correct about everything, while the past three years have shown that no one actually knows what they're talking about. This is true at the midwit levels of particle physics theory. The further you go up into quantum theory, the more flippant the physicists become about admitting their work is just a theory, and they don't actually know. Basically, with you refusing to even accept the possibility that you don't know what you're talking about, it's very easy to discard everything you say and not take you seriously.

              • 12 months ago

                >It's not a complex. It's truth.

                People like you are just... incredibly boring to deal with. Most actual human beings are too polite to let on, but trust me on that one. Everybody thinks dealing with you is a chore.

              • 12 months ago

                Acting smart doesn't really work when you outed yourself as a pepe posting "acid made me quit cigs" psychtard earlier in the thread. But don't worry anon, people like me. All my friendships and relationships are imbalanced in a way where the other party initiates contact/plans/activities at about a 5 to 1 ratio. If they secretly disliked me they of course wouldn't do that. It's easy to pander to people like you.

                Would you find me less boring if I told you a story about how I realized we need to wear shoes less often while I was tripping? Bare feet on earth, it's a primal connection we've completely lost in modern life, brah. Anyways, you were talking about your parents influencing who you were? Sounds heavy. Please continue.

              • 12 months ago

                Good Lord, you are insufferable! Again, good luck with that, you geek.

              • 12 months ago

                And you good luck with your parents and obesity, you psychonaut!

              • 12 months ago

                newbie doesn't realize like 5 people are shitting on him.

              • 12 months ago

                I can recognize you because you're the one posting Pepe's and because you write in a very recognizable illiterate manner.

                >lightweight gives his two cents
                Doesn't sound like you've taken enough if you simply believe can "think" you're way out of a bad trip.

                Maybe get you're feet wet before making outlandish claims.

                I have taken doses that you'd call ""heroic"" (psychgays, please..) I've moronicly combined them with other drugs such speed and alcohol. I've had enough bad trips that I couldn't wait to get out of, but I've still never completely lost touch with reality in the way you're describing. Why? Because I'm not a weak minded normalgay. Only a moron could completely forget that they're under the influence of a drug and that it's only temporary.

              • 12 months ago

                >lightweight doubles down
                It's funny, because in essence, we agree. Psychedelics, are, by and large, recreational, and the majority of platitudes reached using them are just that. Platitudes

                Too bad you're an unlikable Black person incapable of nuance. You're wrong. Try harder next time.

              • 12 months ago

                shhh, let him think all the frogposters are the same anon, its funny

              • 12 months ago

                >we need to wear shoes less often
                you should unironically, you're crippling yourself

              • 12 months ago

                Sometimes people need an emotional catalyst to motivate them to make changes that the rational part of them knows that they should do but cannot commit itself to out of fear, laziness or any other reason. The often profound experiences induced by psychedelics help with that, there are countless anecdotes of that, but I guess you will just dismiss everyone as a moronic NPC who had to think for the first time in their life?

              • 12 months ago

                Women will never sleep with you you'll never be lauded as a genius so quit pretending to be anything more than a halfwit homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                Don't be angry, anon. Any cool trip revelations you want to share with us?

            • 12 months ago

              >That things happen in our family decades before we're born that will decide how I will be raised. That things will happen to me as a toddler, which I will never have memory of that will affect how I react to similar stimulus in the future. Likely, coloring my whole life
              This is what I saw too. Post just above yours. All the connections were made all revealed to me. The good, bad, and the ugly. That particular trip was very stressful, it was hard to face. Realizing both how much of my life was decided for me before I even had a chance to respond, and also how as I matured I had opportunities to correct it but was too stupid or distracted to realize the damage I was doing to myself, to even notice it was a problem.

              If you've ever seen Mr. Nobody where they illustrate the butterfly effect and string theory, with mushrooms you can actually visualize it. It doesn't seem so abstract you can actually build a semi coherent model of how that process looks like in your own life, and its results as of now, and the path down which it could continue. It's almost like walking down a road, then having the foresight to see where it leads and where the roads end before you've even taken the next step.

          • 12 months ago

            >See? It's always dumb shit like this. Such a revelation!
            Everything that's a good idea feels stupid and obvious after you've figured it out. It's silly to make fun of people for finding their way to it.

            Besides, isn't that pretty neat in its own way? You give somebody crazy drugs that make their brain see weird things and send them thinking all over the place, and at the end of the trip they find themselves back at some piece of simple down-to-Earth truth if everything goes well. The most strange and esoteric secret of the World is that there aren't really any strange or esoteric secrets at all and we should all shut up more instead of being big fricking nerds. It's great.

            • 12 months ago

              The drugs don't make them think in a different way. The only thing psychedelics do in the scenario you're describing is forcing the normalgay to finally sit still and listen to their own thoughts for a longer period of time. They do not engage in retrospection in daily life. It is a placebo. You could feed them gummy bears that they believe will reveal the secrets of the universe and they'd stumble upon the exact same findings. It's an excuse to finally engage in thought combined with the expectation of a life changing revelation. The latter ensures that they'll start thinking about the usual inane problems they face.

        • 12 months ago

          >>Why are people on IST so serially angry.
          people think that anything but being
          >intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor
          is cringe or reddit
          so "posturing" is the answer to your question

      • 12 months ago

        “So anon did having that near death experience change you in any way?”

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Oh boy. You never had a proper trip, senpai. Either that, or you're not as smart as you think. All you wrote is complete nonsense, unsubstantiated, not even a conjecture, just pulled out your ass.

      • 12 months ago

        People dont talk about it or describe it well because its an ineffable experience. Words cant do it justice because its an extra-ordinary experience. It would be like trying to describe colors to a blind person.

        • 12 months ago

          Often I can't even remember what it's like to be high on psychedelics. Tripping after a long break always brings back a feeling of "oh shit, this is what it feels like, now I remember" so accurately describing the feeling seems impossible. You can relay basic stuff like distorted perception of time, try to explain hallucinations and so on but I don't think you can even come close to explaining what it feels like to be really high on psychedelics.

          • 12 months ago

            We made words to describe our every day experience, not to describe dream worlds.

      • 12 months ago

        Psychs are the reason I stopped being a cowardly, self-hating incel. I had a series of really good trips in the local park or the local forest and they made me connect with my primal spirit. I realised that in the state of nature, there is no mercy given to the weak. Only the strong survive and reproduce. Of course, you can't behave like a wild animal in polite society, so you have to find a way to sublimate those primal urges into something productive, yet at the same time, you must dare to stand out. Hence, I developed a mindset that has me religiously devoting myself to becoming better at everything - working, training, networking, flirting with girls, partying, taking risks, etc. Hell, I have nothing against breaking the rules whenever I'm certain it won't hurt anybody and I won't get caught. I even went fully sober apart from an occasional drink/smoke/joint while I'm out with the boys. But the one thing I'll say about psychedelics is, they never ever gave me any of the visuals all the druggies talk about. The craziest visual effects I saw was things wobbling around or getting bigger/smaller. It felt like I was drunk or stoned, but without the vomit-inducing nausea.

      • 12 months ago

        >lightweight gives his two cents
        Doesn't sound like you've taken enough if you simply believe can "think" you're way out of a bad trip.

        Maybe get you're feet wet before making outlandish claims.

      • 12 months ago

        >Assuming it’s legit, how do you effectively use it to enhance yourself without turning into a hippy/moron?
        It's legit, and the point is to turn you into a moron. I'm not joking. That's the point. If you only do smart things, then you're only ever doing shit that other people figured out, and it's very hard to find anything new to try that don't seem moronic to you. Literally you've hit the point of diminishing returns on the current mindset you have, so you need to change gears and then reach the point of diminishing returns on a different mindset. If you can't figure out how to make a new mindset work well, then change it until you find one that does.

        Funny digits explaining two sides of the idea. Neat!

        • 12 months ago

          You may actually have autism, bud. Also: nice digits

      • 12 months ago

        >where does the psychedelics = eye opening

      • 12 months ago

        >It's always dumb frick take-aways like "I need to spend more time with my brother" or "I don't appreciate nature enough". Or they finally get a moment to think about their job and realize that they don't really enjoy the office lifestyle after all.
        Thats the point you moron.
        Its not supposed to reveal the cure of cancer for you, its just to twist your brain enough so you can think from a different angle about the personal shit you care about.

        • 12 months ago

          Oh no bro he's fine, he already knew that without having to take psychedelics.

          • 12 months ago

            >Everyone else is weak-brained.
            >I'm the only man of iron-will
            Yet. He's still here posting on IST instead of doing actual Chad shit with his totally non-imaginary friends.

      • 12 months ago

        dubs of truth but tone will make the unstable screech

      • 12 months ago

        >t. iamverysmart

    • 12 months ago

      I've never even heard of something like this. It doesn't even seem possible. Something like mdma or even acid, maybe. Possibly. Somehow. But never shrooms. Is your mother BPD by chance? Or what other shit was he taking?

      • 12 months ago

        He's either confusing mere hppd to psychosis or the shrooms triggered an underlying disposition to psychosis/schizophrenia. Probably the latter. It's relatively "common". It's fairly likely he'd have developed that even without the shrooms; the shrooms did not give him psychosis per se.

      • 12 months ago

        >But never shrooms
        They're basically the same thing

  6. 12 months ago

    I've done a lot of psychedelics, and in my case, they've really helped me with general perspective and outlook. Every trip is different, but the general theme that carries over after every trip is that things matter, and that everything you do affects your life and reality in some way. So, in my case, they've helped me live a mindful and present life.

  7. 12 months ago

    Took LSD just every two weeks for a few months some years ago. Most of the time I got so psychotic and self-conscious— could not handle the racing negative thoughts. Would not recommend if you’re generally anxious.

  8. 12 months ago

    Opening a door to invite demons into your life.
    Do what you will with that information.

  9. 12 months ago

    I accidentally took a heroic dose of mushrooms (grew my own in acacia bark, ate a bunch fresh). I basically got scared straight. Realized that I shouldn't spend time on philosophy and trying to understand the universe, just really get out of my head as it leads to nowhere. I need to get a solid job, go to the gym, settle down etc.
    Worked out for the best, I finally have a real job. live with my gf, and am in the best shape of my life.

    • 12 months ago

      >Realized that I shouldn't spend time on philosophy and trying to understand the universe, just really get out of my head as it leads to nowhere. I need to get a solid job, go to the gym, settle down etc.
      Damn, this guy was so scared of where insight might lead that he turned himself into a npc. Grim.

      • 12 months ago

        No, this is pretty based. He's recognizing that it is important to experience and enjoy life instead of agonizing over it so much. I'm an old frick and all my friends, me too, who have always struggled with anxiety and depression have finally noticed how much those symptoms lessen when we do something as basic as stop watch the news for a while.
        >Don't worry. Be happy, mon.

    • 12 months ago

      Post body

  10. 12 months ago

    Thoughts on microdosing shrooms? Guy I know says he benefitted from it

    • 12 months ago

      Do try it fren. I love the feeling of microdosing. More so if you can set aside some time to meditate or quiet your mind. I was NEET'ing for about 6 months and microdosing really helped me reach a new state of calm and helped me deal with anxiety and insomnia.

  11. 12 months ago

    Sounds like you what you are really looking for is the Dharma. Why not mentally discipline yourself, calm your mind, and experience the truth without pharmacological aid? I understand tripping in a uncontrollable state has more bells and whistles is perhaps superficially more attractive, but it will also be a great delusion.

    • 12 months ago

      Based but not fully informed
      The Vedas, which formed the background culture in which the Buddha was raised and from which he changed into a new person but kept the Essence, were a series of hymns to a psychedelic called Soma. There are many sages and mystics today who are serious about a path which includes the help of magic herbs and fungi, such as sadhus, shamans, druids, taoists, and many others.

  12. 12 months ago

    Dutchgay here, Im thinking of doing magic truffles again, I've done it 3 times before but they were half doses (7gram) and not very strong but the trips were good. Should I get the strongest one? Im probably just gonna chill in my garden or watch movies or something

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah theyre allright man. Did a full dose and thought I was a tiger for 25 minutes. Even saw myself in third person as a tiger. Thought my friends were steaks.
      Leuke reis

    • 12 months ago

      I did 15g of truffles while on vacation in amsterdam a few days ago, went to the van gogh museum and just watched the paintings swirl and dance for a few hours with friends while feeling giddy and tingly and moronic happy. would recommend, go for it

  13. 12 months ago

    I had a four gram mushroom trip and it put everything into perspective for me. Don’t do it unless you’ve done a lot of research and are comfortable with it. Once you’ve decided it sounds right for you, pick a time and place and rip a big trip, atleast 3 grams but ideally more. It changed my life for the better. I feel like it did to me what a year of meditation or therapy is supposed to do. Before I would smoke weed and drink almost everyday - and balance those substances out with coffee and nicotine pouches. I would be antisocial, afraid people wouldn’t like me or think down on me because I never finished college or was just obviously living an unhealthy lifestyle. I really didn’t love myself and I would redirect those emotions to other people or by using drugs, surfing social media and watching porn to self medicate and distract me from dealing with my problems. My mushroom trip cleared all that baggage away (temporarily) and I felt clean, like a new person. It gave me hope and made me realize change is possible. Don’t be afraid to do it, just be informed and be smart about it.

    • 12 months ago

      So did you just revert to your mental state before using psychedelics?

  14. 12 months ago

    >without turning into a hippy
    Its impossible, I believe you can get benefits from psychedelics but you will 100% become more of a hippy than you were before

  15. 12 months ago

    if we didn't live in such a messed up and gay basedciety people wouldn't need any mind altering drugs

  16. 12 months ago

    I've done psychedelics a few times in my life. The 1st time was intense, like revealing a different world of myself to explore. I had some cool insightful thoughts after.
    The other times were just regular recreational fun. I don't really get any meaningful ideas from it anymore but it is fun to be able to shut down your regular brain for half a day 1-2 per year and just coast thinking about life from a new perspective.
    Then the high ends and you're back to the same old you with the same old problems.

  17. 12 months ago

    shrooms made me more racist

    • 12 months ago

      based, me too. But they did make me envy the aboriginal way of life. hunt, fish for food, get wood for fire, have sex with woman at night, rinse and repeat. Now everyone angrily posts on their phones about how psychedelics aren't profound

    • 12 months ago

      based, me too. But they did make me envy the aboriginal way of life. hunt, fish for food, get wood for fire, have sex with woman at night, rinse and repeat. Now everyone angrily posts on their phones about how psychedelics aren't profound

      >take acid
      >feel a stronger sense of community and how society should take care of each other
      >realize this will never work as long as society is enriched by certain groups of people
      >become more racist

  18. 12 months ago

    Find it real hard to believe MENSAgay here has taken psychs with his head so far up his ass, but well, his problem, not mine.

  19. 12 months ago

    After taking around 120ug of LSD last summer I can say that my life has only improved:

    >listening to music has become 20% more enjoyable
    >see nature in a more beautiful way
    >have a clearly defined purpose in life
    >have set goals
    >motivation is through the roof
    >learned not to take things too seriously

  20. 12 months ago

    drugs are fricking gay, dont be a homosexual

  21. 12 months ago

    I feel like psychedelics are good for “spiritual cleansing”. Especially if you’ve recently had a tough time or gone through some shit. They help expel your emotional/spiritual baggage but as far as profound realizations, the other guy who everybody is ragging on is right. I’ve written things down while tripping that seemed VERY important and then when reading them sober it was like well, yeah. No shit.

    Also approaching problems from a different perspective/state of mind can be helpful

  22. 12 months ago

    >Assuming it’s legit, how do you effectively use it to enhance yourself without turning into a hippy/moron?
    It's legit, and the point is to turn you into a moron. I'm not joking. That's the point. If you only do smart things, then you're only ever doing shit that other people figured out, and it's very hard to find anything new to try that don't seem moronic to you. Literally you've hit the point of diminishing returns on the current mindset you have, so you need to change gears and then reach the point of diminishing returns on a different mindset. If you can't figure out how to make a new mindset work well, then change it until you find one that does.

  23. 12 months ago

    I took acid and went kayaking down a branch of the Chicago River through the woods. It was magical, beautiful, and profound. Feeling the strength of your body, the warmth of the sun, seeing how everything in nature is interconnected, it's good stuff.

    • 12 months ago

      The shrooms seemed wholly unnecessary for that experience.

      • 12 months ago

        They generally are unnecessary, but they can help bootstrap you out of a rut. They're a tool, like protein powders, so use them as appropriate, not habitually.

  24. 12 months ago

    I've done my fair share of acid, dmt, and shrooms. Sometimes you can get a slightly different perspective from shrooms that sticks with you (the feeling of ego death and a suggestion of connectedness) but ultimately you're just chasing a dragon. Almost none of the realizations are actually real. Some people are just desperately looking for something though and convince themselves they've had an experience.

    • 12 months ago

      There's a reason why sailors put dragons on their maps. There's a reason why a lot of sailors died. That doesn't make the dragon any less noble. Catch a dragon once before you say it's impossible.

    • 12 months ago

      >Almost none of the realizations are actually real.
      This 100%

    • 12 months ago

      This is true.
      Shrooms have given me ego death and a sense of connection, but nothing more.
      And I’m not confident the effects last.

  25. 12 months ago

    The last time I took a big dose of psychedelics (5g of mushrooms) it made me realize that spending so much time at the gym is pointless vanity. It sapped a lot of my gym motivation and interrupted my perfect routine.

    So be careful anon or it will cost you valuable gains.

  26. 12 months ago

    It’s just fun shit to do. I don’t believe that there is any actual spiritual benefit to doing psychedelics. Any big realizations you have, you’ll drop within weeks if not days of the experience. It’s like putting stock in the shit you see in your dreams.

  27. 12 months ago

    On acid I can stretch myself further because I can ignore pain and cramps. My whole body feels so much better for weeks afterwards as I can fix my back

  28. 12 months ago

    Using acid I have such total control over my muscles and body that I spend a lot of time posing in the mirror. I inspired myself to lose weight after using acid because I could see my musculature simply by my advanced posing

  29. 12 months ago

    Did 6g of mushrooms once and the only thing that stuck with me was a new type of tinnitus

  30. 12 months ago

    Lot of cope coming from you hippy homosexuals. Recreational drugs never solved anything that couldn’t be solved without them you’re just too stupid to see that and have permanently fricked up your brain. Sorry not sorry any reply to this post is cope and I will not be reading any of them.

  31. 12 months ago

    Don't do it for fun and don't tell anyone you are doing it.

    • 12 months ago

      Basically this. Take "recreation" seriously: You are re-creating yourself in some way, so you should do it with a purpose. This means being willing to take the bad trips, too, and trusting you'll get the trip you want, not the trip you like, and it's for the best. Do nothing to control it unless you are given permission. Your waking hours are for conscious control.

    • 12 months ago

      Basically this. Take "recreation" seriously: You are re-creating yourself in some way, so you should do it with a purpose. This means being willing to take the bad trips, too, and trusting you'll get the trip you want, not the trip you like, and it's for the best. Do nothing to control it unless you are given permission. Your waking hours are for conscious control.

      This is the best way to go about it really, gotta strike a balance between the two, and internalize the revelation for yourself, since it's both recreation and a learning experience. A lot of the galaxy brain "it's just recreation" gays won't care about your revelations and will call you stupid for it as shown here, doesn't matter, you're doing this for yourself with a clear goal in mind, so don't put much stock into what they say, end of the day, they create their own truth on it while you create yours.

      They generally are unnecessary, but they can help bootstrap you out of a rut. They're a tool, like protein powders, so use them as appropriate, not habitually.

      More or less this as well.

      It’s just fun shit to do. I don’t believe that there is any actual spiritual benefit to doing psychedelics. Any big realizations you have, you’ll drop within weeks if not days of the experience. It’s like putting stock in the shit you see in your dreams.

      I like to believe whatever revelations you get, besides forgetting them over time, only help in giving you clarity on what is needed to be done, lights a path so to speak, it doesn't cure something like depression outright but with Black folk that have mental health problems it may kickstart the change in habits to help in overcoming those issues with time.

  32. 12 months ago

    For the love of god will one of you morons explain to me why drug addled psych lovers always use Steve Jobs as an example of why psychs or good despite the fact that Steve Jobs as a person went against everything most of them believe in? The dude was one of the most cutthroat hyper competitive selfish pricks on the planet. He wouldn’t even acknowledge his own daughter. Yet the majority of them talk about not having an ego and stupid shit like getting in touch with the divine. Makes no sense to me

    • 12 months ago

      Btw I’ve done psychs. They were kind of fun. But it’s all pseudo insight like this

      That seems tame.
      On nitrous trips I'm convinced reincarnation is what happens when you die.
      Reality is just a plane, currently I exist in an 3D earthly plane in a monkey like creature. All conscious beings are loosely tethered together on this plane as one. When you move spatially on this plane, your consciousness ball can bump into other consciousness balls.
      There are seemingly infinite different planes existing in parallel. When you die you move to the next plane of existence.
      The next plane is not necessarily 3D or earthly, but your consciousness survives in this new plane in a different form. You may or may not remember the previous "life". Eventually you will leave that plane and jump into the next one. Every plane has it's own physical or metaphysical rules. But it seems like each plane is better than the last somehow.
      It just keeps going. I learnt this in 5 minutes.

      just people looking for a way to feel like they have some sort of secret knowledge.

      Everyone knows about the ability of psychedelics to influence the mind (Steve Jobs is a good example). The question is, to what extent and in what ways? Assuming it’s legit, how do you effectively use it to enhance yourself without turning into a hippy/moron?

      Steroids are 100000x better and unironically 10000000000000x better for getting you in touch with human nature after having it beaten out of you by our ruling class. Believing all sorts of insane shit and WANTING to not have an ego and do basic things that men have to do like compete is not getting in touch with anything besides being a moron

      • 12 months ago

        >Steroids are 100000x better and unironically 10000000000000x better for getting you in touch with human nature
        Yeah, you learn that the nature of women is to be repulsed by fake men.

        • 12 months ago

          All roiders I know are married or have girlfriends.
          But I'll take two random girls word for it.

          • 12 months ago

            They didn't tell their girlfriends upfront before the relationship started. They waited for the girls to fall for for them. Rr they started steroids well after establishing a relationship.
            Like a troony hiding the fact that they are a man in order to trick men into the bedroom.

            • 12 months ago

              >They didn't tell their girlfriends upfront before the relationship started.
              2 started after marriage and the other guy is an obvious roider
              Eat shit homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                >2 started after marriage
                That's what I said dipshit. They started steroids well after the girls were emotionally attached.
                I said:
                >they started steroids well after establishing a relationship.

                > the other guy is an obvious roider
                trash or moronic girlfriend

            • 12 months ago

              >OMG 0
              >THE ROCK? HE'S SO HOT

              • 12 months ago

                Most people think he is natural

              • 12 months ago

                >Most people think he is natural
                Almost like most people don't know what a roider looks like...

              • 12 months ago

                Because most roiders are fake natty trannies who don't admit steroids and give the wrong impression to laypeople on what is possible. People get conditioned by fake natties to think its natural to look like that.

              • 12 months ago

                And now coming back to

                >Steroids are 100000x better and unironically 10000000000000x better for getting you in touch with human nature
                Yeah, you learn that the nature of women is to be repulsed by fake men.

                They didn't tell their girlfriends upfront before the relationship started. They waited for the girls to fall for for them. Rr they started steroids well after establishing a relationship.
                Like a troony hiding the fact that they are a man in order to trick men into the bedroom.

                Women think people who take steroids look the the creatures you see on protein shake covers
                Women think every jacked male celebrity is natural
                Women think prime arnold is natural
                Women think their jacked personal trainer is natural
                Women are dumb and so are you

              • 12 months ago

                Women want those guys to be natural.
                If they find out they are not natural (ie faking their genes via injecting illegal hormones that have a widespread bad reputation) they get turned off.
                Women want men with actual good genetics to pass to their children, they don't want geneticlet frauds who trick them.
                That's why juicers hide their juicing and rarely tell girls upfront on the first date. They wait until the girl is emotionally attached so they girl is less likely to leave due to sunk cost fallacy and emotional attachment.

              • 12 months ago

                >Women want those guys to be natural.
                They also want 7ft billionaires that will tie them up but actually have a soft side for them but are a bad boy turned good by their magical pussy
                Guess what they aren't going to get though?

              • 12 months ago

                Fake natties are like guys who lie to women about how much money they have, their job, how successful they are, in order to get them into bed.

              • 12 months ago

                how do you get a womin in your bed if you're broke and she asks what you do for a living, b***hes love status

  33. 12 months ago

    Used to experiment with them pretty heavily, I've done DMT, LSD 500μg highest dose and 5 grams of shrooms as a highest dose.

    I never went full hippie moron, they mostly kinda show what you already know, how your subjective experience if just an trick conjured up in your brain and it can be altered by altering your brain chemistry.

    Never really had bad trips, most of them were great experiences. Never had bad experiences and didn't have much problems controlling the trip no matter the dose, besides DMT which just catapults you to another dimension.

    DMT is a weird one because everytime you do it it feels weirdly familiar, like you've been there before.

  34. 12 months ago

    Learning to organize your thinking through daily habits like lists or journaling will do a lot more for your mind than deliberately disorganizing it with psychedelics. LSD and mushrooms blew boomer's minds because they only had 2 competing modes of culture to filter, straight-laced walter cronkite network television and state sanctioned top-40 hits "Counter-culture". Nowadays with the internet, there's an endless sea of white noise that's liable to frick with your personality when you make your brain more plastic with psychedelics. People joke that psychedelics will turn you into a troony but it's a legitimate possibility, you start tuning into different frequencies and the odds of getting sucked into some garbage are 999/1000. There's an All Gas No Brakes video where they interview a young asian guy sitting in a kiddy pool full of piss while getting groped by an old man, and he claims he realized he was into this while high on LSD. Your mileage may vary but since you're someone who asks IST for brain advice, I wouldn't try your luck.

    • 12 months ago

      does it even matter? if you're on the psychedelics train you're already the kinda person who's susceptible to new thought and "white noise".
      dosing someone else is evil tho - you could legit mind control someone by implanting ideas when they're high.

  35. 12 months ago

    Yea they definitely influence the mind to make you a dribbling moron who can't shut up about how profound his experience was. They have a peculiar way of inflating the importance of what you experience while on them, if you're not used to it you might genuinely believe that we live on only a thin veneer of simulated reality overlayed onto a vast network of multi-dimensional soul communication some bullshit like that

    They are not entirely physically safe either, because people have injured themselves as a result of their hallucinations, but that is pretty rare. Overall they are not the most dangerous drugs, but you should use any drug with caution and tempered expectations. No, its not going to open up your third eye or anything like that.

    • 12 months ago

      >not entirely physically safe either
      This is a good point, what if you throw yourself out a window or something when you're tripping balls? Sounds dangerous dude, even if I can force my body to stay still, lets say I did this with someone else, they could still have a reaction like that

      • 12 months ago

        >you throw yourself out a window or something when you're tripping balls
        You're overestimating how much your perception is altered. My friend's taken as much as 7g iirc and he was nowhere near that level of disconnected. Another thing is the way they make your body feel will have you not wanting to move a lot

      • 12 months ago

        Unless you are severely mentally ill you're not going to do moronic shit on psychedelics, and if you are mentally ill you shouldn't be doing any drugs to begin with. People throwing themselves out of windows of peeling their skin thinking they're an orange are just old DARE propaganda/wives tales.

        • 12 months ago

          >Unless you are severely mentally ill you're not going to do moronic shit on psychedelics
          any thought that you tell a person when they're in the "middle" phase ie tripping balls phase of psychedelics is usually implanted into their minds and they will think about it a LOT for the next week to a year depending on what they took(from shrooms to LSD/ayuhasca).
          you could totally give a "just sad" person suicidal ideation or a "anger issues" guy start thinking of buying a gun and using it if you brought it up during a trip.
          you can do whatever you want but if you do frick around with this stuff be prepared to see absurd changes in the person you fricked around with.
          it's why ppl tell you to strictly trip with people who you trust and to try and think of happy things when you take the stuff.

  36. 12 months ago

    Do people with massive egos/unwilling to change have anything to fear from them? I like myself a lot and don't wanna be a hippy dippy moron or really change at all, but I believe the unusual neural connections that psychedelics form could help me reach my full potential. Could a strong mind dictate the way they are affected?

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