Varicose veins, has any of you have or had this shit? How did you fix it and what caused it to appear in the first place?

Varicose veins, has any of you have or had this shit? How did you fix it and what caused it to appear in the first place?
My calf is starting to look gross

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  1. 9 months ago


    Won't that frick me up exercice wise? I run regularly and having less blood flow to my leg would tire it faster.
    Also do compression sleeves do shit for mitigating the effects of varicose?

    • 9 months ago

      No it won't frick you up excercise wise, because as you said, what you have a varicose vein.
      Varicose veins happen because the valves that help the blood go upwards from the bottom of the leg back to the heart aren't working well and your blood stops flowing in that direction: it gets stuck. In other words, you barely have any blood flow on that vein to worry about losing with a surgery.
      And yes, a compression sleeve will mitigate the stagnation of blood through that vein, but that won't make your calf look less gross which is what you are complaining about.

  2. 9 months ago

    Roidtrannies are a gift to plastic surgeons just like regular trannies are.

    • 9 months ago

      I don't roid man, I don't even lift I just run and hike a lot. Plus waggie job that has me walking all day.

      • 9 months ago

        Lay on ground, elevate your legs to drain them.
        Otherwise keep pumping your calves and doing slow deep bodyweight squats every so often.

        • 9 months ago

          like so:

        • 9 months ago

          Any thoughts about compression sleeves?

          • 9 months ago

            They strike me as a solution for a symptom moreso than a prevention of the problem, my Dad occasionaly prescibes them to old people lol.

  3. 9 months ago

    I got a bit on my left calf because I fell for the "standing office" meme. Doc says I must exercise regularly or it gets worse. He's right, and I get pain if I'm lazy. Same for varicoceles, which are varicose veins in the nutsack. Got that shit too, it's not visible but hurts if I'm inactive for long.

    And no, I'm not fat. 145lbs at 5'9", very lean and athletic, but I let myself go a bit last year.

  4. 9 months ago

    >dont be a roidtroony
    >dont be sedentary
    >dont smoke

  5. 9 months ago

    No, my calf veins seem normal
    What causes them to turn all squiggly?

    • 9 months ago

      Also I forgot to mention here:

      >dont be a roidtroony
      >dont be sedentary
      >dont smoke

      Keep walking and moving around to keep blood from pooling in your lower legs, even standing for too long can cause them!

  6. 9 months ago

    They are a fricking curse because they often are the first symptom of a more general problem which is venous insufficency which makes your quite prone to develop hemorrhoids, varicocele and whatnot. I personally blame my father for mine as he is the one who inherited this shit to me.

    • 9 months ago

      It's so fricking over bro. Life fast(actually pretty them slow) and die young amrite?

      They strike me as a solution for a symptom moreso than a prevention of the problem, my Dad occasionaly prescibes them to old people lol.

      If they help a tiny bit during my runs I would be happy wearing them.

      • 9 months ago

        Standing stationary is what causes these things as far as I am aware, running seems a pretty active movement.
        I dont think compression stuff would hurt, just dont rely on them.

  7. 9 months ago

    I take 75mg of acetylsalicylic acid to prevent clot formation.

    • 9 months ago

      good lord man how did that happen?

      • 9 months ago

        I lack my right ventricle. My vena cavae were anastomosed to my pulmonary artery via an intra-atrial tunnel, allowing my venous blood to run passively back to the lungs in lieu of a ventricular propulsive thrust.

        What age anon? 🙁


        • 9 months ago

          oof, my condolences

        • 9 months ago

          We're the same age bro. I hope you're doing good after having gone through that.

          No it won't frick you up excercise wise, because as you said, what you have a varicose vein.
          Varicose veins happen because the valves that help the blood go upwards from the bottom of the leg back to the heart aren't working well and your blood stops flowing in that direction: it gets stuck. In other words, you barely have any blood flow on that vein to worry about losing with a surgery.
          And yes, a compression sleeve will mitigate the stagnation of blood through that vein, but that won't make your calf look less gross which is what you are complaining about.

          Thanks for the advice. I obviously care for the looks part hut being hairy it helps hiding the fricked veins, regardless of that my biggest concern is health wise obviously, I want to keep running.

          No it won't frick you up excercise wise, because as you said, what you have a varicose vein.
          Varicose veins happen because the valves that help the blood go upwards from the bottom of the leg back to the heart aren't working well and your blood stops flowing in that direction: it gets stuck. In other words, you barely have any blood flow on that vein to worry about losing with a surgery.
          And yes, a compression sleeve will mitigate the stagnation of blood through that vein, but that won't make your calf look less gross which is what you are complaining about.

          • 9 months ago

            I thought it would be way worse but I cannot even see it. You should be more than fine as of now.

            Anyway and as with everything, you are definitely better visiting a doctor with a proper degree and asking in regards to your specific situation (and also getting blood flow tests to tell you how well your veins are actually working) than asking for free general advice in a somali sweater-knitting forum. Best of luck OP.

            • 9 months ago

              Doctors are full of shit

              • 9 months ago

                Unlike people handing free advice anonimously on the internet, of course. At least if a doctor fricks you up you can sue them.

              • 9 months ago

                at least i dont have a financial incentive you dunce

              • 9 months ago

                >private healthcare

            • 9 months ago

              You can notice it on the marked part here, if I shave my hair it gets much more noticeable.
              Yes I have some blood work to do and when going back to show it I'll mention this shit to my doctor. Thanks a lot for all the advice man.

    • 9 months ago

      What age anon? 🙁

  8. 9 months ago

    roidtroony problem

  9. 9 months ago

    Dun goofed

  10. 9 months ago

    I got one of this frickers on my right calf despite doing a good amount of hardcore cardio per week. So does cardio help or is it the cause of this shit?

  11. 9 months ago

    I have one on my left ankle and foot. I'm about to pay to have it treated. From what I can tell, it'll cost around $1500-2000.

    • 9 months ago

      Positive: I don't have to pay
      Negative: Might get fixed in one or two years depending on the backlog for that kind of treatment

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