Vegetable Police Colon Cleanse Scam?

Is this video for real‽‽ Or is this a paid advertisement for a fad diet scam?

I want to believe so bad! But everything about the presentation of this video makes it just seem like a money grab for a bs product. He even says in the video that other colon cleanses are scams where you ingest psyllium husks or something and then it forms a gelatinous glob that you shit out and think that you have just "removed toxic mucoid colon plaque from your intestinal walls". But then the video he shows of the shit he shitted looks just like the pictures from other colon cleanse scams that he is talking about which he says this product totally is not.

Has anyone here ever successfully removed "colon plaque" from their intestinal walls and then noticed a big difference in gassiness and bloating like Vegetable Police is claiming will happen in this video? Is colon plaque real, or is it completely made up so that people can sell fiber shakes for way too much? Help me out IST I want to cleanse my colon so bad.

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  1. 1 year ago

    >Help me out IST I want to cleanse my colon so bad.
    Ugghhh this thread again!

  2. 1 year ago

    ignore this moron.
    ignore sv3rige.
    ignore all extreme moron Black folk.
    eat a normal diet with more fresh food, less pharma israelitery, less genetic engineering, less chemicals.
    this isn't hard.

    • 1 year ago

      Please don't ignore me! I honestly don't know what's up I am so confused. It would be nicer if you just said "Yes this is a scam" but that's not what you say. Why do I deserve to be ignored? Why can't you just give me a straight answer? If it's a scam why do they put so much effort into this scam? I read the comments and even those seem fake even though they seem real. You would think if it was a scam there would be comments saying so but all the comments are positive and there are a lot of them.

      This guy is like "This is totally not a scam I have tried fad diets for years but this one is actually legit!" But him saying that just seems so fake for some reason. It makes me question whether he has even actually been on YouTube for a while reviewing various diets and cleanses.

      I honestly don't get it. This psy-ops tries so hard to say that its not a psy-ops. Please IST just tell me it's fake. I don't get why watching this video makes me feel like this. I totally believe and totally do not believe at the same time. If this is a scam its so offensive be because he tries so hard to make you think its not bullshit when it still totally feels like bullshit.

      • 1 year ago

        Same pic besides a slightly different angle and something different on TV lol
        I'd recommend going for an underwater weighing, even if you don't like getting your hair wet

        • 1 year ago

          >Same pic besides a slightly different angle and something different on TV lol
          >I'd recommend going for an underwater weighing, even if you don't like getting your hair wet

          I'd recommend going for an underwater weighing, even if you don't like getting your hair wet
          I have no idea what you are talking about. You know that picture is "Vegetable Police" from the YouTube video I posted and am asking questions about and not a picture of my own physique right?

          >Help me out IST I want to cleanse my colon so bad.
          Ugghhh this thread again!

          ignore this moron.
          ignore sv3rige.
          ignore all extreme moron Black folk.
          eat a normal diet with more fresh food, less pharma israelitery, less genetic engineering, less chemicals.
          this isn't hard.

          Why are you doing this? Why can't you just give me an answer to the questions that I am asking. I feel like I am going crazy please just help me out.

          "Dr Morris himself says just eating fruits alone is not enough!" Does colon plaque really exist or is it completely made up? This shouldn't be a hard question to answer.

          • 1 year ago

            >Why are you doing this?
            It wasn't my idea, this underwater weighing thing. The doctor puts you in a tank (and I didn't have a shower), makes you do certain things of breathing, and you put your head underwater for a few seconds. Not hard at all.

    • 1 year ago

      >eat a normal diet with more fresh food, less pharma israelitery, less genetic engineering, less chemicals.

      I do that now, but I used to not do that. Cleaning out the "colon plaque" from my pre-fit days seems to make sense. My old eating habits created plaque and now I want to clean it out. Why wouldn't I want that? Why wouldn't I want to fart less and get bloated less? It just seems to make sense. If there is colon plaque I definitely want it out of my body. Please just tell me if colon plaque is real or totally made up.

  3. 1 year ago

    yes its fricking real.
    ive done several 100day+ juicefasts and 21 days water.

    the stuff that comes out will amaze, scare or terrify even the strongest

    • 1 year ago

      Why does this Vegetable Police guy say that the fasts don't work very well and other colon cleanses are scams but this one product actually does work really well. How long into the fasting process did you start shitting out disgusting colon plaque? Are you sure you weren't ingesting some sort of fiber smoothy that looks like colon plaque when you shit it out?

    • 1 year ago

      >yes its fricking real

      "Colon plaques" and other bullshit pedaled by homosexuals who like to "cleanse" their ass with coffee and other nonsense are all fake. Juice cleanses are fake. Everything is fake and gay.

      Eat healthy, get 20-30g of fiber in a day, and stop fricking looking for shortcuts. Unless you are just looking for an excuse to shove something up your ass then by all means.

      >"Colon plaques" and other bullshit pedaled by homosexuals who like to "cleanse" their ass with coffee and other nonsense are all fake.

      Why does colon plaque feel like an /x/-tier conspiracy theory?

      Is this video for real‽‽ Or is this a paid advertisement for a fad diet scam?

      I want to believe so bad! But everything about the presentation of this video makes it just seem like a money grab for a bs product. He even says in the video that other colon cleanses are scams where you ingest psyllium husks or something and then it forms a gelatinous glob that you shit out and think that you have just "removed toxic mucoid colon plaque from your intestinal walls". But then the video he shows of the shit he shitted looks just like the pictures from other colon cleanse scams that he is talking about which he says this product totally is not.

      Has anyone here ever successfully removed "colon plaque" from their intestinal walls and then noticed a big difference in gassiness and bloating like Vegetable Police is claiming will happen in this video? Is colon plaque real, or is it completely made up so that people can sell fiber shakes for way too much? Help me out IST I want to cleanse my colon so bad.

      "The gut does feel much better, and like I tell ya, I do feel like a new man after releasing that plaque. I'm like "What..?? it was real?!" It has me questioning everything now. It's like "Detox is real. It's just that I wasn't doing it right." That's all it was. It's like fruits and veggies are still good. It's just that I wasn't strong enough."

      Why would this guy just blatantly lie like this?! I want to get rid of my colon plaque but I don't even know if it's real. He seems like such a shill though.

  4. 1 year ago

    please stop talking about underwater weighing
    we don't talk about that anymore

  5. 1 year ago

    "Colon plaques" and other bullshit pedaled by homosexuals who like to "cleanse" their ass with coffee and other nonsense are all fake. Juice cleanses are fake. Everything is fake and gay.

    Eat healthy, get 20-30g of fiber in a day, and stop fricking looking for shortcuts. Unless you are just looking for an excuse to shove something up your ass then by all means.

    • 1 year ago

      >get 20-30g of fiber in a day
      I drink an ounce of apple cider vinegar before every meal. I eat raw lettuce, carrots, cucumber, sprouts, and peppers every day. I eat steamed kale, broccoli, and beets every day. I eat some beans with most every meal (no onions). I eat sauerkraut and kimchi regularly.
      >stop fricking looking for shortcuts
      I frequently get bloated and gassy. I'm not looking for shortcuts. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I am looking for a way to not get bloated and gassy. I think a lot of guys deal with this. I'm not sure if I should try to make my stomach more acidic to reduce the amount of undigested solids entering my intestine, or if I need to figure out how to get rid of colon plaque or something. I don't want a shortcut but I do want something that actually works.

      • 1 year ago

        All the fiber you're eating is the CAUSE of the bloating and gassiness
        Stop eating indigestible garbage that ferments in your gut resulting in endotoxins and you won't have these problems

        • 1 year ago

          I like to get my nutrients. Isn't another possibility getting my stomach to be more acidic?

          • 1 year ago

            >I like to get my nutrients.
            You don't absorb any nutrients bound to fiber and anti-nutrients, fiber also impedes the absorption of the nutrition from other food in the same digestive period so I don't understand your point. Fiber is by definition indigestible.

            • 1 year ago

              All the fiber you're eating is the CAUSE of the bloating and gassiness
              Stop eating indigestible garbage that ferments in your gut resulting in endotoxins and you won't have these problems

              >Stop eating indigestible garbage

              So by "indigestible garbage" you mean vegetables?

  6. 1 year ago

    This seems interesting, wonder what it would be like to do a 30 day water fast, and then use this.

  7. 1 year ago

    lmao this homie sifted through his turd like a gold miner in the wild west

  8. 1 year ago

    if you are worried about colon health dont drink significant amounts of sugar and alcohol.

  9. 1 year ago

    I just do standard colonic lavage using PEG-ES and an enema.

  10. 1 year ago

    Vegetable police is the biggest meme on YouTube. He constantly changes his mind on everything all the time. I used to watch him because I found his videos entertaining.

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