Vegetarian girlfriend got fat

My girlfriend of two years fricking BALLOONED in the last few months. She's a fricking vegetarian so I'm so confused. She lifts and goes to the gym with me from time to time and she's actually gotten a little stronger on her squats and deadlifts, but she's basically fat now, she just eats tofu and goes to happy hour and has "only 1 drink" like 3 times a fricking week with her fat girlfriends, none of whom are married or in relationships.

she wasn't like this when we started dating. she doesn't do cardio, she bugs me to go on hikes but whenever we do i have to walk at her fat person pace and it's not tiring at all.

what do. how do you frick yourself up as a vegetarian. i want my in shape hippie gf back

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Vegetarian got fat
    Many such cases!

  2. 9 months ago

    >she doesn't do cardio
    There lies the problem.

  3. 9 months ago

    it's on you for not accompanying her on hikes and encouraging her. I don't have the images but I'm sure some anon can post them for me - the ones where an anon compared women to dogs (in terms of how you "train" them). it's about 85% accurate imo

  4. 9 months ago

    >my girlfriend consumes more calories than she expends oh no now she is fat how could this happen
    I could go drink 5 litres of olive oil a day which is vegetarian and I would obviously gain weight.

  5. 9 months ago

    Cheese pizza, chips, fries, sugar, alcohol, cookies, cake, bread, are all vegetarian.

    Leave her.

  6. 9 months ago

    Epic good for you!

  7. 9 months ago

    Tofu has tons of soi and booze increases estrogen big time. Lots of estrogen = way more fat.

  8. 9 months ago

    Feed her eggs and make her lift heavy

  9. 9 months ago

    She's seeing a black man on the side

  10. 9 months ago

    >she just eats tofu and goes to happy hour and has "only 1 drink" like 3 times a fricking week with her fat girlfriends, none of whom are married or in relationships.
    The main reason alcohol is bad is that it's very easy to drink a shit ton of calories. A "light" beer is 150 calories. Hard liquor is around 90 and is often mixed with other hard liquors and fruit juice. She may say it's "one drink," but anyone who's going out with friends regularly is drinking way more than that. When I was drinking, I would easily down 8 or more beers in a night out; which even with lighter beers would be 1,200 calories.

    Bar food also tends to have a shit ton of high calorie shit that is vegetarian: fried food, cheese, chips, pizza, &c.

  11. 9 months ago

    sugar and carbs are vegan

  12. 9 months ago

    >refuse to do cardio with girlfriend
    >she eats high calorie bar food 3x a week and drinks
    >"why is my gf fat?"
    you're moronic

    • 9 months ago

      >she just eats tofu and goes to happy hour and has "only 1 drink" like 3 times a fricking week with her fat girlfriends, none of whom are married or in relationships.
      The main reason alcohol is bad is that it's very easy to drink a shit ton of calories. A "light" beer is 150 calories. Hard liquor is around 90 and is often mixed with other hard liquors and fruit juice. She may say it's "one drink," but anyone who's going out with friends regularly is drinking way more than that. When I was drinking, I would easily down 8 or more beers in a night out; which even with lighter beers would be 1,200 calories.

      Bar food also tends to have a shit ton of high calorie shit that is vegetarian: fried food, cheese, chips, pizza, &c.

      Tofu has tons of soi and booze increases estrogen big time. Lots of estrogen = way more fat.

      Cheese pizza, chips, fries, sugar, alcohol, cookies, cake, bread, are all vegetarian.

      Leave her.

      she doesn't fricking listen to me when i tell her to cut out the alcohol or at least restrict that shit to the weekend. she'll go to happy hour on a fricking monday with her fat friend with jowls at age 28 and i'll literally tell her 'dude it's a monday, do you really need to go to 4$ margarita nights' and she'll say 'omg yes i worked so hard today and i haven't seen [fat jowls girl] in like foreverrr we need to catch up'. then she feels like shit the next day (tuesday), and will then skip the gym because she has a 'headache'.

      I do none of this shit. I don't touch alcohol except for a nice glass of wine or a nice beer literally 2-3 times a MONTH because its a fricking gains goblin, and i'm either running, swimming or lifting 6 days a week before work. i try shifting my schedule so we can work out more together, and she just giggles and doesn't take anything in the weightroom seriously. she tried playing pick up soccer with her 1 in-shape friend and i just got 'omg anon i was gasping for air i can't do this!! i'm not disciplined like you'. again, we do go on hikes, but she goes at a granny's pace and if i 'encourage her' as you say to keep going, almost there, one foot right in front of the other - she'll usually just be b***hy (she does apologize) but will just screech that i'm mansplaining how to hike to her. i got so pissed a couple weeks ago when she said this i almost left her on the damn trail.

      then two days later she complains that she started noticing extra fat on her lats. 'anon what should I do??' 'well come to the gym more with me and maybe start pushing the happy hours to once a week or something' and i just get excuses and bullshit

      • 9 months ago

        It's not the alcohol, it's likely cheese and fried foods.
        t. 3-5 wienertails/day skeleton

      • 9 months ago

        >uses the """word""" mansplaining
        why exactly are you in a relationship with her?

      • 9 months ago

        It's not the alcohol, it's likely cheese and fried foods.
        t. 3-5 wienertails/day skeleton

        3-5 margaritas would be an 825-1,375 calories a day. That is a lot of excess calories on top of whatever you're eating.

        • 9 months ago

          I exercise a lot.

          • 9 months ago

            or you're an alcoholic who doesn't eat anything so you can feel more drunk on less alcohol

      • 9 months ago

        >letting her hang out with her fat friend
        >omg why did she get fat
        be a man and learn to say no

      • 9 months ago

        In case anyone was wondering how normal guys end up spending their entire lives married to fat lazy women, here you go. It's all guys like this with zero balls and zero self-respect.

      • 9 months ago

        Tell her to unfrick her shit or cut your losses now. She'll get comfortable being like this and there's very little you can do about it.

    • 9 months ago

      >she eats high calorie bar food 3x a week and drinks
      >"why is my gf fat?"
      Yeah my gf did that and never cooked. She also got fat. When I said she was unhealthy she dumped me

  13. 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    tell her to eat less fat and more carbs

  15. 9 months ago

    My vegetarian wife got fat. I also got fat. We talked and realized we were miserable. Quit drinking, started exercising, and started counting calories. 2.5 months later and she’s down 25lbs and I’m down 50lbs.

  16. 9 months ago

    Oreos are vegetarian. That's how she got fat.

  17. 9 months ago

    >none of whom are married or in relationships.
    Sounds like she's the odd duckling. Time to make her fit in more with her girlies.

  18. 9 months ago

    Post before/after pics so we can assess the damage.

  19. 9 months ago

    One of the other guys she’s fricking got her pregnant sorry OP hope the kid turns out the same color as you so you can at least lie to yourself

  20. 9 months ago

    >with her fat girlfriends, none of whom are married or in relationships
    This is the actual issue. They're sabotaging her out of jealousy.

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