Vidya and making it

Can you do it in moderation or are you doomed to fail in life if you play vidya games when you are 25+ ?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Also dubs and i unistall everything rn

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair, I honestly find this a great question and discussion topic. I have found myself to be of an extremely addictive personality type: I can go 100 days without vidya and then binge for a whole week almost and then prohibit myself from touching a controller for another 100 days. I go weeks without any sugar and then I just stuff myself of sugar and chocolate to the point of being actively disgusted with myself and vowing not to eat sugar for as long as humanly possible. So there's that. But in all honesty it seems to me games have always been an integral part of a healthy human life, and no doubt they play a part in the balancing of our psyches. Which games, though? Definitely not MOBAs or MMOs, nor cash grabbing mobile "games".

      I am struggling with this question as of now, and would appreciate any thoughtful insight, although I do realize this is probably personal to the point I will have to find the answer myself.

      Wish you all strength in battling videogame addiction, bros.


    • 2 years ago

      Quit lol and wow, have a life, wife and white children

    • 2 years ago

      Don't quit just play in moderation, everyone has some time wasting thing they do

    • 2 years ago

      I'll roll for this.

      Can you do it in moderation or are you doomed to fail in life if you play vidya games when you are 25+ ?

      I wake up at 330, head to the gym, get a coffee, and then play for an hour or so before taking the kids to school. Then I'll play for up to 4 hours during work if it's slow. WFH until 5 then start dinner, eat at 6, bedtime for the kids starts at 7, chill with the wife until 930-11 or so and do it all again tomorrow. Easy mode. And if I want more time - like a raid or whatever that takes X hours I tell my wife I need X hours on Saturday. I think if you make it a lifestyle you're doomed to failure, but if you find time for it within your adult responsibilities you can make it like any other hobby.

    • 2 years ago

      Rolling. I cut out the majority of gaming last year and cut it out entirely last month. It's the best decision I ever made.

      • 2 years ago

        What do you do instead?

        • 2 years ago

          books, meditation,pray,business,friends

    • 2 years ago

      Still rolling despite already vidyaless.
      Goodbye Minecraft you were long past your expiration date.

    • 2 years ago

      I know it’s fun and sometimes you have a specific itch and nothing else to do, but it’s a timesink that progressively gets worse by its very nature. It’s like when coomers say that jerking off once a week is fine.


    • 2 years ago

      dubs and this Black person has to kill the lich king in wotlk classic

  2. 2 years ago

    WotLK was the first expansion I played and I have really fond memories of it, but I know I'd just get bored playing it over again in Classic. Really bums me out, bros. Nothing is exciting anymore

    • 2 years ago

      They can make the old game again but they can’t make you 14 again.
      I spent my entire middle school and high school on WoW, and when I quit after I main tanked the lich king, I actually had the most hp on the entire server, etc., and when classic came out, I played a warrior 1-60 and quit after the first raid. It’s just not magic anymore.

  3. 2 years ago

    some people can make it work, some people can’t. online games are cancer compared to single player. however, ive never known a truly happy person who also plays video games.

    • 2 years ago

      >however, ive never known a truly happy person who also plays video games.
      This is cope. I'm a pretty happy person and I enjoy video games.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, videogames have nothing to do with that. Same can be said about anything else

        >however, ive never known a truly happy person who also read books.

  4. 2 years ago

    If you play single player, you will make it

    If you play cringefest MMO paypig lootbox simulators, you are a permacuck and will die in your sleep unless you reply to this comment

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I think it was Luke Smith who was saying shit about how video games can't be in the same order of beauty as books, paintings, etc. because of how they're designed to maximize attention, playtime, timegate, etc. To that I say there are some absolute garbage books and there are games like Ocarina of Time whose play through can be akin to reading an old book.

      So I agree with your main thrust. There are constructions of media that are benign and beneficial, but there are constructions of media that are a cringefest. WotLK does have storytelling, interpersonal interaction (esp before dungeon finder), guild management/hierarchy, charming graphics, and an economy you can engage with. You will still have time gates (arena seasons, raid resets, raid progressions), and a questing system that is repetitive more than it is enriching. In the sense that it has good and bad with it, I assert that you can play in moderation and be just fine. You wouldn't be behaving towards an ideal, but maybe pale Greek statues don't interest you anyway. More modern iterations of WoW are surely skinner boxes where you're gambling whether your gear is titanforged or not. If Ocarina of Time is a bowl of flavored white rice, WoW is refined sugar with blue dye.

      • 2 years ago

        ocarina of time is not that good. there are way better games. it was good in the era it was released but no longer.

        • 2 years ago

          I'll level with you, I replayed Majoras Mask and really enjoyed it. Don't lose the forest for the trees.

          • 2 years ago

            Honestly man the giants stopping the moon scene is still like damn

            • 2 years ago

              WHY SPOIL IT WTF

          • 2 years ago

            yes you REPLAYED it. like all nostalgiagays. and steeped in nostalgia. the game doesn't stand up anymore. I've played it together with other people who never played it before and seeing it through fresh eyes is brutal. of the two though majoras mask stands up better than ocarina of time which only has a few good moments and a ton of clunky bad gameplay because majoras mask is much more unique and still holds a lot of interesting ideas and different gameplay as well as a much better story than oot which is in no ways a good story. but by modern standards ocarina of time is no longer good. there are so many other games multiple orders of magnitude better.

            • 2 years ago

              Ultimately does it matter why they enjoy it? Maybe it matters in terms of if they should recommend it to others, but the important part is they enjoy the piece of art, doesn't matter why. There are some old movies I enjoy, not because of how good they are (though most are decent at least), but because of the associated memories and emotions they invoke.
              And removing art from the context is super hard anyways - is the statue of david by Michelangelo any less impressive because these days there's probably hundreds of equal or better sculptors? Even more if we allow for machine assistance and CAD.
              Art almost always exists and should therefore be judged within its context, be that cultural or technical.

        • 2 years ago

          I still play OOT once every couple of years. The atmosphere carries it and the gameplay is serviceable.

      • 2 years ago

        >because of how they're designed to maximize attention, playtime, timegate, etc.
        I never heard of that, but that's pretty reasonable. But there are so many games that don't do that.
        My favorite game of all time for example, pathologic 2 (yeah I am a pretentious c**t, deal with it) is the antithesis of this. It doesn't overstay its welcome, there's no busywork that isn't needed from a meta or narrative point of view, playtime is highly limited, in fact there is too little time during one playthrough to experience it all. It's a game that made me think a lot even years after I played it and in that way it is very much like a good book. Then again pathologic is a bit of an oddity since it was originally supposed to be a theater play and I don't think I have found a game quite like it.
        On the other end of the spectrum are mobile games and gacha games - essentially just the most extreme and condensed method to activate your neurons, cause an addiction cycle and get you to pay money. Sadly more and more, if not most, multiplayer games I know of seem to evaluate success via the player retention metric, meaning they are also commercialized horrors. Things have gotten so bad that players themselves now get annoyed if a game doesn't have constant progression for continuous neuron activation.

        That's a interesting observation and one I have noticed, but not formulated. Then again, books have their own commercialized pandering, in the form of YA novels and shit.

      • 2 years ago

        ocarina of time is not that good. there are way better games. it was good in the era it was released but no longer.

        I'll level with you, I replayed Majoras Mask and really enjoyed it. Don't lose the forest for the trees.

        Zelda is the goyslop of vidya and these are peak bugmen opinions that are cringe once you move past teen age

    • 2 years ago

      im playing solo q on league and im fricking competitive af. i need to stop

      • 2 years ago

        I believe the proper way to play League (and any sport, for that matter) is in a full-stack team of your friends with communication and in a competitive context. Essentially, Clash (in its ideal form) and/or pro play.

        Because I can't attain this ideal, I've found League unfulfilling and stopped playing altogether. Nowadays, I just keep up with the patch notes and pro scene and, honestly, I've found the change refreshing. Maybe you could try it out?

      • 2 years ago

        it's literally pointless.
        whenever a single person in your team either disconnects or underperforms, you've essentially lost, for the game has been minutiously and painstakingly tweaked to work in such a way, so much so that Riot can pretty much pre-determine the outcome of any given match in SoloQ numerically (that is, by comparison of each player's statistics)

        and then Riot does it: the matchmaking is deliberately trying to keep you in a place wherein you're most likely to keep playing

        - it'll do you no good
        - it'll bring you no satisfaction or enduring feeling of accomplishment
        - all in all, it'll give you back zero in return for all the precious time and (God forbid you've actually spent any of it in this game) money you've invested in it

        Why are you still doing it, anon? Your life could and will be so much better once you uninstalled it and decided to put your heart to any other meaningful pursuits.

        Lemme be real tho: some things aren't a matter of decision, but of achievement and accomplishment. You don't just decide you're gonna love a meaningful life, you gotta achieve it and work for it.

        What League of Legends is doing is not so much stopping you from making that decision, which is precisely why it is so pernicious: it lets you make the decision, it just doesn't let you put in the work.

        Please, wake up. Do not want to one day be left wondering where all your time and energy went.

        • 2 years ago

          honestly i just liked improving in league and playing for myself.
          I do 100 percent agree that riot rigs the game to keep you addicted, though. however i still reach my goal ranks and when i play i just want to have a good individual performance whether i win or lose. also smurfing is almost always fun at the expense of noobs

          Every gamer I have met over the age of 25 looks and acts exactly how you would picture them, shit is cringe. Personally I'm against games but do whatever you want I guess. When I saw my stats were over 3,000 hours and I could barely remember anything decent that had happened in that time I knew I had to find something better to do so now I've started learning mandarin.

          is this just you exaggerating or did you really not experience anything worthwhile in 3k fricking hours, how the hell did you even make it that long like that?

    • 2 years ago

      let's make an exception for multiplayer games that don't run too long and have no expectation of competitive rankings. Used to play Verdun and it was fun how games would sometimes devolve into casual quibbling over ww1 minutiae, and once the match was over gg it's fine go to bed.
      In any case OP, just make sure it's games that aren't likely to take over your life.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      degenerates like you belong on a cross!

    • 2 years ago

      Sneed I play XIV

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Ah yes, lich king was the last one I played. Is there some game that stands out in your memory and taught you something important?

      As said.
      Singleplayer can make it.
      RNGs are, of course, superior. The consensus on optimal playing time per week is 10 hours max. After that time, social life and education are said to suffer.
      If you want to make it and still want to play Vidya, you can combine in game events with exercises you have to do then.

      Worked like a charm for one of my students. I told him to do push ups when his screen loads and he really made some gains.

      • 2 years ago

        >you can combine in game events with exercises you have to do then.

        Based, i used to do this all the time
        >Playing Darksiders while using the Orbitek and speeding up while figthing
        >Doing 10 sets of heavy dumbbell lifting after completing a level in Max Payne
        >Doing 10 sets of abs excersises after a mission in Devil May Cry

        I'd say it makes the experience better

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      This. Quit all multiplayer shit I just play comfy games on my Switch now.

    • 2 years ago

      you fricking bastard

    • 2 years ago

      Only correct answer is this:

      Just like shitposting, video games are very time consuming by default and for many people it's a no go. Multiplayer games are even worse. MMOs and competitive multiplayer games are death sentence that you accept and agree to throw out all potential you have and could achieve in the future. Unlike singleplayer games, you have to learn multiplayer and spend hundreds of hours following updates, meta content, and learning mechanics. You're wasting shittons of time that you could spend reading, writing, and lifting. Multiplayer used to be like singleplayer, but now those games are made to be addictive, to get you waste money and time on them and not do anything else in your life, but to mindlessly consume and settle for worse than you could have.

    • 2 years ago

      I’m thoroughly content in myself and my life, and have “made it” by most standards (prestigious qualifications, good job, savings, gf, past 1/2/3/4 and relatively lean), though of course I want to keep improoving.
      I’m late 20s and I play vidya. If I’m playing multiplayer, I generally only play with actual IRL friends, which I find much more satisfying. I pick my single player games carefully, so I guess I don’t mindlessly pour hours into it.

      I switched to tabletop wargames and my mental health has improved greatly. Not the only thing I attribute it to however. As long as video games don't dominate your life you're probably fine, but since you have to ask, you're probably not fine.

      This, I almost exclusively play tabletop games. Vidya just doesn't do it for me anymore. TTRPGs also tie into my writing hobbies nicely, so I get social interaction with friends and spend a little time brainstorming characterization/development and stuff.

      Sounds like you're a GM/DM? My favorite part of that is that other people get to enjoy the shit I write. People tend to be pretty appreciative if you put your time into making a game for them

      Based, I also GM a reliable weekly group, and it’s superb fun, and a great creative outlet. There’s something magic about it.

    • 2 years ago

      I only play roblox with my little brother

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      but what if I want to play warcraft 3 custom games

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I don’t play this bullshit but I will still replay with a this

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Very true but frick you

    • 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    I switched to tabletop wargames and my mental health has improved greatly. Not the only thing I attribute it to however. As long as video games don't dominate your life you're probably fine, but since you have to ask, you're probably not fine.

    • 2 years ago

      This, I almost exclusively play tabletop games. Vidya just doesn't do it for me anymore. TTRPGs also tie into my writing hobbies nicely, so I get social interaction with friends and spend a little time brainstorming characterization/development and stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like you're a GM/DM? My favorite part of that is that other people get to enjoy the shit I write. People tend to be pretty appreciative if you put your time into making a game for them

  6. 2 years ago

    >giving Nu-Blizz a single cent
    absolutely not

  7. 2 years ago

    Just go watch the natural hypertrophy video, just stop playing entirely

  8. 2 years ago

    videogames are fine, but competitive multiplayer games are extremely dangerous for a ton of guys. they're extremely addictive and give you a fulfillment loop that makes you do that instead of other things to make your life better. at all costs men should be avoiding competitive multiplayer games. they also simulate social activity which causes your real life relationships to die. in the same way watching streamers or youtubers or whatever that simulates relationships is also a huge mistake.

    but singleplayer or coop games are pretty fine. not any different from watching tv or reading books or any similar entertainment.

    again tho avoid this multiplayer shit at all costs, especially if you are competitive.

    • 2 years ago

      Agree. There's something healthier and "cleaner" in some way about a fulfilling single player experience. You can make the most moronic "game" throwing shit a certain way but if you have a bunch of guys together throwing it together it can be endlessly fascinating (and it is guys, women have their faults but don't fall for this competitive shit). So you can imagine an actual good multiplayer game, how addictive and obsessive it's going to be to some people, it's ridiculous.

      As for OP's question, I'm 37 and have been playing games all my life, so does everyone, it's ridiculous this is still even a question in 2022 and I don't think it dignifies a response.

    • 2 years ago

      I think there's something to this, for certain competitive people multiplayer videogames drain the competitive striving urges into the game instead of putting that energy into your actual life and social circles. Actually I don't think it's certain competitive people, it's really a lot of guys this can happen to. And it doesn't even need to be life ruining, just tapping a lot of that energy and time.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a you problem homosexual. Not everyone is a moron who can't control themselves. I only play competitive games and not even every day. Single player games are a boring waste of time.

  9. 2 years ago

    Wottlekay was bretty fun but i lost any interest in all actiblizz products the second they started retconning characters into trannies and censoring paintings in game because their management raped a few b***hes.

    Just play on/start a private server

  10. 2 years ago

    WoWgay, it was over for you decades ago

  11. 2 years ago

    Games that are open ended, end lives. Seriously, it's one thing to play through and enjoy the story of a game (think god of war, Mario, resident evil, dead space, doom, etc.) But games that are designed to keep you playing perpetually frick with your brain on par with how bad junk food rapes your neurons. They're literally not worth it.

    Trust, I literally used to be a streamer for a living playing online games, the money was great but my social life and health went directly into the shitter.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't believe you made great money as a streamer.

    • 2 years ago

      Whatever you say, Madseasonshow

    • 2 years ago

      Whatever you say, Madseasonshow

      Based if true. I used to like madseasonshow.

    • 2 years ago

      say it aint so

  12. 2 years ago

    You can only play casual games or games from your childhood that you know like the back of your hand.
    If you try and play an MMORPG 25+ you have way too much time on your hands.
    WoW , runescape any of those games are only enjoyable when you can really invest some time into them.
    Which is no longer a luxury you have because you're no longer 15.
    Unless your a jobless NEET.
    Also if you're playing MMORPG'S for nostalgic reasons they wont be as magical as you remember them to be, life is different.

    • 2 years ago

      >Also if you're playing MMORPG'S for nostalgic reasons they wont be as magical as you remember them to be, life is different.
      Agreed, some things are better left untouched in the past.

    • 2 years ago

      It’s sad but also probably good for me to realize that I will NEVER reach the same level of enjoyment with a video game as I did when playing RuneScape in middle school. That shit was like a drug to me. As much as I wish I could go back to the game and get that same experience today, I recognize that it will never be the same as it was when I was a kid.

      • 2 years ago

        Thats interesting to me because while I have a ton of fond memories of playing Maple Story every day when I was a kid, My best memories of video games are single player experiences and its why I keep playing them.

        MGR got my blood absolutely pumping on release and I would fricking KILL for that niche genre of game to have taken off properly. It has a lot to do with single player experiences being very isolated and its very easy to avoid spoilers etc until youre finished, which is impossible with mmos and multiplayer games nowadays

  13. 2 years ago

    If I ever have the urge to play wow again I'll just play a private server fresh launch.
    I have played ascension off and on and really enjoyed it.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I've been playing turtle wow and it's really fun. They have have a true HC mode (dead = deleted character)

  14. 2 years ago

    Depends on what you play and how often, and also whether you're actually doing something with your life or not. If all you do with your life is wake up, lift, and play vidya, then yeah it's unhealthy. The same can be said even if you replace vidya with reading books. If you aren't working a good paying job or in the process of getting into a good paying job (i.e. trade school, STEM degree, apprenticeship etc.) then you're wasting your life away, whether you play vidya or not.

  15. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Want to play with me?

      • 2 years ago

        nta but do you play dota, fren?

  16. 2 years ago

    No you can't, you always tell yourself you will only play an hour or two and end up wasting all day, i was the most productive when I deleted all my games

  17. 2 years ago

    You can do it in moderation, but you have to make sure its moderation. Too many games want you to go beyond moderation and want you to log in daily, play for hours.

    I'm trying to avoid MMOs, anything with a battle pass, log in bonuses, dailies, weeklies, timegating, ranked modes.

  18. 2 years ago

    I just stick to RPG games. They typically take so long with other other shit going on in life you can squeeze 6 months out of one easily

  19. 2 years ago

    This question is so contextual that it loses pretty much all meaning

    A few hours a week or on a Saturday is not a problem for a guy who has a good job, is making money, has his shit mostly together, is fulfilled, has a future plan, etc etc

    Playing 8 hours of factorio a day for a mid-late 20s NEET with no job and no education and no savings? Ok thats a problem

  20. 2 years ago

    If you have to ask the internet then it doesn't matter what you do, you're never gonna make it

  21. 2 years ago

    >not fresh
    who cares, the damage done by vanilla classic is irreversible and the majority of people playing are playing because they had so much time to so thoroughly exploit vanilla and carry that into tbc/wotlk.

    SOM was the last hope for actual vanilla-wotlk WoW enjoyers, whacky pservers never went anywhere for people who just want to win the content and have infinite gold

  22. 2 years ago

    just play casually breh

  23. 2 years ago

    It doesn't doom you in itself, but its very easy to frick up while overdoing it. Even single player gaming, if done to excess, can be a major problem.

    As long as its part of a balanced set of other hobbies, its manageable, regardless of the game you choose to play. Its when you start gaming in preference to other activities, that you start to see problems.

    The ease of it replacing everything in your life is why its so overrepresented in failures, it will gladly eat up every depressed hour a loser can throw at it, and give nothing but cheap dopamine hits in return. A game will by design struggle to give you natural stopping points, its not like a irl hobby or exercise where there's a desired and physical end point. If you struggle to make yourself put things down, have that strong compulsion to "just one more turn", it can be troublesome.

    Source: Am procrastinating on working on a cosplay right now by playing a game.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah I mean thats the thing with games, especially online games. they're always waiting there for you for a super satisfying high. it's so easy to do that instead of anything else, and slowly over time all the other stuff gets filled up with games. I've seen it happen to so many zoomers. complete lack of hobbies. more andmore and more time in room playing games.

      I mean the problem is games these days are too fricking fun. they're cheap and there's a million incredibly good fricking games. back in the 90s you could only play the games for so long before you got sick of them unless you were an autist. these days you can never run out of games to play.

  24. 2 years ago

    The architect's choice is PES21

  25. 2 years ago

    The only people who consider vidya played 1 of the following
    >something similar that no lifes enjoy like rust, eve, etc
    AKA: morons and normalgays play the absolute worst genres and then assume their shitty tastes = ALL VIDYA BAD when they realize they've been playing hot trash for 5k+ hours.

    • 2 years ago

      who consider vidya and evil*

    • 2 years ago

      yeah, it's always the same games that actually ruin people. multiplayer online games that you can play forever. only autists get ruined by other shit. totally fine to play other videogames, but all these multiplayer online games or mobile cash grabs are just cancer for losers.

      • 2 years ago

        it ruins peole without discipline, immature and childish people who dont have much broader perspective of life goals and meaningful substance
        theres no "i want to gain a few kgs worth of muscle at least by the coming 3 months have passed" or "Ill finnish this & that book by september"

        balance is subjective, some need more variety than others and some are just happy going to work if their work is their dream job and so forth
        to cultivate their skill in whatever profession it might be and go home to unwind with a change of scenery before theyre off to grind the next day.

        if people "consume" games the same way an addicts consume drugs and cant let go, thats your own fricking problem..
        if its quite frankly IMPOSSIBLE to let go of something, you should see it as poison to you and that your allergy cant handle it.

        • 2 years ago

          you're a game addict and a loser, multiplayer online shit is for losers

        • 2 years ago

          if its quite frankly IMPOSSIBLE to let go of something, you should see it as poison to you and that your allergy cant handle it.

          >bro i can't let go of my kids
          >bro i can't let go of goin gto the gym
          >bro i can't let go of my job
          >just cut them all out of your life, dood. they;re poison
          Brilliant logic, dummy.

          • 2 years ago

            referencing family, life and responsibilities with a videogame as if theyre the same thing baka

  26. 2 years ago

    I just miss the people I used to play with they made WOTLK really special for me. It wouldn't be the same.

  27. 2 years ago

    i stoped playing video games 2 years ago
    it's so fricking weird not playing games all day. Sometimes i just look at new pc components, but then i realize that it's pointles since my current rig serves me just fine for occasional visual novel

    • 2 years ago

      Same. Sometimes I spend a day binging a few games then won't touch a game for several months. the magic is gone for me and I'd rather be outside doing "real" things

  28. 2 years ago

    Sadly, I cannot do it in moderation and always become too immersed. I had to deinstall ck2 agot yesterday, because I was starting to use it as an Targaryen Eugenics Simulator, again. Feels bad.

  29. 2 years ago

    I started wotlk to cut
    Addicting vidya is the best for cutting because you forget the hunger feeling for so long its insane

  30. 2 years ago

    Moderation is fine. It’s no different than normies binge watching their favorite series with all black actors or re-hash of old white movies now cast with black actors.

  31. 2 years ago

    i used to lead guilds and clans back in the day with both worldwide ranking reaching the single digits
    and with raiding at hardcore progress with strict consistency and this is how i feel about "moderation"

    > firstly being a competitive fps shooter clan leader
    if you have a coordinated group, the "time consumption" is going to boil down to practise.
    without practise, you wont respond and as quickly and people wont move impulsively in a productive way
    if your team havent cultivated "team culture" (you learn how you work, how to respond to bad/good situations)
    in situations where 1-3 seconds could be the difference between winning or losing completely and this "practise"
    is where "time consumption" is extremely unforgiving and if you dont spend time "bonding with your team" youll lose.

    > 2ndly as a former guild leader & raid lead
    WoW is the most forgiving time consumer to feel a middleground of "time consumption" which might sound crazy to many,
    the reason for that is that you have a raid lock for each character that resets on wednesdays each week.

    your time consumption is mostly going to boil down to leadership, for things such as being able to be active enough to see
    the DMs from other guildies if they have family or personal life problems coming in the way of scheduled raid days.

    At a PvP perspective youve got a "conquest cap" PvP Resources cap sharing that wednesday lock as well and youll quickly
    reach that "conquest cap" in 2s duos team or an additional with a rated battleground group which would require a whole lot more
    people which would likely push you to invite excessive amounts of people to your guild and be less demanding on "team coordination"

    Im in my 30s now and i still enjoy games but i dont play games as much and dont really enjoy modern games as much.
    I play a game for an hour or two at most and then I do something else because I feel the need to do more/different things too.
    your lack of balance in life is your problem.

  32. 2 years ago

    The window for when these kinds of games were (arguably) worth playing has long since closed. You are genuinely wasting time playing WoW or any other MMO if you currently play it and I would tell you that even if you were only 15.

    • 2 years ago

      I agree, mythic+ is the biggest prison you could ever find..
      youre not there to "inspect" or visit auschwitz, youre there to become imprisoned in a pointless timeloop

  33. 2 years ago

    I wish i could play vidya for more than 30 minutes without wanting to blow my brains out. I used to enjoy them a lot when i was younger

  34. 2 years ago

    For me it's 4 man PUBG squad with my friends from 7-8 if we aren't able to meet in person

    • 2 years ago

      Post body

      • 2 years ago

        Trust me you don't want to see it, all beer gut and hair

  35. 2 years ago

    If you can't handle playing video games without it negatively affecting your life, you're a pathetic weakling.

    • 2 years ago

      >you're a pathetic weakling
      that's most of this board

  36. 2 years ago

    They’re fine if they’re something you do only after you’ve done everything else you should do AND they don’t interfere with your sleep. I typically play video games for 0-3 hours a week in 1 hour intervals depending on how busy I am with work/gym/wife/home maintenance. I’d say most people aren’t responsible enough to do it and are better off cutting them out

  37. 2 years ago

    depends on your traits, upbringing and environment how vulnerable you end up being *currently*
    if you take a more unbiased look at your present and past and it's cucking you from your dreams, it's time to do future you a solid and try some different shit

  38. 2 years ago

    but if you find yourself perpetually playing the same ancient games whose community is entirely composed of people stuck in nostalgia, you might have an addiction.

  39. 2 years ago

    dubs i uninstall too

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      no dubs still uninstalling

      back seriously now. no porn no fapping to imagination no vidya.

  40. 2 years ago

    Why would i play on:
    A) 99% horde or 99% ally server
    B) 3hour login queue server that will be dead within 2 months max

    Blizzard Black folk really chose the lazy cashcow route instead of actualy learning what people really want.
    A proper retune of 1-60 azeroth, new raids, new dungeons, balancing, items, quests etc. something similar to turtle wow. I always hated how they made expansions make everything you did prior a absolute waste of time, all prior content might aswell have been deleted.

    • 2 years ago

      Gianstalker awaits. Come home, white man.

    • 2 years ago

      The dysgenic mutants currently working at Blizzard wouldn't be capable of making new content for Pacman, let alone WoW.

  41. 2 years ago

    > are you doomed to fail in life if you watch movies when you are 25+ ?
    > are you doomed to fail in life if you watch netflix when you are 25+ ?
    > are you doomed to fail in life if you read a novel when you are 25+ ?
    > are you doomed to fail in life if you listen to music when you are 25+ ?
    > are you doomed to fail in life if you eat a soufflé when you are 25+ ?
    > are you doomed to fail in life if you smile when you are 25+ ?

    No, it's stupid self-improooover shit that's designed to have you locked into misery and take your attention away from what's really fricking your life up:
    Resentment and self-hatred.

  42. 2 years ago

    Every gamer I have met over the age of 25 looks and acts exactly how you would picture them, shit is cringe. Personally I'm against games but do whatever you want I guess. When I saw my stats were over 3,000 hours and I could barely remember anything decent that had happened in that time I knew I had to find something better to do so now I've started learning mandarin.

  43. 2 years ago

    I was gonna play Wotlk but then I thought "wait a minute - I could be doing something useful with that 100 days played"

  44. 2 years ago

    These are the people that you're supporting. Stop being a consoomer homosexual and level yourself up. Say no to the vidya israelite.

    • 2 years ago

      wouldnt even surprise me if the whole "scandal" was fake

      the whole frickin game and company turnt to absolute horseshit each passing year with each passing update and expansion after activision china bought themselves in
      they just needed a reason good enough to change the leading #1 MMO in the world to be as brainwash inducing as possible

  45. 2 years ago

    I played classic from launch to Sunwell release. I had a lot of fun but for some reason my interest has almost completely vanished for wotlk classic. I can't explain why.

  46. 2 years ago

    Idk do you consider Henry cavill or Elon musk failures at life?

    • 2 years ago

      >Elon musk
      Fat, ugly, unlikeable bastard who made it on daddy's money and got bailed out by the government every time.

      • 2 years ago

        still very much succeeded in life

  47. 2 years ago

    You can play games in moderation, but something like WoW is too much of a time sink to allow you a good life.
    Since I had kids I hardly touch games. Maybe I've finally grown up.

  48. 2 years ago

    Would you level in Blade’s edge mountains at 68 or move to somewhere else?

  49. 2 years ago

    idk I had this error since sometime between Christmas and New year's and too lazy to fix it
    >Whoops! Looks like something broke or crashed. Please try restarting the app. If that doesn't work, try restarting your computer.

  50. 2 years ago

    i'm very glad every fricking online game that i wasted billions hours on is gone to shit. Modern gaming is what saved me from this addiction. I still play singleplayers from time to time, prob like 1 game walkthrough in 3-4 month, and play some shit competetive shooter with bros for laughs on weekends for couple hours.
    I'm still checking out new online games, in hopes one will be so good it will ruin my life, but head gamedesigner Schlomberg with a team of brightdyed feminists and Black folk trully care about me, so they make games so shit im forced to actually live my life and do productive actions. Same thing with movies and tv shows, i was binge watched all new shit in my early 20s, dont even bother to check stuff out nowadays.

    based capitalism moment

  51. 2 years ago

    I quit at the day I turned 25 bc I started panicking about the state of my life. Biggest regret is not quitting sooner.

  52. 2 years ago

    If you’re playing when you’ve done everything you need to do and it’s only for a couple hours tops I don’t see why it’s an issue, but if you’re avoiding opportunities for growth you should quit. Use your time to better yourself and not in pointless escapism

  53. 2 years ago

    If I had one wish it's that AvP Extinction mad a multiplayer a map maker was on pc and support like sc2. Loved that game but no replayability.

  54. 2 years ago

    single player is fine. have you looked at modern multiplayer games? battle passes, daily/weekly quests, etc. it's some manipulative, FOMO bullshit. throw in shiny medals for ranked matches and you can see how it consumes some people. never mind getting so absorbed into it you spend real money on fricking textures and 'skins' for your character.

    • 2 years ago

      yeah it's genuinely not uncommon anymore for somebody to have like 2000 hours in some shitty multiplayer game and say "they don't play it often"

      used to be rare that guys spent so much time playing games, now its a huge proportion of guys do it

  55. 2 years ago

    >Decide to try classic since I heard it was just like the "Good ol days"
    >Play a Taurin Druid
    >Spend a majority of my time alt-tabbed doing other shit while I walk to different area so I can slowly kill mobs for loot with low drop rates
    Damn. Am I missing something or is this just a huge slog?

    • 2 years ago

      It's always been a slog. The difference is that back in the day, the playerbase was much younger and naive. You went through the slog with the company of other people. Now 95% of the playerbase is ultra minmaxxing the game.

    • 2 years ago

      you're missing the horde of other players that were there at launch.
      also the altered brain chemistry that others have from playing during their formative years
      we've been done lasting harm

  56. 2 years ago

    It depends. Do you play less than a couple of hours after doing your best for that day or do you play several hours after doing less than the minimum?

  57. 2 years ago

    My husband goes and programs and makes money and then goes to the gym, breaks 8 PRs, comes home and plays WoW with the boys everyday. Me(his wife) makes sure he has dinner and a clean house. Life is good anon.

    • 2 years ago

      sounds like the intro plot to ntr

      • 2 years ago

        Rotten brain.

  58. 2 years ago

    I don't understand why adults (25+) have an interest in video games. It's fricking boring. I played video games as a teenager because I had no money. They're not that fun.

    • 2 years ago

      It's way to hang out with your friends that no longer live nearby. Going to do some 10 man in Wrath and not two of us live in the same city at this point.

  59. 2 years ago

    > 29
    > good wfh job
    > masters degree
    Played classic WoW until 2 months after TBC and it nearly destroyed everything. Stopped lifting (though covid was a good excuse), half assed work, didn't frick gf in order to raid. Now I play Age of Empires 2 with irl friends once or twice per week and have a board game night with friends. Works far better for me.

    • 2 years ago

      many such cases. I've known a lot of guys who had their lives together then got just a bit too addicted to some game and it's amazing how much damage it does. it happened to me with counterstrike, almost dropped out of grad school after a year of playing a bit too much. and it hurt all my social connections too because I was doing that instead of something real. I can say it happened to almost all of my friends once or twice too. some stupid fricking game can take so much time out of your life. avoid multiplayer online games at all costs bros. they're designed to steal your soul.

  60. 2 years ago

    if you need random homosexuals telling you how you're supposed to live your own life then you're doomed to never going to make it

  61. 2 years ago

    The first game that blew my mind was Elderscrolls oblivion and Skyrim. Bloodborne was the last game I played that made me excited to come home and play.

  62. 2 years ago

    Deep rock galactic makes you lift better, try it out and become a miner

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