Was I out of order slapping my gf post workout?

>Mum comes round to visit post workout, im sweaty and tired put my drink on the table and start talking to her

>gf come sin knocks drink voer then just stands about. Tells me shes going to clean it.

>30 minutes go by shes upstairs ironing my tshirts tell her wtf the fizzy pop is getting into the flooring she keeps arguing shes ironing after politely asking her to go do it.

>After about 8 times I slap her in the face so im not messing around go fricking do it

>keeps arguing finally goes down cleans then sits in our bedroom next 30 minutes doesn't say bye to my mum except to shout bye.

>Tell her im being too soft with her, sick of her attitude and yes from now on if she misbehaves ill be slapping her. She said i hate violence shes now faffing about with stuff upstairs to avoid me.

I feel totally justified, im tired, driven home from the gym, tired and fired up from a PR and have to deal with this nonsense?

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  1. 5 months ago

    No anon, keep beating your gf. That's sure to end well.

  2. 5 months ago

    >Electric car interior
    >leddit spacing

  3. 5 months ago

    enjoy being single again

    • 5 months ago

      how the frick are you supposed to deal with this shit? The only recourse i have before hitting you is talking to you, if talking does nothing, what recourse is left open to me?

      • 5 months ago

        You fricked up when you let her just stand around instead of immediately cleaning it up, what the frick was so important that she didn't clean it right away and you didn't begin cleaning it up yourself or telling her to clean it straight away?
        I can't think of anything less than a medical emergency or other genuine crisis that I would just knock something over and leave it for 30 minutes.
        >babe you just spilled my drink, why aren't you cleaning it up? you want me to clean up after you?

        • 5 months ago

          She was ironing my shirts, which to be fair she does without asking and cleans, but still its the fact shes left a fizzy drink to seep into the flooring, then when told to go clean it tens of minutes later, she just argues about ironing. Real limit testing behaviour imo.

      • 5 months ago


        >Mum comes round to visit post workout, im sweaty and tired put my drink on the table and start talking to her

        >gf come sin knocks drink voer then just stands about. Tells me shes going to clean it.

        >30 minutes go by shes upstairs ironing my tshirts tell her wtf the fizzy pop is getting into the flooring she keeps arguing shes ironing after politely asking her to go do it.

        >After about 8 times I slap her in the face so im not messing around go fricking do it

        >keeps arguing finally goes down cleans then sits in our bedroom next 30 minutes doesn't say bye to my mum except to shout bye.

        >Tell her im being too soft with her, sick of her attitude and yes from now on if she misbehaves ill be slapping her. She said i hate violence shes now faffing about with stuff upstairs to avoid me.

        I feel totally justified, im tired, driven home from the gym, tired and fired up from a PR and have to deal with this nonsense?

        That’s the problem. About 100 years ago it was still acceptable to slap your woman when she’s stepping out of line or misbehaving and it was affective. It wasn’t even about fear it was quite literally the same way you discipline a child so they learn “okay that was wrong I better not frick up again I understand now.” Because mentally speaking women don’t age beyond 16. A slap or spanking (never punch, that’s fricked) would hammer out any leftover issues her father didn’t fix. I hate this btw, I wish women were our equals because it would be better for everyone but the simple fact is they are not our equals. The feminist movement and giving them rights and the further corruptions from media have ruined women, and you can’t even slap her when she deserves it now.
        Again, punching and beating is wrong you’re a b***h if you have to go that far. A light slap is enough, doesn’t even need to actually hurt. 1/16th of your full strength is plenty.

        • 5 months ago

          Very first night we got together officially i hit ehr on the arse with my belt during rough sex and she was like wtf but was super wet and came and subby cuddled me in bed after said i love you. So i can slap her and shell accept it, but i want it as a corrective measure, not just to be slapping her constantly.

          • 5 months ago

            >Very first night we got together [...] said i love you

      • 5 months ago

        You fricked up when you let her just stand around instead of immediately cleaning it up, what the frick was so important that she didn't clean it right away and you didn't begin cleaning it up yourself or telling her to clean it straight away?
        I can't think of anything less than a medical emergency or other genuine crisis that I would just knock something over and leave it for 30 minutes.
        >babe you just spilled my drink, why aren't you cleaning it up? you want me to clean up after you?

        That’s the problem. About 100 years ago it was still acceptable to slap your woman when she’s stepping out of line or misbehaving and it was affective. It wasn’t even about fear it was quite literally the same way you discipline a child so they learn “okay that was wrong I better not frick up again I understand now.” Because mentally speaking women don’t age beyond 16. A slap or spanking (never punch, that’s fricked) would hammer out any leftover issues her father didn’t fix. I hate this btw, I wish women were our equals because it would be better for everyone but the simple fact is they are not our equals. The feminist movement and giving them rights and the further corruptions from media have ruined women, and you can’t even slap her when she deserves it now.
        Again, punching and beating is wrong you’re a b***h if you have to go that far. A light slap is enough, doesn’t even need to actually hurt. 1/16th of your full strength is plenty.

        Your dick game is too weak
        If it was good enough, she'd instantly get to it instead of having to even listen to you
        baka homie, slapping a b***h means you already lost

        • 5 months ago

          no one whose ever known women thinks this is true. Mel Gibson is proof of that.

          • 5 months ago

            this is what a homie with weak dick game would say

      • 5 months ago

        So you just seethed while your fizzy pop ruined your flooring? Clean the shit up first before you go and make a scene. Lead by example you fricking chimp. If I was your girlfriend I would cheat on you with your best friend and then gaslight you until you killed yourself.

  4. 5 months ago

    I only read the title, but no

  5. 5 months ago

    the only women you can discipline physically these days are latinas and asians. white women have the idea that they’re somehow above corporal punishment and will report you to the cops

  6. 5 months ago

    >fizzy pop
    The UK is not a serious country.

    • 5 months ago

      They do some minor hoodwinking and taking the piss

  7. 5 months ago

    You should not only slap her face, every time she misbehaves order her to kneel down and slobber your strudelmeister

    • 5 months ago

      honestly she does that without me asking and i can't pretend to be upset with her sexal output, plus she cooks and cleans daily, its just the attitude problem that crops up every now and then that pisses me off. This one just happened to be egregious.

  8. 5 months ago

    homie stop being a literal monkey, i can tell by the way u type

    • 5 months ago

      im on a fricked up keyboard, another time she spilled something, shes a clumsy b***h but i love her.

  9. 5 months ago

    First of all what's a "mum"?
    Second, why do you drink fizzy pop?

    • 5 months ago

      >First of all what's a "mum"?
      The real mother. Refer to page 35.

  10. 5 months ago

    cool story bro

  11. 5 months ago

    110% a paki

  12. 5 months ago

    happy to report shes come over for cuddles while i watch the bone collector on amazon prime.

  13. 5 months ago

    What the frick are you doing slapping her OP? You have to fricking spank her!

  14. 5 months ago

    I used to have really bad arguments with my mum as a kid. She would always raise her voice first and then we'd just be screaming at each other. I hated it. Now whenever a woman makes me angry I just leave and go get a new one, which they all find ridiculously hot by the way, they will instantly go back to being feminine and try to get you back. Beats going to jail too. Lols.

    • 5 months ago

      What is your height and penis size

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        5,7 height, 8.1 x 5.6 firth

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