
Well IST?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    i want someone to love me

  2. 12 months ago

    wiener too small

    • 12 months ago

      This. If I had a big dick I honestly don't think I ever would've ended up getting into lifting.

  3. 12 months ago

    now it's literally just to get a chance to listen to my curated gym playlist.

    • 12 months ago

      I found this board when I was 17, started lifting because it seemed like a good idea and I haven't really stopped.


      • 12 months ago

        Same it’s been about 10 years since I started going on IST when I was 16 kek

    • 12 months ago

      Send link

  4. 12 months ago

    I want to attract girls more easily and also build self-confidence
    I had no other hobbies before either

    • 12 months ago

      I feel like I'm quite oblivious/unsure of if a girl likes me back, like there's a girl from work I find attractive and we've had a month-long ongoing facebook convo outside of seeing each other at work shifts. Kind of a continuation of our lighthearted-insulting banter in person, sometimes will send me a photo of something I drew as a joke that she kept and put up in her room, etc. She'll take longer to reply than I do always even if seen my message hour ago, etc. No expert on female mind - don't if this is work friend shooting shit with me online or this sustained convo is meant to be some weird roundabout ioi

      • 12 months ago

        >sometimes will send me a photo of something I drew as a joke that she kept and put up in her room
        I'd bet money she's into you

        • 12 months ago

          I've taken to lightheartedly asserting she's demonic, sketched a quick devil drawing with a 'Satan of [Her Home County]' thing on a paper plate that was lying around, and she took it home and sent me a photo of it on her 'wall of fame'. Other thing was she was amused by her housemate watching a cartoon where a random character had my first name, so sent a picture to me saying she thought it was me for a moment. Idk, I'll see - I'm leaving that work place soon so if feel like asking her out, there won't be any awkwardness/baggage.

          • 12 months ago

            Sounds like she digs you. Does she laugh at your jokes even when at her expense?

      • 12 months ago

        She's talking to you outside of work? bro just take her out for coffee. I'm surprised you're not fricking right now.

        • 12 months ago

          So it's a throwaway facebook account I had to make for work (some bartender job as am saving up between my last undergrad year and forthcoming postgrad year) so have access to the rota, fb work groups, etc. She sent friend request, I messaged her once to ask what some forthcoming work function thing was about (didn't go in the end) and been sustaining a back and forth for like a week now. I find her attractive, but cynic in me simply says it's a friends thing cause she seems like a social media butterfly (1000+ fb friends) and she will take much longer to reply to my messages even after they've been read.

          • 12 months ago

            *for like a month now

            That said about her slowness with messaging, she

            • 12 months ago

              Fricking auto. Anyhow, slowness with messaging withstanding, she'll be the one to send photos of stuff like tv character that shares my name or video showing off her family's dog, so idk, I'm all very oblivious. I never know with women where being nice to me/a friend ends and IOI's begin, like at my last job there was a new year's eve thing and I missed the countdown cause I decided to take a piss, and then coworker was saying to me afterwards that her and I need to share a glass of champagne together cause I missed - all smiley and such. But then she said no to me less than a week later when I asked her out, so I don't know. Women are impossible to work out for me. A real flip of a coin

          • 12 months ago

            *for like a month now

            That said about her slowness with messaging, she

            Fricking auto. Anyhow, slowness with messaging withstanding, she'll be the one to send photos of stuff like tv character that shares my name or video showing off her family's dog, so idk, I'm all very oblivious. I never know with women where being nice to me/a friend ends and IOI's begin, like at my last job there was a new year's eve thing and I missed the countdown cause I decided to take a piss, and then coworker was saying to me afterwards that her and I need to share a glass of champagne together cause I missed - all smiley and such. But then she said no to me less than a week later when I asked her out, so I don't know. Women are impossible to work out for me. A real flip of a coin

            Anyone able to help me out with this? I don't know if I am reading way too much into what maybe totally casual interactions and there's no mutual interest here at all

            • 12 months ago


              She's talking to you outside of work? bro just take her out for coffee. I'm surprised you're not fricking right now.

              >1000+ facebook friends
              That would be a "no" from me right out of the gate

              • 12 months ago

                >That would be a "no" from me right out of the gate
                Cool, I can then stop reading too much into shit. tbh, the main utility was her taking my mind off a different girl. Made me realise 'oh shit, I'll always randomly run into attractive women' so could forget the other one like she was some 1 in 1 million

              • 12 months ago

                >That would be a "no" from me right out of the gate
                Wait, "no" is in "no she isn't interested back" or "no" as in "no, you aren't reading too much into it"?

              • 12 months ago

                "no" as in big enough red flag that the relationship's not worth pursuing. Women that are too invested in social media aren't worth it

              • 12 months ago

                Oh, true. I don't have strong feelings for her outside of being attracted to her and finding her funny to be around, but I always envisioned it as more of a friends with benefits thing at most - it's only if she's attracted back to me is all. I'm moving to London in September anyhow, so wouldn't have legs even without a red flag

            • 12 months ago

              Signals wise sounds good, but you can literally never be 100% sure. Ask if she wants to go out for drinks at a bar and hang out etc., the alcohol will do the rest if there's anything between the two of you.
              >inb4 i dont drink
              ngmi etc.

  5. 12 months ago

    That is the real reason

  6. 12 months ago

    Saw best friend a year and a half after graduating high school and the second thing he said to me was I was looking chunky. I was I skinny soccer kid my whole life so it came as a shock so I started going to the gym nearly every day.

    • 12 months ago

      Huh I had the same experience, except he went from obese basically incel to fit by normie standards. Also around the same time 2 of my close obese cousins who'd been lifting for a while got fit by IST standards, so I gave it a try and it was great.

      >already went from obese to skinny atp so I was afraid of gaining mass till then

  7. 12 months ago

    I want to be able to spend hours in front of my computer without hurting myself in a way that forces me away from it.

  8. 12 months ago

    I wanted to be attractive to women, but quickly gave that up.
    Now I just want to be beautiful

  9. 12 months ago

    I've always been a healthy person and lifting helps relieve stress so I'm not committing hate crimes

  10. 12 months ago

    Trying to get a girl to like me. Never got the girl I wanted, but I did get other girls

  11. 12 months ago

    Because I want to be strong enough to punch a woman's head clean off the neck

    • 12 months ago

      This but not particularly women, just anyone in general. Also to have the cardio and endurance to run for miles afterwards.
      The idea of me just slamming my fist on someone’s jaw and leaving it unhooked and then just dusting out of there.

  12. 12 months ago

    >Middle school science class
    >Arm wrestling contest that was somehow science related
    >Lost to all the boys and some of the girls
    >Dad started taking me to the gym after that
    >Now I'm stronger than all the girls and most of the boys and I'm not fat like most of them

  13. 12 months ago

    I was 15, skinny fat, might as well have had negative upper body strength.
    Go tired of being bullied, always being shit on.
    Short period after it was for girls, then I bailed.
    Then I got fat and in pain, then I lifted.
    Now I lift. Helped me work at my job and push through physically.

  14. 12 months ago

    Because someone needs to do what Hadrian and Hitler failed to do

    • 12 months ago

      Get to 1/2/3/4 ?

  15. 12 months ago

    to reject woman

  16. 12 months ago

    Hey guys I'm poor but want to start lifting (to lose weight a little faster and so I can pick up awkward objects easier)
    I want to concentrate mostly on my forearms which are already decent from manual labor

    I like preacher curls and also regular one arm curls and am VERY poor at the moment so don't want to buy too much equipment and don't want to benchpress because I have a shoulder that keeps getting injured and don't want to mess it up again.

    Does it make sense to do one handed preacher curls with the one hand bars to focus forearms? I was thinking about just getting or making a cheap simple preacher curl bench and kneeling behind it, and just getting one one-hand bar and a few different weights for it, and switching hands. Weights are more expensive than I would have thought but gallon jugs of sand aren't heavy enough anymore and I would like the preacher curl bench

    • 12 months ago

      Because I was pressured into it and it turned out that endorphins were a thing so I was forever chasing them like a junky. My lifting volume at one point became genuinely outrageous and something that not even a roider would be able to recover from.

      You should be doing heavy carries, hammer curls, and wrist curls and extensions if you want to get big forearms. Preacher curls mostly work your biceps. They also have a big injury risk so I wouldn't recommend them if you're prone to getting injured. If you want to do something extra cheap you can get a piece of rope and tie your sand in a jug weights to it. It'll naturally work your forearms a lot more and you'll be able to use way more weight so you can still progressively overload

      • 12 months ago

        The preacher curls are great especially hammer versions.
        For weight, you could use buckets of sand tied to the dumbbell or something similar.
        Could also use car brake rotors or really anything cheap and common in your area, just use your brain.

        Also look up armwrestling training and do the forearm stuff. It works for them, it will work for you.

        Lost internet yesterday but wanted to thank both of you for the advice. I don't know what hammer curls are so I'll look up a video on proper technique. I have seen people snapping off their biceps, mostly roiders, but I definitely don't want that so I'll avoid them for now at least.
        I'll try the armwrestling exercises too.
        I might try the rope lift one too, I should get some good garden gloves for that.

    • 12 months ago

      The preacher curls are great especially hammer versions.
      For weight, you could use buckets of sand tied to the dumbbell or something similar.
      Could also use car brake rotors or really anything cheap and common in your area, just use your brain.

      Also look up armwrestling training and do the forearm stuff. It works for them, it will work for you.

  17. 12 months ago

    As a positive distraction so I can say I'm doing something good while I continue to avoid the fact that month after month is passing with no attempts at socialization or finding a relationship

  18. 12 months ago

    Women, I've always liked athletic women and it's only obvious they aren't gonna want a bag of noodles.

  19. 12 months ago

    I want tomboys to notice me and talk to me.

  20. 12 months ago

    I wanted to be intimidating enough to wear weeb stuff in public without getting shit on

    • 12 months ago

      Nobody mogs as hard as the jacked black guy wearing a DBZ shirt

      • 12 months ago

        I wanted to be intimidating enough to wear weeb stuff in public without getting shit on

        And I only mentioned race because a specific irl example came to mind

      • 12 months ago

        And I only mentioned race because a specific irl example came to mind

        You don't have to worry about accusations of race bait. The jacked black dude in a DBZ shirt is a known constant in the world

      • 12 months ago

        DBZ is the only organic way to build bridges between races.

  21. 12 months ago

    >ctrl+f gyno
    >no results
    Guess i will be the first

  22. 12 months ago

    I wanted to be a thing to admire.

  23. 12 months ago

    So my future wife will see me and think that I'm not a sack of shit filled with resentment, rage and was born of a loser and some c**t he tricked so he can marry her.

  24. 12 months ago

    So I can get b***hes

  25. 12 months ago

    lose fat and look better
    isn't it the same for everyone else?

  26. 12 months ago

    I was a skinny kid who people thought was weak.

  27. 12 months ago

    So i can look at myself in the mirror and for once say i look good

    • 12 months ago

      The day is gonna come

    • 12 months ago

      I look exactly the same but with lots of hair on the chest that extends all the way to my belly button and pubic area.

      • 12 months ago

        Guy in picture has literally no chest tho 😛

      • 12 months ago

        >lots of hair
        Should I shave it?

    • 12 months ago

      you look good bro

    • 12 months ago

      Like 2% body fat away from Brad Pitt Fight Club mode, you're gonna make it

  28. 12 months ago

    Chronic pain and a lot of rage, doctors did frick all to help because I was "too young" for a slipped disk at 19 despite XRAYS and a fricking MRI CONFIRMING IT WAS FRICKED. Stayed fricked up until I was 22, been crushing the gym for a year and I feel incredible now.

    I'm not shreaded but I'm strong and my pain/sciatica is completely gone.
    23, big arms, finally trying to get to 10% body fat so I can go shirtless in public and be arm candy for my lovely, wonderful, loyal gf who stood by me during the worst time of my life.

    I STARTED for my health, now that I'm healthy I want to be my womans trophy husband; good money, emotionally mature, loving and I put out good dick, I just want to look my best to seal the deal.

    Then I want to inspire my little brother and my nerdy ass friends to get in shape.

  29. 12 months ago

    I used to lift in order to advertise myself better to women, a span of three years of constant rejection and continuous exposure to their evil nature has turned me away from them. Now, I do intense cardio, boxing and wrestling, and weightlifting because I just hate them that much. Everytime I hit a punching bag, I imagine it's a woman I'm beating up; it's amazing how much more intense my workouts become when I'm fueled by hate instead of desire.
    Inshallah I will ascend to heaven to see the prophecy of the Prophet (PBUH) fulfilled, when he said that hell is full of women. To that end, I shall lift.

    • 12 months ago

      >Everytime I hit a punching bag, I imagine it's a woman I'm beating up
      Try this, fellow womanhater and imagine that you're crushing a woman's head everytime you hit the tire.

      I want to symbolically kill every woman on this planet before I die.

      • 12 months ago

        Forgot the picture, just thinking about it gets me pumping

    • 12 months ago

      >Everytime I hit a punching bag, I imagine it's a woman I'm beating up
      Try this, fellow womanhater and imagine that you're crushing a woman's head everytime you hit the tire.

      I want to symbolically kill every woman on this planet before I die.


    • 12 months ago

      You know it in your heart that hate and resentment will only get you a ticket to jahnnam.

  30. 12 months ago

    …I want to be like goblin slayer, unironically the only thing that made me start and kept me going

  31. 12 months ago

    I had a psychotic break my sophomore year of highschool. Started doing a lot of things I previously didn't. Went from never talking to being psycho-eyed, intimidating people on accident while speaking to them, literally hanging off the ceiling, lifting, running, and more. Then I lost anything I had a few years later, and my gains with it. I'm only getting back into it for much the same reason.

  32. 12 months ago

    Tight fukn muscle girls are my thing and I must up my chances lads.

  33. 12 months ago


  34. 12 months ago

    I’m fat and built short and wide with a barrel chest. May as well be strong and go for dwarf mode long lean aesthetic isn’t in the cards

  35. 12 months ago

    I had a short term job that worked me to death (figuratively. 14hrs, 6 or7 days a week alternating) for 3 months. Went from 270 to 218. Wanted to keep that going and regain the muscle I had from high school when I was lean and worked labour.

  36. 12 months ago

    Constructive form of self-harm

  37. 12 months ago

    Because I wanted to.

  38. 12 months ago

    I want my body to be big and strong so it makes for more entertaining daydreams.

  39. 12 months ago

    The human form, when trained and taken care of, is simply a beautiful thing. Not just a sensual beauty but metaphysically there is just a beauty in it, and the pursuit of it.

    • 12 months ago

      Based, I’m an artists and can attest to this, I want my skills to improve alongside my body so that when I’m peaked, I can create a lovingly beautiful self portrait depicting the magnificence of the human form.

      Well IST?

      I also want to looksmax so that I can lure in 4-6/10s en masse and use them to satisfy my femdom fetishes naturally rather than having to pay a hooker each time.

    • 12 months ago

      i lift for anime girls
      also what this guy said, the human body is a beatuiful thing, and the whole metaphor of your body being a piece of marble you can sculpt to perfection is a beautiful thing and since we only get one body why the frick would anyone not want to achieve peak physical form, even if there were no anime girls I'd want to do it.

    • 12 months ago

      Based, I’m an artists and can attest to this, I want my skills to improve alongside my body so that when I’m peaked, I can create a lovingly beautiful self portrait depicting the magnificence of the human form.

      I also want to looksmax so that I can lure in 4-6/10s en masse and use them to satisfy my femdom fetishes naturally rather than having to pay a hooker each time.

      i lift for anime girls
      also what this guy said, the human body is a beatuiful thing, and the whole metaphor of your body being a piece of marble you can sculpt to perfection is a beautiful thing and since we only get one body why the frick would anyone not want to achieve peak physical form, even if there were no anime girls I'd want to do it.

      This is based but because you have reached a different level of self awareness for the beauty of the human body.
      Like seeing this picture,


      I used to lift in order to advertise myself better to women, a span of three years of constant rejection and continuous exposure to their evil nature has turned me away from them. Now, I do intense cardio, boxing and wrestling, and weightlifting because I just hate them that much. Everytime I hit a punching bag, I imagine it's a woman I'm beating up; it's amazing how much more intense my workouts become when I'm fueled by hate instead of desire.
      Inshallah I will ascend to heaven to see the prophecy of the Prophet (PBUH) fulfilled, when he said that hell is full of women. To that end, I shall lift.

      the woman is not even fit but you can see how splendorous she looks just having the right bodyfat.
      Glad I am not the only on in this shithole.

    • 12 months ago

      Menzer gays ruin everything

  40. 12 months ago

    i wanted the local methheads to stop harassing me at the train station

  41. 12 months ago

    Simply looksmaxxing/self-improvement, and yes, thats what I tell my friends.

  42. 12 months ago

    r/theredpill told me to. They were right

  43. 12 months ago

    So I could hookup with hotter gay dudes.

    t. bi guy who has a wife and kid.

    • 12 months ago

      Are you bizzaro me? I'm doing it to hook up with hotter girls.

      t. Bi guy with husband and kids

  44. 12 months ago


  45. 12 months ago

    I got raped.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >Be me
        >135 lbs
        >At the beach
        >Go into bathroom
        >Some drunk follows me in
        >Pulls knife
        >Forces me into stall
        >He tries to mug me, I'm 15 and have no money
        >He starts beating the shit out of me
        >Try fighting back, but too weak and too small
        >He puts me in chokehold
        >Pulls my bathing suit down
        >Forces himself in my ass
        >At some point someone pulls him off me
        >People heard the fight and called cops
        >Never felt so weak and ashamed in my life
        >Start lifting to cope with the trauma

        • 12 months ago

          How are you feeling now?

        • 12 months ago

          I'm sorry that happened to you anon. You were just a kid.

        • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Happy pride month

        • 12 months ago

          Jesus dude. I lift because a girl I loved left me for another fitter man. I could only imagine the trauma from something like that. I guarantee you are a fricking killer now with a backstory like that. Seriously bro. Post body. You have like a supervillain / superhero backstory.

          • 12 months ago

            Its pretty common for rape victims to become strong af. Some even get on gear for extra cope (which is one of the few reasons i could understand a roiders choice)

        • 12 months ago

          Men are fricking evil

        • 12 months ago

          Being assfricked is a pretty big fear of mine. I'm truly sorry you got fricked, literally. Wish you well, bro.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm sorry I did that to you anon, I was in a dark place in my life and I made a lot of bad choices.
          Next time I'll be gentle.

        • 12 months ago

          At least you enjoyed it

        • 12 months ago

          just like Guts 🙁

          • 12 months ago

            Nah senpai gatsu got silver, anon on the other hand is about to berserk harder than the berserker berserked in berserk

        • 12 months ago

          Fake and gay. Stop posting your sexual fantasies here

        • 12 months ago

          >anon gets kwabbed

  46. 12 months ago

    So I can eat a ton of food like a man's man and impress femoids with my eating skills

  47. 12 months ago

    went to the er twice for heart issues. wanted to live

  48. 12 months ago

    My pp is small.

  49. 12 months ago

    got dumped in 11th grade, started lifting as a cope. It really was the best thing that ever happened to me. I try to tell guys this when they are sad about relationships or whatever

  50. 12 months ago

    Unironically to jerk off.

    • 12 months ago

      I can relate. Sometimes I get turned on by how good I look and I just end up jerking off in front of the mirror...

  51. 12 months ago

    best friend made a habit of making fun of me for being overweight.
    realized being inactive was turning me into a loser with no drive.
    realized being overweight was to be ungrateful for the life God blessed me with.
    i was also inspired and motivated by Goblin Slayer early on, its a good depiction of a man overcoming his circumstances. nothing like the superhero or isekai MC crap out there that says you can't do anything without some special power, or without being chosen specifically. he's not particularly smart, he's not anatomically well suited in a special way, he has no powers. everything he's able to achieve materially is either the product of his acquired knowledge, or the physical fitness he's developped and maintained. his moral foundations are unshakeable, and based on universal values as opposed to subjectivist rot.

  52. 12 months ago

    To stop myself deteriorating any further. Also there were the subtle attentions of a younger woman, and that's worked quite well. But... right person, wrong time.

  53. 12 months ago

    I want to hurt people.

    • 12 months ago

      >red flag

  54. 12 months ago

    I was tired of looking in the mirror and being disgusted with the doughy appearance I had without a shirt on.
    Then I remembered as a kid I always wanted to be a buff superhero when I grew up. I owed it to my childhood self to at least attempt to get as jacked Batman.

  55. 12 months ago

    mogged too hard as a teen

  56. 12 months ago

    I will always be my bigger brother shadow. He mogged me every single way possible Now he's dead and I'll never know when I'm enough so I'll just keep going forever putting work in waiting till I'm finally worth it probably never. There is no longer a home for me to return to.

    • 12 months ago

      wagmi, chestbrah.

  57. 12 months ago

    Lifted on and off through school just because I always liked to exercise. Was always naturally fit. After I graduated and got an office job I started to get a beer gut. Said this is disgusting, googled what to do, eat less workout more. Ok. Proceeded to do that now for over two years. How do people let themselves go, I got disgusted and I’d bet I didn’t even fall into the overweight category.

  58. 12 months ago

    I wanted people to be scared of me

  59. 12 months ago

    Currently 6'2 304, lost 31lbs in the last twoish months, 1,200 daily kcal avg
    Please tell me there's an answer to at-home core workouts that take it easier on my legs/hip flexors? My only gripe with everything right now

    • 12 months ago

      do crunches with your legs elevated on your bed so your butt is off the ground, you will feel it in your abs and not your hip flexors

  60. 12 months ago

    I was stressed out from working full time and studying for actuary exams so I started working out to actually go to sleep at night

  61. 12 months ago

    1) Pussy.
    2) People to respect me more.
    3) Heal... I mean, I would do it for health but lifting doesn't actually help health, growing big muscles has literally nothing to do with health, it's a lie perpetrated by big gym. All this creatine, protein, whey and other supplements is probably on the bad side for you.

  62. 12 months ago

    Want to frick cute twinks

  63. 12 months ago

    I had started eating better a few months beforehand (no more soda/slop) and had lost some pounds already
    I had also grown bored of vidya and Netflix/Hulu/etc and didn't know how to fill the void
    I tried ~~*dating apps*~~ but you can guess how that went, self-esteem wood chipper
    I was about to turn 30 (yes I'm a boomer) and was in a constantly anxious state about my age and my loserdom
    I literally just went down the street and got a gym membership on a whim one day and have been going almost every day for 3 years

  64. 12 months ago

    So I won’t be fat when I walk my son across the field on senior night for his last football game.

  65. 12 months ago

    I wanted to look like Spiderman and other characters I idolized so I started doing bodyweight exercises in grade 1 or 2.

  66. 12 months ago

    because I look and feel stronger. I used to be very skinny.

  67. 12 months ago

    I'm 179cm and 64kgs. A few years ago I was 55 kgs. I still am skinny as frick but now i've put on almost 10 kgs more and that motivates me that if I keep working out I'll add another 10 kgs in a few years.

    I want to escape what I was. Small and Weak.

  68. 12 months ago

    I enjoy being bigger and stronger than you

  69. 12 months ago

    Because I have unexplained small fiber neuropathy that developed over the previous winter and need to drop a lot of weight for me to live more comfortably and not be a fat frick.

    If I didn't exercise intensely + have a well- balanced diet to continuously lose weight I'd make zero progress in my life while not being able to live like a fat ass comfortably and would probably rope myself this year.

    I'm also a 28 year old kissless hugless handholdless dateless virgin who even when actually fit refuses sexual advances from females because feelings of extreme inadequacy + insecurity. Maybe getting back in shape will give me another chance to actually act on women approaching/flirting with me so I can lose my virginity and stop obsessing over it half the hours of every single day.

    It's over, isn't it?

    • 12 months ago

      >Because I have unexplained small fiber neuropathy that developed over the previous winter
      Vaxxed huh?

      • 12 months ago

        Actually, that's a good point. The frick? I never actually thought about that. Yes I am.

        • 12 months ago

          Better watch out for the suddenlies.

        • 12 months ago

          le fishe

  70. 12 months ago

    I was a weak, abused, frightened child and I don’t want to be that

  71. 12 months ago

    I don't want to look like a stereotypical pedophile

    • 12 months ago

      So you're trying to bring something new to the game, huh?

    • 12 months ago

      That depends the vast majority on your facial structure, a little bit on your skin quality and a very little bit on how old/fat you are.

  72. 12 months ago

    It's one of the three best things you can do for yourself, full stop

  73. 12 months ago

    Boredom, no real direction

    Now I just like the way I look is all

  74. 12 months ago

    I was a fat kid, I wanted everyone to stop teasing me and, because girls used to tell me "I'd have a crush on you if you weren't fat".

    • 12 months ago

      Disgusting. Women shouldn’t have any rights until they marry.

    • 12 months ago

      >Be me
      >Waiting for some muscleb***h to finish her DLs
      >Weight is impressive for a woman
      >She starts peeing mid set
      >After the last rep she looks over
      >"Wanna work yours in?"
      Frick man I can't

  75. 12 months ago

    I was a fat kid and one day I was making fun of a buff guy on tv. My dad said “I could see you becoming like him one day” It genuinely hadn’t occurred to me until that point that I could become fit. It changed my entire worldview and perception of myself. Father’s Day is coming up bros, hug your dad.

  76. 12 months ago

    I'm underweight and weak

  77. 12 months ago

    few different reasons. best way to explain it is to blogpost.
    >been a step or two beneath ottermode during high school, visible abs, no real size, no flab
    >crushed on like 4-5 girls, during school only ever asked out 2, one date and one tacit rejection
    >realized I had to make myself a catch to land a catch
    >after HS, hit the gym, lifting in the hopes of impressing the two I hadn't asked out and making the other two jealous
    >date one of the 4 girls for about 3 years
    >still thinking about the last one the whole time, still lifting, become fixated on 1/2/3/4 as I've been relatively weak my whole life
    >gf gives me ultimatum to essentially stop being depressed or she'll leave me (lol)
    >decide that instant that I'll use the fire of missing out on girl #4 to get me out of depression
    >finally hit 200lbs bodyweight, hit 1pl8 and 2pl8, messy breakup with gf
    >ask out the woman I'd been pining over for 7 years
    >she excitedly says yes
    >two dates we go on suck, no chemistry. her interest peters out, I stay interested for a year or two afterwards, that wanes too
    >realize my ego and personality don't fit into a small body anymore
    >realize I like filling my shirts and feeling big and strong
    >cannot be seen regressing by anyone I used to know, especially the women
    it's some motivation but it's not as much as it was.

    • 12 months ago

      So you had a nice gf that loved you, but you kept sperging out about some random b***h from school long ago. You fell into depression became a fat powerlifter went on two dates with the hoe that sucked, and now you are a lonely depressed weirdo in the gym ?
      Sounds great bro

      • 12 months ago

        if a girl gives you an ultimatum, she doesn't love you. she's already seriously thought about what life will look like without you, and sees it as an acceptable option. what do you think happens to guys who stay in relationships after ultimatums? she whips it out again whenever she wants you to change. have you ever dated anyone?
        and I just had my third anniversary with another lady, who's great, that I met after I broke up with the last gf.
        this thread was about why we started lifting. I started when I was an emotionally stunted teenager. where did you think I was condoning this?

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds like you still are an emotionally stunted teen

          • 12 months ago

            he's absolutely right though, go back

        • 12 months ago

          >if a girl gives you an ultimatum, she doesn't love you.
          truest shit i ever read. I loved my gf of 3 years and did so much for her because she has BPD stacked with really bad period cramps and she ended up just taking all my energy while complaining i wasn't doing enough to make her feel special. that kind of communication really fricks with a person--when she only wants to be with you, but is never happy with you. I ended up breaking up with her because there was just too many red flags... we'd have sex once a month, she'd sperg at me over minor shit, she'd shit talk her "friends" and any kind gesture I did was met with animosity because it wasn't enough in her eyes.

          learn from me and be careful who you end up in a long relationship with. the signs were there from the start but you have to love yourself before getting in a real relationship. AND THAT GOES FOR ALL PARTIES INVOLVED.

      • 12 months ago

        >nice gf that loved you
        >gf gives me ultimatum to essentially stop being depressed or she'll leave me

        • 12 months ago

          It’s not other people’s responsibility to fix your shit, moron. A loving person will try to accommodate you during bad times but a self respecting person will realize your irresponsibility is going to drag them down too and leave you.
          If you are making zero efforts to fix your memepression then being dumped is expected.

          • 12 months ago

            >the instant a relationship becomes net negative you should leave them
            >having depression is irresponsible

            • 12 months ago

              >the instant
              Nah you just have a 2nd grader’s reading comprehension if that’s what you got from my post.

    • 12 months ago

      Long story short:
      Insecure creep lirts only for some bawds.

    • 12 months ago

      damn, the pic in your post conviced me to IST max

  78. 12 months ago

    i was a fat hedonist and fell in love with a camgirl. realized it is worth it to try to get a gf

  79. 12 months ago

    >8th grade
    >be weak kiddo
    >We were switching classrooms or something so we all had to carry books across school
    >Walking alongside crush trying to make conversation, mention how my arms are feeling tired holding these textbooks
    >She laughs and says the books aren't even that heavy
    >realize i made myself look like a weak homosexual
    This small event planted the idea in the back of my head to stop being weak, i didn't take weightlifting seriously until the last year of high school which is a shame but whatever

  80. 12 months ago

    Cuz they made me to play football, and I realized it felt good, and I got rid of my breasts and turned them into pecs.

  81. 12 months ago

    I got mogged wallclimbing, climbing rope and pulling weights by literally everyone in the spawn of a few hours

  82. 12 months ago

    because im having a daughter

    • 12 months ago
  83. 12 months ago

    I'm Aro/Asexual so i don't care about dating, I just want to look like Clint Walker and be able to carry the animals I hunt more easily

    • 12 months ago

      Just say you're monk mode instead of that pansy ass lgbt talk

      • 12 months ago

        Celibacy ≠ Asexuality, I just don't feel attraction, I don't like sex

        Just say you're a homosexual, anon. It's ok, this isnt a safe space but it is one full of morons just like you

        I don't care gay, the thread is about the real reason we started lifting, I considered I was homosexual but also didn't work

    • 12 months ago

      Just say you're a homosexual, anon. It's ok, this isnt a safe space but it is one full of morons just like you

    • 12 months ago

      Celibacy ≠ Asexuality, I just don't feel attraction, I don't like sex
      I don't care gay, the thread is about the real reason we started lifting, I considered I was homosexual but also didn't work


      Just say you're monk mode instead of that pansy ass lgbt talk

      means is that asexual makes you sound like a weak, defective manchild. It sounds like something's dysfunctional/underdeveloped. Not saying there's anything wrong with you, but if you tell others you're asexual, just be careful about how that sounds to them
      >inb4 I don't care what other people think
      would you crack a massive fart in line at the grocery store? Don't kid yourself

      • 12 months ago

        Black person, what the frick are you talking about?, Stop projecting your own insecurities, I never had a problem saying it with friends, family and people I've met so far. If you have a problem maybe is because every time you expressed yourself with others they saw you as a moron/homosexual/autist that is not worth taken seriously

  84. 12 months ago

    >to make my dad proud
    >for more confidence (worked big time)
    >so i can do cool shit at playgrounds
    >for women
    >for strength

  85. 12 months ago

    Tired of being mogged into oblivion by my younger brother

  86. 12 months ago

    I wanted to look good for all of the above
    >attract women more easily

  87. 12 months ago

    Time ago I woke up in the morning, went to bathroom and a damn fatfrick was staring back at me in the mirror. Disgusting.

  88. 12 months ago

    I was 25 and a fatfrick and my friend who was in worse shape than me died of a heart attack at 30. Scared the shit out of me and got me motivated to care for my body

  89. 12 months ago

    My dad won some bodybuilding competitions younger, being next to a greek god all the time made me feel like I shouls put atleast modicum of effort even though I've never really been into working out.

  90. 12 months ago

    i started lifting in high school to kill time before the bus home. i lift now because of sedentary office work.

  91. 12 months ago

    I got fat and people like Socrates and Aristotle inspired me to be a more civilized man and make more responsible choices.
    I also don't want to look like shit, even if I'll never look like gigachad

  92. 12 months ago

    I was unhappy with how flabby I looked so I decided to do something about it. The first year I did mostly meme cardio exercises and just stopped eating bread and pasta. I got skinny pretty fast only to realize I still looked pudgy
    >But how? I did the YouTube ab workout every day??? Where's my six pack??
    So I decided to do research and I found out about protein, calories, actual muscle building info. So that's why I lift, I just thought I looked pudgy after losing weight. I was never even fat to begin with. I was also deeply unhappy and uncertain with my life, so the routine did help a lot. I still am unhappy and uncertain but I literally don't feel sad because of endorphins, which kind of fricks me since I just don't stress about anything. I assume this is what a marijuana addict is like

  93. 12 months ago

    >What I told my friends:
    I want to be strong.

    >Why actually did it:
    To get girls.

    I got both, so it's a win either way.

  94. 12 months ago

    I'm insecure and it seeps through my personality and I end up being self-deprecating and suicidal. So I work out so if I have a body I at least like, I won't be as insecure

  95. 12 months ago

    I felt like an awkward loner and wanted to be normal and play football
    I worked out a lot, joined the team, did really well in fact, but I didn't become normal or fit in
    Now I just still do it out of habit

  96. 12 months ago

    My dad died from cancer last year and for weeks all i could think about was lifting, which was weird cause i didn't lift before. So i went into a gym, got a menbership, and have been going since.

  97. 12 months ago

    Always been a weak kid and a history nerd. I was listening to the history of the Italian Wars when I was 21 and realized that Francis I of France was conquering Italy in full metal plate armor on horseback when he was my age, I was inspired to learn to fight. Did Muay Thai for roughly two years, but life got in the way and I couldn't keep up, so I started lifting instead. Now I lift to be a strong man who can defend my wife and baby daughter.

    Truth is I'm terrified. I live in Europe, and the way the israelites are letting in hordes of migrants is something one hasn't seen since the migration period of the Dark Ages. We are standing on the eve of our civilization, and a new dark age will come upon us. There will be changes in how Europe is and has been for the past 1500 years, and these transitions are never peaceful. I'm not a gung-ho racist who wants TND or whatever, I dont think your worth as a human is determined by your pigmentation, but its just a brutal hard fact that when push comes to shove in times of crisis, family is what matters, and the migrants are not a part of the European family. Yugoslavia was a microcosm of what is coming. I pray to God that my family may be safe in the coming centuries of darkness, but I dare not be unprepared for the worst. My wife thinks we're homesteading because we're ironic hippies, but I want to create and oasis of peace in the coming storm of chaos.

    All in all I'm a bit ambivilent to how Europe will look in 500 years. Its just the wheel of history turning once more, but I'll be damned if I let my family suffer when we're between the rubber and the road.

    • 12 months ago
  98. 12 months ago

    I feel sorry for my body when I look at it, and I don't want anyone else to feel that too when I die.

  99. 12 months ago

    No matter how stupid it sounds, I wanna see my fricking abs for the first time in my life.
    I'm, 36yo and this is a real challenge.
    You need challenges in life.

    • 12 months ago

      What percent is your body fat?

    • 12 months ago

      Literally me

  100. 12 months ago

    I wanna feel good

  101. 12 months ago

    I started to lift to get myself a gf. But it turned out 5 months of working out consistently is more than enough to impress 99% of sexually attractive girls at their prime. So since then I lift only to look and feel good.

  102. 12 months ago

    Rocky IV
    I wanted to be like bearded Rocky,I thought he was the epitome of cool macho.
    Nowadays its for a myriad of reasons rather than one moronic one,I ve grown up.

  103. 12 months ago

    I hate myself and just want to feel something. I cannot even trust people at this point.

  104. 12 months ago

    Saw a girl im friends with in a bathsuit, she goes gym. She had better shoulder and arms than me

  105. 12 months ago

    A number of reasons. Nobody takes fat people seriously. I'm also short and losing my hair so I've got to at least be somewhat fit. I can't help being short and bald but I can do something about my physique. I want to be strong for my children and in case of total social collapse in the next couple of years. My long term partner is also no longer attracted to me so I need to make myself into a hot dad in the next couple of years in case we break up so I can get straight back in the game

  106. 12 months ago

    I was skinny as frick my whole life and got sick of people ridiculing me for it (6' 120 lbs when I graduated high school). I started lifting in college because my dorm was loud as frick 24/7 and I couldn't sleep, after one year of lifting six days a week I gained 15 pounds of muscle and I've been ottermode ever since (up to 165 lbs now).

    Now people ask me for advice about lifting, feels good.

  107. 12 months ago

    To frick women, of course.

  108. 12 months ago

    I want to become Hokage

  109. 12 months ago

    My life was a complete mess and I went through the self improvement part. Tried everything. It fricking worked.

    Top 4?:

    >Low carb and IF
    >Limit mindless scrolling and replace it with reading.

    In that order.
    The next objective is to completely quit smartphone mindless usage.

    • 12 months ago

      Ok good. Im the chieftain of IST and i now allow you to leave this site.

  110. 12 months ago

    Because Im a fricking 6feet8 former skelly, and want to be stronger and healthier.
    I was 85kg few years ago, now 96kg, I aim for 105 kg it would be perfect.

    If you are tall and skinny people will laugh at you trust me but when you have lot of mooscles, people are scared of you.

    I’ve got a few of what I call scare-mires :
    >girl who grab something in her purse the second she sees me, it was nighttime in the street.
    >couple I walk by are surprised the second I reach out from their blind spot
    >kid get scared when he opens the door where I was standing behind

    They aren’t lying to you on fit when they say height plays a big role. But in exchange people expect a lot from you,

  111. 12 months ago

    I wanted to look better for a japanese streamer, just in case she decided to frick me or something

  112. 12 months ago

    cuz i want to feel good, i'm not going back to skinnyfat hell

  113. 12 months ago

    Because I want to be a twink with abs

  114. 12 months ago

    i want my kid to always tell the truth when he says "my dad is stronger than your dad"

  115. 12 months ago

    I want my kids to say "my dad can beat up your dad" and have it be the truth. So far I'm 1-0-0

  116. 12 months ago

    I have low self-esteem, so I figured being stronger and better looking will give me confidence to pick (hotter) girls.
    The fact I started to work in corporate and finally understood that looks matter is partially to blame too.

  117. 12 months ago

    I feel like a bit of an outlier, because I learned how to lift as part of a training program for my sport in high school. No girls, no insecurity, just doing it to be a better athlete so I could win competitions and set records

  118. 12 months ago

    i was ugly and bullied mercilessly as a child because i was fat and had fricked up teeth. im a bong so you can imagine. i got braces and got IST, and i was the class clown from being fat so i can make ladies laugh, but now i feel worthless unless im one of the most attractive people in the room, and a single rejection basically ruins my enitre week.

  119. 12 months ago

    Because I've felt weak my entire life.

  120. 12 months ago

    To escape being an NPC. And also Sex is so much better when a women touches my biceps and my sixpack.

    • 12 months ago

      >To escape being an NPC.
      I'm sorry to tell you this but there's a quite high prevalence of npcs in gyms all over the world

  121. 12 months ago

    because I want to make other men feel bad

  122. 12 months ago

    The actual reason is that I was baking a lot of bread for a while and my hands got tired kneading the dough, so I decided I had to get stronger

  123. 12 months ago

    I want big muscles so I can see people mirin

  124. 12 months ago

    Right wing extremism

  125. 12 months ago

    I've hated my body since I was 9 and got bullied over being overweight as a prepubescant lad. Now I could have sex with my former bullies against their will.

    • 12 months ago

      I think that is the reason I am going to tell my friends that is pretty funny

  126. 12 months ago

    To be the man my son thinks I am.

  127. 12 months ago

    To get a femdom side piece who'd finally peg me.

  128. 12 months ago

    I'm tired of being skinnyfat/half-fit. I also want to make my girlfriend more jealous because being fit gets attention.

  129. 12 months ago

    To make people care about my opinions and what I say. It matters not how long I study a topic, if I look like a fat geek none of that knowledge will give any respect or recognition. Or if it did, it dishes out much less.

  130. 12 months ago

    Aside from many of the reasons posted on this thread, I've gotta say that I started lifting because I was insecure of my body for the fact that genetically I always had the "dominant" lower section of the body: huge legs and ass, both made out by muscles and fat. So I wanted to be as huge and strong in my upper part as the lower part and lose the feeling of being "dysproportionate". Since a year and a few months I do mainly Thai Boxe, so I kinda embraced it (you know, kicks and shit) and I'm not afraid of my lower gains, but still I want to become bigger on the upper side both for aesthetic and stronger punches

    • 12 months ago

      I'm also kinda like this one guy


      I used to lift in order to advertise myself better to women, a span of three years of constant rejection and continuous exposure to their evil nature has turned me away from them. Now, I do intense cardio, boxing and wrestling, and weightlifting because I just hate them that much. Everytime I hit a punching bag, I imagine it's a woman I'm beating up; it's amazing how much more intense my workouts become when I'm fueled by hate instead of desire.
      Inshallah I will ascend to heaven to see the prophecy of the Prophet (PBUH) fulfilled, when he said that hell is full of women. To that end, I shall lift.

      May Allah bless you

  131. 12 months ago

    To be the strongest and lead the liftocracy my shithead friends created.

    My roommate had been lifting consistently for 18 months and started to lord it over me. I got a home setup and beat his lifts within 3 months. Now he doesn't go anymore.

  132. 12 months ago

    I think girls with abs are sexy but no girl with abs would ever date a fatass

    what's the gym for not being an antisocial loser though?

  133. 12 months ago

    had moobs

  134. 12 months ago

    I've always admired my dad's strength. It would be a shame not to try with the genetics he gave me. Also, pussy.

  135. 12 months ago

    I had 3 reasons when i started
    >We had gym during PE class and it seemed fun so i wanted to try it properly
    >i wanted to get stronger and bigger for hockey
    >i wanted the extra attention from girls

    Now i do it because i like it

  136. 12 months ago


  137. 12 months ago

    "hey bro wanna hit the gym"
    i don't even have a goal i just lift and rest

  138. 12 months ago

    I started watching Dragon Ball Z.

    • 12 months ago



      Hours of free time I'd rather have spent being productive in some way.
      Getting away from video games.

      Now it's a habit and i want to lie about how long ive been lifting for compliments >:)

      I hate how self-improvement circles only seem to demonize vidya and nothing else.
      >Oh, ROOOOODing is good because old people did it!
      >TV is good because old people watch it! Video games are degenerate and evil and satan because.. THEY JUST ARE OKAY????
      I've even seen self improvement gurus say fricking porn is better for you than video games. I mean yeah video game addiction can definitely be bad, but the solution is to just play games with genuinely good replay value, like sandbox games and shit.

      • 12 months ago

        tf are you talking bout homie. playing videogames? i only play with the psyche of my victims. there other things to do, yet im scrolling here still.

  139. 12 months ago

    I was skinny and weak as shit

  140. 12 months ago

    Hours of free time I'd rather have spent being productive in some way.
    Getting away from video games.

    Now it's a habit and i want to lie about how long ive been lifting for compliments >:)

  141. 12 months ago

    I'm scared.

  142. 12 months ago

    Because I couldn't think of anything other than my ex broke up with me, so I had to occupy my mind with something and have an objective in life because I felt really empty. I still do it because I rely most of my self worth in my physical appearance.

  143. 12 months ago

    At first it was for b***hes.

    Now, it's for Christ.

  144. 12 months ago

    needed something to occupy my time after kicking drug addiction and alcoholism

  145. 12 months ago

    My friends were into it and it seemed like a better idea than smoking weed. The rest is history

  146. 12 months ago

    started lifting in highschool for social validation from peers but it didn't work because I'm awkward, in college I just wanted to be attractive to girls but it didn't work because I'm ugly, after college I just wanted to bulk to be intimidating but it didn't work because my frame isn't big enough

    now I just want to be healthy

  147. 12 months ago

    I was on mushrooms and i grabbed my own upper arm and realized I was just skin and bones and it freaked me tf out and i decided i wasnt going to accept that

  148. 12 months ago

    I really just want to look good, not physically, but fashion wise, having a fit frame does wonders to your fit

  149. 12 months ago

    Because I like to draw and didn't want to make my characters dyels since I base some of them off of my model

  150. 12 months ago

    I was weak when it came to strength. So I build strength for years. Now people ask me for help with things you need strength for.

  151. 12 months ago


  152. 12 months ago

    Got my ass kicked by some guy my age and never wanted that to happen again

  153. 12 months ago

    i was an unhealthy fat ass but thats also what im tell people

  154. 12 months ago

    Life is much easier as a man when you're buff and handsome. I really just need to lose my bodyfat and beef up my upper torso.
    Also, I wanna look like Cooler DBZ.

  155. 12 months ago

    Doc said I was fat, mom said I was fat, I'm Asian and no white woman will ever love me

  156. 12 months ago

    I'm scared of my own body handicapping itself in obesity, and ending up a useless hobbling fat moron who can't go and enjoy the world. Lifting and keeping weight down makes it less likely that I find myself unable to walk to the store myself, unable to keep up with my future kids, and otherwise ensure I don't need to measure distances, break stops and consider weight limits before just going and doing something.

  157. 12 months ago

    I used to just run long distance and that made me super skinny(5’10” 110lbs). During my freshman year of HS one of the seniors would occasionally swap my weak ass bench with 135lbs. He’d laugh and call me weak for not being able to lift 1 plate. I didn’t like feeling weak, by the end of the year I could do three reps. Over my sophomore and junior year I put on 35lbs while still running. I ended up being one of the most muscular guys in that athletics class, and I got a few of the other skinny dudes into lifting towards the middle of my senior year. Me and that senior ended up being friends for a while. I never got close to his bench, but I passed him, and almost everyone, in max pull-ups.

  158. 12 months ago

    Im not even sure why I started lifting, I guess I enjoy physicality and its nice that I have a better body than all my fav movie characters. Its satisfying to see your body evolve. Even comparing my shadow from when I was 60kg to 77kg now is different

  159. 12 months ago

    Mental health and confidence in the swinger lifestyle, I know I've got my wife hooked but trying to attract other women is strange waters after only being with one for almost 20 years.

    • 12 months ago

      >trying to attract other women is strange waters after only being with one for almost 20 years.
      In similar waters, but 7 years. Any tips?

      • 12 months ago

        Know what you're looking for and make sure everyone else does too, communication CANNOT be understated enough in this situation if you don't want to potentially have a nice day in the foot.
        My wife and I aren't looking for another romantic interest, we just want FWB type thing with other cool people we think are sexy, knowing that going in and making absolutely sure the people we meet know it too makes headaches down the road avoidable, and if either of us feel uncomfortable for any reason we shut things down on the spot and reconnect.

        If you're looking for more advice along the lines of "what do women want these days" you're barking up the wrong tree, 'just bee urself :)' is literally the best advice anyone could give and quite possibly the only way forward in the lifestyle that won't blow up in your face eventually. Show up as you are, so you aren't afraid of needing to change to 'fit in' and the people that show interest are showing interest in the real you, not the you that lies about wrenching on motorcycles to impress people.
        tl;dr: Honesty is the best policy and boundaries need to be discussed at length with everyone that will see your penis.

  160. 12 months ago

    So that the cute latina at the MDick doesn't do a weird smirk at me but a cute smile.

  161. 12 months ago

    I want to hurt people 🙂

  162. 12 months ago


  163. 12 months ago

    I was tired of not being able to wipe my ass unless I stand and brace my arm against a wall to force it over.

    I was tired of having a 3 incher hard and not being able to have sex unless it's cowgirl style.

    I was tired of getting winded going from my car to my work desk with the five minute walk I had to do to get there.

    I was tired of being an inconvenience, burden and subject of worry for myself, my family and my loved ones.

    I was tired of being in pain 24/7 regardless of doing nothing all day but sitting on my ass and watching TV while playing vidya.

    I was tired of being pitied, laughed at and thought of as worthless or worse by strangers.

    I was tired of being invisible while simultaneously sticking out.

    I was tired of hating myself.

    I was tired of not seeing a future for myself.

    I used to be an avid weightlifter in my high school years into my mid 20's. Life happened and I lost sight of myself and the person I was.

    I got over 500lbs when I started in March. I have no idea how much I weigh now.

    I workout every other day from 4am to 7am. I weight train the entire time, I do 14 separate exercises. I do 5 sets of 10 Tuesday/Thursday (high rep low weight) and 5 sets of 5 on Saturday (high weight/low rep.) The recomposition over the last three months has been tremendous. I've become stronger than my younger self in a lot of ways but my endurance is still not what it used to be.

    Good luck out there fellow ISTizens. We are all going to make it.

    • 12 months ago



      • 12 months ago

        I was visiting IST in 2010. I've been coming to IST since 2008. I'm a newbie but I'll guarantee you're an even bigger newbie. Anyone who green text reddit is a certified cum slurping homosexual.

    • 12 months ago

      3hours seems excessive but good shit, anon. Very nice. Got a photo you want to share?

  164. 12 months ago

    My being is filled with such a raging primal energy that if I did not release it by lifting weights it would absolutely consume me entirely and destroy me

  165. 12 months ago

    I want a gf

  166. 12 months ago

    Weak small and ugly as frick, late puberty and probably low T

    Wanted to feel and look like a man

  167. 12 months ago

    I've been fat all my life, and i was so tired of being jealous of fit people. The breaking point was when a friend said I looked like shit.

  168. 12 months ago

    I have been obsessed with having a large, muscular body since I was 5. I've always felt as if I was in the wrong body. People with my personality are more successful personally, socially, professionally, and romantically when they're much, much larger than average. Some people can make small-body manletism work for them, I am not one of those people. To be fulfilled and fully self-actualized, I need to be quite large.

  169. 12 months ago

    My friend called me a weak little b***h and I started working out with him after school from then on. Enjoyed working out ever since.

  170. 12 months ago

    I dont want to be depressed anymore. It worked for a while but old habits die hard

    • 12 months ago

      Whenever you feel that shit creeping on tell yourself "STOP", and think of the word stop as an acronym for "simple things obstructing progress". Use this phrase to evaluate your current frame of mind, Is what you're thinking really true? Can you confirm it FACE TO FACE with someone you KNOW PERSONALLY or are you playing yes man in your own head? Really sit down and question your own through process and learn to STOP that shit. I believe in you anon, keep lifting.

  171. 12 months ago

    I've wanted to be a lethal weapon since like 5 years old so naturally I did calisthenics until teenage years then started lifting

  172. 12 months ago

    to make my gyno just look like oversized pecs

  173. 12 months ago

    So I can hate myself a little bit less
    It doesn't work, but at least I'm stronger

  174. 12 months ago

    I remembered when I was a kid I thought I would look like a movie star when I was older. Then I realized I could do that I just had to work for it.

  175. 12 months ago

    I felt immasculated after my 4 year gf left. Then I got addicted to PRs and just kept doing it because the alternative is to NOT workout which is gay.

  176. 12 months ago

    When I was a skinny teen I’d always picture myself as being buff when I was an adult but never really thought about it until one day I realized I would always remain a skinny homosexual unless I did something about it, so I started lifting

    • 12 months ago

      Purple Swamphen

  177. 12 months ago

    Because I have scoliosis and with the current pain I can't even imagine how badly it would be if I didn't lift

  178. 12 months ago

    Required to play football in highschool
    Why I do it now
    To look like Baki

  179. 12 months ago

    Had a hard time when throwing my 48Kg female friend into a trash container so I had to get stronger

  180. 12 months ago

    self disgust

  181. 12 months ago

    It's the only place to meet athletic qts after you graduate college

  182. 12 months ago

    Because the ideal man is fit
    And because I want to love myself

  183. 12 months ago

    I watched DBZ and I wanted to get strong.

  184. 12 months ago

    Got sober and needed a new source of dopamine

  185. 12 months ago

    saw code geass. said frick it why not. im now gonna be an modern day emperor or die trying.

  186. 12 months ago

    cure depression and rid myself of anxiety.
    all i do is get angry and want to work out even harder.
    the pain from muscles ripping and getting swole has become self abuse
    the pain is my only escape.

  187. 12 months ago

    I identify as a supremely physically attractive male and I expect to be treated as such. My face and height doesn't get me that treatment, so gym it is.

    I was bullied for being fat throughout elementary and highschool, so I have a very low self-image of myself. I can't get around to have sex unless I am in shape.

  188. 12 months ago

    I want to look better naked. Simple as.

  189. 12 months ago

    I like looking good, and want to look better.

  190. 12 months ago

    >Impromptu pushup competition at work
    >used to do sets of 20 years ago
    >assume I still can cause normoid delusions
    >do 6 in front of everybody
    >feel like death, shaky for an hour
    >massive doms next day
    >train pushups every day in fear it'll happen again
    >feel like my chest and arms are bigger right after, they feel swollen and inarticulate
    >girl at work glances at my chest in the elevator
    >I've never been eyefricked before, wtf, this feels great
    >get up to 200 a day in multiple sets
    >clothes start to fit different
    >see guy on train with big Biceps
    >I wanna be like that
    >buy babbys first 43kg barbell set
    >start watching strongman competitions and doing curls
    >feel like big man
    >get fat as shit because idiot bulk
    >covid lockdowns happen
    >decide to lose all the weight and get muscular at home
    >do 5 minute isolation videos on YouTube
    >teaches me different curls
    >do 2 in one day, then 3
    >string my favourite movements together into a rough routine
    >start progressing weight
    >buy pullup bar, find out I can do 1!
    >train every day until I can do sets of 5+

    Look at yourself like a friend in need, who's always had your back and always will. Help him get fricken ripped bros.

  191. 12 months ago

    it's hard to tell
    I did some casual lifting in HS, so I always knew it makes me feel good
    However the real trigger was few years after I started jogging - Ive suddenly noticed my legs are fricking musclar and ripped as frick. This was after about 3 years of jogging and eating meat consistently for 1 year. It made me really happy, but my upper body was skinnyfat trash.
    So I decided to lift, and get my upper body on the same level as my legs

  192. 12 months ago

    Unfulfilled hubris
    Constant humiliation

  193. 12 months ago

    I just want to get big enough that a women will call me Daddy

  194. 12 months ago

    Frick for longer before getting exhausted.

  195. 12 months ago

    I started when I realized I was gonna be dumped by my GF of 6 years and I was having career issues
    its been 3 years, basically it was my reason to not give up on life, now its something that is essential to my way of living

    I have a tendency to get addicted to stuff that feels good though so that helped

  196. 12 months ago

    >family history of heart attacks
    >fatties being killed off by covid
    >vax giving people heart attacks
    >fatties get heart attacks anyway
    i took up lifting to lose help me lose weight, thereby protecting my heart

  197. 12 months ago

    I played sports growing up and starting lifting to help in high school, then it just became habit and I never stopped

  198. 12 months ago

    To be a hooker's hottest client.

  199. 12 months ago

    Fricked up my back gardening and figured i should do something to prevent it happenibg again

  200. 12 months ago

    >me be
    >gf breaks up with u
    >go nightclubbing with friends
    >got beat up
    >damn i'm weak
    >start going to gym

  201. 12 months ago

    To mog the fat fricks who orbits my crush

  202. 12 months ago

    I'm want muscles

    • 12 months ago

      Also I want a family and no one wants a fat bf/husband

  203. 12 months ago

    My friends took me with them because they wanted to look better and zoomers are unable to go to the gym alone. Fast forward and they stop going to the gym, but I find hitting prs as a newb awesome.

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