What actually causes depression? Is being?

What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Not necessarily the cure, but if you're out of shape, getting in shape can feel like taking on a passion project in and of itself, which, at least for a while, restores your sense of purpose.

    • 9 months ago

      so, you think having a purpose is the cure? Once you're in shape, what would you say is a worthwhile purpose?

      • 9 months ago

        to stay in shape

      • 9 months ago

        >Once you're in shape, what would you say is a worthwhile purpose?
        Striving to make the world a better place for those you care about, which is infinitely easier when you're not a tubby tub fat frick.

        • 9 months ago

          >Striving to make the world a better place for those you care about
          very based

          Modern society.
          Do you think your grandpa had "depression"?

          what about modern society specifically?

          • 9 months ago

            If you will constantly fight Saturn's energy, you won't go very far. Every aspect of human existence has it's place.

      • 9 months ago

        >Once you're in shape, what would you say is a worthwhile purpose?
        To follow this cycle like Sisyphus rolls his boulder

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          >bale was 25 during American Psycho
          Always blows my mind. Dude looks fricking 40.

          • 9 months ago

            I know right? I'm 25 too but I feel young and silly in comparison

            Just watched adventure time with my gf while eating chicken yet this dude looked and acted like a true grown man

            On the brighter side that means I live longer lol

            • 9 months ago

              >that means I live longer lol
              That means you'll look younger for longer. Which is also pretty good.

            • 9 months ago

              Reddit: The Post
              Stop watching cartoons

            • 9 months ago

              >Just watched adventure time with my gf while eating chicken yet this dude looked and acted like a true grown man

          • 9 months ago

            He's English

          • 9 months ago

            I think it’s partly the hairdo. People say I look older when I have my hair like that and I’ve been told I look like this homie anyway

      • 9 months ago

        My purpose is to make fun of miserable black pilling idiots on IST.

        • 9 months ago

          holy cope the post lmao lel

          • 9 months ago

            t. Black pilled loser


            My purpose is to make fun of miserable black pilling idiots on IST.

            Based, life is to be enjoyed and experienced.

        • 9 months ago

          Good. Frick black-pilled virgins.
          I am a depressed c**t ever since I was born and felt all my life I shouldn't be born, but the reasons are deep and rooted in the nature of existence.
          While blackpilled morons think their game has been rigged because they have one nostril bigger than the other or some fricking stupid superficial shit like that.
          They make me sick. They'd regurgitate that black pill very fast if they would just get a dick shoved up their arse.

          • 9 months ago
            depressed anon

            I see lots of blackpill youtubers doing well making doomer content maybe that's the route for us

      • 9 months ago

        Finding a woman and breeding her to continue your ancestral bloodline.

        • 9 months ago

          what a cope muh bloodline no one will remember you a 100 years from now

          • 9 months ago

            Frick off israelite.

          • 9 months ago

            >.t loser who ancestors are ashamed of
            just because you dont live in a way to make your ancestors proud doesnt mean nobody else does

      • 9 months ago

        >so, you think having a purpose is the cure
        It objectively is. Men are defined by purpose. The reason so many men are wandering through life like the guy carrying his own arm in Saving Private Ryan is because most men don't have a purpose they're working towards, they don't have anything guiding them beyond a quasi-sentient compulsion to move towards pleasure and away from pain.
        >Once you're in shape, what would you say is a worthwhile purpose
        The only person who can answer that question for you, is *you.*


        >Striving to make the world a better place for those you care about
        very based
        what about modern society specifically?

        >what about modern society specifically?
        Marriage is meaningless, the family is no longer sacred, non-existent work/life balance which is even more fricked up when you realize you don't actually own anything. Narcissism is ubiquitous in women, disassociation is ubiquitous in men.

        • 9 months ago

          >move towards pleasure and away from pain.
          isnt that what life really is all about anyway

          • 9 months ago

            If you're a goddamn eloi, or a lab rat, sure.

          • 9 months ago

            No, he's right. 'Having a purpose' is more pleasurable than not having one, so in essence it's true. If you wouldn't chase pleasure, you'd be okay with being a slob.

      • 9 months ago

        It's not just that it gives you purpose, although that helps.

        Being fit comes with levelled out hormones, less stress, a healthier body and dopamine rushes when you exercise.

        Even on top of that, you will make serious social gains as people will respect you more and want to interact with you. You will also have more self-confidence and interact with them better too.

        Your social, professional and sex life will all improve as you make better and healthier habits in your life. Being fit is just a blueprint to do this.

        • 9 months ago

          bs the post

          • 9 months ago

            Where's the BS? Depression is multifaceted and chronic depression often caused by a variety of factors (hormones/lifestyle/social connections).

            Going to the gym a few times won't make you magically not depressed, but the OP picture is very accurate. Changing your lifestyle to get regular exercise, good sleep and a good social life will help more than anything.

            • 9 months ago

              im not gonna bother peace

              • 9 months ago

                Stay depressed for the rest of your life like some miserable c**t then.
                Have fun having all those regrets in the future.

              • 9 months ago

                good luck with your suifications i mean it

        • 9 months ago

          >Even on top of that, you will make serious social gains as people will respect you more and want to interact with you. You will also have more self-confidence and interact with them better too.

          Stop being such a normie. Reject the system that rejects you when you're undesirable, but accepts you when you're desirable. Meaning, the same people that won't give you the light of day will worship you the moment you become attractive. They're all illusions. If you want real purpose, learn to grow your inner self and be happy when you're alone.

          • 9 months ago

            very well said. Posted this

            exactly. I fell for this trap in the past and came to realize I was just becoming more wealthy on paper but a shell of the person I truly wanted to be. And I was attracting the wrong people. Everything became a dick measuring content. The only friends i could make were other hustler go getters, often sociopaths masquerading as good people and girls that would you leave you the moment the money dried up. Came to the conclusion I rather just opt out of this scam as much as possible and just enjoy every day as it comes. I make less money but live a better lifestyle with people I'm proud to surround myself with. I'm also banking some smart investments eventually pay off. That or wealth comes as a byproduct of chasing my passion.

            on par with that. I started off trying to get rich to gain approval from other people and once I actually started getting noticed for being very well off and showing off, realized it's all bullshit. Every guy sticks around you because he hopes to get a favor and every girl sticks around based on the lifestyle you can afford her. At this point I don't give a single frick. I make a lot of music and discretely publish my art and I don't care for fame, nor anyone knowing if I had wealth. With that said, I still have people in my life that i care about. My family mainly and some close friends/gf that i genuinely connect with.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm glad to hear you escaped the matrix, anon. Good on you.

      • 9 months ago

        I wouldn't say I'm properly clinically depressed but been low since I came back to the city, I rarely jerk off, don't smoke and eat normal food, I don't take drugs (alcohol on some social occasions but that's that, I don't take a beer every time I meet friends)
        The other things feel more like "secondary" symptoms of that depression rather than its cause, it's because I struggle to find the motivation to do things (like working out) that I end up on my phone, and it's because of all the time wasted that I feel like I should still make something out of that day and thus end up sleeping late, albeit the lack of motivation still didn't make me do much

        I have a purpose, many purposes at that, I found them by looking back into my life and finding out what I considered ideal back then, a purpose (and some other things like family etc) stops you from killing yourself, but not from feeling low
        I think for some (like me) it's just that they're in a spot where they have a problem, which will take a while to solve, they have that purpose of solving it, but in the meantime until then, it's all pain because of how aware of that problem you are, and since it's gonna take a while, the day to day progress feels slow
        Consider this akin to being a bullied DYEL, he wants to become big and strong, but that doesn't comes in a day, a month or (maybe) a year, he has the purpose of getting there, but day to day and pump-aside, he see the same body with minor changes, it feels like being Sisyphus
        As opposed to Sisyphus, there is obviously a small change that's noticed when comparing yourself to a month ago, but day to day, you don't always feel it

        • 9 months ago

          Have you ever had blood work done?

          Could be low test or other similar hormones.

          • 9 months ago

            Never, ironically this feels low test to say, but I really hate the idea of having whatever take my blood from that one elbow vein, it could be in the shoulder in the quad or wherever else but that spot in particular irks me, one time shortly after a blood sample for a Hepatitis test I fainted because I couldn't get that out of ly head

            • 9 months ago

              Well I still recommend getting it done. You might faint or stress out while it's done, but if you're actually diagnosed low test it could be life changing.

      • 9 months ago

        Once you’re in shape your new purpose should be dedicated to the destruction of Israel

        • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Why would I gain from hurting marginalized groups

      • 9 months ago


        What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?

        There is no cure, only treatment

        To fight against depression I've made my life a continual grind. Little by little you keep turning your drill. Small progress adds up. Even if it looks like you're not going anywhere, eventually you'll punch through. But if you stop turning your drill, you'll just stay in the same place.

  2. 9 months ago

    Modern society.
    Do you think your grandpa had "depression"?

    • 9 months ago

      He lived through a period literally called the "Great Depression" so probably, yeah.
      He also blew his brains out after my grandma die from covid, so it came back for him in the end even if he had a solid 60 year run without it.

      • 9 months ago

        >lived through great depression and pandememe

        Was he 120 years old

    • 9 months ago

      my dad (a boomer born in 1951) was so depressed he killed himself

      • 9 months ago

        same man. shit fricking sucks

    • 9 months ago

      Not my grandpa, but depression isn't a modern invention.

    • 9 months ago

      my grandpa had depression because his wife controlled him. Women, not even once, IST. steer clear. He later got dementia

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, but he also worked 10 hours a day to feed the family. Literally too exhausted tk think about it for 50+ years


      What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?

      Being fit feels better, but depression is caused by two things : poverty and mental illness. The first can be fixed with a decent amount of income and the other requires therapy or someone watch out for you

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah my dad’s dad did. Was addicted to benzos in the back half of his life. Stop blaming the modern world for everything

    • 9 months ago

      Depression is indeed a symptom of modern society, but only if you take "modern" to mean anything post-Neolithic revolution.

    • 9 months ago

      No but he was a raging alcoholic for no reason at all

  3. 9 months ago

    Failure feedback cues from primary domains of life.

  4. 9 months ago

    porn is THE WORST from my individual experience

    • 9 months ago


  5. 9 months ago

    I deadlift 200+ squat 180 and bench 130 at sub 90kg bw, roughly 15% bf and im severely depressed

  6. 9 months ago

    I only do 6 of these and my depression is still here. What gives?

  7. 9 months ago

    Cardio is the cure, do cardio and calisthenics

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        if thats the case you were never depressed

        • 9 months ago

          I was depressed, then I started doing cardio and now I'm not depressed. If I don't do cardio for longer than two days then I get depressed. It really is that simple Anon

          • 9 months ago

            good 4u i do cardio and i still want to perish

            • 9 months ago

              You don't do enough then. Do more.

              • 9 months ago

                no thanks ill just burnout

          • 9 months ago

            That fricking dog

        • 9 months ago

          The ultimate depressed cope. The dicotomy of thinking your both worthless and special

          • 9 months ago

            anything else?

    • 9 months ago


      shut the frick up. this is a lifting board. why don't you try that then come back. "cardio and calisthenics"

      • 9 months ago

        this is a fitness board, and there is literally a running thread up at all times

  8. 9 months ago

    Being fricking broke or underpaid for your skill set is responsible for 90% of male cases. 10% untreated chemical imbalances.

    Having it too easy, too much money, too many sexual options, too lenient societal and judicial pressure/consequences, too many people telling you that you deserve love and can do anything, is responsible for 90% of female cases. The other 10% were correctly treated for their chemical imbalances, should be cured or able to cope, and just pretend because it's more fun/interesting in their fricked up girl brains.

  9. 9 months ago

    nope death is

  10. 9 months ago

    I am sad because I am a loser Incel and all of my friends abandoned me for being a virgin. Lifting did not save me because I’m short. I doubt even having sex will fix this because I would only be able to pull fat and ugly women anyways because I am short, and nobody would respect me anyways. I will probably surgerymaxx or kill myself

    • 9 months ago

      Get away from this toxic board instead of repeating the same thing always in every thread

  11. 9 months ago

    >What actually causes depression?
    Stress hormones like cortisol, estrogen, serotonin, growth hormone, adrenaline and oxytocin
    >Is being IST the cure?
    Lifting can increase testosterone but more often than not people who are depressed and start exercising will overtrain just to get a stress hormone high.
    The actual cure is energy. Sugar, salt, calcium, vitamin D, saturated fat, red lights, love, fun and all the things that make you feel good and promote good hormones like progesterone instead of stress hormones.

    • 9 months ago

      >stress hormones
      ... are the result of depression, not the cause

      • 9 months ago

        They are the result of stress. You're homeless and your wife left you, cortisol goes up, you get depressed.

    • 9 months ago

      Lack of sugar, salt and saturated fat really is the defining problem of our time. When are people going to wake up and realize they need more sugar, salt and saturated fat?

      • 9 months ago

        Frfr no cap

        • 9 months ago

          lol I checked again and saw progesterone. I realize now you're peating. I thought you were joking.

  12. 9 months ago

    nothing "causes" depression.
    that's why its a mental disorder.

    • 9 months ago

      There's no such thing as "mental illness." There is nothing that can be isolated or pointed at. It is a vague description of a set of symptoms, broadly and imperfectly decided on by a panel of psychologists. That's all it is.

      • 9 months ago

        so these "gender dysphoria" she-males arent mentally ill? people in psychiatric hospitals either?

        • 9 months ago

          It's bait

  13. 9 months ago

    for me, it's lack of purpose and near-zero self-confidence.
    i find no joy in the things i used to, and i have no motivation to do anything.
    been lifting and dieting for 6 months now, down 30lbs and am back to wearing size S shirts. goal is flat stomach.
    getting a HT in a week to fix 5 head. hoping by the time it heals ill meet my fitness goal and ill use the confidence to finally start going out. at least that's the plan.
    just tired of being alone, finally trying to do something about it. wish me luck bros.

  14. 9 months ago

    Not smiling enough.

  15. 9 months ago

    My cause of depression was a lack of social development growing up. Not having friends or relationships in your formative important teenage years and 20s can ruin your entire life and t did for me. Then I turned 30 and the depression came more from how I’ve wasted my life and feel completely
    Hopeless and why bother e trying to improve when you’ve always been a failure

  16. 9 months ago

    notice how cigarettes are not on this image

    • 9 months ago

      Why did IST tell me smoking increases testosterone
      It actually lowers testosterone with more than 3 cigarettes per day.

      • 9 months ago

        who gives a frick smoking rules

  17. 9 months ago

    As the black people say: season your food.
    Most depression is caused by the seasonings

    • 9 months ago

      yup gotta season your food with vit d fr

  18. 9 months ago

    My brother in law checks none of these (he has always been a 10/10 gym chad, even now). And he is severely depressed. The problem I think is his toxic father, and the fact he didn't move out as soon as he could. Now that he is in his 40s and never had a job, his chance is grim.

    • 9 months ago

      A lack of independance/purpose can cause hopeless feelings for sure.

  19. 9 months ago

    >What actually causes depression?
    Lack of sex with fertile, young women

    >Is being IST the cure?
    It could be

  20. 9 months ago

    Depression isn't real

    • 9 months ago

      true if you're brown. actual depression requires a certain intelligence.

    • 9 months ago

      why did you post a pic of a sex trafficker

  21. 9 months ago

    A cat that is determined to destroy everything I love after treating him like my best friend for 6 years. Mother fricker has ruined my weight bench and now is trying to rip my bed apart.

    • 9 months ago

      >Imprison wild animal
      >"why is the animal acting out??"
      Release him

    • 9 months ago

      I love kitties

    • 9 months ago

      Cats and dogs usually act out like that when they're understimulated. Either play with your cat every day or get it a buddy to play with

  22. 9 months ago

    I don't know but I'm like OP and I've just about McFricking had it.

    5 straight years of not wanting to do ANYTHING but lay down and die. Nothing I do or achieve feels like anything.

    Frick it.

    >Give me the superstack or the lobotomy pills. Whatever works. Just get me out of here IST. PLEASE

  23. 9 months ago
    depressed anon

    >be me, 17 years old
    >Grade A top of my class
    >out of nowhere
    >crippling depression
    >tried everything, pills, lifestyle changes, diets, nootropics, shrooms
    >5 years pass
    >still want to do nothing but lay down and die
    >parents embarrassed by me, let my social circle wither away, just sit in my apartment hoping to die
    >clock is ticking, know if I don't get better soon this will be it for me

    What the frick do I do IST? I honestly feel like I'm out of options.

    • 9 months ago

      It sucks
      The world doesn't understand how much depression fricks you up despite what they say.
      Unironically talk to a doctor
      Sometimes it's just a chemical imbalance and the drugs really do work
      Otherwise it's trauma that you need to figure out and in this case i don't recommend any drugs

      I slip in and out of depression
      Just recently it's come back with a vengence and i'm slowly loosing all the ground i made

      • 9 months ago

        >Unironically talk to a doctor
        So they can throw your ass into a mental hospital? have a nice day, israelite.

        • 9 months ago

          Lmao say depressed then gay and have a nice day
          They won't put you in a psych ward less you are violent or are definitely going to have a nice day

          • 9 months ago

            It sucks
            The world doesn't understand how much depression fricks you up despite what they say.
            Unironically talk to a doctor
            Sometimes it's just a chemical imbalance and the drugs really do work
            Otherwise it's trauma that you need to figure out and in this case i don't recommend any drugs

            I slip in and out of depression
            Just recently it's come back with a vengence and i'm slowly loosing all the ground i made

            >Unironically talk to a doctor
            So they can throw your ass into a mental hospital? have a nice day, israelite.

            Been depressed for years

            Tired of waging for shit pay. If I start acting crazy (but not too much) can I get the docs to put me on disability?

            • 9 months ago

              You should be looking for a way out not a way where you stay depressed

              • 9 months ago

                Not the other poster, but you have to realise that the only way out is through.
                Some people are born happy, some people are born miserable. Pride will only make it worse.
                Get any help you can, especially financial.

          • 9 months ago

            >Lmao say depressed then gay and have a nice day
            >They won't put you in a psych ward less you are violent or are definitely going to have a nice day
            You don't know what you are talking about. have a nice day, israelite.

            • 9 months ago

              >Braindead zoomie that doesn't know how to help himself

              • 9 months ago

                have a nice day, israelite.

    • 9 months ago

      1. Have a higher purpose. If your only purpose is self you will struggle to ascend, if your only purpose is others you may find yourself feeling like a fraud. When i was depressed it was prayer and faith that kept me alive even on the bad nights. Have a reason to live other than “because” even if its harsh pure utilitarianism. There are plenty of books/movies/whatever ur favorite form of media is that will help cover these topics. As cringy as it is roman history books, the bible, and no country for old men carried me a long way.

      2. Have a lower purpose. Idgaf what it is but you need a hobby something to engage you and get ur thrust back preferably something that involves you having to give time, talent, or treasure to another. Family, friends, a gf, pets, a job, a bank account literally whatever. Doesn't matter if its stupid just try to form a routine.

      3. Get an accountability buddy. Tell somebody whats going on and ask them to look out for you. IF your parents are embarrassed of you (which i highly doubt) its probably your lack of thrust thats bothering them. Make an attempt and they should help if they don’t either get a therapist or a friend.

      4. Physical health. Sleep good, start exercising, eat good. Raw will can only take you so far if your body is giving out.

      I was depressed for a very long time, i still have bad days. But these things are what got me out of that hole. You’ll never know my name anon but know that we need you alive and that i love you bro. n-no homo

    • 9 months ago

      If there is nothing wrong in your life, no outside factor to your depression, then it is a Chemical / Hormonal imbalance in your brain.
      Just like I detailed in my post here

      >What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?
      It's multiple factors usually.

      Being Obese is not only bad for your body it's also bad for your brain.
      While not being the biggest conributor/factor, Obesity is a risk factor for depression.
      >Obesity is a risk factor for depression, especially in women and for recurrent depressive disorder. The comorbidity between obesity and depression is a risk factor for a bad prognosis illness.

      Cannabis is complicated. It's not like other drugs, in the sense that other drugs hav predictable effects and outcomes. Cannabis acts differently on different brains.
      The main thing is that Cannabis is harful in 2 cases : 1 When used regularly before ages 21 - 25. Like other drugs, if you smoke cannabis regularly when you're a teenager, Weed will affec your brain. After age 25 when the brain finishd developing, cannabis becoms harmless.
      2 Is about high concentration, like Wax / TC Extracts. These are harmful because of high concenration. Try to avoid them.

      In Men, one of Testosterone's functions tranforms Effort into Reward.
      Working out gives us purpose, confidence, strength both physical and moral.
      So yes, working out does affect Depression.
      HOWEVER Most people are unducated or unaware of the Different Types of Depression.
      There's multiple types of depression but lt's just take the main 2 : Regular Depression VS Chronic Depression.
      A regular depression is when your life sucks, and you are unhappy because of it. Changing things in your life will solve this problem. Things like Fitness will fix your depression. This is what normal people have.
      I can also simply be associated with Low Status, which gives Low Serotonin levels in the brain.
      Chronic Depression is VERY different.
      Peopl who have chronic depresson are depressed regardless of how good their life is.
      It's a hormonal imabalance. They need SSRI's to be happy.
      Totally different problems.


      there Regular Depression due to outside factors and Chronic Depression due to Chemical Imbalance in the brain.

      So basically if there is no outside factor affecting you, then you probably have Chronic Depression.
      You should get diagnosed by a professional, a psychiatrist. He will know better than me what to do, but if he confirms that you have chronic depression, then you'll be prescribed SSRI's.
      The main hormone/molecule who's absence induces depression is Serotonin, whch is why the main type of Anti-Depressants are SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor).
      You likely have a Serotonin imbalance.

      BUT there could be other explanations or sources of your depression.
      I for example have deal with my own Mental Health : I have Bipolar (Type 1) and ADHD.
      As part of Bipolarism, I did expreience depression episodes, but not as intense as others, so I know what it's like to be depressed, trust me.

      How I got ou of it :
      - Acknowledge I have a problem that needed fixing.
      - Went to a psychiatrist to get diagnosed.
      - Once diagnosed, find the right psychiatrists for me.
      - Once that is done, Find the right molecule that works for me.
      There are multiple different drugs that can be used to treat the same issue, different people react differently to them.
      So you need to find the right molecule/drug that works best for you.

      Once you did all of this, you should be on your way to recovery.
      I've been there.
      I'm talking to you from the other side.
      My life has changed for the better.
      I'm healthy, I'm happy, I'm mostly fixed.
      There is hope, there is light at he end of the tunnel.

      Don't be ashamed.
      People like you feel guilty about "Needing a drug to be happy". It's very hard to convince people like you that you NEED these pills.

      Good luck anon.
      See you on the other side.

  24. 9 months ago

    Low testosterone, boredom, and any kind of stagnation.

  25. 9 months ago

    Lack of meaning. Compared to men of the past we are physically better fed but our souls are starved because we are deprived from meaning.

    Family, Nation, God. All of these things have been destroyed, either due to economical, technological or social developments. We have opened pandoras box of the modern world.

    Nietzsche's Ubermensch is incredibly hard to attain for most people, so almost everyone is miserable in this end world of nihilism.

    • 9 months ago

      >Nietzsche's Ubermensch is incredibly hard to attain for most people
      Who has attained it? I think he mentioned only Napoleon has?

    • 9 months ago

      because the ubermensch doesn’t exist yet, it’s a new type of man that will evolve and flourish despite modernism, it’s not a thing that’s done individually

  26. 9 months ago

    Recent studies by Johns Hopkins, Harvard medical, Stanford, Cambridge and many others showed that 2 psilocybin treatments in conjunction with a few therapy sessions cured severe depression in about 80% of patients

    • 9 months ago

      >big pharma has tremendous influence on government and regulators through political funding and lobbying
      >makes tens of billions of dollars every year from antidepressant medication
      >new treatment comes along that is super cheap and cures depression in 1 month instead of being a lifelong treatment
      >big pharma makes sure it stays illegal so they can keep milking the market

      curing things is bad for business. every business wants repeat customers and that includes pharmaceutical companies

      • 9 months ago

        Recent studies by Johns Hopkins, Harvard medical, Stanford, Cambridge and many others showed that 2 psilocybin treatments in conjunction with a few therapy sessions cured severe depression in about 80% of patients

        Took psilocybin made my depression 5x worse

        • 9 months ago

          the only thing psilocybin really does is force you to face all the things that are making you depressed instead of hiding your head in the sand which is what antidepressants do. most study participants chose to make changes in their life when they sobered up after the realizations they had. if someone is forced to face all the negatives in their life and then do nothing about it, then yes, they probably end up becoming even more depressed

          • 9 months ago

            >if someone is forced to face all the negatives in their life and then do nothing about it, then yes, they probably end up becoming even more depressed
            Spare me the horse shit and kys glowie

            I don't need you to try to try to shame me and push your self-help gospel when your lobotomy shrooms don't work.

            • 9 months ago

              you’re denouncing all the solutions ITT. if something works for the majority of people but nothing works for you, have you ever considered that you might be the problem? there is no magic pill that makes your problems go away. therapy and meds only serve as a crutch to help you overcome the problems that are making you depressed. if you dont do anything about your problems then of course you will remain depressed forever

              • 9 months ago

                >have you ever considered that you might be the problem?
                Again, you're just using flowery prose to blame me for my condition.

                We're on IST frick for sakes. Are you really stupid enough to think I don't believe in working out my issues?

                >if you dont do anything about your problems then of course you will remain depressed forever
                Never said anything about that homosexual. There's 47 people ITT and you're acting like I'm the only one who is struggling. Psilocybin scrambles your brain and causes HPPD. Everyone I've read who actually takes it loses their sense of reality and literally lives a fricking nightmare for years. Just like me. I don't only oppose it. I would beat the shit out of you for speaking to me like this IRL.

                I think you're a narcissistic prick and need to work through your issues. Why aren't you solving your issues? Maybe YOU'RE the problem.

              • 9 months ago

                >Psilocybin scrambles your brain and causes HPPD.

                lmao, this dude sounds straight out of a DARE ad from the 90's.

              • 9 months ago

                You are such a whiney little entitled homosexual “uhhhhh i’m depresso nothing gonna wowk fow me huuuhhh awe you bwaming me fow not solving my pwoblems :(“ shut the frick up and just have a nice day then homosexual, you don’t wanna be helped, you wanna sit and be miserable c**t. It’s unironically you’re fault by extension if you chose not fix it.
                Holy fricking kek, just do yourself in already you worthless fricking waste of space.

              • 9 months ago

                Right, everyone who takes this wildly popular recreational drug has a bad time and gets persistent hallucinations. Right.

            • 9 months ago

              Gods least retarted blackpiller

          • 9 months ago

            tried doing 2g, 4g and 6g and never had one of those mind opening trips, mostly just random thoughts/visuals. Am I supposed to keep upping the dose?

        • 9 months ago

          >big pharma has tremendous influence on government and regulators through political funding and lobbying
          >makes tens of billions of dollars every year from antidepressant medication
          >new treatment comes along that is super cheap and cures depression in 1 month instead of being a lifelong treatment
          >big pharma makes sure it stays illegal so they can keep milking the market

          curing things is bad for business. every business wants repeat customers and that includes pharmaceutical companies

          Recent studies by Johns Hopkins, Harvard medical, Stanford, Cambridge and many others showed that 2 psilocybin treatments in conjunction with a few therapy sessions cured severe depression in about 80% of patients

          imo, psylocibin isn't the cure, it's the catalyst. Taking it by itself is not going to be some magic cure-all, but as

          the only thing psilocybin really does is force you to face all the things that are making you depressed instead of hiding your head in the sand which is what antidepressants do. most study participants chose to make changes in their life when they sobered up after the realizations they had. if someone is forced to face all the negatives in their life and then do nothing about it, then yes, they probably end up becoming even more depressed

          says, it pushes all of your problems to the forefront of your mind. Having a proper ritual around its taking (careful meditation, making sure you're in a soothing, comfortable environment, reinforcing what you learned from your trips, etc) is just as essential as the drug itself, and this is best achieved through careful monitoring by a professional.

  27. 9 months ago

    >What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?
    being powerless to get what you want

  28. 9 months ago


  29. 9 months ago

    I've tried everything. I'm still broken
    >lifted for years
    still have crippling anxiety
    >tried basically every supplement that exists
    >tried healthy diet
    >tried no fap
    >tried church
    >tried no video games
    >tried forcing myself into social situations
    >tried therapy

    Theres nothing you can tell me i havent tried I dont think. My anxiety has gotten so bad ive lost all my friends, havent had a gf in years. Just sit around alone. Feels bad

    • 9 months ago

      Last resort: SSRIs

      It's not ideal but it beats your current situation and it doesn't have to be a permanent solution. You can quit after you have rebuilt your life

    • 9 months ago

      Have some pasta I was given


      Nta, but you need to learn what learned helplessness is. Then look into radical acceptance to help you get past the shit in your life. Then you need to start making changes. Focus on your own progress and cut out everything shitty that you can. Anything that is impeding you from making progress has to go, it could be drugs, drink or people, it doesn't matter. Into the garbage. Can't stress this part enough.

      After you have cut all the garbage you will have room in your life to add in good things. I also did therapy, but that shit is expensive. Do it if you can afford it, because it drastically cuts down recovery time if you get someone who is not a pharma salesman, a psycho or a coddler
      Look for someone with empathy but is honest. Having an understanding of how the body deals with negative experience also is key. If therapy is too expensive you need to do your own "shadow work" where you dig into your past and find ways to resolve any bad shit that happened to you. Also look into how to recover and process childhood memories if that is something that could be affecting you today. Trauma release exercises also help, you can look up how to do them easily.

      Three years ago I was a depressive who spent most of my time in bed with chronic pain. All I wanted to do was die. Now I am living a healthy life, one that seemed really far away during that time, and I want to live for the first time in my life. Good luck to you anon.

    • 9 months ago

      Hey there.
      Not sure if you're the same anon that talked about depression earlier.
      Either way, read this :

      If there is nothing wrong in your life, no outside factor to your depression, then it is a Chemical / Hormonal imbalance in your brain.
      Just like I detailed in my post here [...]
      there Regular Depression due to outside factors and Chronic Depression due to Chemical Imbalance in the brain.

      So basically if there is no outside factor affecting you, then you probably have Chronic Depression.
      You should get diagnosed by a professional, a psychiatrist. He will know better than me what to do, but if he confirms that you have chronic depression, then you'll be prescribed SSRI's.
      The main hormone/molecule who's absence induces depression is Serotonin, whch is why the main type of Anti-Depressants are SSRI's (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor).
      You likely have a Serotonin imbalance.

      BUT there could be other explanations or sources of your depression.
      I for example have deal with my own Mental Health : I have Bipolar (Type 1) and ADHD.
      As part of Bipolarism, I did expreience depression episodes, but not as intense as others, so I know what it's like to be depressed, trust me.

      How I got ou of it :
      - Acknowledge I have a problem that needed fixing.
      - Went to a psychiatrist to get diagnosed.
      - Once diagnosed, find the right psychiatrists for me.
      - Once that is done, Find the right molecule that works for me.
      There are multiple different drugs that can be used to treat the same issue, different people react differently to them.
      So you need to find the right molecule/drug that works best for you.

      Once you did all of this, you should be on your way to recovery.
      I've been there.
      I'm talking to you from the other side.
      My life has changed for the better.
      I'm healthy, I'm happy, I'm mostly fixed.
      There is hope, there is light at he end of the tunnel.

      Don't be ashamed.
      People like you feel guilty about "Needing a drug to be happy". It's very hard to convince people like you that you NEED these pills.

      Good luck anon.
      See you on the other side.

      I've been through a similar situation to yours.
      Don't give up.
      You need Psychatrict help.
      You need to find the right Shrink who will give you the right molecul for you.
      There's no shame in taking meds.

      When your body is sick you need o take medicine.
      Same with your brain, when it's sick you also need medicine to fix it.

    • 9 months ago

      Try running, or other cardio sports, IST gays thinks mass is everything

  30. 9 months ago

    >What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?
    It's multiple factors usually.

    Being Obese is not only bad for your body it's also bad for your brain.
    While not being the biggest conributor/factor, Obesity is a risk factor for depression.
    >Obesity is a risk factor for depression, especially in women and for recurrent depressive disorder. The comorbidity between obesity and depression is a risk factor for a bad prognosis illness.

    Cannabis is complicated. It's not like other drugs, in the sense that other drugs hav predictable effects and outcomes. Cannabis acts differently on different brains.
    The main thing is that Cannabis is harful in 2 cases : 1 When used regularly before ages 21 - 25. Like other drugs, if you smoke cannabis regularly when you're a teenager, Weed will affec your brain. After age 25 when the brain finishd developing, cannabis becoms harmless.
    2 Is about high concentration, like Wax / TC Extracts. These are harmful because of high concenration. Try to avoid them.

    In Men, one of Testosterone's functions tranforms Effort into Reward.
    Working out gives us purpose, confidence, strength both physical and moral.
    So yes, working out does affect Depression.
    HOWEVER Most people are unducated or unaware of the Different Types of Depression.
    There's multiple types of depression but lt's just take the main 2 : Regular Depression VS Chronic Depression.
    A regular depression is when your life sucks, and you are unhappy because of it. Changing things in your life will solve this problem. Things like Fitness will fix your depression. This is what normal people have.
    I can also simply be associated with Low Status, which gives Low Serotonin levels in the brain.
    Chronic Depression is VERY different.
    Peopl who have chronic depresson are depressed regardless of how good their life is.
    It's a hormonal imabalance. They need SSRI's to be happy.
    Totally different problems.


    • 9 months ago


      What actually causes depression? Is being IST the cure?


      I already went through Obesity factor, Cannabis, chronic depression and the effect of working out on the psyche.

      >Fast food
      Eating like shit can affect other things in your body, but I don't hink Fast Food itself causes depression. It could do it indirectly, but it's more appropriate to say that Eating Healthy makes you happy through being more healthy, and eating too much fast food can mak you sad,by making you unhealthy.

      Some people use it to cope, but if you're not abusing alcohol it should be fine.

      Good sleep is important for sure. Better health and therefore will probably make you happier.

      Depends on the meds. Some meds are bad, some meds are good. I really depends on the person and the med in question, too large of a topic to give a single answer.

      Escapism is fine, but too much escapism will be problematic.
      You also need to balance out playng vidiya with social interactions. Videogams can be very isolating for some people.

      Ah, here we go.
      If think THIS one might be the cause for the high increase in depression, especially in Men.
      Masturbation itself is not harmful, but excess use of pornography does seem to affect the brain a lot and cause depression.

      Here's a YT short, for those who like short form content

      And there's articles abou this, about how Porn changes your brain :





      So the excess use of Pornography is probably the main contributor in the increase of Depression in young men today.

      For young women, the main driver of Depression is probably Social Media, especially those that are highly superficial like Instagram.

  31. 9 months ago

    Artificial sweeteners are so disgusting, stay away from them

  32. 9 months ago

    I was depressed as a teen, I had all of the symptoms, I was always tired no matter what, I was on my bed for 16h a day, didn't have any friends, couldn't force myself to do anything, I barely managed to go through high school because I was skipping so much, abused substances, etc.

    It fricked up my life in the long run, because I barely have any education and I don't have a high school diploma so I can't go to college, I have a lot of bad habits, I can't hold a job. I have friends but I can't maintain a romantic relationship with a woman because I just don't know how this shit works.

    When it comes to the depression, it just went away when I was 20. Suddenly I started feeling full of energy, stopped being a sadboy. Then I started working out, dropped alcohol and other stuff, and I feel great, physically and for the most part mentally.

    The problem is, the damage has been already done, and I believe that my brain is severely fricked up.

  33. 9 months ago

    Its interesting because I would say when I was lifting almost daily I was relatively confident, felt good, but I wasn't ottermode or anything. But their were so many other variables. I was in highschool and had a solid friend group, at the time a solid relationship with ex, played a sport and was good at it, no responsibilities, etc.

    At the same time I could feel the existential dread though but it was easier to distract myself and was relatively fulfilled. Since senior year (which was right when covid hit), shit went downhill pretty fast. My point is that a compounding of factors led to depression although some people just naturally have it. Like I am pretty sure I have it, went to therapy for a bit but it was college funded and my therapist left (now its all online baka). IST for sure helps but just being IST won't save you.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh also diet matters, I was exercising a lot, but stopped being as constant. So my diet finally caught up to me.

  34. 9 months ago

    Lack of sunlight, poor diet, poor sleep. Spending 12 hours on the phone browsing social media (IST included)
    Stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking, go outside for a walk. Shower, shave, clean your desk/room. Life will look a lot better.

  35. 9 months ago

    when you lack a purpose, everything is an escape. Depression is caused by not knowing what your mission in life is.

    • 9 months ago

      >Depression is caused by not knowing what your mission in life is.
      what's your mission?

      • 9 months ago

        Sucking dicks

      • 9 months ago

        Right now its to paint, learn more skills that I can pass down to my children, play baseball, be a good husband, and glorify god.

        We feed malnourished youth within the vicinity of my city. Life is better when you give. And giving will enrich one's life more than obtaining things.

    • 9 months ago

      >decide my mission in life is being a lazy piece of shit
      >depression instantly cured
      feels good man

  36. 9 months ago

    >What actually causes depression?
    subordination and defeat. lrn2 evo psyche
    >Is being IST the cure?
    It helps but in the end the strongest cure is victory

  37. 9 months ago

    I go to gym 3 days a week and go for a long walk into nature with my dog every single day and yet I'm thinking about ending it daily, exercise is a meme when it comes to depression

  38. 9 months ago

    The biggest reason for depression is a lack of social relationships, including friends, gf/wife, family. It is common to see people with social relationships but missing other aspects of life who are still happy. It’s nearly impossible to find people lacking social relationships who are happy, even if they excel in the other aspects of their life. And something like exercise is basically just a distraction and the benefits it provides goes away as soon as you stop doing it for the day

    • 9 months ago

      It's just a shame that lacking social relationships is out of our control. You either have them and get more from having them or you death spiral down into utter loneliness which compounds into more loneliness until you die alone in a piss stained apartment.

      What a fun life those of us who weren't born chad have.

      • 9 months ago

        >It's just a shame that lacking social relationships is out of our control
        Talking to people and opening up to them is not out of your control buddy. It never was.
        >What a fun life those of us who weren't born chad have.
        And stop with the pathetic chad cope, there are plenty of ugly or average guys out there who still have friends or girlfriends and good looking guys who don't.

        • 9 months ago

          Literally no good looking guys above a certain height are lonely. And you're born with social skills, the loneliness of your life is written from the start. No amount of trying to be different will change the fact that I was born alone, was abandoned by my family, will live alone, and will (hopefully soon) die alone. Some are blessed and some are cursed. It's shit but it's unchanging.

  39. 9 months ago

    90% of depression is simply a rational reaction to your circumstances, we tell people it's a medical condition so we can keep them on the treadmill and because making serious life changes is hard. The number of people with genuine chemical imbalance is probably in the single digits as a percentage of the "depressed" people in our society.

    On an individual level it means you need some radical and probably painful changes to your life, on a societal level we need to basically reset back to the 1950s as far as work/life expectations and just tell corporations and the pension boomers that they'll just have to be content with one cruise trip this year.

  40. 9 months ago

    >What actually causes depression?
    >Is being IST the cure?
    No. It just makes you leave your chair. Find a full time job that covers all your expenses, yeah, i am talking six digit income, and a loyal woman to marry and procreate, put her past where it belongs. That is the ultimate cure for your depression.

  41. 9 months ago

    People have nothing to do and most goals are completely meaningless

  42. 9 months ago

    I don’t trust anyone who says they’re happy

    • 9 months ago


  43. 9 months ago

    No, good relationships and purpose are.

  44. 9 months ago

    how can people actually have this lifestyle?
    I work 70+ hours workweeks, I don’t have time for weed, porn, booze and no sleep. If I get six hours to sleep you bet I’m gonna sleep them.
    A rigorous exercise routine (phoneposting from the corpo gym rn) is the only thing keeping me sane.
    Maybe these «depressed» loosers should just get a job

    • 9 months ago

      >imagine gloating about slaving away for israelites

      • 9 months ago

        >being successful is what DA israeliteS want
        imagine gloating about being on the dole like a loser Black person minimally subsisting, the government check is the israelite

        • 9 months ago

          you have the soul of a israelite, goodluck with the whole "successful" thing

          • 9 months ago

            so where are you directing your energy

            • 9 months ago

              a job that pays the bills + crypto to eventually opt out of the scam system
              improving my mind + body every day
              producing music every single day
              doing my best to help each of my family members and friends

        • 9 months ago

          >being successful

        • 9 months ago

          >imagine gloating about being on the dole
          why imagine

        • 9 months ago


          >imagine gloating about being on the dole
          why imagine

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              I'm not bri'ish so I've no idea what's that supposed to mean.

              • 9 months ago

                eastenders is british one piece

    • 9 months ago


      >imagine gloating about slaving away for israelites

      Gloating about being overworked with the one life you have to live is peak moronation. "Pride in your work" is for slaves. Your work should reflect the things that you take pride in, not be the source of your pride.

      • 9 months ago

        exactly. I fell for this trap in the past and came to realize I was just becoming more wealthy on paper but a shell of the person I truly wanted to be. And I was attracting the wrong people. Everything became a dick measuring content. The only friends i could make were other hustler go getters, often sociopaths masquerading as good people and girls that would you leave you the moment the money dried up. Came to the conclusion I rather just opt out of this scam as much as possible and just enjoy every day as it comes. I make less money but live a better lifestyle with people I'm proud to surround myself with. I'm also banking some smart investments eventually pay off. That or wealth comes as a byproduct of chasing my passion.

  45. 9 months ago

    this is actually the "i dont know why i feel so good all the time" starterpack

  46. 9 months ago

    these things are the consequences, not the root cause
    the root cause: attractiveness
    I used to go to sleep at 9am, never lifted, only ate junk food, drinked a lot, played videogames all the time
    now I got to sleep at 11pm, lift every day, 1 hour of cardio every day, eat clean, stopped drink, dont play games anymore
    my life is as shit as it was before, as I didn't fix the root cause: my ugliness.

  47. 9 months ago

    Lifting didn’t help my mood that much.
    It was cardio that do.
    The only thing left I still do in pic is video game.

  48. 9 months ago

    I'm depressed because I'm in constant pain, whether I'm fit or not.

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