What are some fitness related lifestyles we can do in order to avoid prostate cancer?

What are some fitness related lifestyles we can do in order to avoid prostate cancer?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Not falling for the nofap meme

  2. 9 months ago

    >yes this is a good headline image for our article
    >not distracting at all

  3. 9 months ago

    It's over for me, my dad and uncle had prostate cancer. Dad beat it and uncle died from it or some other cancer can't remember.
    >tfw I begged my dad to not get vaxx he did with all the boosters and now has bone marrow cancer

    • 9 months ago

      Told my mom not to get it.
      Her and my grandma developed cancer the same month, the exact interval between when they got the shots.

      Whole generation of good dogs trained to react to any criticism/skepticism of globohomosexual government with claims of "conspiracy theorist nonsense".

      Like okay, but you used to be proud of your little boy for testing in the 98% percentile of IQ, but now you think I'm too dumb to research the basics of mrna tech because the goblin man on TV who invented aids told you there's nothing to worry about?

      God I hate boomers. I hope someone flays that goblin alive and livestreams it for taking advantage of my stupid family members.

    • 9 months ago

      Told my mom not to get it.
      Her and my grandma developed cancer the same month, the exact interval between when they got the shots.

      Whole generation of good dogs trained to react to any criticism/skepticism of globohomosexual government with claims of "conspiracy theorist nonsense".

      Like okay, but you used to be proud of your little boy for testing in the 98% percentile of IQ, but now you think I'm too dumb to research the basics of mrna tech because the goblin man on TV who invented aids told you there's nothing to worry about?

      God I hate boomers. I hope someone flays that goblin alive and livestreams it for taking advantage of my stupid family members.

      Have you contacted the major peer reviewed medical journals about this?

    • 9 months ago

      You need to get on amygdalin / laetrile.

    • 9 months ago

      So did mine, before covid was a even a thing you fricking mong. Bone marrow related cancers are super commonly caused by chemical exposure and air pollutants. It's why they tend to be black populations since nigs live in cheaper housing near air pollution corridors (near large roads and warehouses). My dad taught intercity. Drank intercity water. No shocker there. Blame other people, like the rich fricks that shove their pollution down the poors throats so they can have their same day delivery while you work in a warehouse.

    • 9 months ago

      nobody dies 'of' prostate cancer. they all die 'with' prostate cancer
      because every guy over a certain age 'has' it. it's just a racket.

      • 9 months ago

        Checked. The “rise” is because people are not dying of other things first, or are engaging with healthcare to get diagnosed so it gets put down as a cause of death.

        This. It’s likely every man over 21 has cancerous cells in their prostate but it’s just so slow growing it’s not an issue.


        Same physician here.

        Death from malignant prostate cancer is miserable. Typically people with prostate cancer will die from something else before it gets them, but if it is truly disseminated your life will be hell. I don't care how short you want your life to be, I don't think you want it like that.

        Or maybe find a guy with smaller hands, both work. I will say I think female prostate exams are typically not as good as male patients typically prefer male clinicians for this task.

        One time I had a patient freak out when I asked him to bend over because he thought the prostate was through the urethra. He was both relieved and mortified.

        Most end stage disease is shit. The treatment for prostate cancer is shit too. Surgery that fricks your pissing and ability to get hard or hormone treatment that turns you into an old woman.
        No FH of prostate cancer for me but bowel cancer is likely inevitable (although everyone in the family who has had it in last 40 years has survived).

  4. 9 months ago

    >nofap become popular
    >prostate cancer rises


    • 9 months ago

      Maybe you should get a woman to have intercourse with

    • 9 months ago

      >actually thinking people fap less than they used to and not more

    • 9 months ago

      Unless cancer is spiking in those under 30 it would make sense.

    • 9 months ago

      >The cumbrain laughed nervously

  5. 9 months ago

    Also why would they show an image of that?

  6. 9 months ago

    >lust provoking image

    • 9 months ago
  7. 9 months ago

    dont be fat
    work out and get muscles
    vitamin D
    sleep properly
    dont eat processed garbage
    stop smoking and drinking

    and there goes 90% of the risk factor you can actually control to prevent every cancer.
    Its all about reducing carcinogens, reducing inflammation, and increasing your immune health

  8. 9 months ago

    Digitial rectal exams are just a humiliation ritual.

    • 9 months ago

      Sure looks that way. Surely there is a less embarrassing test than literally having someone stick their finger up your butthole.

      It's almost like the ultimate litmus test: "Ok, for today's test, "Science" says I have to take my finger and stick it up your ass. Really get in there and wiggle around a bit. You trust "Science" don't you?"

  9. 9 months ago

    I would rather die from cancer than having my ass fingered

  10. 9 months ago

    I'd frick that ass. Just in and out. Moist and wet. Wouldn't care about his pleasure. Just using him to get off. Filling him up and making him squirt without even trying

    • 9 months ago

      Frick that stupid ugly cat, what shit tier pet and a shit tier animal take that to reddit.

      hope a dog rips it to shreds

  11. 9 months ago

    The full moon is out tonight boys!

  12. 9 months ago

    Why don't people at least try to get a female doctor for that exam?

    • 9 months ago

      im a dentist
      in dental school and im sure this also applies literally everywhere else on the planet, the professors were horny old dudes that treated the girls like they could do no wrong while they blasted the frick out of the guys for making mistakes
      who do you want in charge of your treatment plan---a bawd that didnt learn shit in school and got by by teasing the professors or the ugly af dude that went through the trenches and knows his shit?
      you dont want to deal with women when it comes to your health.

      • 9 months ago

        I actually agree with you on everything, just not for this specific examination.

      • 9 months ago

        i don't want to deal with women at all

  13. 9 months ago

    Why would I want to prevent something that will give me the sweet release of death sooner?
    So I can make some stranger finger my smelly unwashed butthole?
    I guess that's pretty funny, but not if it means I gotta live longer.

    • 9 months ago

      Same physician here.

      Death from malignant prostate cancer is miserable. Typically people with prostate cancer will die from something else before it gets them, but if it is truly disseminated your life will be hell. I don't care how short you want your life to be, I don't think you want it like that.

      Why don't people at least try to get a female doctor for that exam?

      Or maybe find a guy with smaller hands, both work. I will say I think female prostate exams are typically not as good as male patients typically prefer male clinicians for this task.


      >I have no idea what this guy is doing this bare ass naked instead of wearing the gown or just pulling down his pants.

      One time I had a patient freak out when I asked him to bend over because he thought the prostate was through the urethra. He was both relieved and mortified.

  14. 9 months ago

    Do men who practice anal intercourse or masturbation have a higher or lower risk of prostate cancer? I'm asking this 100% seriously. It seems very likely that rigorous prostate stimulation would have some effect on the cancer rates, I can't decide whether it would be positive or negative though.

    • 9 months ago

      I've heard >20 times per month lowers the risk by 30% or something. I've also heard about edging being bad but this may be broscience

    • 9 months ago

      they dont, or at least arent significant enough that they matter. obesity and aging are far bigger risk factors, and things you can actually control
      You can slow aging and physiological senescence by lowering chronic inflammation in your body. One way to do that by being less fat and controlling what you eat. fruits and veggies are generally preferable to meats and fats but you dont have to go completely vegan

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't look like it.
      >In light of this admittedly limited literature, GBM [gay and bisexual men] appear to be screened for prostate cancer less than other men, but they are diagnosed with prostate cancer at about the same rate.

  15. 9 months ago


    That's why they are slowly being bred out because their genetics are inferior, they had their time at the top but that time is long past.

  16. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago
  17. 9 months ago


    If he was doing the same thing to an out of shape black guy it would look like some other sort of live stock like a goat or cow or like the buck breaking that use to occur on the plantation daily

  18. 9 months ago


    That's why they are slowly being bred out because their genetics are inferior, they had their time at the top but that time is long past.

    50% of black people are obese, you can't stop stuffing yourselves with fried chicken

    • 9 months ago

      >obesity is not an IQ iss-

  19. 9 months ago

    >What are some fitness related lifestyles we can do in order to avoid prostate cancer?

  20. 9 months ago

    Stop taking fish oil

  21. 9 months ago

    I hate fat >people so much it's no real

  22. 9 months ago

    get my prostate checked weekly by qt azn women doctors.
    medicare pays for it and if i get an erection they pretend not to notice.

  23. 9 months ago

    >do I have to take my shirt off doc?
    >yes, YES, haha strip completely naked :^)

  24. 9 months ago

    bust a nut on a regular basis
    if you cant get a female to help you with it, you have to use your hand

  25. 9 months ago

    >Lust provoking image

  26. 9 months ago

    How do you check for it without needing to go through this?

    • 9 months ago

      You saw Pepe, it's the only way. I guess you could try it with your own finger. Would that make you feel like less or more of a man, doing it to yourself?

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