What bits of bro science do you believe? Bonus points for ones that you gleaned from personal experience? I'll start

What bits of bro science do you believe? Bonus points for ones that you gleaned from personal experience? I'll start
>science says that 0.75g per pound of LBM is enough protein but I had better and better results all the way up to 1.25g per pound and other people I had test it had similar results

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  1. 5 months ago

    raw eggs, it's no fricking joke how important they are. stop cooking your eggs and eat them raw

    • 5 months ago

      you absorb less protein from them if you eat them raw, moron

      • 5 months ago

        Not true

  2. 5 months ago

    Honestly the brosplit 3x10 at 15% of your max is doing wonders for me rn

    • 5 months ago

      > 15% of your max
      So if your one rep max for bench is 250 lbs, then 15% means you’re lifting less than the bar?

      Am I moronic and not understanding something here, or are you?

      • 5 months ago

        I think is 15% less than your max, and yes, you're moronic

        • 5 months ago

          >15% less than your max
          >not the same as “15% of your max”
          So that guy is moronic after all, got it.

  3. 5 months ago

    Yeah I think Mentzer was right about protein. Gladiators and shit in olden times are mostly grain and were jacked as frick. As long as you are in a calorie surplus, training to failure on resistance training and eating some protein I think it's not a big deal to stress the "omg I need 250grams". It's honestly absolutely unnatural as frick to consume that much protein per day and there and tons of examples in history or in modern prisons etc of guys getting jacked on less protein.

    • 5 months ago

      I got some protein for ya Satan.

    • 5 months ago

      You don’t even know what gladiators look like for all you know the frescoes and art are just highly stylized ideals

    • 5 months ago

      Gladiators were fat and so are more convicts.

      >It's honestly absolutely unnatural as frick to consume that much protein per day
      Never before in recorded history have we eaten less meat than now (maybe during early industrialisation but I don't have the numbers ready atm) and you think it's too much and unnatural?

    • 5 months ago

      On the contrary, poos eat piss poor amounts of protein and tons of carbs, and we know what the average poo looks like.

    • 5 months ago

      Quads of mistruth.
      Gladiators, while slaves, were somewhat celebrities. They would have eaten pretty well compared to the rest of the Roman population at large. Think of them as somewhat exotic caged pets getting good food because they were an investment of some rich Patrician family.

      The Legionnaires ate a lot of grain, and especially turnips, but would get meat regularly while on campaign (living off the land). The average Roman soldier was manlet tier by today's standard.

      What made Roman armies somewhat invincible was their extremely rigorous training, military engineering / organization, and seemingly inexhaustible ability to mobilize vast amounts of soldiers from their population.

      For example, during the Spanish campaigns they fielded standing armies of about 30% of the available menfolk of their empire. That is fricking insane. Even the largest mobiliization in European war history (Frederick the Great) AT MOST had 6% of their men under arms.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        I think he’s right. Can’t an individual only digest something like 3 to 5 grams of protein per hour?

    • 5 months ago

      People gotta stop bringing up gladiator diets. First off their diets were different depending on their location. Some ate lots of grains and lentils while others ate tons of seafood. A big part of it would have been what was affordable and how easily you could get that food. Second they were known to be a bit chunky. It reduced damaged and gave them a good energy source to pull from during their fights. Third we don't have truely great account of how they performed/felt/lived based on their diet alone. Most died pretty quickly only a hand full became famous and were total monsters in the arena. It's entirely possible their diets and training sucked but the handful that were great either responded well to barley and lentils or they were legit great nomatter what happened to them.

      I don't know what's best but I'm not gonna use a gladiator as my starting point

  4. 5 months ago

    peeing on your feet does get rid of athletes foot.

  5. 5 months ago

    Scientific facts change every 10 years or so.
    Just do it the Aristotelian way, learn by observation. If more protein makes you feel and look better, you need more protein no matter what science says.

  6. 5 months ago

    Penis enlargement

  7. 5 months ago

    Semen retention. I can't deny it after having done it on and off for several years. I always feel more energized when I don't nut, and it's enough for it to be noticeable.

  8. 5 months ago

    didn’t read one word. came to look at slampig now im leaving

  9. 5 months ago

    It all depends on the Individual. 0.75 is more than enough for the average man. If you are small, either being a non-lifter with a lower lean mass or if you are short, more protein will help you start out and gain more mass. So something like 0.85 would be helpful. If you are bigger, being a more advanced lifter with relatively higher lean mass or if you're tall, even 0.65 should be good. Paradoxical I know, but the bigger you are, the more advanced lifter you are, the less you need (and the lower the threshold before additional protein does nothing). This is very well replicated; Elite lifters need lesser protein than novice lifters. Bigger you are, lesser you need. 0.75 is for the average man. Try out different amounts, see what works for you. A lot of other factors go into it as well, not just muscle mass & height. Everybody is diff, and some people def will notice better gains at something like 0.85g/lb.
    One thing though, more than 0.85g/lb is absolutely unnecessary for almost anybody. Nobody body will benefit from that much protein in a day at all, whether bulking or cutting, unless they are on PEDs. If you're roiding (like most fitniss influenzers pushing the 1g/lb) you should def eat more. If you're an average man though, I'd just suggest sticking to 0.75g/lb of bodymass (not LBM as you stated in OP post, 0.75g per pound of total body mass), or 0.85 g/lb if you're really trying to play it safe. Studies don't show any benefit over 0.85g/lb, and anecdotes from roiders shouldn't influence your view of how much protein to take.

  10. 5 months ago

    Cholesterol. Had always around 200 cholesterol all my life despite my diet ranging from veganism to 6 eggs a day. Cholesterol it's a fricking meme and yes, while vegetarian for 1 year my cholesterol went as "low" as 180 and while eating 6 eggs a day my cholesterol went as "high" as 210

  11. 5 months ago

    Partials are better than full rom because partials apply more mechanical tension on the targeted muscle groups than full rom which is just a tendon stretch. This is actually backed by science though.

    Ugly gyms with rusty equipment make you more jacked because of the environmental effects on testosterone. If you live in some clean, bougie place you have to take steroids to make gains. This is backed by science though (they use prisons as an example though)

    Music is a strength boost via deliberate self-hypnosis. If you save a song for only lifting heavy weights, it will *activate* your nervous system. This is not backed by science.

    Body doesn't care about rep schemes and just wants you to pump it to failure with a weight that's just heavy enough so that you're not just swinging the shit around with all momentum.

    Raw egg yolks. The whites are bullshit raw though.

    Intraworkout carbs. They use the wrong carbs though you should be eating bread since sugar is only moderate Glycemic index while bread is peak.

    Bodypart splits make you grow better because of focused tension and maximizing recovery on the targeted muscle instead of it having to do your entire body at once.

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