What causes men in the current year to be so afraid of aging?

What causes men in the current year to be so afraid of aging? Shouldnt your worth as a man only increase throughout your life as you build a legacy for yourself? Not even in a
>le men age like wine
Kind of way but just your value and confidence and capabilities should all get better the more you live?

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  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago

    Ok boomer.

    • 5 months ago

      frfr no cap aging not bussin on god

  3. 5 months ago

    Sounds like something a woman would say, and those don't get to have an opinion in my life.

  4. 5 months ago

    Most men will reach their peak desirability in their late thirties/early fourties.
    This is the best balance between loads of money while still looking relatively good.

    • 5 months ago

      >men age like wine

    • 5 months ago

      this is true but you can never help but wish you looked 21 while having the wealth and rapport of someone in their 40s.
      of course, it wouldn’t be special if every man could easily experience that. such is life.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm currently 28 and have been doing better with attracting woman than ever before. I feel like I looked my best at 26, but I'm embracing the changes in my appearance knowing that Ernest Khalimov is 54 years old. The wealth helps, but you can do well for yourself so long as you don't have kids or expensive hobbies. I would consider myself to have been very naïve in my early 20s vs how I am now, and I anticipate I will feel the same way reflecting on my late 20s when I am even older.

        The problem I'm noticing right now is that people who are still single at my age are single for a reason. This includes me.

      • 5 months ago

        Male looks peak later than 21
        I'd say late 20s early 30s from a purely physical point

    • 5 months ago

      yeah for betabuxxing

    • 5 months ago

      peak desirability for who? single mothers?
      most men will also look like shit in late 30s/early 40s with bald heads and a beer gut
      not all men are movie stars

      • 5 months ago

        Factually true, yes, becasue most reddit tier guys sit on their ass all day long at work, and late in to the night playing video games.

        But I don't think it's quite the same as women... Have you seen these 30 year old amerifats? holy shit...

        They age like a 2 week old banana.

      • 5 months ago

        thing is bald head and beer gut can be fixed. you might as well say "men get fat in their 40s"
        just lose the fat. are u a girl
        its okay, hitting the wall at 25 is hard but you can pretend you are a walking flesh light now.

    • 5 months ago

      34 this year. I have a house, lots of hobbies, lots of income (CS, near 200k/year). I workout daily. Got a fiance (dating >6 years. I feel like my life is super together for once.
      I have to beat off women with a fricking bat. It sounds stupid, but I'm secure and only have women friends, just hang out and bullshit. After enough drinks, 4 times now I've had some 8+/10 admit they want me, one was aggressive as frick. It's a lot, and I have to burn bridges or get real awkward, but if you put your immaturity aside and grow into your maturity, shit just...happens. Kinda a catch 22 (I have a fiance therefore I'm worthy), but at least a few potential hookups didn't know I had a fiance/GF (at the time).
      You just have to mature and continue onward with your life.

      • 5 months ago

        are you bagging women in your age range? late 20s? early 20s?

      • 5 months ago

        Nice, hope I can do the same.
        >t. 28 soon to earn my M. Sc. in Bioinformatics

      • 5 months ago

        haha me too man it is so nice to be a famous movie star and rich and famous with 50 wives and all the kids lel my giant bel aire mansion and private jet

        i also have two penises and 4 balls

        • 5 months ago

          >i also have two penises and 4 balls

          >tfw unequal sized penises

    • 5 months ago

      most men in their thirties and forties dont have loads of money and most of them are also fat and balding

      • 5 months ago

        they were already disgusting in their 20s, what's your point?

    • 5 months ago

      most men are fat and bald by 30

    • 5 months ago

      attractiveness for men peaks at 25 and rapidly diminishes after 30.

    • 5 months ago

      cringe. I'm 31 and it only gets worse from here. men peak slightly older than girls, around 20-26. money and much status doesn't matter at the end of the day. having a hot wife with smart good looking children is all that matters, and if you don't have this by 25 you missed your chance. cope all you want but this is the truth. girls in their prime (16-21) won't date anyone five years older than them

      • 5 months ago

        This is true for 90%
        But there are exceptions, two teenage girls thought I was their age this year, I’m late twenties, I would have to lie tho to increase my chances like you said.
        I know a guy who’s 31-32 who has boyband hair and plump cheeks, he only dates teens.
        Very rare, yes, but there are exceptions

        • 5 months ago

          I'm the same guy you replied to, and yes this is possible because I literally have that aesthetic but I have to lie about my age. I lie on tinder saying I'm 24 so I can frick 20 years olds, but soon as I tell them my real age it's over immediately, meaning I can't be in a real relationship with any of them unless I lie about my age my entire life

          What if you have an excuse, like late bloomer or something.

          implying girls will ever listen to reason

          >girls in their prime (16-21) won't date anyone five years older than them

          Absolute homosexual incel 100% confirmed. I genuinely doubt this clueless nerd has *ever* interacted with a non-familial female that he didn't have a class with.

          I do all the time, that's how I know the general rule. you just watch le heckin redpilled trad video on israelitetube which is just men repeating the same lies over and over

          Have you heard of one single male from your school having a respectable career and has graduated from a college with a good degree? Women want a man who is effortlessly intelligent and strong.

          Meanwhile most "smart" gaylords study and/or do homework 3 hours a day for some gay ass desk jockey job and will never be entrepreneurs or at the top of their field. This is the equivalent of how disappointing women are in looks, you don't see anyone with mediocre intelligence who looks smart and you can't unsee a dumb ass look on people's face once you see it.

          I forever have insanely high standards because now everyone looks like a moron and/or a homosexual to me and it's ruined my dating life, I just can't bring myself to mingle with a woman seriously who just looks dumb as shit and if I go home to her parents or brothers they're a bunch of doe eyed homosexuals who believe in working their way up a corporate ladder and investing their money in flat stocks.

          career doesn't matter. women would rather date a tall handsome unemployed man than an average looking man with a good career.

          dead on, 31 as well. i sincerely doubt that anyone my age looks at a photo of themselves from 5 year ago and says Yep, i look better Now! your collagen is going to shit, its pointless to deny. And to the op question, in what metric am i supposed to be improving? Athletic peak is early-mid 20s, cognitive peak (chess champions, etc) is around the same time. Sure, my improved financial status will outweigh all of that.. sure..

          yup and if you ask a wise old man which time he'd like to relive if he could, he would always choose his early to mid twenties.

          • 5 months ago

            7 years is a lot, how did you maintain your look?
            Don’t feel bad for lying, you’re doing good

            • 5 months ago

              just minimize stress, which includes exercise. keep lifting to a minimum, make your workouts as efficient as possible, and no cardio. eliminate toxic people from your life that can add stress. eat mostly pasture raised beef, raw egg yolks, and pesticide free fruit. no alcohol, cigs, or drugs (I've literally never been drunk or high in my life). also to keep your skin healthy don't use any hygiene products made by ~~*unilever*~~, including sunscreen. the sun is one of the best things for you, as long as your skin is lubricated with vitamin A that you get from egg yolks and liver. also don't watch porn and jerk off as minimal as possible so you don't lose your hair.
              pic related, got some ratings on photofeeler, set my age to 24, some even think I'm younger than that lol

      • 5 months ago

        What if you have an excuse, like late bloomer or something.

      • 5 months ago

        >girls in their prime (16-21) won't date anyone five years older than them

        Absolute homosexual incel 100% confirmed. I genuinely doubt this clueless nerd has *ever* interacted with a non-familial female that he didn't have a class with.

      • 5 months ago

        Have you heard of one single male from your school having a respectable career and has graduated from a college with a good degree? Women want a man who is effortlessly intelligent and strong.

        Meanwhile most "smart" gaylords study and/or do homework 3 hours a day for some gay ass desk jockey job and will never be entrepreneurs or at the top of their field. This is the equivalent of how disappointing women are in looks, you don't see anyone with mediocre intelligence who looks smart and you can't unsee a dumb ass look on people's face once you see it.

        I forever have insanely high standards because now everyone looks like a moron and/or a homosexual to me and it's ruined my dating life, I just can't bring myself to mingle with a woman seriously who just looks dumb as shit and if I go home to her parents or brothers they're a bunch of doe eyed homosexuals who believe in working their way up a corporate ladder and investing their money in flat stocks.

        • 5 months ago

          Females want frick boys and toys and alphas. Anything else is just the wall talking.

          • 5 months ago

            Any time I hear that I just imagine some homosexual in a tight shirt wearing cologne who doesn't even drink heavy and imagine some prostitute arguing with me about making fun of her entire life and me being forced to do a lil spinning back kick on the 30 year-old frat bro in the middle of a crowded bar then getting tackled by security.

            • 5 months ago

              OK whiteknight. Frat bro, douchebags, these are dudes prime pussy is attracted to. Once a girl hits 22, then it's the betamale or white knight or simp.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm just saying I could probably land a back kick on one of them and id probably get into an argument with their gf because I'd make fun of them for wearing a crop top or something while out with their cuck bf.

        • 5 months ago

          What females want is to stay 18 forever. So who cares.

      • 5 months ago

        dead on, 31 as well. i sincerely doubt that anyone my age looks at a photo of themselves from 5 year ago and says Yep, i look better Now! your collagen is going to shit, its pointless to deny. And to the op question, in what metric am i supposed to be improving? Athletic peak is early-mid 20s, cognitive peak (chess champions, etc) is around the same time. Sure, my improved financial status will outweigh all of that.. sure..

    • 5 months ago

      Not to mention women ever growing daddy issues.

    • 5 months ago

      >Most men used to reach their peak desirability in their late thirties/early fourties [sic]
      fify. Compare "men" in their thirties to their grandfathers when they were in their thirties. Whereas before a man in his late 20s/early 30s maintained a youthful face but without the boyishness, men today are puffy, with scraggly beards and beady eyes. Whereas men back then were strong, and that strength continued to increase with maturity, the average nu-male is soft and doughy. Whereas back then men in their late 20s and early 30s were becoming the heads of their own households, numales are cucked by their angry wives, easily mollified by consooming, and prefer to have the next nintendo gadget vice raising children of their own.
      There is NOTHING attractive about the modern middle-aged man. Nothing attractive about zoomers either unless you are into twinks, but that is for a different thread.
      Oh and here's the thing, and it drives slide thread posting shills insane: the people that actually come to IST and make value added posts aren't in the above category, because the desire for self-improvement hasn't been beaten out of them yet. They could slay pussy if they desired (and I'm sure many do).

    • 5 months ago

      Cope, that's only if they keep their hair

  5. 5 months ago

    I'm turning 43 soon and I have an infinite supply of fresh, new and wet pussy everywhere I go because I own a nice house and have money. Men peak whenever they reach the point when they get rich.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        He's 43, he doesn't know what that means anon

      • 5 months ago

        why do they go for 25+ though? is it the money? is it because they have more of a social life?

        most men in their thirties and forties dont have loads of money and most of them are also fat and balding

        Women love disgusting bald men with money more than they like a trim fit guy without. They want to be violated by a man pig.

        • 5 months ago

          >trim fit
          Haha a woman with an opinion. I was skinny till I was about 30 and then I got a shitload more attention once I was lifting respectable numbers. You are moronic.

        • 5 months ago

          So what? All men want to be loved. Boomers do the “I get le pussy” as a cope because they are affection starved and emotionally dead.
          They think if they ape their fathers whom they saw partying it up in the 60-80s that will somehow fill the void in their heart.

          Your daddy was happy because he wasn’t being israelited out of existence and his wife actually loved him, loved his personality, appearance, and most of all she wanted to be with him.
          You trip over yourself for girls who permit you to be around them. Women aren’t by nature prostitutes, they are prostitutes by necessity. They’ll marry you, they’ll sleep with you, but they won’t love you, and so ultimately nothing will change and you will grow ever older without experiencing what romance is like past adolescence.
          I’m sorry you won’t have what your grandfather had.
          It really is a shame. Men desire love more than women.

          • 5 months ago

            Women are in fact by nature monkey branching prostitutes. They get bored with every guy no matter how great you are. Men on the other hand just want young women but don’t want to give up the old ones, men are natural bigamists and women are natural serial monogamists.

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah totally. Your grandparents didn’t exist. All that ever existed was the sexual revolution and everything thereafter. Never ending revolutions - it’s Newtonian you know, it’s always been this way.

              • 5 months ago

                If women weren't monkey-branching prostitutes by nature, then why is it that the moment social expectations are loosened and autonomy is granted to them that they become monkey-branching prostitutes? This logic does not add up.

              • 5 months ago

                social expectations don't loosen or tighten, they change

            • 5 months ago

              Yeah but so do I. Thats not a woman thing thats an adhd thing

              • 5 months ago

                So all the monkey branching prostitutes have adhd?

        • 5 months ago

          >They want to be violated by a man pig.
          lol this is also true lol. females dont know what they want. just be that guy without betabuxing. i hate betabuxers. like "heh men make when they are rich." ok..what about that frickboy who always had pussy, and then got rich? fricking nerdz.

    • 5 months ago

      you didnt have that before?
      so youre betabux.

  6. 5 months ago

    >Hard to buy a home
    >Women don't want to breed
    Yeah, muh legacy

  7. 5 months ago

    Even as a teen I thought late 30s was benchmark being old. I don't get Gen Z's obsession with age, they'll be 26 before they know it.

  8. 5 months ago

    >What causes men in the current year to be so afraid of aging?
    The life experiences of the 30+ posters on this board

  9. 5 months ago

    I'm a 2000s zoomer, I feel like there's a lot of animosity between generations because the current economic disaster that is the modern world has stopped a lot of guys from competing for zoomettes against dudes that are 25+

    • 5 months ago

      why do they go for 25+ though? is it the money? is it because they have more of a social life?

      • 5 months ago

        guys who are 27 are barely less physically attractive than 21 year olds... Except they have their own apartment, and their own car, and actually have disposable income. The key is retaining as much as you can. Keep your hair, get on TRT+, stay lean. I'm 29 and physically my face is still more attractive than 80% of guys under the age of 22. I get flooded by attention by 18-24 year old girls. SO MUCH MORE than when I was 20.

        • 5 months ago

          I hope you're not on TRT at 29 already

      • 5 months ago

        >why do they go for 25+ though? is it the money?
        Did you even read what I said

        • 5 months ago

          yes. how did I misunderstand?

          • 5 months ago

            My point was very obvious, yes it's about money and resources as

            guys who are 27 are barely less physically attractive than 21 year olds... Except they have their own apartment, and their own car, and actually have disposable income. The key is retaining as much as you can. Keep your hair, get on TRT+, stay lean. I'm 29 and physically my face is still more attractive than 80% of guys under the age of 22. I get flooded by attention by 18-24 year old girls. SO MUCH MORE than when I was 20.


      • 5 months ago


        Posts like these are just projection and copeium. Most women know they start losing their desirability and attractiveness at 24 y/o

        Meanwhile I'm 27, been fricking 19-23 year old's for years because I can easily lie about my age, and I'm currently in relationship with a 22 year old

        Roasties taking the L once again

        honestly i feel like the amount of zoomers that date older is vastly overstated (by older people lol)
        i'm a 19 and gay, yet i would never date an old man no matter how much he makes, their age and aging features is a massive turnoff

        • 5 months ago

          Alright so you probably hang out with a lot of women with the same or higher standards than the type of women I'm after.

          So lemme ask you this, when it comes to marriage material for prettier girls who don't dress in their underwear every weekend, is it actually far fetched to think they would seriously date a 30 year old getting his doctorate when they're 18-20 or so?

          • 5 months ago

            think of it, they would be in college with guys who are physically attractive, are more likely to be around eachother and hang around, and probably have the same hobbies and preferences and are going to school for a higher paying job, with those types of guys around they could actually build a future with them and grow old with them if that's what they're actually looking for

            How would you know if you're gay? It's a totally different dynamic from hetero. Significantly smaller market and highly preferential.

            if you're trying to imply that only older straight men go for younger girls, i can tell you that is not the case in RL, most straight guys prefer girls around OR slightly younger, they are actually afraid of the social stigma surrounding age gap relationships
            for older gays? they have no shame
            some crusty old dude would regularly try to hit me up on insta and snap when i was 13 lol

            • 5 months ago

              >if you're trying to imply that only older straight men go for younger girls, i can tell you that is not the case in RL
              Lolwut? Read my post better. I don't think in binaries like that. I just think you don't have authority to comment on hetero sex relations. You're gay and seem 19 y/o, why would I listen to you when your experience is totally different from mine?
              >most straight guys prefer girls around OR slightly younger
              I'm sure that crystal ball up your ass is quite accurate.
              >some crusty old dude would regularly try to hit me up on insta and snap when i was 13 lol
              That's because hebephelia is common with gay people.

              • 5 months ago

                lol because i actually have female friends and the amount of times they've gotten hit up by older men only for them to be grossed out and reject them is quite high

              • 5 months ago

                Grossed out and reject them while at the same time needing that validation. Females are so pathetic.

              • 5 months ago

                hey how would you react if an older, short chubbier(fat) woman who is balding would come up to you out of nowhere, and would start to flirt with you and ask for your number?

              • 5 months ago

                But that doesn't exist. Your female friends are coping. That old bald dude can still get prime pussy. Numbers game. Females just mad the wall is merciless for them.

              • 5 months ago

                answer the question please!

                And it's not "older men", it's just bottom 90% men their prime version would've rejected anyways.

                no they would literally rather go for the average looking guy their age over the older guy even if he has money lol
                don't know why you can't accept that
                they just use the older guy to buy their drinks

              • 5 months ago

                Girl, girls don't know what they like. If the guy is a top 10% it's fine. Reality is, a top 10 man sees anything over 25 as pump and dump. And top 10% doesn't mean just wealth.

              • 5 months ago

                >t-they don't know what they want!!!
                they sure as hell don't want creepy older dudes 😉

                What they say and what reality is different. Girls, once wall hits, are simply easier to frick and have lower standards and lower value.

                nah cope more
                this is gonna be you, in what 5 more years 😉

              • 5 months ago

                Lol. Idk. 90 % of men undesirable regardless of age or anything, when girls talk about older men, they r just talking about males who they would've rejected even if the male was 20, 35 or 25 or 50.
                Ok babe. Talk to me when 70 year old are legit unable to get 19 year Olds.

              • 5 months ago

                Lol. Idk. 90 % of men undesirable regardless of age or anything, when girls talk about older men, they r just talking about males who they would've rejected even if the male was 20, 35 or 25 or 50.
                Ok babe. Talk to me when 70 year old are legit unable to get 19 year Olds. I don't need to cope, I'm not a girl that suks diks for betabux or pretend I didn't get married cause I have a biological clock. Lol.

              • 5 months ago

                >this homosexual again
                You post in literally every age thread crying about older guys fricking zoomettes. Why?

              • 5 months ago

                I kind of pity people who actually feel inferior to others. I feel like I can absolutely shitstomp most people in a fight unless they are pumped full of roids. Feels good not gonna lie.

              • 5 months ago

                >stands my ground
                >shoots you
                nothing personnel kiddo.

                oh hey were you that older homosexual that spent new years alone seething? lol seems you're everywhere too 😉
                >Haha, imagine being gay and so desperate you need to need to invent your own echo chamber
                lmao the irony

                No, I don’t even know who you’re talking about but that’s probably the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen you post that screenshot. Do you think that homosexuals who frick literally anything and everything are somehow in the same realm as women when it comes to sexual selectiveness? Not only is it irrelevant but you’re also admitting to being a homosexual, which is lol, lmao even

              • 5 months ago

                >Do you think that homosexuals who frick literally anything and everything are somehow in the same realm as women when it comes to sexual selectiveness?
                lmao think of it, if homosexuals, who are open to fricking anything, are also disgusted by older men, think of how younger women react to older men flirting with them 😉

                What's ironic about you denying actually provable statistics concerned with the sexual preferences of the wider population? Keep coping, gay boy. Perhaps one day you'll catch a autistic chub that'll keep from suicidal ideation.

                >What's ironic about you denying actually provable statistics concerned with the sexual preferences of the wider population?
                oh hey funny how you never provided them then!! care to cite your info?

              • 5 months ago

                Nah homosexual, you just assumed he was ugly and fat + old because he didn’t have a picture. If he looked like Brad Pitt at 60, you’d get on your little twink knees and swallow his wiener.

                Post body you little homosexual. I guarantee that you won’t

              • 5 months ago

                Didn't even want to give you the satisfaction of having put a spoon in your gay mouth, but here you are, moron.

                >is literally citing wikipedia
                wow you are desperate then
                i really feel sorry for you

              • 5 months ago

                >screenshot of rando study vs wiki page with citations
                Paradigm shift

              • 5 months ago

                >pulled of dating site data
                lmao any more cope from you?

              • 5 months ago

                still haven’t posted body, btw. Are you a troon? or are you just an obese gay boy? Possibly even a non white?

              • 5 months ago

                >still coping
                hey why are you trying to change the subject? mad that you got btfo? 😉

                >dating site data
                He thinks proves anything. lmfao

                ummm yeah it does lol
                your cope won't change the facts 😀

              • 5 months ago

                >still doesnt post body

              • 5 months ago

                >ummm yeah it does lol
                No it doesn't. You're openly ignoring the difference between hookups and the relative population that use dating sites, all to maintain your crystal palace of gay virginity.

              • 5 months ago

                >dating site data
                He thinks proves anything. lmfao

              • 5 months ago

                Wow, you get that from a #Feminism #Ageism tiktok video, homosexual?

              • 5 months ago

                >literally seething
                lmao just lmao

              • 5 months ago

                This is all related to DATING you stupid homosexual. None of this shit applies to hookups, which every 19-20 year old girl I know has stories of her fricking her 33 year old manager or the 31 year old she met on tinder. How moronic are you?

              • 5 months ago

                >literally seething
                more fantasies of yours you mean? lol
                your cope and creepy fantasies won't change the facts love :3

              • 5 months ago

                This you, Black person? I didn’t know they had IST in federal lockup

              • 5 months ago

                >ummm yeah it does lol
                No it doesn't. You're openly ignoring the difference between hookups and the relative population that use dating sites, all to maintain your crystal palace of gay virginity.

                >literally malding
                ahh i'm sure you'll get zoomer girl one day and lose your virginity 😀

              • 5 months ago

                >still doesnt post body
                you are fat, aren’t you?

              • 5 months ago

                >is proven wrong after doubling down
                >lololo shut up cope more seething virgin boomer :DDD
                Dude, you're the only one I see malding here, lol.

              • 5 months ago

                >implying people going on dates don't hook up
                lol virgin boomer has never been on a date before
                what's the next cope? 😉

              • 5 months ago

                >insecure homosexual overweight IST poster refuses to post his body while arguing about young women fricking older guys
                you are definitely a troony

              • 5 months ago

                >implying people going on dates don't hook up
                Making up shit now so you can prove to yourself you made a valid point and not become so embarrassed you start cutting again. You must thing everyone hooks up on dating sites on the first date then? Or your zoomer brain thinks more of the population use dating sites than what's actually true. Man, life must be really simple being this oblivious to reality.

              • 5 months ago

                >You must thing everyone hooks up on dating sites on the first date then?
                >t-that means nobody else has either!!
                just because you've never experienced doesn't mean others haven't: p
                so what's the next cope?

              • 5 months ago

                Record corrected. Continue shitposting.

              • 5 months ago

                >considers facts shitposting
                but continue with your boomer fantasies, i'm sure you'll get zoomer girls that way 😉

              • 5 months ago

                >data unrelated to dating sites
                The point is that dating site data you use doesn't prove anything in terms of age related hookups. So this stastistic, if anything proves me right, since I've literally done this without using dating sites. Get it?

              • 5 months ago

                >still using muh anecdotal evidence
                >all while waving off my "anecdotal" evidence
                that's what we call coping and dilating anon 😉
                and no you implied no one who dates hooks on on the first date


                >implying people going on dates don't hook up
                Making up shit now so you can prove to yourself you made a valid point and not become so embarrassed you start cutting again. You must thing everyone hooks up on dating sites on the first date then? Or your zoomer brain thinks more of the population use dating sites than what's actually true. Man, life must be really simple being this oblivious to reality.

                >Making up shit now
                so what's the next cope?

              • 5 months ago

                using muh anecdotal evidence
                The anecdotes I'm using aren't related to you having no ability to use data to prove a point. Even if you don't believe me it wouldn't matter. That's how dumb of a point you make.
                >and no you implied no one who dates hooks on on the first date
                No. Imagine having the reading comprehension of a 13 year old. It's a fiction if you think all dates on dating sites result in hookups. Even though I have actually done this, it still wouldn't prove you right. Are you so butthurt you can't follow a simple conversation?

              • 5 months ago

                >The anecdotes I'm using aren't related to you
                are you actually autistic? the ones i was using weren't either but you seemed to take them personally, see

                Your argument literally relies on equally as much anecdotal evidence, so your point is moot. Since you have nothing valid against my OP, you defer to middle school shitposting. Such is the life-cycle of a gay IST lurker.
                >they're literally never gone with an older guy
                Their loss. They've probably never gone with a guy at all.

                >It's a fiction if you think all dates on dating sites result in hookups
                and it's cope to think that dating doesn't result in hookups, which is why i'm using that dataset
                >about 40% of first dates end up in hookups
                that is a significant margin
                >Even though I have actually done this, it still wouldn't prove you right
                apparently you haven't, hence the seething

              • 5 months ago

                >the ones i was using weren't either but you seemed to take them personally
                Nothing personal. They just don't prove anything. My anecdotes are at least somewhat based in reality. You try to disprove reality with screenshots and non-peer reviewed studies related to dating site data that don't reflect the wider reality of sexual preferences.
                >and it's cope to think that dating doesn't result in hookups
                Which is why you prove me right, since I've gone on plenty of dates and fricked, outside of a dating site, which is what your dataset reflects. If you don't believe me, better studies than you have posted (see citation on the wiki

                Didn't even want to give you the satisfaction of having put a spoon in your gay mouth, but here you are, moron.

                ) prove some else has.

                Lil bro can't take the L he gotta keep projecting

              • 5 months ago

                >Nothing personal. They just don't prove anything.
                your seethe throughout the thread proves otherwise lmao
                >My anecdotes are at least somewhat based in reality
                umm they're not lol, if mines are easily dismissible so are yours
                >>You try to disprove reality with screenshots and non-peer reviewed studies related to dating site data that don't reflect the wider reality of sexual preferences
                >n-no the studies you posted don't mean anything and are irrelevant!! i said so!!
                >this one source from wikipedia is though
                damn lol, can't admit you're wrong huh? 😉
                >Which is why you prove me right, since I've gone on plenty of dates and fricked, outside of a dating site
                sure sure 😉
                >Lil bro can't take the L he gotta keep projecting
                hey this was you the whole thread!
                and who was the one asking initially on what zoomer girls were attracted too 😉

                You say old man but what if I said I'm early 30s and look mid 20s at the worst? Again I'm asking what you think the more prudish marriage material women would say and since you probably hang around women with prudish standards shits the same for me. But yeah I need your opinion on [...]. and remember I look quite young for my age, have all my hair, and am somewhat tall and have overall quite masculine features.

                you'll find someone someday i'm sure

              • 5 months ago

                >Nothing personal. They just don't prove anything.
                your seethe throughout the thread proves otherwise lmao
                >My anecdotes are at least somewhat based in reality
                umm they're not lol, if mines are easily dismissible so are yours
                >>You try to disprove reality with screenshots and non-peer reviewed studies related to dating site data that don't reflect the wider reality of sexual preferences
                >n-no the studies you posted don't mean anything and are irrelevant!! i said so!!
                >this one source from wikipedia is though
                damn lol, can't admit you're wrong huh? 😉
                >Which is why you prove me right, since I've gone on plenty of dates and fricked, outside of a dating site
                sure sure 😉
                >Lil bro can't take the L he gotta keep projecting
                hey this was you the whole thread!
                and who was the one asking initially on what zoomer girls were attracted too 😉 [...]
                you'll find someone someday i'm sure

                bro I have to say both you guys are losers

              • 5 months ago

                You’re arguing with a troony, anon

              • 5 months ago

                Record corrected. Continue shitposting.

                >getting btfo by a zoomer troony
                damn dude

              • 5 months ago

                >A total of 70 men and 67 women participated in the study

              • 5 months ago

                Didn't even want to give you the satisfaction of having put a spoon in your gay mouth, but here you are, moron.

              • 5 months ago

                Rich men based on old studies showed they liked slender females. But now everyone is rich and browned out, so fat gross goblinas are preferred.

              • 5 months ago

                Rich men like fit women now. Gym culture made men like thicker women cuz squat booty meme

              • 5 months ago

                Also, back then people were normal and you didn't have to leave the house and see third worlders. I trust old studies. I just think most males today are low status value and a legit 6/10 is a 9/10 in most males eyes.

              • 5 months ago

                oh hey were you that older homosexual that spent new years alone seething? lol seems you're everywhere too 😉

                Haha, imagine being gay and so desperate you need to need to invent your own echo chamber reality and plug your ears in when confronted with the reality of 90% of the sexually active hetero experience.

                >Haha, imagine being gay and so desperate you need to need to invent your own echo chamber
                lmao the irony

              • 5 months ago

                What's ironic about you denying actually provable statistics concerned with the sexual preferences of the wider population? Keep coping, gay boy. Perhaps one day you'll catch a autistic chub that'll keep from suicidal ideation.

              • 5 months ago

                It's a girl.

              • 5 months ago

                What they say and what reality is different. Girls, once wall hits, are simply easier to frick and have lower standards and lower value.

              • 5 months ago

                And it's not "older men", it's just bottom 90% men their prime version would've rejected anyways.

              • 5 months ago

                Let's say you have five female friends who claim this.

                I have still disproven you 5 times over in my own life experience within the past two years.

                Keep in mind you haven't even specified what your friends consider old, could be anywhere between 25 and 45, or the times they *have* gone with an older guy.

                Nor do I give my actual age out easily, because A: they don't ask, and B: I look anywhere 23-27.

                So tell me again why I should take you seriously.

              • 5 months ago

                Most women would not mind actually dating a 30 year old if he's say an athlete or a young and successful trader who's job is to stay near a computer every now and then.

              • 5 months ago

                >arguing with a literal homosexual
                his “girlfriends” are all fat roasties who keep him around because he’s a disgusting degenerate homosexual and provides comedic relief when he tells him stories about sucking 6 wieners in 1 night

              • 5 months ago

                >so butthurt he is projecting
                lmao must've hit a nerve 😀

              • 5 months ago

                no it’s just a fact. every girl i’ve ever met with gay friends just also happens to be fat/colored hair/covered in tattoos/or such obvious prostitutes they’d grab my dick within an hour of meeting them. you’re a degenerate homosexual, literally

              • 5 months ago

                hey why are you describing yourself anon? :/
                i'm sure some young zoomer gurl will pity frick you one day :p

              • 5 months ago

                >one day
                you mean last week? when she came over and i fricked her in my pool? do you have one of those poorhomosexual?

              • 5 months ago

                awww that's nice! that totally happened 😉

              • 5 months ago

                sure did :). after we dried off, we smoked some weed on my $3500 leather couch, she watched tiktoks and i watched the office. she kissed me goodbye and told me “let’s do this again sometime”. maybe when you grow up, stop sucking off your manager during your mcdonald’s shift, you could have your own house and bang some 19 year old twinks when you’re 27. but i doubt you’re capable of doing anything with your life aside from being an hiv farm

              • 5 months ago

                wow that's some nice fanfiction there! were you stroking yourself when you wrote that 😉
                and anon pls we don't want to know where you work and what you do with your boss to keep that job, best keep that info to yourself

        • 5 months ago

          How would you know if you're gay? It's a totally different dynamic from hetero. Significantly smaller market and highly preferential.

        • 5 months ago

          You say old man but what if I said I'm early 30s and look mid 20s at the worst? Again I'm asking what you think the more prudish marriage material women would say and since you probably hang around women with prudish standards shits the same for me. But yeah I need your opinion on

          Alright so you probably hang out with a lot of women with the same or higher standards than the type of women I'm after.

          So lemme ask you this, when it comes to marriage material for prettier girls who don't dress in their underwear every weekend, is it actually far fetched to think they would seriously date a 30 year old getting his doctorate when they're 18-20 or so?

          . and remember I look quite young for my age, have all my hair, and am somewhat tall and have overall quite masculine features.

          • 5 months ago

            first of all, if you do hit them up first, what's your opening line and how do your convos go with them?

            • 5 months ago

              That's kind of beat to have a pickup line just ask them to go to a bar or get drinks at your place. They either will or won't it's pretty simple.

              My question is what are the archetypes of men that smart and pretty girls for who aren't low key prostitutes.

              • 5 months ago

                what's your definition of a prostitute? because most girls do sleep around, even what you might consider ugly do frick alot
                and they mostly go for pic related, if you look nowhere near that, then just brag about how much you make

              • 5 months ago

                Seems to me the more mid a girl is the more up in the air she is about doing whatever to get sex with as good of a man as possible, whereas pretty girls have standards.

                No offense to this guy but a guy who has more meat on him will have more success keeping a gf whereas guys that look like this are always fricking like rabbits with whoever it seems.

        • 5 months ago

          yeah they don’t date late 20s dudes but they frick them ALL THE TIME

          • 5 months ago

            only if they're really desperate than yeah lol

            • 5 months ago

              >t. homosexual
              your opinion matters none, dick sucker

              They think early-mid 20s females are above them, and men think young girls are all complete moronic prostitutes and somehow they get redeemed later on when they're wiser(wisdom is a bad trait for females).

              In reality it's like 7/10s(7.5 at best on a realistic scale) banging older guys. But like 27-28 is not at all bad for 20, 18 year old should be dating like 19-23, all of these figures are serious dating.

              Young men below 25 are just gonna wait till they're in a position to still get an 18 year old to lock them down.

              Seriously though just tell me right now that you live in the year 1800, you have a 20 year old unmarried daughter, and it's not weird.

              again, dating is different. most 18-20 year olds will not date and be the gf to some 29 year old, even with money. they will however frick the 29 year old and become fwbs. 19 year old bawds have no issues using a 29 year old guy for his house + ability to purchase alcohol but they won’t ever get into a relationship with him.
              and that works for me too because i don’t ever want to date some moronic zoomette tikthot, but i will frick her and give her a few beers
              >t. 27yo boomer who bangs 18-22 year olds

              • 5 months ago

                My problem is I'm 34 but look like I'm 25 or so, so I just lie and obviously am scrambling to get a wife asap. The filter for young girls having sex with men my age is that they are nasty where's in the first place, I need to find someone just as young and pretend to be in another college on an internship or something.

                Then when I pump her full of my seed she will have no recourse but to lay in the bed of lies I have sown for her. And I will be so jacked I will be able to beat up any other suitor of hers into shame and ruin any spark of romance she has in her eyes for other men.

              • 5 months ago

                Extremely based sir
                How do you look younger tho?

              • 5 months ago

                >How do you look younger tho?
                he looks similar to this

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine the discomfort... I'd like to think that one long burp or fart is all he needs

              • 5 months ago

                Idk I slept like shit from hs to college and even past then. Maybe it considerably wrecked my test not lifting as much either and kept me from growing a beard and shit honestly, because i only started to have mine fill in till I started lifting again.

                Try a rich person diet I know how to cook and it probably helps too.

              • 5 months ago

                uh huh
                this applies to you lol

                This man is signaling on social media because he is not getting pussy, but it's a funny post nonetheless.

                >This man is signaling on social media because he is not getting pussy

                Let's say you have five female friends who claim this.

                I have still disproven you 5 times over in my own life experience within the past two years.

                Keep in mind you haven't even specified what your friends consider old, could be anywhere between 25 and 45, or the times they *have* gone with an older guy.

                Nor do I give my actual age out easily, because A: they don't ask, and B: I look anywhere 23-27.

                So tell me again why I should take you seriously.

                >no no my anecdotal evidence that i never gave totally btfo's yours!!!
                some of you guys are meant to be alone i guess

                Let's say you have five female friends who claim this.

                I have still disproven you 5 times over in my own life experience within the past two years.

                Keep in mind you haven't even specified what your friends consider old, could be anywhere between 25 and 45, or the times they *have* gone with an older guy.

                Nor do I give my actual age out easily, because A: they don't ask, and B: I look anywhere 23-27.

                So tell me again why I should take you seriously.

                they're literally never gone with an older guy, i literally said that in that post, are you autistic?

              • 5 months ago

                Your argument literally relies on equally as much anecdotal evidence, so your point is moot. Since you have nothing valid against my OP, you defer to middle school shitposting. Such is the life-cycle of a gay IST lurker.
                >they're literally never gone with an older guy
                Their loss. They've probably never gone with a guy at all.

              • 5 months ago

                >Your argument literally relies on equally as much anecdotal evidence, so your point is moot
                and that applies to your nonexistent argument too tard lol

                >Since you have nothing valid against my OP
                for there to be a valid argument, there must've been a valid question, yours was more wishful thinking and coping lol
                >Their loss. They've probably never gone with a guy at all.
                if all older guys are like you then they avoided some massive red flags

              • 5 months ago

                >and that applies to your nonexistent argument too tard lol
                I don't have to argue with you because there isn't anything to disprove. You haven't even argued with my post, just offered anecdotal evidence to the contrary. Your posts are meaningless lil bro.

              • 5 months ago

                >I don't have to argue with you because there isn't anything to disprove
                >spent the entirety of the thread arguing with me
                lmao just stop coping and accept that no zoomer girls wants your old desperate self
                just stick with women your own age, they're looking

              • 5 months ago

                Haha, imagine being gay and so desperate you need to need to invent your own echo chamber reality and plug your ears in when confronted with the reality of 90% of the sexually active hetero experience.

          • 5 months ago

            They think early-mid 20s females are above them, and men think young girls are all complete moronic prostitutes and somehow they get redeemed later on when they're wiser(wisdom is a bad trait for females).

            In reality it's like 7/10s(7.5 at best on a realistic scale) banging older guys. But like 27-28 is not at all bad for 20, 18 year old should be dating like 19-23, all of these figures are serious dating.

            Young men below 25 are just gonna wait till they're in a position to still get an 18 year old to lock them down.

            Seriously though just tell me right now that you live in the year 1800, you have a 20 year old unmarried daughter, and it's not weird.

  10. 5 months ago

    Posts like these are just projection and copeium. Most women know they start losing their desirability and attractiveness at 24 y/o

    Meanwhile I'm 27, been fricking 19-23 year old's for years because I can easily lie about my age, and I'm currently in relationship with a 22 year old

    Roasties taking the L once again

    • 5 months ago

      lying about your age is creepy af bro. giving falso info about something that could influence someone’s decision is sleazy

      • 5 months ago

        Don't hate the player, hate the game.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm 27 and lying about being 24 because I can pass for it, and probably younger, at least in my country. I don't really care if that's sleazy, though one night stands rarely ask. The few times it's brought up, I only lie if it actually matters. The women I lie to will probably do it themselves in the future, anyway, so this

        Don't hate the player, hate the game.

        Western society imposes dumb rules on some people when all we want to do is frick and feel connection, I just understand why these rules occur in people, stupid as they are. I'm not coercing. We're talking about adults here.

  11. 5 months ago

    What’s wrong with being 26?

    • 5 months ago

      Old, no more chances in life, you should be showing genuine promise of success by that age and if not you will just not make it

  12. 5 months ago

    Zoomers built their entire identity around being young and now they don't have that anymore

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah I don't get it. When I was in my late teens early 20's everyone wanted to be a burnt out late 20's grad student that chain smoked Spirits. A switch flipped, everybody wanted to be jailbait without learning about Twink death or The Wall.

  13. 5 months ago

    The Last Man knows he will have left nothing of value on this Earth when he has passed, but only dust.

  14. 5 months ago

    The zoomer generation made their identity "being young" and now they're getting old. They've already associated aging with a lot of negative stigmas thanks to millenials being a homosexual generation that literally inspired the söyjak meme. They want to do anything they can to avoid being old.

    • 5 months ago

      >zoomer generation made their identity "being young"
      is this not true of any generation in their younger years?

      • 5 months ago

        No? Boomers smoked, drank, and tanned since they were 14. Zoomers are the weirdo generation that unironically don’t leave the house because “the sun ages you*.

        Sean Connery at 32. This board would say he looks like their grandfather. Post any man who looks like a man and zoomers post “wtf he looks like my dad!!!”

        • 5 months ago

          wtf he looks like my dad

        • 5 months ago

          >Boomers smoked, drank, and tanned since they were 14.
          that's what being young meant back then, that's why they did it, just like the zooms do something else, moron, they're the same

        • 5 months ago

          Why'd you post a pic of my dad?

        • 5 months ago

          Back then most 32 y/o's were already fathers of 12-14 y/os. So that checks out

      • 5 months ago

        No. Millenials accepted growing up (with the stipulation that they could totally do all the heckin wholesome kid stuff they want because "adulting" is lame)

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah and when the "zoomers" turn 30 they will do the exact same thing and the current "millennials" by then will own the real estate and complaing about kids those days

          • 5 months ago

            >Muh pop intelectual writer
            Reminder that Orwell got his ass DABBED on by the Falangistas during the Spanish Civil War

            • 5 months ago

              >it's popular therefore bad
              You probably haven't read anything other than half of Animal Farm.

              The Road to Wigan Pier is an example of masterful realism and conscience in late-modern English prose, if you actually knew anything about literature.

      • 5 months ago

        My millenial friends wanted to become Tony Soprano asap.

        • 5 months ago

          Tony soprano is a bottom prostitute that loves BBC

  15. 5 months ago

    Have you been living under a rock? Masculinity is demonised, and femininity is praised. Staying like a young twink is currently valued in current society

  16. 5 months ago

    > Factually true statement is somehow amusing

    • 5 months ago

      How do you say you are 28 without actually saying the "twenty" at the beginning then? Or should I say I am almost 30 for five years straight? From my experience women are the sensitive ones about their age to the point it is considered rude to ask lmao.

      Found the 29 year olds who refer to themselves as “twenty something”

      • 5 months ago

        I am not. Now tell me how you say 28 without saying "twenty-eight".

        • 5 months ago

          Not him but I just turned 29 last month. If people ask my age I would just say it, but at this point I consider myself in the 30+ demographic

      • 5 months ago

        They are twenty-somethings tardo

  17. 5 months ago

    Beacuse they are reaching old age without having completed lifestones, romance most commonly

    • 5 months ago


      What causes men in the current year to be so afraid of aging? Shouldnt your worth as a man only increase throughout your life as you build a legacy for yourself? Not even in a
      >le men age like wine
      Kind of way but just your value and confidence and capabilities should all get better the more you live?


      >missed out on teenage love
      >no experience with women
      >lonelyness epidemic
      >work 9-5
      >can barely afford apartment if u even find one
      Nice legacy bro. Feels good moving toward 30

      they are underachieving
      or at least they feel like they are underachieving

  18. 5 months ago

    How do you say you are 28 without actually saying the "twenty" at the beginning then? Or should I say I am almost 30 for five years straight? From my experience women are the sensitive ones about their age to the point it is considered rude to ask lmao.

  19. 5 months ago

    You're only afraid of (visibly) aging if you don't have your shit together. Of course you wish you looked like 22 if you wake up one day and realize you're about to turn 30 and that you wasted your 20s och Discord and playing Dota.

  20. 5 months ago

    Everything in life is dictated by height and face

  21. 5 months ago

    I really don't give a shit. All this age crap is because of pussy but it's not worth it. Live your lives the best you can, make and stick to goals, stay fit and sure improve your looks but you have to accept that you get older and will age. This shit is incredibly gay.

  22. 5 months ago

    >probably don't have a wife yet
    >time window to get someone who isn't a single mother is shrinking rapidly

  23. 5 months ago

    I'm 34 and could say I'm mid-late 20s I'll be fine. Worst case scenario I am a much better option to an early 20s female than anything else she has and again I've told people I'm 25 and they believed me. Still get carded for liquor and cigs by people who don't wanna lose their job too.

    Imagine being 20 and unmarried in the 1800s or earlier, women are out of their fricking mind.

    • 5 months ago

      >women are out of their fricking mind.
      yeah if you really really think about, its crazy, like crazy, how short a girls window is. if females are have the population, and they all hit the wall at 25, imagine how much micro-damage this actually does to society. like all the seethe, jealousy, emotion a girl feels hitting the wall at 25. that fricking milly brown chick, hit the wall at fricking 19. zoomer chicks or young girls now are hitting the fricking wall at 20 now. lmfao.

      • 5 months ago

        And now you know why they are pushing against AGR.

        Unironically the competition level is so absurd for a woman to get a healthy/supportive partner that why WHY would that man choose a used up damaged roastie.
        We have millions of single women in their thirties. We have up and coming a hundred million+ women in their late teens-twenties who are all completely worthless.

        • 5 months ago

          >We have up and coming a hundred million+ women in their late teens-twenties who are all completely worthless.
          well, you have to think like this, 90% of men are nothing to females but betabux, so it also kinda makes sense to say 90% of females are unnattractive/old/ undesirable to the top 10% of men.

          • 5 months ago

            dude you have no idea how much times have changed.
            that whole "women not attracted to majority of men."
            The average woman is moving towards three part time jobs in the next handful of years, you can prove this with little effort.
            It doesn't matter if he is the ugliest man in the world, if he can prevent that c**t from working multiple part time jobs. She will suck that dick.
            Women voted for this and they are getting exactly what they deserve.
            Not even Rich Chads can stop this, because Rich Chad isn't going to provide for a woman. He just fricks her. Which means Rich Chad is having to slow down a little bit on the amount of women he blows out. Because even they are not beyond losing everything now days.

            >WHY would that man choose a used up damaged roastie.
            that male is a bottom 90% male. maybe its not a damaged roastie, but its for sure a girl he would not even have dreamed of jacking off to. imagine having a gf/wife that no one would even jerk off to lol.

            Eh still disagree, if I was that bad off I'd rather be single.
            One child already, was married/now divorced, currently dating a 19 year old and she is desperately trying to get me to impregnate her.
            The divorced was the same age as I was (34).
            The women get more bitter as time goes on is 100% true. Good luck dude.

            • 5 months ago

              >that whole "women not attracted to majority of men."
              its just betabuxing. im not talking about betabuxing.
              >moving towards three part time jobs in the next handful of years, you can prove this with little effort.
              never heard of this, except ai replacing jobs.
              >currently dating a 19 year old and she is desperately trying to get me to impregnate her.
              lol trying to tie you down.

              >The women get more bitter as time goes on is 100% true.
              females are never happy. they are like zombies in video games, where if the player doenst show up, they are just standing around sulking. i see that a lot in girls, their whole happy friendly persona is just that. they are always depressed and sad. Idk why, cause human biology should not be like that.

        • 5 months ago

          >WHY would that man choose a used up damaged roastie.
          that male is a bottom 90% male. maybe its not a damaged roastie, but its for sure a girl he would not even have dreamed of jacking off to. imagine having a gf/wife that no one would even jerk off to lol.

        • 5 months ago

          >healthy/supportive partner
          thing is, that healthy/supportive partner doesnt give her vegana tingles. 90% of men dont give girls vegana tingles. The "smarter" girls just patronize the man and marry him and dont do anything stupid. But with western culture turning girls more and more egotastical, they are simply shunning the bottom 90% of men or them for a LTR/marriage at best. it is what it is. these 90% of men need to do a freeze, and ignore girls for a year. imagine if the bottom 90% of men stopped giving girls attention, either real harams form, or girls become less naughty and more sub serviant.

          • 5 months ago

            Yeah 7/10s prefer some metrosexuals wearing sweatshop boutique not even inhaling their weed and taking photos of every 5th of gay guy liquor they buy.

          • 5 months ago

            read other post

            >that whole "women not attracted to majority of men."
            its just betabuxing. im not talking about betabuxing.
            >moving towards three part time jobs in the next handful of years, you can prove this with little effort.
            never heard of this, except ai replacing jobs.
            >currently dating a 19 year old and she is desperately trying to get me to impregnate her.
            lol trying to tie you down.

            >The women get more bitter as time goes on is 100% true.
            females are never happy. they are like zombies in video games, where if the player doenst show up, they are just standing around sulking. i see that a lot in girls, their whole happy friendly persona is just that. they are always depressed and sad. Idk why, cause human biology should not be like that.

            You've never gotten a woman pregnant dude.
            The reason most women are depressed is because they are quite literally designed to have children.
            Birth control makes some women happy because it simulates pregnancy to the body.
            Zoloft and the like makes women happy because it takes away their inherit desire to raise a family.
            Impregnate a woman, keep her pregnant every chance you get.
            This unironically makes most women happy.
            There is an entire subreddit that argues otherwise, but it's true.
            The happiest I have ever seen women ever, is when they are taking care of their babies.

            • 5 months ago

              I know that. But females do not deserve to be happy taking care of children anymore. They must work and sleep around and take pills and go fight in ww3 Frontlines now.

  24. 5 months ago


  25. 5 months ago

    Lack of fear of God.

  26. 5 months ago

    Decay of cultural values. People no longer respect older people, therefore aging has lost its main advantage

    • 5 months ago

      >People no longer respect older people,
      this is a western thing for sure. imagine being a girl and just turning invisble once walling.

  27. 5 months ago

    I fear not aging, but loss of honor. honor is a fluid in youth, becoming a crystal with age. That crystal can break and never be rebuilt. A young man experiences reverance like the ebb and flow of the tides.

  28. 5 months ago

    Zoomers cope because youth is the only thing they have that men older than them don't have. They literally can not compete in anything else.

  29. 5 months ago

    29, balding, in a relationship for 6 years. I literally don't care about my hair and men who do are gays. I hope I look like heihachi when I age more

  30. 5 months ago

    aging is slow death, and most people don't like thinking about death. I'm 31 as of yesterday, and sometimes I think about "Holy shit, my life might be 50% over. I may not make it into my 70's."

    but then, on the other side of things, I can't control my natural death outside of being healthy, so why worry so much?

    • 5 months ago

      > and most people don't like thinking about death.
      in my darker moments, i sometimes think it would sweet relief if i just dropped dead and my suffering would end. in my brighter and resilient moments, i just keep on trucking along like i've always done. i try to have a memento mori mindset.

  31. 5 months ago

    I don't care anymore. I'm not young anymore, I'm an adult and have to focus on building up wealth and resources. Once I graduated college that was the sign that the extended adolescence phase of my life was over and it was time to get serious.

    • 5 months ago

      i wasted too much time. i spent the first half of my 20s smoking weed all day and partying. now i just work all day. it feels like the fun part of my life is over.

      • 5 months ago

        You're a lazy homosexual. Get a hobby.

  32. 5 months ago

    I'm turning 20 in 5 days IST bros what are some things to look out for so i don't waste opportunities? Right now I'm in college, work, and go to the gym, as well as do some reading so things are going pretty well.

    • 5 months ago

      The vast majority of people are going to play it safe. Do the opposite, become an obsessed crazy person who is ready to die for a grand goal. Watch some videos on Elon Musk and his work ethic and you'll get what I'm talking about. Chances are you'll dismiss my suggestion; but really think about it. Most people won't try anything great so if you stake the rest of your life on being great you'll have no real competition for the upper levels of society/the world.

    • 5 months ago

      Seems like you got it all figured out. Besides the social part, make some friends, have some relationships - find out what you want, or at least bits of it.
      Turning 24 soon and i wish i did more socializing. Im in a great spot now, but i wasted my first 2 years in college being a sperg.

  33. 5 months ago

    haha we do be like that

  34. 5 months ago

    I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

  35. 5 months ago

    >missed out on teenage love
    >no experience with women
    >lonelyness epidemic
    >work 9-5
    >can barely afford apartment if u even find one
    Nice legacy bro. Feels good moving toward 30

  36. 5 months ago

    >mfs in their 20s say that they are in their 20s

  37. 5 months ago

    >(crying emoji)(crying emoji)(crying emoji)(skull emoji)(skull emoji)(skull emoji)(skull emoji)(crying laughing emoji)(crying laughing emoji)(crying laughing emoji)(cat crying laughing emoji)(cat crying laughing emoji)(cat crying laughing emoji)

  38. 5 months ago

    Why are zoomer guys so salty of men over 30?

    • 5 months ago

      their crushes are getting plowed by millennial wiener

      • 5 months ago

        Millenials are literally the subject of söyjak memes.

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah and?

          • 5 months ago

            lmao just lmao

            Seems to me the more mid a girl is the more up in the air she is about doing whatever to get sex with as good of a man as possible, whereas pretty girls have standards.

            No offense to this guy but a guy who has more meat on him will have more success keeping a gf whereas guys that look like this are always fricking like rabbits with whoever it seems.

            again what's your definition of a prostitute? because pretty girls DO sleep around, they have access to hot guys and they will frick if given the chance
            so what is your definition of a prostitute?

            • 5 months ago

              So they're gonna frick multiple? They do that because they aren't quite sure if their current bf has a big dick or not but have to keep ahold of what they have in case they can't get it.

              My point is that 5s-7s hang out with gay guys, and some of the uglier ones have similar ideals(close enough to standards) as pretty women.

              No pretty woman is gonna let go of a more attractive man for a less attractive one by cheating on someone with a smaller dick who is built like and looks like shit. Im not trying to offend you I'm just telling you the truth and don't want your groups resident hot girl who is a 7.1/10's opinion o want the 6/10's opinion because she's probably smarter and hasn't given up on having kids yet.

          • 5 months ago

            This man is signaling on social media because he is not getting pussy, but it's a funny post nonetheless.

          • 5 months ago

            Thomas777 is a gay. Zoomee roasties are used goods by age 18, 20 at best.

        • 5 months ago

          >t. lying homosexual zoomoid

          both have those types but it came to be during the zoomoid generation so nice try, bald homosexual.

      • 5 months ago

        if you're a millennial and look like this then yes you are unironically getting alot of zoomer pus lol
        if not then stop coping 😉

      • 5 months ago

        This has been happening since forever, this seethe is unprecedented though.

        • 5 months ago

          Imagine being jealous of someone you can beat the shit out of. This is always how I've felt about the generation with the worst style of them all who listen to the gayest music.

          • 5 months ago

            wtf is this post

            • 5 months ago

              badling, aging millennials coping and seething lmao

              • 5 months ago

                I hate the look of millennials so much I just wanna beat them up. They're easily the weakest and dumbest generation.

              • 5 months ago

                >badling, aging millennials coping and seething
                thing is, millennials didnt grow up with internet culture at a young age, but zoomers did. so being 13 and finding out balding and aging isnt good for a young person. Millenials didnt grow up with this worry so its not the same. Aging and reversing aging and healthy simply isnt a big deal until recently.

              • 5 months ago

                bruh what cope is this

              • 5 months ago

                well, i think that person is on the internet too much and viewing too much zoomer shit because a lot of cotent is catered for 20-60. because i never knew that as an issue in my age group. for someone over 30, this whole aging thing isnt an issue. our dads, society we grew up in, grand pa, never had this issue. its just part of life. so i THINK, the millenials that have this issue, are consuming modern media meant for zoomers also. modern media is cancer. our generation isnt having as many kids because everyone is too well off. are we talking about aging or kids? cause for aging, its not a societal issue when i was young. but now it is. so its understandable for zoomers and other people to pay attention to it.

              • 5 months ago

                thing is it was millennials that grew up with internet culture too, the whole dotcom thing happened under them, myspace and all that shit
                why do you think you have coping tards in this thread are millennials? they're the ones afraid of getting old and alone so they cope by saying they'll just chase after younger girls because they're easier lol

  39. 5 months ago

    Soon boys.

  40. 5 months ago

    I'm 40 but I'll put 35 in any kind of profile.

  41. 5 months ago

    Class warfare expanding to age groups. Dudes are downwardly mobile effeminates who may or may not remember the state activating hard power in the 2010's to crush dissent, so this is the safest way to lash out without getting a knock at their (dorm) doors.They're worried about a few guys over 30 with money taking the BPD OF prostitutes that make up their dating prospects.

    • 5 months ago

      Zoomers are exposed to the worst women online. They live on the internet and fall victim to obvious psyops.

    • 5 months ago

      And the women are pickier than ever thanks to dating apps

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think so. I've had women cancel tinder dates with richer or better looking guys and stuff simply by being the guy who talked to them in real life. The internet isn't real life and when you get your world view from it you fall victim to a lot of angry, bitter liars until you consciously or unconsciously become one.

  42. 5 months ago

    It's not so much about appearance, more so feeling like I'm running out of time to do what I want to do and falling behind.

  43. 5 months ago

    >afraid of aging
    better buckle up c**ts, it's coming quicker than you think.
    34 here, it's not about being in my prime. It's about being better than my peer group.

  44. 5 months ago

    I honestly don’t know who’s coping more, the 20 year old zoomer who has to face the reality that his crush/onerous gets creampied regularly by a 34 year old man, or the mid 30s man who thinks he is at his prime with a receding hairline, skinnyfat body, and making 50k a year

    Having been both a 20 year old idiot and then a successful and attractive 30 year old, it’s definitely the zoomer. It’s okay, I was mad at older guys when I found out my college crush was in love with some married man who just wanted to frick her

  45. 5 months ago

    and to the millennials prefering younger over their own age
    if you don't find girls them attractive, then wtf would younger girls find you attractive? if your own women are too old for you, then you would be too old for them
    that's literally the zoomer female mindset, they wouldn't date or frick guys 5yrs older than them
    unless they have money and a nice car

    • 5 months ago

      This post reeks of cope because it’s empty based on any reality. Men and women are NOT the same. Women share men. Men don’t share women. A woman will seek the best genes she can find, whether that be expressed through a 35 year old or 21 year old. Women date for resources. Men don’t.

      Finally, all you need to realize this is FEMALE FRIENDS. Why don’t you go actually talk to girls rather than project your insecure coping. Almost all girls have dealt with older men before. Most of them actually *prefer* older men. 18-22 year old men are fricking annoying

      • 5 months ago

        >Women share men
        yep incel confirmed lol
        women get insanely jealous and are protective of guys they like lol
        >Why don’t you go actually talk to girls rather than project your insecure coping
        should take your own advice there gramps 😉

        • 5 months ago

          You have zero experience with women and it’s painfully obvious. The girl you want is getting fricked by other men

          • 5 months ago

            anymore projecting and you'll be a mirror

            • 5 months ago

              Anymore (one word) is an adverb meaning “any longer” or “to any further extent.” Any more (two words) is a determiner used to refer to quantities.

              • 5 months ago

                younger girls still don't want your old ass 😉

              • 5 months ago

                Zoomers are pushing 30

              • 5 months ago

                yeah and millennials are pushing 50 😉

                Imagine looking 30 at 25.

                you don't have to imagine i suppose

              • 5 months ago

                Youre getting old kid. Step aside. Its gen alphas time to shine. Theyre 10 right now.

              • 5 months ago

                and you old creeps will still try and chase after them, unsuccessfully i might add :p

              • 5 months ago

                You are 25. Act your age. Youre not a tween anymore.

              • 5 months ago

                An 18 year old would date a 30 year old doctor if he was decently muscular and looked younger. She would not date a balding 25 year old who is mentally deficient.

              • 5 months ago

                >An 18 year old would date a 30 year old doctor if he was decently muscular and looked younger
                i would too, but have you seen a 30yr hot muscular doctor chase after younger girls? it's usually the ugly old ones that had no experience with women in general that chase after younger exclusively
                same thing with gays, it's always the ugly crusty old men that go after younger

              • 5 months ago

                >but have you seen a 30yr hot muscular doctor chase after younger girls?

                Every time? Bro I don’t know what delusional fantasy world you live in. They don’t think about age. Girls dream about finding an attractive, successful, older man. It’s what they want deep down. They want to be led, not be an equal. Empirically, we know that an attractive older man > an ugly younger man.

                This alone disproves the entire idea that women select for youth.

              • 5 months ago

                >Bro I don’t know what delusional fantasy world you live in
                lmao keep projecting
                > Girls dream about finding an attractive, successful, older man
                so you're none of the above seeing as your here seething and arguing 😉

              • 5 months ago

                People like that usually get high quality gfs who aren't moronic prostitutes. My argument is late 20s and 18-20 is ideal maybe slightly less age gap but that's why I'd lie, because I look younger and can.

              • 5 months ago

                Zoomer gen began in 2000.

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine looking 30 at 25.

              • 5 months ago

                They'd rather date someone late 20s who's strong af and makes good money than anyone else unless they are even younger, also quite successful, and are almost as strong because of age.

          • 5 months ago

            Women that string along men because they don't get constant sex are on a lower rung of call girls for men who also cannot keep quality women.

        • 5 months ago

          It's probably a fricked up looking beta woman who is a future wine aunt and hates men just like ugly weak balding men hate women.

  46. 5 months ago

    Attractive men regardless of age get pussy. Ugly men regardless of age don’t get pussy.

    The point of contention arises when younger (ugly) men get mad that they have to compete with attractive men not only in their age group, but in the older age group.

    You’re not getting pussy anyway, man. No reason being a balding pimply faced DYEL.

    Young attractive men who actually get oussy understand this and feel no contempt for older men. They know it’s just the game. It’s loser gymcels who think the only thing stopping them is older and more attractive men. No little guy, I’ll still get more 19 year old pussy at 45 than you at 20. Why? Because of my bone structure (;

    >t. modeled when I was in college and drowned in young pussy and currently 32 and drown in young pussy

    • 5 months ago

      Why you gotta call out gymcels? Bulking gymcels are actually the ones benefitting from old age. Its the dyel zoomer twinks that are worried about getting old. You know twink looks go away eventually.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah a shitload of men take steroids to go above 3pl8s they probably look gay too, no wonder nobody wants to frick them. I make better progress nursing a shoulder injury working a full time physical labor job getting drunk.

      • 5 months ago

        A lot of twinks and women frick gymcels

        • 5 months ago

          The women are hard 6s, have you really looked at them though? Ain't no fricking girlfriend of mine is gonna ever have worn a bra and skintights in public I'm not a cuckold.

    • 5 months ago

      Youre just making up random shit in your head lol. Check your ego Black person

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah he honestly just doesn't get that to really impress a woman you want to be very muscular. Otherwise they'll look at other guys and think of how they could manhandle you and lose all attraction.

  47. 5 months ago

    Zoomers took advice from gay men on Looksmax and adjacent communities thinking it would help them attract women. They think they have to be either a pretty boy twink or Gigachad with nothing in between. The pretty boy look only appeals to gays and teenage girls, and most men can't pull it off (especially past a certain age)

    • 5 months ago

      think again 😉


      if you're a millennial and look like this then yes you are unironically getting alot of zoomer pus lol
      if not then stop coping 😉

    • 5 months ago

      Zoomers dont want to bulk and lift heavy

      • 5 months ago

        yes we do. in males going to the gym is more popular the younger you go, not less.

    • 5 months ago

      Oh lord nothing is worse than when a guy tries too hard for a fit. They always look tacky.

      The real look is pretty frickin jacked and loose simple clothing, maybe a nice jacket or shoes. Men who wear several hundred dollar outfits are desperate for female attention.

    • 5 months ago

      You have one year, oldgay.

  48. 5 months ago

    What else would they be? 30s? What kind of post is this?

  49. 5 months ago

    I say I'm in my 20s because I am in my 20s. I will say I'm in my 30s when I am in my 30s. You aren't supposed to circumcise 50% of the decade just because some 20 year old who hangs out with highschoolers wants to show how much of a sex pest he totallllly isn't.

    • 5 months ago

      I'm 34 and I look mid 20s I'm gonna say I'm mid-late 20s and refuse to bang old women almost my age. Just so I dont get gold diggers if anything else.

      I slacked off and fricked up earlier in life, sure. But the fact is that I'm not going to pay for it if I don't have to.

  50. 5 months ago

    >What causes men in the current year to be so afraid of aging?
    A growing dread of the ever approaching void and the inevitability of the ticking clock

  51. 5 months ago

    I was never loved or made to feel sexy.
    Late bloomer, I’ve been told I’m handsome a few times, but my personality is very very flawed.
    I’ve not tried to date for a year because the chick outright said I had a bad personality. (I’ve improved since then)
    Don’t know what to do bros
    t 26

    • 5 months ago

      That's normal. Most males are undesirable and simply exist to betabux. Most

      • 5 months ago

        It’s becoming more common, tho all my friends got laid so I think it’s just a personal issue

  52. 5 months ago

    That's only if you're rich or have lots of status idiot. If you're not you literally only have retaining your youth as a leg up.

  53. 5 months ago

    The whole "age like wine" is a cope for homosexuals who are failures now. In the future, they are still failures, btw.

  54. 5 months ago


  55. 5 months ago

    For the clueless ITT that don't know:


    >prefer men OLDER THAN THEM
    >looks are less important than security provided
    >no real "upper limit" in age difference (plenty of women with men 10-20 years older)

    >prefer women YOUNGER THAN THEM
    >looks are more important than security provided
    >the "limit" seems to be 18-49, women 50+ are damn near completely out no matter what

    Obviously this isn't absolute because it's just a GUIDE so you know what to expect. Have fun and just remember: you're not gonna frick your way to happiness.

    • 5 months ago

      If a woman has the choice to marry the same man at 25 vs 30 at her 20 years of age she's gonna pick 25.

      The closer to her age the better end of question, anything else is old men who fricked up their early lives and have nobody to blame but themselves. If you look like this though you'll be well off till like what 30?

      • 5 months ago

        She'll go 30 because she secretly wants to date someone just like her dad and 30's closer to his age than 20, buddy.

        • 5 months ago

          If they're mentally ill maybe. But the fact is that men look best at around 25 not 30, to 18-20 women amd that's not really disputable because there are maybe 5 women that have ever been on this website.

  56. 5 months ago

    To be fair, we do live in an age where most (young) people don't have any supportive family, they're not getting married, when they do they often divorce, and there's no secure pension system. People basically have no plan for the future except to work, and so yeah, people fear hitting their 40s-50s when they're no longer in good enough physical condition to work.

    Basically the best hope most people have for the future is that Social Security remains intact even though they've been telling us it'll go bankrupt in two more years for fifty years.

  57. 5 months ago

    im 29
    in an extremely good place in life
    tangibly excited about 30s

  58. 5 months ago

    I love being 30 so far. Im engaged, working, have some great friends and family. The only thing that gets me down is that relatives are starting to pass away, but im excited to have kids eventually. I would lose my mind if i was back in my 20 year brain. Besides the physical aspect youth is miserable

  59. 5 months ago

    >Kind of way but just your value and confidence and capabilities should all get better the more you live?
    Obviously no. Your test falls down, your brain starts rotting away, your face becomes disgusting.

    There's no positive points in slowly dying(i.e. getting old?

  60. 5 months ago

    i didnt get a girl in my early 20s and its only going to get harder. i dont want to accept being single forever. in fact i refuse to accept it.

  61. 5 months ago

    > What causes men in the current year to be so afraid of aging?
    Humans have always been afraid of aging

  62. 5 months ago

    >still arguing with a troony
    damn homie you’re just as bad as him. hes only seething because all the girls his age that befriend shim out of virtue points keep getting fricked by 30yo chads and he cant cope with the jealousy so he comes on here trying to convince everyone that zoomettes don’t want to frick older, richer, more experienced men. my sage is useless since we’re at 300 replies but it’s symbolic of the homosexualry in this thread

  63. 5 months ago

    >current year to be so afraid of aging?
    Everyone fears aging because everyone fear decadence and death since the beginning of mankind, the myths about "Fountain of Youth" exist since the 3th century for a reason.

  64. 5 months ago

    >umm they're not lol, if mines are easily dismissible so are yours
    lol, you must not know how to read and compare statistical evidence then.
    >>this one source from wikipedia is though
    Again lacking in basic English skills. I said citations from the article. Wikipedia in itself doesn't prove anything.
    >hey this was you the whole thread!
    >not me u :))
    Good stuff.
    >and who was the one asking initially on what zoomer girls were attracted too 😉
    Not me. You don't know how to keep track of who you're talking to, apparently. Take your adderall.

    • 5 months ago


      >Nothing personal. They just don't prove anything.
      your seethe throughout the thread proves otherwise lmao
      >My anecdotes are at least somewhat based in reality
      umm they're not lol, if mines are easily dismissible so are yours
      >>You try to disprove reality with screenshots and non-peer reviewed studies related to dating site data that don't reflect the wider reality of sexual preferences
      >n-no the studies you posted don't mean anything and are irrelevant!! i said so!!
      >this one source from wikipedia is though
      damn lol, can't admit you're wrong huh? 😉
      >Which is why you prove me right, since I've gone on plenty of dates and fricked, outside of a dating site
      sure sure 😉
      >Lil bro can't take the L he gotta keep projecting
      hey this was you the whole thread!
      and who was the one asking initially on what zoomer girls were attracted too 😉 [...]
      you'll find someone someday i'm sure

    • 5 months ago

      >seething so much he couldn't properly ((you)) me
      >m-my anecdotal evidence is statistical evidence!!! i said so!!
      lmao what a child, no wonder why you can't get any zoomer girls 😉
      >I said citations from the article
      >the citations on your articles doesn't matter!!!
      lmao you can do better than that, oh wait you can't :p
      >Not me.
      >n-no that wasn't me!
      lmao your writing style and use of anecdotes proves it was loser 😉
      keep projecting love, you should lay of the drugs :3

      • 5 months ago

        >i said so!!
        Nope. The stats do.
        >>the citations on your articles doesn't matter!!!
        They don't, if they're completely unrelated to reality, like data-site data as a measurement or overall parity of hook-up age relative to the population outside the dating site minority, i.e. what you think counts as evidence.

        • 5 months ago

          >Nope. The stats do.
          yes glad we agree, the ones i posted were more accurate than a wikipedia (which can be edited by anyone at any moment) lol

          >hook-up age relative to the population outside the dating site minority
          sweetie, age gap dating is the minority outside dating apps too lol, so making your evidence (lol) even more flimsy

          • 5 months ago

            >the ones i posted were more accurate than a wikipedia (which can be edited by anyone at any moment)
            You didn't post any related to the dating site data, just a screen shot, and they're really not accurate, because they don't compare to peer reviewed and widely accepted statistcal evidence from the studies cited on the Wiki page. People can't edit the citations that people use on Wikipedia, dummy.
            >age gap dating is the minority outside dating apps too lol
            Still making things up. Whatever gets you to sleep, I guess.

            • 5 months ago

              >ou didn't post any related to the dating site data, just a screen shot
              i provided links too anon, why are you making stuff up? 🙂


              >literally seething
              lmao just lmao

              >Still making things up
              >being this delusional
              lmao you wouldn't be here asking for advice on zoomer women if that were true

              • 5 months ago

                >screenshot and linked study aren't the same, thinks they are
                >linked study is not peer reviewed, tiny data pool, somehow better and proves him right
                >lmao you wouldn't be here asking for advice on zoomer women if that were true
                You seem to think that was me asking. I don't need advice. My post is trying to prove that it doesn't matter if you're a attractive, either physically or socially. Something you probably lack.

              • 5 months ago

                >is so moronic doesn't realize the linked study applies to that post
                >is still seething and coping
                >I don't need advice
                >literally was asking for advice on zoomer women
                lol, maybe you'll be lucky and be a part of the 1% 😉

              • 5 months ago

                >more dogshit "studies"
                >doesn't even know which posters he's replying to, thinks I'm >28

              • 5 months ago

                >t-those studies don't mean anything
                >t-they just don't!!! i said so!!
                lmao cope
                >n-no i'm not the same poster!!
                >despite using the same style of writing and writing mannerisms
                lmao just lmao
                >thinks I'm >28
                no you're clearly over 40 😉

              • 5 months ago

                >cope x20
                >no u
                >no u

              • 5 months ago

                >literally ran out of arguments
                >resorts to "no u"
                lmao oh hey that's what you've been doing this entire thread!! i accept your concession 😉

              • 5 months ago

                Lolwut. You don't even realise you conceded when you began doubling down scrambling with nonsense because you're insecure. Imagine being an insecure gay IST addicted virgin.

              • 5 months ago

                >Imagine being an insecure gay IST addicted virgin.
                hey you're projecting again 😉
                and he's more statistics 😀

              • 5 months ago

                Imagine thinking any of these studies are an own against me because you're too schizo to keep track of the posters you're replying to.
                >I'll just keep deflecting lol

              • 5 months ago



                >t-those studies don't mean anything
                >t-they just don't!!! i said so!!
                lmao cope
                >n-no i'm not the same poster!!
                >despite using the same style of writing and writing mannerisms
                lmao just lmao
                >thinks I'm >28
                no you're clearly over 40 😉

                cope 😉

  65. 5 months ago

    my experience (26, bald, beard, IST on and off, law degree) is that 75% of younger girls will completely ignore you. 10% are open to it. 10% are REALLY into it. especially if you don't hide being older. its not the types you'd expect either (often it's educated very fit younger girls)

  66. 5 months ago

    I'm 39 and fricked more girls in my 30s than I did back in my 20s. They like you more when you have your own house. Also be 6'2 and a real man that doesnt give a frick what people think about you. You change for no one, you stand up for what you believe, you stay who you are and thats how you get it brother. That's called being a man. Nobody taught zoomers that.

    • 5 months ago

      >be 6'2
      thanks for the constructive advice

    • 5 months ago

      >They like you more when you have your own house.

  67. 5 months ago

    I havent thought about this in years because from 15 - 25 I was probably tipping to 400lbs. Lost it down to <200 and even now in my 30s, I feel better than a I remember my 20s. Like, just taking 1 shit a day, and being able to wipe my ass is a huge reminder. I used to use a ceiling hanger for a bite with a rag on it to wipe

  68. 5 months ago

    Turned 20 last September. I've been told I look like I'm 26. I'm killing myself, it never even began.

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