What country do you think has the highest quality of food and which country do you think has the lowest?

What country do you think has the highest quality of food and which country do you think has the lowest?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Highest quality:
    Probably some village in Normandy
    Lowest quality:
    Some dirty hood in china

    • 9 months ago

      Cursed be my satan trips , Im still wondering between Taiwan and all those places that eat wienerroaches and centipedes and shit versus the shit china eat... like mouses...

    • 9 months ago

      no doubt the chinese have all sorts of poisons in them from general pollution and bug mentality but their government still needs their workforce and probably cares about health quite a bit. the people that run the US don't need healthy people, just mindless and dependent consumers.

  2. 9 months ago

    highest, greece/mediterenean. Italy if you know your producers (frick fake olive oil from those mobster fricks)

    worst? I dunno, it's either between china and USA.

    I had my buddies visit me from hongkong and were upset i took them for chinese BBQ here in Vancouver, and then had a bite and said it was better than anything they had in HK.

  3. 9 months ago

    Highest - Italy, Japan
    Lowest - Haiti

    • 9 months ago

      Japs the best, Chinese the worst when it comes to regulations and enforcement of which

      Definitely Japan
      Protip any country where you cannot safely eat raw chicken grom the store is third world

  4. 9 months ago

    Japs the best, Chinese the worst when it comes to regulations and enforcement of which

  5. 9 months ago

    >What country do you think has the highest quality of food
    >and which country do you think has the lowest?

  6. 9 months ago

    i'm a weeb, love japan can speak japanese and i can assure you japan is kinda overrated.

    although its not overrated in having access to healthier options.

  7. 9 months ago

    I'm gonna get accosted by a ton of chuds but highest is absolutely the USA, if and only if you are Elite. The lowest is probably China or India, those being narrowly lower than the USA if you're poor.

    • 9 months ago

      india probably has higher quality ingredients its just the sanitation is in the toilet.

    • 9 months ago

      Why does american-made food have so many damn ingredients? I've been to american food stores and their food has more chemicals in it than factory waste water. I've even seen colorings and taste enhancers in bacon lol.

      • 9 months ago

        maximizing profit margins and other stupid marketing shit. you have to think there are hundreds of thousands of rooms all over the nation full of people literally getting paid to sit there and think all day how they can move more volume and sell more products. eventually its gonna get to the point of absurdity. theres also people trying to figure out how to increase shelf life of food to the point of creating a product that never expires, and can be sold with such precision that no overstock is ever created and the demand can be calculated and balanced to the supply down to the fraction of a decimal its really fricking stupid
        >that bacon doesnt look RED enough
        >those nuts arent cooked well enough add more oxalates!
        the key is to not buy that shit kek. and if you think there is no way around it you are not putting enough effort in to find high quality healthy food.

    • 9 months ago

      >highest is absolutely the USA, if and only if you are Elite.
      Don't think so , they have the access to private chefs same as it used to be through the history but the quality of the ingredients probably would come from overseas.

  8. 9 months ago

    France has the most Michelin stars by far. It's not even close.

    • 9 months ago

      Best quality food is without a doubt somewhere in the EU due to food regulatory reasons, half the shit American food is stuffed with is banned in the EU or forbidden to market as the same food product (American cheese for instance cannot be marketed as cheese in the EU)

      My guess would be somewhere around the Mediterranean due to being able to grow good crops easily, but the scandi countries are good candidates as well due to excessive regulations. Considering scandis are all beautiful and tall there has to be something in their food unless you believe /misc/ master race memes

      Funny how much shit UK gets for their food but despite that having waay more Michelin starred restaurants per capita

      Not even br*tish btw but it’s clear that shitting on English food is a shitskin cope for being colonised, like how “wypipo don’t use spices”

      • 9 months ago

        nah bong food is legit poop, I don't know how the density of restaurants that sell salmon icecream on ionized spinach polyhedra and birch sauce is an argument here

    • 9 months ago

      >France has the most Michelin stars by far
      Michelin is a french company, it would be wierd for them to not rate their native country the highest.
      But Michelin stars or not, I'd say italian and french cuisine legitimately are the healthiest. Hell, those 2 countries have a history of ongoing competition on which one produces the best cheeses and wines.

      • 9 months ago

        >I'd say italian and french cuisine legitimately are the healthiest
        French or Italian cuisine made in Japan is healthier brcause the food regulations are way more strict

        • 9 months ago

          is that why they all get parasites from raw fish?

          • 9 months ago

            Only 20k cases a year and none are from store bought fish
            It's moronic village people who catch their own lol

  9. 9 months ago

    >What country do you think has the highest quality of food
    in what country do people actually grow their own food the most? i won't trust anything "quality" unless i see where it was raised or where it grew out of the ground, and know what kind of toxic shit might have gone into it before it was harvested

    for instance in USA i have no idea what kind of horrible pesticides the broccoli i'm eating was sprayed with all year before it was harvested, i have no idea what was in the slop that the cows were fed, etc

  10. 9 months ago

    France has the highest, USA the lowest. At least there isn't atrazine in the sand third worlders eat.

    • 9 months ago

      >everything is covered or cooked with butter and grease
      yeah I don't think so Pierre

  11. 9 months ago

    highest would be Italy and Lebanon(atleast in the past,i dunno how they held up given all the shit happening to them)
    come to think of it mongols might have a really good diet too.

  12. 9 months ago

    1. Switzerland
    9001. the goyim states of america

    • 9 months ago

      Love my fleisch vögel

  13. 9 months ago

    I've been here since 2009 but it always feels fricking strange to see my native city in a random fitness thread.

  14. 9 months ago

    >France, Italy, Japan (except for their sweets, they're all shite)
    >Tunisia, Nepal

    I will however defend British food because their breakfast is perfect, easily mogs the slop they eat in Italy and France

  15. 9 months ago

    jfl at the americans in this thread
    >which country has the highest quality food

    • 9 months ago

      80 IQ post

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