What detriments happens to your body once you enter starvation mode? How often do you need to eat to avoid it?

What detriments happens to your body once you enter starvation mode? How often do you need to eat to avoid it?

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  1. 5 months ago

    do you think she had to hire a contractor to get all that work done?

    • 5 months ago

      Well hope she didn't spend too much on cladding as im finna sandblast her with 400kPa of cum and compliments

  2. 5 months ago

    Starvation mode is a myth

    • 5 months ago

      >need food to survive
      >don’t eat food
      >body does nothing in response to this
      ^this js what fasting gays actually believe.
      The truth OP is that you need to be eating every 4-6 hours to keep your body optimally fueled and nourished. Once you go into starvation mode (12-14 hours) your body releases a cortisol bomb and starts eating muscle to survive. This also ages you in milk years

      • 5 months ago

        >This also ages you in milk years

        Sad truth. I did a 30 day fast, it almost killed me, i lost a ton of weight.

        But all the baby fat on my cheeks went away, i had to get a fat transfer. Now i look like me again, with cute cheeks. I think skilling a meal, or fasted cardio is food, but going long periods without eating isnt good

        • 5 months ago

          Hello fren, this happened to me too.
          Could you please give me the info I need on the fat transfers?
          I don’t want to get bogged
          I’m 26 years old and skinny

      • 5 months ago

        what do you think excess body fat with stored vitamins and water is used for?

      • 5 months ago

        >Once you go into starvation mode (12-14 hours) your body releases a cortisol bomb and starts eating muscle to survive
        peak veganschizo

      • 5 months ago

        By the time it becomes a problem, you're going to be under essential fat levels. I don't think anyone keeps fasting past that point, unless they are really religious Jaïns. It's like saying you shouldn't jog for 20 minutes a day because doing a 100k ultra marathon would rek your body. You're taking something like skipping a meal and taking it to obscene levels.

      • 5 months ago

        >starts eating muscle to survive
        >to survive
        you arent at risk of dying after not eating for 12-14 hours anon. I can assure you that you are not in survival mode

  3. 5 months ago

    Something like 3 days of absolutely nothing to start starvation mode. You can easily skip a day or two throughout the week.

  4. 5 months ago

    tfw no milf bimbo to frick

  5. 5 months ago

    Im 30 turning 31 in March and my life feels like its over, like it won't get any better.

    • 5 months ago

      With that mentality it probably is over.
      Stop being a moron.

    • 5 months ago

      It doesnt get easier, you just get better at coping. Accept that you had your time. If you drink alcohol now, it will destroy your looks. An 18 year old can abuse their body fine. You cant.

      • 5 months ago

        i'm 35. i stopped working out regularly for 3 years and am just now approaching 2 years back on a good workout routine. i went from feeling like i was in my 30s to feeling like i'm in my 20s again, except for one thing - i had to severely reduce my alcohol intake. once a month maximum, and i totally abstain when im cutting. i wasn't recovering from drinking particularly well starting at around 30-31, i was getting mild hangovers where i never really had them before unless i was binge drinking. pretty much everyone i know, with very very few exceptions, looks worse for wear beyond the normal aging process, but this is because they forget to switch gears and stop drinking like they're a college student. everyone's getting fat or is fat, sometimes its hilarious, sometimes its horrifying (especially girls). anyone who wasn't married in their 20s that got married in their 30s clearly settled too. if you stay in even reasonable shape you're going to look a lot better than most people your age. you cant go back to your 20s, so make the most of the next decade. my only regret is that i stopped working out at all.

        • 5 months ago

          Good advice here.
          The ageing effects of frequent heavy drinking need to be cited more.

          Simple "before alcohol" "after alcohol" would do wonders.
          Like that guy from Sum41.

          • 5 months ago

            Emphasis on heavy. Plenty of good looking people drink. Just keep it to once a week and like 6 beers. The all or nothing approach is fricking moronic.

            • 5 months ago

              >The all or nothing approach is fricking moronic.
              why? why not just quit it completely? what terrible consequence will there be?

              • 5 months ago

                It's fun, social and a good way to get pussy. Are seriously ask what benefits alcohol gives?

              • 5 months ago

                It's fun, social and a good way to get pussy. Are seriously ask what benefits alcohol gives?

                there are points to both perspectives. i stopped drinking for a little over 2 years, i had to complete a major long term task and had very little wiggle room on money/time. i went to a few (very few, less than 10) parties during those 2 years and this is what i observed sober:
                >drunk people are extremely annoying, more annoying than i ever realized when i was drinking
                >extremely intoxicated people are a nightmare to deal with. i knew it was bad when i was drinking but when you're sober its a million times worse.
                >my friends understood my circumstances and were very happy to have a guaranteed DD for the night, most people arent THAT bothered by someone not drinking
                >i had exactly one person talk down to me because i didn't drink, and she was promptly berated by a group of friends for being moronic
                >conversing without alcohol as liquid courage took some adjustment and never stopped feeling a little awkward, but im more shy than gregarious around people i dont know
                >women who had been drinking would recklessly try to bring me home with them (i declined every time)
                alcohol is a social lubricant. this is definitely unfortunate - there are serious down sides health wise to alcohol consumption and best practice is to completely abstain. that said, we've tried banning alcohol once and it was a disaster, its definitely not going away again so the culture around it is unlikely to change dramatically. drinking with rigid moderation is probably the best balance. too much alcohol too often and you'll get fat and prematurely age yourself, but having to turn down attractive women because i had zero alcohol was also extremely regrettable. i had to do what i had to do, and no pussy would be worth jail time if she woke up regretting sleeping with me, but that really really tested my character. i actually don't recommend abstaining completely based strictly on that experience alone.

        • 5 months ago

          29 here. Back in the gym, bench press 295 5x5 and feeling very good again. Don't drink and lift heavy and you'll stay young

    • 5 months ago

      i turned 34 last year and i feel like my life is just starting.
      has been a hard life though, so i think i deserve it.

      • 5 months ago

        How do you acheive this mentality? Ever since the New Year I'e been trapped in thinking I waited too long and will be alone forever.

        • 5 months ago

          Nta, but small gains make big moves. You learn a new skill here and there, try new things, join new groups, try new jobs and eventually you end up 36 with more friends than in HS and a really nice living condition.
          Just keep moving, and improving yourself, think of failure as a thing to be overcome daily and look at how far you've come on your journey.

          • 5 months ago

            Thanks anon

            just bee urself

            Nah I fricking hate that guy

        • 5 months ago

          just bee urself

        • 5 months ago

          It has been a rough way up to this point.
          Even if it sounds strange, its because of the dark souls mentality i have now.
          To make it short, i eventually hit rock bottom in my life and almost died one night because of alcohol and my computer addiction, in this night i swore myself that i will do anything in my might to achive everything i wanted if i only survived to see the next day.
          I know how it sounds, but its true.

        • 5 months ago

          It has been a rough way up to this point.
          Even if it sounds strange, its because of the dark souls mentality i have now.
          To make it short, i eventually hit rock bottom in my life and almost died one night because of alcohol and my computer addiction, in this night i swore myself that i will do anything in my might to achive everything i wanted if i only survived to see the next day.
          I know how it sounds, but its true.

          I need to add.
          Start focusing on building yourself up, its never too late to achieve your goals.
          I started doing voice memos about my days and what i noticed that i didnt like and wanted to change as a kind of diary, that worked like a charm.
          It really helped that the apple watch has a build in feature like that tbh

  6. 5 months ago

    >lack of concentration
    >lack of libido
    >lifts going down
    >no stamina
    I could go on.
    My wife turns 49yo in two weeks.
    Ass and breasts. She's hot.
    Being picky I'd say she would need a bit more tone but overall I'm feeling very lucky, guise.

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago

    She can definitely still have fun looking like that at 50 but having fun is not the same as being happy

  9. 5 months ago

    would bust all kinds of nuts inside there

    • 5 months ago

      until you realize after finishing that shes caked makeup on and once all the air brushing goes away you've been touching a wrinkly old lady. at least you got to bust

      • 5 months ago

        Meh, depends how bad she is. I've found a couple old ladies hot wrinkles and all. She might be just fine....it's those bolt ons that might be a problem though.

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