What do you think makes the difference between people who stay thin all their lives, and fat people?

What do you think makes the difference between people who stay thin all their lives, and fat people?

I talk to thin people and they just tell me shit like "Yeah I love food, I just eat what I want" and yet they stay thin. I do the same thing and I get fat.

I don't think my genetics process calories differently, I think it's probably moreso that fat people enjoy food more for some reason. Perhaps our taste buds are different.

What's the answer? How do I change from a natural fatty to a natural thinny?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I'm a recovering fatty and my brother has always been thin. The portions it takes to make him satisfied with a meal are small compared to mine. He also says that if he chronically overeats he feels a bit nauseated and that it feels better to be a little light instead. I couldn't seem to copy him so I added the restriction of avoiding sugar most of the time other than fruit and eating extra protein and fiber in my meals. Not that many snacks and I eat until I'm just satisfied rather than actually full. That's the way to not be fat anymore it seems like

  2. 1 year ago

    they eat less of it

  3. 1 year ago

    >I talk to thin people and they just tell me shit like "Yeah I love food, I just eat what I want" and yet they stay thin.
    The thing is, they might eat what they want but when they do, they don't eat as much of it as fat people do. They feel full more easily and just stop eating.
    >I do the same thing and I get fat.
    Because you eat a lot more of it, and eat more often.

    • 1 year ago

      This, if they do eat an actually big meal then they'll skip their next meal because they stay full longer.
      People have the fast metabolism thing backwards. Skinny people have a slow metabolism. It takes them longer to digest a large meal so they eat less.

    • 1 year ago

      >The thing is, they might eat what they want but when they do, they don't eat as much of it as fat people do. They feel full more easily and just stop eating.
      That's my point. Why do thinnies feel satisfied by so much less food?

      Even when my BMI was normal back when I was younger, I still always wanted to stuff my face until my stomach physically couldn't eat anymore.

      • 1 year ago

        Gluttony. just stop being a fat c**t

  4. 1 year ago

    Fat people i've seen never shut the frick up about food. Like its a hobby to them.

  5. 1 year ago

    I just look in the mirror every morning and if I can’t see my abs without flexing then I have to take a step back with my food intake.

  6. 1 year ago

    Naturally thin people get less hungry.

  7. 1 year ago

    We're just not weak willed peasant homosexuals and can actually go without a snack for more than five fricking minutes.

    • 1 year ago

      will has nothing to do with it if you just don't feel like eating

      • 1 year ago

        Fatty cope

        • 1 year ago

          post body, show us what all that willpower you use to do just what you feel like doing has achieved

          • 1 year ago

            You first fatty

            • 1 year ago

              you admitted you look like shit with this post, you know that right
              typical anonymous internet bully, a low tier person desperate to find someone lower to peck down at

              • 1 year ago

                >someone lower to peck down at
                There are no lower than fatties, fatty. You're assmad because you know you have zero will power, zero inhibitions and high preference and you're directing your anger on anonymous people on the internet instead of improving. It's pathetic.

        • 1 year ago

          do you even know what will means ESL-kun

  8. 1 year ago

    They haven't pushed their stomachs to a new level.
    I remember as a kid when I first did that, would feel sick for a couple days after eating the larger amount, but then I got used to it.

    Fatties progressively overload their food intake. Skinny/lean people don't.

    Hardgainers don't want to do it.
    Some people are better at it then others.

    • 1 year ago

      This might be true. I am naturally skinny and there have only been maybe three times in my life when I ate to the point of discomfort.

  9. 1 year ago

    Most thin people let themselves go as they age. I appreciate being a former fatty because I will never take being thin for granted.

  10. 1 year ago

    Fat frick:
    >man I'm bored, i'd better go eat something
    >I did such a good job running for 10 minutes! I'd better reward myself with a donut and 2 litres of cola

    Slim person:
    >I've done a good cardio session and I get to reward myself with a little extra meat on the side

  11. 1 year ago

    I used to be quite fat from my early teens into my early 20s - 180cm and anywhere between 94-99kg. Now I'm about 73kg and have been hovering at this weight for a good six years now.
    What I noticed is that when I was fat I would get hungry more often, an example: have a few eggs with some toast for breakfast and some coffee. Feel good. An hour later I want something again, eat a little yoghurt, maybe a handful of almonds. Feel good again. An hour or two later feel hungry again, go grab a banana. Feel good. An hour later it's time for lunch. Some chicken breast, rice, vegetables. An apple. Another coffee. Feel good. One hour later hungry again, make a couple pb&j sandwiches. Feel good again. Then dinner time, maybe some meat and potatoes later before bed maybe another small snack, a piece of candy or something.
    And the thing was that if anybody asked me, I would say that I eat healthy, almost no processed food, I make everything myself and it's quite low-sugar.
    But it's so many calories and it's constant. I'd probably never have more than 90 minutes between eating something.
    And when I got thin, sometimes I don't even think about food for 4-6 hours.

  12. 1 year ago

    Energy storing through fat is governed by a network of a hundred genes (influencing digestion and satiety among other things). We're not all equal. If you're prone to storing fat and are unhappy with it, replace calory dense foods by vegetables (not fruits). Avoid sweets, processed foods etc. Yes, it's unfortunate given our current food environment.
    t. in between both

  13. 1 year ago

    I'm a natural thin guy and my theory is diferences in movement and satiation.

    I have to eat a lot more that what my body actually wants me to eat so I do a lot of snacks. I have forgotten to eat a meal a day when I got to do some stuff I liked.
    In my childhood every relative was giving me candy or making me a couple of eggs because I was always so skinny.
    Also I fiddle a lot and I am a nervous person, I move a lot even in my sleep.
    I love food and when I eat something I really like, like bolognese pasta, I often have doubles or triples, but afterward I feel so heavy I skip the next meal or make it very light becuase I feel so full.

    Don't try to be something you are not anon, do whatever works for you.
    Maybe drink a lot of water before meals to feel full before and try to load up on low caloric foods like veggies. Also walking is good for anybody.

  14. 1 year ago

    that only works up to a point

    everyone who is skinny past 30 eats very little

    try intermittent fasting, body adapts after a while to not crave food that much and you might even enjoy that feeling of lightness

    I can eat a meal in the evening and then be full energy without eating anything the next day

  15. 1 year ago

    In my house growing up, eating between meals would have been questioned. This instilled a habit of being conscious of what you're eating and if you feel you need it or are just bored.

    After moving to a new city, I put on a chunk of weight, largely because I'd lost touch with my interests/ hobbies and was more socially isolated than before. It wasn't until I lost touch with my close friends, and was reduced to less frequent, less enjoyable social interactions that eating became more enjoyable than socialising

  16. 1 year ago

    i notice a lot of people who stay thing lifelong have an emotional detatchment to food.

    when iam angry or sad i want comfortfood.

    they also dont have this thing that once something tastes really good they want to eat it more for the pleasure.

    food as a whole doesnt play that much of a role in their life.

    • 1 year ago

      Nah, I like food.

      >they also dont have this thing that once something tastes really good they want to eat it more for the pleasure.
      Not often. Sometimes I pig out with sugary crap, dulce de leche is one thing that makes me want to eat lots of it, but not many things do.

      >food as a whole doesnt play that much of a role in their life.
      I like food and enjoy cooking to an extent.

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