What does it feel like to be/get fat?

What does it feel like to be/get fat?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago


  2. 5 months ago


  3. 5 months ago

    It feels like you realize that you have no discipline in anything you do. Everything involved in your life is nothing but avoidance and indulgence. There are no challenges, triumphs, or defeats. It is a pitiable existence.

  4. 5 months ago

    I did it over covid lockdowns.
    It's not great anon, you find this little voice that help you like to yourself when you look in the mirror, but reality is a harsh mistress and she always comes knocking in the end.

  5. 5 months ago

    You lose your ability to do chin ups or run anywhere in exchange for eating whatever you want and playing non stop video games.

    I am currently working my way back to tip top shape with strong lifts and GOMAD.

    • 5 months ago

      Anon, video games make me forget to eat.

      • 5 months ago

        Well they force you to sit on your ass making It increase in size.

      • 5 months ago

        Only if you're a skeletor. For fatties the hunger can easily overpower any distractions. You'll feel too lightheaded to continue playing without eating first.

  6. 5 months ago

    buy 2 boxes and find out

  7. 5 months ago

    Stuff wobbles when you run. It feels weird. And there’s the shame of having to buy clothes at fat people stores.

  8. 5 months ago

    You start craving BBC

  9. 5 months ago

    Non-meme answer? You feel tired often and you're weirdly stiff. You get random joint pains from carrying around all that weight. You also sleep shittier. Imagine putting on a 100 pound weight vest and lugging it around all day and then you have to sleep with it compressing your torso. It's not fun
    t. used to be 350 pounds at 5'11"

    • 5 months ago

      >tfw have a fat fetish and had a fat female coworker I had the hots for but she rejected me.
      >She would always always complained she was tired
      >I just told her "you always say that" and she laughed
      >get another job and have another fat female coworker
      >same thing saying she was tired as soon as she clocked in
      >tell her "you're tired before you even started working?"
      I very badly wanted to tell them "that's just because you're fat." But didn't want to make them think I'm not attracted to them. The second one wanted me to rape her but I don't believe in premartial sex, and then she said "you're too nice." But she already had a kid and husband and everything so yeah. She said her husband didn't like her for getting fat.

      • 5 months ago

        There's a very attractive and emotionally unstable teenager at my job who tried to flirt with me but I rejected her because she's far too young for me and I'm not a predator

        • 5 months ago

          you're a gay

          • 5 months ago

            She's 15. I'm not interested in going to jail or getting shot by her dad

  10. 5 months ago

    bending over to tie your shoes will make it hard to catch your breath when you're fat

  11. 5 months ago


  12. 5 months ago

    nobody respects you and people will make fun of you in varying degrees, from slightly and behind your back to literally in your face in front of others for them to laugh at. On top of it you have to laugh it off otherwise you're fat and a sensitive little b***h.

    Its hell, basically. As a former fatty I like to openly flirt physically with my female coworkers in front of fat men. I won't bully them, I'm above that, but I will flex what my discipline has bought me in front of them. The respect, admiration and attention of women. If I disrespect them its to draw subtle attention to the contrast between the mind of a man like that and my own.

    Idk if its just me but it scares me a little seeing how women get turned on when I mention how pathetic the habits and attitudes are of fat or lazy or substance addicted men are and how I abstain from them. Women are cold and cruel at heart bro, who would've thought we were the empathetic gender. I often feel bad for these guys, they don't know that they don't have to give up on themselves. Its only my competitive nature that allows me to circumvent that empathy in pursuit of mating. Witnessing the subtle disrespect towards these types of men from otherwise sweet-as-can-be women both turns me on and scares the frick out of me. I can't let myself go again now that I've seen the other side. Gotta stay chad.

    • 5 months ago

      oh and also this post

      Non-meme answer? You feel tired often and you're weirdly stiff. You get random joint pains from carrying around all that weight. You also sleep shittier. Imagine putting on a 100 pound weight vest and lugging it around all day and then you have to sleep with it compressing your torso. It's not fun
      t. used to be 350 pounds at 5'11"

      you feel like shit so often it is your baseline and it effects everything. Surely you've ate way too many sweet things in a sitting or really just too much in general? Felt like that 24/7 but I didn't know any better because I didn't know what it felt like to not be stuffed to the brim with carbs and saturated fats and doing 150lb farmer carries everywhere I went literally all day every day. Of course I just wanted to sit around and play videogames and be in a bad mood, didn't wanna take care of house or home or have a good attitude to work. Ofcourse I'd rather just jerk off than frick my girlfriend, thats cardio and more effort than I wanna exert. I don't wanna do that after I stuff myself at thanksgiving dinner or cut loose on a cheat day either. I wanna nap and regret my decisions. But now I feel light and agile and ready to work or frick or fight 95% of the time.

  13. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      he looks like a pregnant sow. what a pathetic self loathing sack of shit. You don't have to be shredded but god damn dude. Just have a nice day if you're gonna live like this

    • 5 months ago


  14. 5 months ago

    Biggest I’ve ever been was around 212 at 5’10”, when I’m normally around 175-180. Here’s what I remember:
    >push ups and pull ups went to shit, squat bench and dead were all great though
    >winded easier, I could still run a good 2 mile time but I’d be breathing hard going up a single flight of stairs or tying my shoes
    >sleep quality worse, snoring and waking up often in the middle of the night
    >generally felt slower and lazier, but still strong

    • 5 months ago

      so you weren't fat

  15. 5 months ago

    I felt mostly the same from 210 to 310. Had basically the same issues the whole time for different reasons.

  16. 5 months ago

    fat begets fat

  17. 5 months ago

    I genuinely don't even know how to get through my workdays without eating something, and when I eat I have to eat more. everything gets overestimated. and living with my family, I get shamed into eating at home as well. I end up eating a perfect equilibrium of maintenance in my obesity and I just know I have to starve for several months to fix it. but I can't. no discipline, no freedom. this is what being fat is like

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