What does making it look like to you guys? >physique, lifts, feats. >house. >wife/family. >lifestyle

What does making it look like to you guys?
>physique, lifts, feats

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  1. 10 months ago

    What if 'making it' is an undefined goal on purporse to keep you going

  2. 10 months ago

    >that swole rugby player that gets posted here occasionally idk the name but we’ve all seen the pic I’m referring to
    >I would be happy in a 2 bedroom apartment in a white area, but I’d like to ultimately own property somewhere near mountains, or if I can pull it off in the Italian Dolomites with a good chunk of land
    >I’d be happy alone, but I would prefer a family if I found the right woman
    >centered around fitness but outdoors stuff.
    >fishing, hiking, diving, art, gardening, building stuff

    • 10 months ago

      This guy?

      • 10 months ago

        Might be the same guy but not the exact pic I was referring to. Same body type however so sure

    • 10 months ago

      I want to be like eben etzebeth

  3. 10 months ago

    "Making it" is transitioning to vr indistinguishable from reality with full control of the simulation. I'm banking on this tech being available in my lifetime.

    • 10 months ago

      you have no idea what you're asking for

      • 10 months ago

        Nta but yeah. From his pic I can take a wild guess why he wants that. But he doesn’t seem to understand the full scope of what a world like that would be.

        • 10 months ago

          you have no idea what you're asking for


          • 10 months ago

            Ready Player One/Blade Runner universe, UBI

            • 10 months ago

              Give me the rundown from your own perspective. As far as I can see it, it's not so different from spending your life playing video games except the possibilities are endless.

              • 10 months ago

                >it's not so different from spending your life playing video games
                exactly. video games do not translate to reality, unless you profit from the attention of others watching you play which only means you're an agent of sucking others into the simulation.

              • 10 months ago

                >video games do not translate to reality
                What does this even mean and why do I care.
                You're missing the bigger picture. Why would I need profit in an entirely virtual world?
                >sucking others into the simulation
                I have no interest in what other do as long as I'm left alone in my simulation to do as I please.

              • 10 months ago

                it's suicide. wrapping yourself in a perfect illusion, never having to learn or change anything about yourself. everything else would feel pointless if you tried it once. it's basically heroin.
                you can choose to do that, but this cultural push to pretend it's just something cool and superficial is gonna drag in so many naive people with you all (if the technology does get to that point).

              • 10 months ago

                FYI I work for an energy company and they said when the grid hits 20% EVs the entire US will have rolling brownouts so good luck playing video games with your generators and 8$/gallon gas nerds

              • 10 months ago

                >never having to learn or change anything about yourself.
                Again you missing the bigger picture. I can choose to do that if I want to, or not.
                >it's basically heroin
                It's more sophisticated than that, but so be it.


                Don't really feel like getting into this too much and I gotta run, but I have basically gone full amish/homesteading mode and try to limit being online as much as possible outside of killing time at work on IST. See [...]
                and working on improving myself and enjoying the journey while doing it, with the end result being positives across the board. I don't play video games anymore. I don't have social media or follow anyone on Youtube. I think at a high level society is heading towards a society where the governments and oligarchs essentially control and have a monopoly on all goods and services and similar to covid, if you don't comply you will be forced to live Dick Proneke style. The technology/AI will be crazy, no one will care as long as they have their bread and cirucses if you will, and we will willingly march further into serf-dom. The people who love video games so much they think they can just re-invent themselves I think are moronic they can just re-invent themselves in real life because all you have to do is make one wrong move IRL or pull the plug on the power and you're back to your primal self. The more I get into tech the less I like it tbch, I'm an IT person by trade, and I think its just so ironic that we have this vast wealth of information and people are using it to dance in their bedrooms and talk about the news and playing video games. Its honestly really sad. I don't think there is anyway out of it for most people though, the dopamine (quick hits of feeling better) is so addicting to people they completely forgot about the long lasting serotonin and big picture giving you a happy life. I think we're already halfway there to cyber-punk world, except there is less neon. I will be the last of a dying breed, and I am going to teach my kids to be self sufficient and how to do the basics, where utilities come from, how to process and harvest their kills, garden, etc. in hopes that I can at least prepare them

                Luddite ramblings. AI will radically change every aspect of your life forever. There's no point in teaching your kids to make a fire with flint and tinder.

              • 10 months ago

                if you're omnipotent in the simulation, the only possible outcome is receding into yourself.
                the world doesn't give a frick about any one person. being waterboarded by it, forced into situations you don't have control over, makes someone into a real person. i can't really articulate it better than that.
                it is much more sophisticated, but mainly just subtler.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm failing to see how any of this results in something I don't want. If I'm in control of the simulation I could live a perfect life, with in-build challenges (see video games) and do whatever I wanted. When I get bored I would do something else. You seem to just be making excuses for why we need shitty things.

              • 10 months ago

                i don't think you could know what a perfect life is, if that even exists. if you're in control of the challenges, they will eventually feel hollow.
                a simulation could never be a substitute for a life. i think comfort/hedonism always leads to a lack of fulfillment. the better the simulation is, the better it will mask the lack of fulfillment, but that just means you waste more time until you realize something is missing.
                if you TRULY don't need any unpredictability or hardship to be satisfied, then it's a good idea, but this is never the case for any of the people who believe it is

              • 10 months ago

                idk. if you know what you want internally, go do it, just understand what you're fricking around with and remember other people are naive

              • 10 months ago

                >but this is never the case for any of the people who believe it is
                Maybe this is true and I understand your point about hedonism etc. I feel like I would have the self control to limit myself and even if I didn't, what's the worst that can happen? In theory there could be no "dopamine burnout" since even the dopamine receptors are being simulated, I would just re-sensitise them.

              • 10 months ago

                yeah, with something like this i think the addiction would be psychological, but profoundly so.
                i guess that's the thing; we can't know what the worst that could happen is until it has precedent.

              • 10 months ago

                Ai cab be defeated by unplugging it lol

              • 10 months ago

                City Zoomers that are terminally online think everyone has power and internet 24/7 lol

              • 10 months ago

                Same is true for the internet but that hasn't happened. What makes you so sure it will ever be turned off and if it does, one won't just take it's place. You can already run LLMs locally btw.

                City Zoomers that are terminally online think everyone has power and internet 24/7 lol

                >everyone has power and internet 24/7 lol
                Is this true for almost everyone in the western world, moron.

              • 10 months ago

                >it's not so different from spending your life playing video games
                exactly. video games do not translate to reality, unless you profit from the attention of others watching you play which only means you're an agent of sucking others into the simulation.

                Give me the rundown from your own perspective. As far as I can see it, it's not so different from spending your life playing video games except the possibilities are endless.

                Don't really feel like getting into this too much and I gotta run, but I have basically gone full amish/homesteading mode and try to limit being online as much as possible outside of killing time at work on IST. See

                Basically me, most people don’t believe me when I post about my life which is fine, I really couldn’t care less if this website got nuked, I’m just to help you nerds as a previous oldgay incel
                >1, 2, 3, 2-5 reps each (I could probably deadlift more but I see no point, it’s an ego lift)
                >Run a 5K every day or some form of cardio. Usually I go for a 5K run in my 40lb weighted vest at 5AM then come home and do the dishes and have coffee
                >Shoot my bow 20x a day
                >own a home, have a family cottage+ hunting property
                >3 kids
                >work remote 4x/week
                >paid off student loans and 1 car (working on the other one)
                >qt3.14 wife, usually sex or BJ 3x a week-ish
                >she is trad so usually dinner 3-4x a week but I enjoy cooking too
                >hunt, fish, have a garden which I make the kids tend to so they can learn self sufficiency
                >read books, sometimes watch TV or movies but everything is gay and woke now
                >do DIY and household projects when time permits
                >extreme self discipline
                >get mires from randoms and wife’s friends making my wife jealous
                >make 6 figs

                It’s really not that hard. You just have to workout every day and watch what you eat. Get a job and save money, buy a house and fix it up, the women come naturally if you aren’t a complete autist and have a social life,

                I would say this is making it and should be the bare minimum. I’m a complete moron and I can do it so I don’t k is what you’re guys excuses are

                and working on improving myself and enjoying the journey while doing it, with the end result being positives across the board. I don't play video games anymore. I don't have social media or follow anyone on Youtube. I think at a high level society is heading towards a society where the governments and oligarchs essentially control and have a monopoly on all goods and services and similar to covid, if you don't comply you will be forced to live Dick Proneke style. The technology/AI will be crazy, no one will care as long as they have their bread and cirucses if you will, and we will willingly march further into serf-dom. The people who love video games so much they think they can just re-invent themselves I think are moronic they can just re-invent themselves in real life because all you have to do is make one wrong move IRL or pull the plug on the power and you're back to your primal self. The more I get into tech the less I like it tbch, I'm an IT person by trade, and I think its just so ironic that we have this vast wealth of information and people are using it to dance in their bedrooms and talk about the news and playing video games. Its honestly really sad. I don't think there is anyway out of it for most people though, the dopamine (quick hits of feeling better) is so addicting to people they completely forgot about the long lasting serotonin and big picture giving you a happy life. I think we're already halfway there to cyber-punk world, except there is less neon. I will be the last of a dying breed, and I am going to teach my kids to be self sufficient and how to do the basics, where utilities come from, how to process and harvest their kills, garden, etc. in hopes that I can at least prepare them

              • 10 months ago

                with any luck, you WON'T be the last. there's more people like you than you might think, it's easy to forget that with the way things are structured
                making yourself and others more independent is one of the best ways to fight back. thank you for posting

    • 10 months ago

      its good motivation. in general future technology is something that keeps me going. i hope to plug into the virtual world one day

    • 10 months ago

      why do women show their tongues like this in photos?

      • 10 months ago

        It's because it denotes "fun & sassy." It's also the same as when you tell a child to make a silly face but they always use the same one over and over because they don't know any better.

    • 10 months ago

      vr being indistinguishable from reality is the end of humanity... the addiction caused would be impossible to recover from

      • 10 months ago

        When I said "transitioning to vr indistinguishable from reality" I really meant transition. I would live there full time.

    • 10 months ago

      Gen Z thinks the only way to make it is to live in a simulation. So sad

  4. 10 months ago

    Basically me, most people don’t believe me when I post about my life which is fine, I really couldn’t care less if this website got nuked, I’m just to help you nerds as a previous oldgay incel
    >1, 2, 3, 2-5 reps each (I could probably deadlift more but I see no point, it’s an ego lift)
    >Run a 5K every day or some form of cardio. Usually I go for a 5K run in my 40lb weighted vest at 5AM then come home and do the dishes and have coffee
    >Shoot my bow 20x a day
    >own a home, have a family cottage+ hunting property
    >3 kids
    >work remote 4x/week
    >paid off student loans and 1 car (working on the other one)
    >qt3.14 wife, usually sex or BJ 3x a week-ish
    >she is trad so usually dinner 3-4x a week but I enjoy cooking too
    >hunt, fish, have a garden which I make the kids tend to so they can learn self sufficiency
    >read books, sometimes watch TV or movies but everything is gay and woke now
    >do DIY and household projects when time permits
    >extreme self discipline
    >get mires from randoms and wife’s friends making my wife jealous
    >make 6 figs

    It’s really not that hard. You just have to workout every day and watch what you eat. Get a job and save money, buy a house and fix it up, the women come naturally if you aren’t a complete autist and have a social life,

    I would say this is making it and should be the bare minimum. I’m a complete moron and I can do it so I don’t k is what you’re guys excuses are

    • 10 months ago

      >the women come naturally
      Honestly being an autist doesn’t o recent them form coming. It just gets in the way when they do come. You can ev an autist and you’ll inevitably meet a woman who doesn’t care/is into it, even if it chases most off.

      But I do find this truly weird. It’s like when you’re doing things for yourself, and your only real focus is self fulfillment and your own happiness, it’s almost as if the universe just pushes people to you and into your life. It’s really uncanny.

      • 10 months ago

        No it’s just that unless your a complete loser and do moronic shit like still play video games north of 30 or something you’re probably getting in better shape, making more money, or learning some thing which all help increase your value

    • 10 months ago

      >remote 4x week
      >6 figs
      what do you do for work, I would guess software/web dev/cyber security, something like that?

      • 10 months ago

        Something like that

  5. 10 months ago

    exercising regularly enough to keep my chances of sickness, injury or any other negative impact on my life as low as possible without turning into that brian nerd
    single bed house somewhere quiet, dont wanna bother with other people or women
    see above, ill be civil but i dont want to talk to people
    work from home, spend most of my shifts doing whatever i want hopefully. run and workout so i can maintain my health and spend the rest of my time doing whatever
    watch sport, read manga, rinse and repeat till sleep. ive been told by teachers/professors that its a miserable way to live every time ive been asked about my future aspirations, but i like it

  6. 10 months ago

    there is no "making it". there is only doing my best to make it. simple as.

  7. 10 months ago

    pic related
    >lifts, feats
    1000 jumps from deep squat with 60 kg weighted vest in 15 mins, DB lat. raises with 40 kgs, muscleups with 60 kg weight, etc.
    3 min/km maraton
    being able to do negative splits and jumproping with my arms
    a ~1000 sqm baronial estate in the country side
    Her by my side as my primal wife, maybe 1 or 2 additional wife and a different concubine every day, having children with everyone and teaching everything I know about Life to my 10+ dynastic children (of my wives obv)
    leading the Iron Resistance, a selfsufficient barony, teaching my invincible scythian offsprings, shooting, swimming, lifting, riding horses, diving, parachuting, training my fellow barons and my troops
    well yeah my hobbies would be my Life so

  8. 10 months ago
  9. 10 months ago

    , lifts, feats
    Just 1/2/3/4/ and able to run for 30 mins

    My own house with a garden and a holiday home in a warm country

    Loyal wife with 2 kids. Mother and Father are still in my life so I would like to give them grandchildren. Also keep the relationship strong with my brother and little sister

    Work 3/4 days, lift every other day and cardio the others. Hangout 1 day in the week with friends and host dinner parties in the weekends where I cook for people.

    I would like to keep on going with warhammer. The painting relaxes me and it's fun with friends. Same goes for D&D, I enjoy the creativity and worldbuilding. In the back of my head I'm still embarrassed about it.

  10. 10 months ago

    Making it is a state of mind.

  11. 10 months ago

    I think making it is just being happy with how things are at your current moment. If you are truly happy then you have truly made it

  12. 10 months ago

    Fr fr no cap do you really think think you'll be happy when you achieve the ideals of your culture or parents?

  13. 10 months ago

    >I want to wake up eat breakfast with senpai
    >go to work be a straight baller at work getting money in my fidelity account.
    >go to gym with woman, come home frick
    >have fun teaching kids history and science
    >frick woman
    >go to sleep
    C’est la vie

  14. 10 months ago

    making it for me is dying without actually killing myself.
    Life's a waiting room

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly making it for me would be getting a re roll on life but I’m 1.) my own distant relative like a great great grandson of my own self and 2.) I remember everything from this life and know what opportunity I have. Every memory all the wisdoms I accumulate in my life, all the manipulative tactics I’ve learned.

  15. 10 months ago

    I lift for sex

  16. 10 months ago

    Making it is simple.
    >be strong enough to kill multiple manlets in combat
    >watch all your friends be devoured by demons
    >watch your girl be brutally raped by your best friend
    >dedicate your entire waking life to revenge, which fuels your incredible gains

  17. 10 months ago

    Do things actually get better at some age? I'm 24 and feeling very fricking trapped

    • 10 months ago

      I feel like things get better pretty quickly after you start to take actions to improve your life. If you wait for things to get better, you'll stay in a similar place to where you are now, just older.

      • 10 months ago


        Do things actually get better at some age? I'm 24 and feeling very fricking trapped

        Yes only dumb kids and democrats expect others to make their life better

        • 10 months ago

          Conservative here. Frick Republicans, they would not survive a day if a proper impartial morality police was enforced.

          • 10 months ago

            Not trying to have a political debate. Just saying alot if nigs, young kids, democrats think the government will fix all their problems (so they give them more money and increase taxes) when in reality the only person that will make your life better is you. It’s a dog eat dog world and even your own brother would throw you under the bus for the right price. Trust no one. Don’t care about others. Manipulate people into your will. Have no empathy. Take no prisoners. Get jacked and rich and be an butthole. It worked out great for me

            • 10 months ago

              >Get jacked and rich and be an butthole.
              I crave none of that. I want to be able to move well, I want to need as little as possible while surpassing my peers, and I want to provide service and charity to those who can't help themselves. I'm a knight, and I have no desire to be king.

              • 10 months ago

                Sounds gay

  18. 10 months ago

    No anxiety or depression.

  19. 10 months ago

    >physique, lifts, feats
    be a childsolider
    none besides your waifu who gets raped and mindbroken
    manga protagonist
    seething and coping

  20. 10 months ago

    My body is my ethos. I want my enemies to seethe at my physique.

  21. 10 months ago

    , lifts, feats
    Strong enough to overcome anything that comes my way

    Something warm

    Would be nice, but I don't deserve it

    A physical job with enough pay to keep me comfortable and alive


  22. 10 months ago

    >fulfilling career
    >wife, 2 kids
    >enough time to spend with family and be involved with kids' upbringing
    >nice home in a place where family can be happy and grow strong
    >exercise well into my 80s.

  23. 10 months ago

    I have lost hope. I've tried so hard and Linkin Park song is right.

    • 10 months ago

      hope is not something you lose, but something you stop manifesting
      humans can create hope out of thin air

      • 10 months ago

        I’ve lost my ability to manifest hope due to a shitty family, a lack of opportunities, and no idea how to refocus on a new path as they all seem blocked

  24. 10 months ago

    >physique, lifts, feats
    3pl8 bench , flexible
    flat with good view
    average wife , 5+ kids

    fricking dreams...

  25. 10 months ago

    For me making it is either finally getting the courage to commit suicide or hopefully dying either painlessly or if I can get cancer and qualify for assisted euthanasia.

    At 31with zero life development or accomplishments, this is literally my only goal. Any semblance of "making it" that most people achieve because it's a basic life is so unfathomable to me that it might as well not even be real.

  26. 10 months ago


  27. 10 months ago

    >win dota 2 international
    >shredded physique, (ig fitness model level) weight lifted at gym doesnt not matter at all. Not trying to be a fatfrick powerlifter.
    >absolutely no social media presence
    >super athletic and dominate in volleyball and basketball
    >40+inch vertical jump
    >150k+/year as front end web dev

    I kind of want to say gf, but at the same time its sad to see. In my current state I believe I should definitely have been able to gf some of the girls ive dated recently. But once i start ticking things off the list its funny to see how materialistic and moronic girls actually are.

    Frick it I might cope by not dating anymore. Atleast for a while anyway. Frick b***hes, how r they so entitled even though they have literally nothing going for them apart from above average facial aesthetics. Frickn dumb brokies working nightshift at the pub and cant even hit me back with a message rofl. Rant over

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