what even is the fucking point of staying natty

what even is the fricking point of staying natty

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  1. 7 months ago

    What's even the point of being a man either? Every time I think about becoming a woman... it seems so hot.

    • 7 months ago

      being on roids is the pinnacle of being a man, ur test is so high you wanna frick every woman you see in ur sight and you think more like a real man

      • 7 months ago

        You were low T before you pinned.

        That “roid high” is what natties with Healthy - High T feel everyday.

        • 7 months ago

          Unironically yes, but how many men manage to hold down this Power from Allah himself bestowed upon his humble servant and not just jerk off straight to pornhub ? My best is like 30 days after that I become the most sissy b***h on earth, I don't think it's even possible to last past 30 days it's why every men is such a cuck nowadays

          • 7 months ago

            That's just because you're a mudslime.

          • 7 months ago

            Sounds like you're aromatosing badly.
            And we don't do nofap, we just don't watch porn it's not hard. Those women you said you want to frick? See, you think about one and go for it, then just move on with life.

      • 7 months ago

        >being a man is wanting to frick everything in sight

      • 7 months ago

        Roids are known to reduce test, Low T troony moron

        • 7 months ago

          >roids are known to reduce test
          not while youre still on it which blasting and cruising is the norm now
          if you get off it completely then yes it will be lower but after PCT some even get higher test than they were natty

      • 7 months ago

        >ur test is so high you wanna frick every woman you see in ur sight
        I'm like this without injecting bro

      • 7 months ago

        Will a low dose of test to reach highest natural levels of test be detrimental at all?

        • 7 months ago

          How low are we talking? I don't have the chart pic saved but usually 500mg gets you in the 3k-4k total test while 250-300 will most likely put you at 1500-2k.

          • 7 months ago


            Thanks for posting - now I can read your post.
            I have no desire whatsoever of being that lean, if (when) I trade in my natty card, I'll just be going for size.

            What's your cycle/method/dose/etc?
            If I do roid, I'll be doing Test only because I have a friend who's an endocrinologist (yes, he roids) and he'll slide me a few vials. (Most of his older TRT patients don't want to pin, so they come in ever 10-14 days. He uses multi-dose vials, so if a few fall out of the box, no one notices. Most doctors pull out more than the dose, then just purge the excess, so it's normal practice to use extra vials. No one notices)

            Doc above says no - but don't do too low or you really will get no gains. He told me to do 200 Test-C every 3 days or so and see how it feels, then he'll give me a blood test 2 weeks after I stop and see if an AI is needed. He said most guys in good shape normally don't even need an AI.

            Just turned 29 I kinda have a gf but I really don't want to get do it until I have kids (after marriage(?)) And I'm not even sure about her

            What are the studies| on it effecting offspring

      • 7 months ago

        Im like this without roids mate, you might have some libido problems

      • 7 months ago

        >being on roids is the pinnacle of being a man
        No, but it is the first step towards transition.

      • 7 months ago

        >ur test is so high you wanna frick every woman you see in ur sight
        You need roids for that? Are you impotent?

      • 7 months ago

        >your test is so high u wanna become a woman kek

      • 7 months ago

        >ur test is so high you wanna frick every woman you see
        Lmao this homosexual just ousted himself bad

    • 7 months ago

      I started lifting at 16 and by 19 just didn't see the point anymore, it's all so meaningless. I dropped it and became a skinny femboy; I'm enjoying it so much more. Surprisingly a lot of girls like it too and they will treat you with a lot more care and affection than the girls that I dated when I was jacked, it's not only men that like femboys. I don't think I will ever troon out, but damn, it really puts into perspective how devoid of any joy life as a man is

      • 7 months ago

        find god homie wtf

    • 7 months ago

      I want to be a hapa female so badly.

    • 7 months ago

      men are now obosolete. being man is pain for all men except gays who like it. it is force of religion and chudism that keeps men being men. it exists for a reason... reproduction and defence from other groups... shitty life devoid of joy, imprisoned in body made for violence. it even fricks with your mind increasing aggressive feelings and eroding emotional depth not to mention trauma of early male socialization that scars ine for life. too bad i live in chud place, am poorgay and 6'1. frick being man. when i was on antiandrigens i felt better but lost strength and necessary male mental attributes which harmed social functioning due to being soft. now i am coping with going for ottermode and opiates. no sane guy enjoys male social role. not to mention how insane is entertainment aimed at men. reflects our fricked up biology.

      • 7 months ago

        >imprisoned in body made for violence
        That's one of the best parts you turbo-homosexual.

        • 7 months ago

          gross. i prefer wholesome stuff with some tasteful sexy thrown in.

  2. 7 months ago

    lmao how about you touch some grass, left is (maybe with the exception of 5 years, he needs to cut)
    a) getting you mires by everyone you would meet shirtless irl
    b) more attractive to 99% of people than right
    But if you want to permanently cripple your body to attract some other men online, nobody is gonna stop you

    • 7 months ago

      alex was on roids

      • 7 months ago

        might be, but picrel doesn't look like any of the roidtrannies in op's post

    • 7 months ago

      >what even is the fricking point of staying natty
      a lot of guys just want to be in good physical fitness - they don't wanna be bodybuilders
      roids take their own special effort - especially to do it safely.

      I don't mind roiders, I hate fake natties
      I don't mind natties, I hate the preachy ones

      Live your own lives, homiehs.

      that's the body of someone who always drinks filtered water.


      why arent i in the roider pic. i was on superdrol in this pic. i know it aint much but still

      this illustrates my point of IST not understanding that everyone has different goals.
      I don't want to be that lean - I'd rather be big
      You, I can guarantee, don't want to be like me - fat, but very strong. (Not full on powershitter).
      Most understand that roids allow you to be lean and big at the same time - most don't seem to get that there is a point where roids can get you super lean or super big - but there is a tradeoff just like with natties.

      no im bulking rn :<

      I know those feels. I'm not going to post any body pics unless I set up a camera and take them while I'm lifting. You can call me a fatass, (21% BF), but it's hard to call me weak when I'm repping 2 plates OHP with solid form.

      The Nattys are unironically sexier. The Roiders are as much an abomination to god as trannies are when they take their hormones.

      Fake natties and basically all celebrities these days show you that roiders can look just like advanced natties - they're just able to get there in a few months vs a few years.
      I am too lazy to do a FFMI calculation, and I know that if you go from muscular to starved you can bounce back pretty fast, but I don't think many are going to say Bale was natty.

  3. 7 months ago

    Natties are way hotter than any roidhead could ever hope to be.
    Roid trannies are on the same level of attractiveness as 40 BMI bloat lords.

  4. 7 months ago

    why arent i in the roider pic. i was on superdrol in this pic. i know it aint much but still

    • 7 months ago

      because you still look natty ish on that pic, post ur roided up physique

      • 7 months ago

        no im bulking rn :<

    • 7 months ago

      Because your picture is so low quality it looks like it came from a 2004 video recording uploaded to an obscure shock site

  5. 7 months ago

    Just roid if you want to, homosexual, no one's stopping you.
    Stop demoralising normal people tho

    • 7 months ago

      youre a bad person giving natties false hope all year on this website
      youre the crab in a bucket here, homosexual

    • 7 months ago

      Natties are delusional, the people on the left of the op probably told the people on the right of the op "you roid for that". Yes the difference is very clear lmfao at wasting 5 years of your life and putting effort into anything to look like the result on the left. Naturals are fricking pathetic.

  6. 7 months ago

    The Nattys are unironically sexier. The Roiders are as much an abomination to god as trannies are when they take their hormones.

  7. 7 months ago

    the 1 year guy looks so good
    I cant get it out of my head, it literally is my dream body

    • 7 months ago

      you could say he made progress

  8. 7 months ago

    Being shredded is for other men. Women really only care if you can pick them up without hurting yourself.

    • 7 months ago

      younger women (and maybe this has changed over time - so let's just say ones that we my age then and now) want lean - they associate abs with being strong
      older women seem to want size - they'll sacrifice lean for big

      but that's just, like, my opinion man
      what do you guys think?
      pic related looked huge to me as a kid

  9. 7 months ago

    natties look good if they take the leanpill
    obsessing over having maximum lean body mass is a only valuable for roiders
    literally just be lean and your life will be at least 85% as good as it could be

    • 7 months ago

      being lean as a natty is just being DYEL in a shirt

      • 7 months ago

        and being high bf as a natty is just being fat in a shirt
        what a moronic cope

        • 7 months ago

          yes, you can never win as a natty, to look big you need to get fat
          if you get lean you lose all ur size

          • 7 months ago

            skill issue

            • 7 months ago

              post body

      • 7 months ago

        yeah but you look good as frick when you're actually having sex, which is much more important since girls love yapping about the hottest dudes they frick

        • 7 months ago

          u wont look good natty

      • 7 months ago

        >being lean as a natty is just being DYEL in a shirt
        being tall as a natty is just being DYEL in a shirt

        lankets have it bad, boys. All the more reason why I'm just bloatmaxxing. Being tall is nice, however, because you can carry a lot of mass. If you choose to roid, well - gotta be tall to really be big.

        yes, you can never win as a natty, to look big you need to get fat
        if you get lean you lose all ur size

        >you can never win as a natty
        Depends what you're trying to win.
        Guy will try to look like pic related while trying to stay natty not realizing that these boys (Hackenschmidt, Sandow, etc.) were some of the hardest working, most genetically blessed men of all time.

        It's possible/likely that Saxon's Bent Press record will never be beaten. Even the most geared up 1,000 lb deadlifting powerlifter is unlikely to put in the work to get strong at that one specific lift - which is interesting, because many will say that the Bent Press is the method required to lift the most mass overhead with one hand.


  10. 7 months ago

    Not screwing up your balls for an example. You pussy.

  11. 7 months ago

    It's sad that many fitizens already fell for this meme which just shows most of them weren't doing any sports as a teenager

  12. 7 months ago

    Looking good and living past 40? Also anyone on the left of that pic is gonna get mired just like the people on the right, life isn't a bodybuilding contest (Which is the one place where you should roid).

  13. 7 months ago

    Why do roiders make like 50 threads a day trying to validate their own choice to do roids? To be honest people who do roids just come off as insanely insecure.

    • 7 months ago

      Is bouncerbro on here? Some anon works as a bouncer, so his aesthetic goal is to look as big/strong/scary as possible to deter drunks.
      I know we've got at least 2 boxers here - that's another goal that will be different.

      because half of the "roiders" on IST are trying to talk themselves into doing it, and half of the other half are indeed super insecure.

      Look at the fraud threads sometime and you'll see - the advice frequently ranges from stupid to insane.
      100 mg per week Test-C recommended
      1,000 my per week Test-C is also recommended to newbies.

      yeah but you look good as frick when you're actually having sex, which is much more important since girls love yapping about the hottest dudes they frick

      just gotta look good in that shirt, lol.

      99% of women are gonna find the bodies on the left more attractive. Natty max = peak attractiveness.

      >Natty max = peak attractiveness.
      That's what I said elsewhere. Roids just let you skip to that faster.

      >believing what women say
      >just look up every poll
      No, thanks. I already see it with my own eyes in the gym and irl.
      The roided dudes are the ones bagging every qt girl at the gym or tinder.

      >bagging every qt girl at the gym or tinder.
      not agreeing or arguing - I'm just gonna say that of course gym girls will want that body type. Tinder sloots are the same, I'd wager.
      Women aren't a homogeneous group. (Except when it comes to bad driving.) Hell, I even know women that vote correctly.

      And I’m on steroids are get 10x the attention/compliments you get. Strangers “accidentally” grope my arms; even the straight men take frequent glances at my arms mid conversation. I see guys like you; the “big fluffy arms”. No veins, no triceps/biceps separation, slightly thicker than normie arms. I’m sure you do get a comment once every two weeks by somebody being polite.

      Girls turn their heads and stare when I walk away. Every single day I get stopped and asked my routine/supplement stack. I have people asking me to be their trainer. Complete stranger women wanting me to come to their house for a “training session”

      We are not the same. You literally don’t even have a six pack.

      Unironically post body - I'm curious what your dose is and what your results are.

    • 7 months ago

      Probably because natties that look pathetic shit on superior people and gas each other up without anything to back up their confidence.

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine how weak and insecure you have to be to have a chemical sex change operation to become a man when you were already born male, then multiply it by IST

  14. 7 months ago

    The guy above "8 years" is my goal

    • 7 months ago

      ur goal is to be DYEL?

    • 7 months ago

      thanks anon that's me
      stay natty don't believe the shit you read online, being on roid and not competing is peak loser imo
      pretty sure the anon making those post doesn't even work out kek

  15. 7 months ago

    Guy in the "7 years" pic reporting in.
    Most of the people I know tell me im big even with clothes on, even outside the gym and without mentioning i lift, if you think you need to be a roider like the ppl on the right side of the pic your standards have been skewed from being online too much, the relaity is 99.9% of regular people think anyone who has slightly bigger than normal arms or ab definition is jacked.

    • 7 months ago

      Did you get more girls by having a better body?

      • 7 months ago

        Cant rly compare since I was 14 when i started lifting so i wasnt looking for girls then. I dont think just a body will get you girls though, it might make them think better of you even before meeting but you still gotta not be autistic

      • 7 months ago

        Not him but assuming you’re getting girls in the first place, then yes you ABSOLUTELY get more by having a better body. Like you still have to know how to talk to them and not be a pussy, but it lowers the difficulty by a lot, especially on the apps. Anyone who says otherwise is absolutely delusional.

    • 7 months ago

      you look lean noone is denying that
      what is your height and weight?
      If it is below 6' 200 pounds you are small.

      • 7 months ago

        Proving my point anon, Im below 6' and below 200lbs, so by fit standards Im DYEL, but in the real world I get mires and compliments on being big all the time, both in and out of the gym.
        Your standards are not based in reality

        • 7 months ago

          And I’m on steroids are get 10x the attention/compliments you get. Strangers “accidentally” grope my arms; even the straight men take frequent glances at my arms mid conversation. I see guys like you; the “big fluffy arms”. No veins, no triceps/biceps separation, slightly thicker than normie arms. I’m sure you do get a comment once every two weeks by somebody being polite.

          Girls turn their heads and stare when I walk away. Every single day I get stopped and asked my routine/supplement stack. I have people asking me to be their trainer. Complete stranger women wanting me to come to their house for a “training session”

          We are not the same. You literally don’t even have a six pack.

          • 7 months ago

            Post body

            • 7 months ago

              This silences the roid larper

            • 7 months ago

              Now post yours, nattard

              • 7 months ago

                How can a natty achieve delts that big with bulging veins?

              • 7 months ago

                Thanks for posting - now I can read your post.
                I have no desire whatsoever of being that lean, if (when) I trade in my natty card, I'll just be going for size.

                What's your cycle/method/dose/etc?
                If I do roid, I'll be doing Test only because I have a friend who's an endocrinologist (yes, he roids) and he'll slide me a few vials. (Most of his older TRT patients don't want to pin, so they come in ever 10-14 days. He uses multi-dose vials, so if a few fall out of the box, no one notices. Most doctors pull out more than the dose, then just purge the excess, so it's normal practice to use extra vials. No one notices)

                Will a low dose of test to reach highest natural levels of test be detrimental at all?

                Doc above says no - but don't do too low or you really will get no gains. He told me to do 200 Test-C every 3 days or so and see how it feels, then he'll give me a blood test 2 weeks after I stop and see if an AI is needed. He said most guys in good shape normally don't even need an AI.

              • 7 months ago

                200mg test seems really low, what is his reasoning?
                it will barely put you above natty levels

              • 7 months ago

                200 mg every 14 days is a starter TRT/HRT level - it will almost directly replicate natty levels on average (but the peaks and spikes are very abnormal, so most guys really feel it towards the end when it is time for another shot.)

                200 mg every 10 days is what they normally push you to once they see your RBC/hemocrit and your cholesterol don't go crazy. (Some guys will actually get massive boosts at 200 mg every 14 days - at least by TRT/HRT levels.)
                Anyway, 200 mg every 10 days is going to bring you to the upper end of the natty range - so you'll have 50 year old guys with the T levels of a 20 year old.

                200 mg every 3 days is about the lowest you can go and get anything meaningful out of a cycle. It's baby's first cycle.

                If that works out well, some guys will go to every other day, which is a very solid cycle. Again - everyone reacts totally differently. I'll attach some numbers.

              • 7 months ago

                if youre going to pin urself twice a week isnt just better to do the default 500mg a week?
                my natty t levels last time i cheked were around 600ng/dL and free test like 12ng/dL, feels like 200mg wouldnt do shit for me but i could be wrong i dont know how my body will react to it

              • 7 months ago

                >default 500mg a week
                you could.
                most people you see running cycles based on 200 mg are using a supply that probably started as a TRT prescription.
                250 mg isn't a common dosage for TRT - they raise frequency and keep you at 200 mg dose. If you see 250, it either means a non-American, an illegal source, or a multi-dose vial.
                Check my math, but I think that would be like taking a dose every 2.8 days with 200 mg vials. So every 67.2, which isn't meaningfully far away from the 200 mg every 3 days for 467 mg/wk equivalent.

                Well, see this post:


                200 mg every 14 days is a starter TRT/HRT level - it will almost directly replicate natty levels on average (but the peaks and spikes are very abnormal, so most guys really feel it towards the end when it is time for another shot.)

                200 mg every 10 days is what they normally push you to once they see your RBC/hemocrit and your cholesterol don't go crazy. (Some guys will actually get massive boosts at 200 mg every 14 days - at least by TRT/HRT levels.)
                Anyway, 200 mg every 10 days is going to bring you to the upper end of the natty range - so you'll have 50 year old guys with the T levels of a 20 year old.

                200 mg every 3 days is about the lowest you can go and get anything meaningful out of a cycle. It's baby's first cycle.

                If that works out well, some guys will go to every other day, which is a very solid cycle. Again - everyone reacts totally differently. I'll attach some numbers.

                one guy doing 200 every 3 days got 3.75 times his natty to 1500 ng/dl
                For a lot of people, that's higher than they probably ever had in their life - it's basically a sustained puberty growth spurt.
                As a veteran roider, but there are those that think it's best to roid gently for longer and those who want to blast.
                My thinking is that you should probably time it based on how quickly you can recover. That is to say if you're an every-other-day lifter, you'd probably want to roid to the point where you can lift every day. If you can't lift more frequently, then you have to rely solely on the intensity and progression boost.
                Does that make any sense?

                A lot of really stupid programs that you see people do, but they still get great results, are tailored to a certain roid cycle.

                The famous (and old) study, pic related, was just giving dudes (IIR) 600 mg per week, with no PCT. It's the one that showed if you roid at 600 mg/wk and Don't Even Lift you'll gain more muscle mass than a natty lifter.

              • 7 months ago

                34 year old boomer here, starting a cycle of 140 mg test c, 2 shots of 70mg a week. I just want to feel young again. is this going to be enough?
                My natty levels were 500-522 test, I felt it wasn't enough, got too tired often.

              • 7 months ago

                im 25yo and have same test levels as you, i dont think 140mg will make a huge impact but ofc you will get way more gains than a natty

              • 7 months ago

                im 25yo and have same test levels as you, i dont think 140mg will make a huge impact but ofc you will get way more gains than a natty

                He's right - that level is just a standard TRT, you can be on that forever, but it'll just make you feel "normal" - you won't be much above a natty, but you will make better gains

                Why the weird as shit dose? 70?
                And why pin 2 tiny shots a week? It's an ester, it's in oil, it was designed to be injected less frequently.

              • 7 months ago

                actually posts body, aight then, proceed with your opinion.

                How can a natty achieve delts that big with bulging veins?

                Not him, but I don't think you can. Delts are particularly strong androgen receptors, so they react well to roids.
                OHP can give you pretty good looking shoulders, but even adding in isolations of the delts, you're not gonna get that.
                As a natty, you're probably best doing things like an OHP and then wide grip cable rows (or properly executed barbell rows to the sternum) to fill out the entire package of traps, neck, delts, upper pecs, etc.

                Lance armstrong was absolutely not on anabolic steroids and you're moronic if you think he was

                Wut - I'm guessing it was before your time/birth. It was a big deal. He tried to negotiate a 1 year vs longer (potentially lifetime) ban in exchange from telling them exactly how he did it.
                They had him dead to rights on blood doping, but most of the team just fessed up to it - they were using roids to boost recovery and RBC count. That's why they though they could get away with just claiming blood doping, which isn't treated nearly as harshly as actual roids.


                Those veiny arms and traps are sus

                See above, this is a very, very well known fact.

                Just turned 29 I kinda have a gf but I really don't want to get do it until I have kids (after marriage(?)) And I'm not even sure about her

                What are the studies| on it effecting offspring

                >What are the studies| on it effecting offspring
                No impact to kids.
                Your sperm count will drop pretty extremely when you're on cycle as you LH and FSH go to near-zero (your body sees as much Test as it wants, so it stops signaling it's production, which also drops sperm count.)
                That said, one of my friends was on ABUSIVE levels of roids - Test, Tren, Dibol, whatever he could get - I think even some HGH, and he managed to get his wife pregnant mid cycle. It happens.

                Unless you're roiding to comedic levels, it won't sterilize you, you'll bounce back after a PCT.
                Funny thing, a lot of the AI/PCT drugs were developed as cancer drugs for women (estrogen makes certain cancers far worse) - and you can get prescribed them to raise you sperm count because they'll cause your body to raise LH and FSA. That raises T and sperm production

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, and there are some things on that table that are not correct, so don't take it as gospel.


                200 mg every 14 days is a starter TRT/HRT level - it will almost directly replicate natty levels on average (but the peaks and spikes are very abnormal, so most guys really feel it towards the end when it is time for another shot.)

                200 mg every 10 days is what they normally push you to once they see your RBC/hemocrit and your cholesterol don't go crazy. (Some guys will actually get massive boosts at 200 mg every 14 days - at least by TRT/HRT levels.)
                Anyway, 200 mg every 10 days is going to bring you to the upper end of the natty range - so you'll have 50 year old guys with the T levels of a 20 year old.

                200 mg every 3 days is about the lowest you can go and get anything meaningful out of a cycle. It's baby's first cycle.

                If that works out well, some guys will go to every other day, which is a very solid cycle. Again - everyone reacts totally differently. I'll attach some numbers.

                and here is the other image.

                you can see from the first image, one guy was only doing 250 mg a week and got to 1887 ng/dl
                look at the guys doing 500 mg/wk - pretty wide range of results - from 5.13 times their natty to 8.3 times the natty.

                the image I'm attaching shows one annon that responded really well.
                but don't rely on the numbers, because the point where you'll see gains is different for everyone.
                NoTest - a namegay from back in the day, posted a tremendous amount of data regarding him getting TRT after losing a nut. He went from about 200 ng/dl as a natty to 500 or so initially and I believe hit the 1/2/3/4 in about a year. Not bad, considering 500 is still dogshit.

                There is a point of diminishing returns where you get the side effects without anymore gains. Some studies show that starts around 600 mg/wk - nothing crazy, but the point where RBC, cholesterol, BP, acne, etc start to show up.
                Some guys run 1,000 mg/wk. That said - that's why people who roid heavy can't just use a Test only cycle. You max out on Test, so you start using more exotic shit that does different things. (Tren, so I'm told, really leans you out.)

                There are also "dry" vs "wet" roids - ones that make you gain water as well, and those that don't.

              • 7 months ago


                200 mg every 14 days is a starter TRT/HRT level - it will almost directly replicate natty levels on average (but the peaks and spikes are very abnormal, so most guys really feel it towards the end when it is time for another shot.)

                200 mg every 10 days is what they normally push you to once they see your RBC/hemocrit and your cholesterol don't go crazy. (Some guys will actually get massive boosts at 200 mg every 14 days - at least by TRT/HRT levels.)
                Anyway, 200 mg every 10 days is going to bring you to the upper end of the natty range - so you'll have 50 year old guys with the T levels of a 20 year old.

                200 mg every 3 days is about the lowest you can go and get anything meaningful out of a cycle. It's baby's first cycle.

                If that works out well, some guys will go to every other day, which is a very solid cycle. Again - everyone reacts totally differently. I'll attach some numbers.


                Oh, and there are some things on that table that are not correct, so don't take it as gospel.

                and here is the other image.

                you can see from the first image, one guy was only doing 250 mg a week and got to 1887 ng/dl
                look at the guys doing 500 mg/wk - pretty wide range of results - from 5.13 times their natty to 8.3 times the natty.

                the image I'm attaching shows one annon that responded really well.
                but don't rely on the numbers, because the point where you'll see gains is different for everyone.
                NoTest - a namegay from back in the day, posted a tremendous amount of data regarding him getting TRT after losing a nut. He went from about 200 ng/dl as a natty to 500 or so initially and I believe hit the 1/2/3/4 in about a year. Not bad, considering 500 is still dogshit.

                There is a point of diminishing returns where you get the side effects without anymore gains. Some studies show that starts around 600 mg/wk - nothing crazy, but the point where RBC, cholesterol, BP, acne, etc start to show up.
                Some guys run 1,000 mg/wk. That said - that's why people who roid heavy can't just use a Test only cycle. You max out on Test, so you start using more exotic shit that does different things. (Tren, so I'm told, really leans you out.)

                There are also "dry" vs "wet" roids - ones that make you gain water as well, and those that don't.


                >default 500mg a week
                you could.
                most people you see running cycles based on 200 mg are using a supply that probably started as a TRT prescription.
                250 mg isn't a common dosage for TRT - they raise frequency and keep you at 200 mg dose. If you see 250, it either means a non-American, an illegal source, or a multi-dose vial.
                Check my math, but I think that would be like taking a dose every 2.8 days with 200 mg vials. So every 67.2, which isn't meaningfully far away from the 200 mg every 3 days for 467 mg/wk equivalent.

                Well, see this post:
                one guy doing 200 every 3 days got 3.75 times his natty to 1500 ng/dl
                For a lot of people, that's higher than they probably ever had in their life - it's basically a sustained puberty growth spurt.
                As a veteran roider, but there are those that think it's best to roid gently for longer and those who want to blast.
                My thinking is that you should probably time it based on how quickly you can recover. That is to say if you're an every-other-day lifter, you'd probably want to roid to the point where you can lift every day. If you can't lift more frequently, then you have to rely solely on the intensity and progression boost.
                Does that make any sense?

                A lot of really stupid programs that you see people do, but they still get great results, are tailored to a certain roid cycle.

                The famous (and old) study, pic related, was just giving dudes (IIR) 600 mg per week, with no PCT. It's the one that showed if you roid at 600 mg/wk and Don't Even Lift you'll gain more muscle mass than a natty lifter.

                Thanks for the info, anon. We might have talked with each other in /fraud/ at some point (you remind me of blastbro).
                I'm still wondering if I should hop on the juice or not, still think I should go natty for another year since I've been only lifting for 1 but I turn 26 in December.

              • 7 months ago

                Nah, I don't do /fraud/ much, aside to look at coomer-bait. Fraud is the closest thing this board has to the old /fitgirl/ threads - but we've probably talked in other threads.
                I'm the butthole that writes a whitepaper for every fricking reply. I type fast.

                I would go on test if I wasn't worried about losing my hair

                >losing my hair
                legitimate fear - it doesn't cause hair loss, per se, but it will speed up whatever male pattern baldness is coming your way.
                DHT levels rise.
                Lots of guys fight it off with rogain or fin or shit like that.
                If male pattern baldness doesn't run in your family, you're probably ok regardless.
                Another reason that a lot of guys just do gentle, test-only cycles.
                Keep in mind, gentle cycles won't make you huge, but you'll gain far, far faster - a year's worth of lifting in a few weeks. You also are less likely to lose those gains because you're probably staying within your natty limit, you're just cheating the timeline.

                Lance Armstrong wasn't on roads, he was getting white blood cells pumped into him every night on the tour

                >white blood cells pumped into him
                Red blood cells, but yeah, he was indeed blood doping.

                It's funny, you're allowed to use natural methods to get a similar effect. One of the Olympic training centers is near Colorado Springs because of the altitude. At that elevation, you only have about 80% of the partial pressure of O2, so as you acclimate, you'll make extra red blood cells.
                The ideal thing to do would be to live at high altitude, then train at lower altitude. Best thing would be to spend your nights in Leadville (10,000 ft) and then train in Colorado Springs (6,000 ft). Even better would be to camp out on Pike's Peak or Mt. Evans (14,000 ft).
                I was there a few weeks ago for about a month. Once I got back down to sea level, I basically PRed everything. My cardio was also far better. Training at elevation really does do some shit.

              • 7 months ago

                About fertility, it's like an on off switch literally. Quite easy to fix. Even on a blast you just inject synthetic lh/fsh ie hcg/hmg on top of your roids. That's it. Don't need to go off, you just inject those and they signal your nuts to produce sperm as if your pituitary was producing lh/fsh no matter how much roids you're on at the time.

              • 7 months ago

                You sound like any old troony distributing lies and delusions about the mechanics of the cult's rituals to entice people by promising the world. If what you're selling were so damn good, why do you have to hide what it's like?

              • 7 months ago

                This type of body makes most attractive women want to puke
                The only people attracted to this shit are homosexual homosexuals and landwhales.
                Why is it that the biggest, most swole guys in the gym are always with the most obese, rotund, lardball, fatass women?

              • 7 months ago

                It's quite the opposite, that's peak tinder slayer body

              • 7 months ago

                Why are you so insecure about people not doing the drugs you do.

          • 7 months ago

            This guy sucks Black person dick and fricks dogs don't listen to him

          • 7 months ago

            this is actually realy sad to read get some help man

    • 7 months ago

      >standards have been skewed from being online too much
      At least half of the regulars at my gym roid or look like it. You've got a great fizeek but unless you're 6'3 you would get gigamogged on a weekly basis.

  16. 7 months ago

    what's the point of roiding?
    having big muscles isn't really a quality of life improvement

  17. 7 months ago

    9 out of 10 women prefer left to right btw

    • 7 months ago

      99% of women are gonna find the bodies on the left more attractive. Natty max = peak attractiveness.

      Biggest nattard cope

      • 7 months ago

        Look up literally every study or poll on the subject, you're killing yourself to impress other men.

        • 7 months ago

          >believing what women say
          >just look up every poll
          No, thanks. I already see it with my own eyes in the gym and irl.
          The roided dudes are the ones bagging every qt girl at the gym or tinder.

  18. 7 months ago

    I like having sex
    I like having my dick work
    I like having hair on my head and my body
    I like not having a chocolate tint to my skin
    I like not having paper texture skin
    I like not having constant oral infections
    I like my kidneys and liver working normal
    I like not being mentally moronic
    I like not killing myself the moment I have to stop roiding.

  19. 7 months ago

    Burgers, other third worlders and their roid obsession are fit for extermination. If your fricking youth is pinning tren and halo "cause muh gains" dont be surprised about the roidhead --> troony pipeline .

  20. 7 months ago

    99% of women are gonna find the bodies on the left more attractive. Natty max = peak attractiveness.

  21. 7 months ago

    I recently fricked this girl which I got to know on Tinder. There are 5 others already waiting.

  22. 7 months ago

    I train for general health and to prepare my body for the coming dark times. Why would I risk being dependent on test?

    • 7 months ago

      >I train for general health and to prepare my body for the coming dark times.

      If you unironically are training for chaos and war, you absolutory would be on roids. You would likely stockpile them.
      > faster recovery from injuries
      > higher red blood cell count
      > be much larger and scarier
      and don't believe that roids would make you some immobile slab of beef - roids are used by runners, swimmers, etc.
      A lot of special forces are on gear (probably damn near all) - they just decided to introduce roid tests for SF, and rumor has it they're going to make it such that if you're on a pure Test cycle you'll show up as clean, they just want to test for the shit that is mroe likely to cause bad side effects.

      >Why would I risk being dependent on test?

      Absolutely not a real thing - unless you're gonna go Ronnie Coleman and be a hundred times bigger than your natty test would allow.
      Even if you roid to get big, and then stop when you can't get it for whatever reason, you're going to be starting from a far, far better position.
      I was prescribed TRT and I literally never took it - I have a huge stockpile of vials and syringes. (The expiration dates are surprisingly long, and as they expire I usually give them to a bodybuilder friend.) At the very least, you could keep it on hand for if shit really hits the fan.

      I would think all us crazies would stockpile it. I also keep pain meds and a LOT of antibiotics. (It would suck to die of some waterborne illness or a very survivable wound that got infected.)

      • 7 months ago

        lot of interesting things in that picture....
        but who has the giggle-switch and keeps the shitty stock sights?
        Also, is that a LEGAL giggle switch? Must be an SOT.

        Unrelated, or maybe related, if any of you guys use adderall and roids be careful. Stimulants and gear can do bad things to a body.
        > heart enlargement
        > blood pressure issues
        that said, adderall is the ultimate preworkout. Remember when a bunch of C4 got pulled from the market because it had a designer version of Dex-Am that made people piss hot?

      • 7 months ago

        really should have blacked out the RX number - combined with the phone number that could probably be figured out.
        that said, if that's an actual dealer sample FA, then it's probably all legal.

        When I was a kid you could still get dynamite with just a driver's license in a few states. I wish I'd stocked up - that said I'd have had to keep it in the freezer this entire time and rotate it periodically or it would be soooo unsafe.

      • 7 months ago

        If you trained for war or chaos you'd never want to be jacked, extra muscle just means more food needed to survive, and being slower. Any fight would be fought with weapons in those scenarios so being big would litterally only be a hindrance and you'd die earlier than the skinny dude who shot you and took all your resources

        • 7 months ago

          you know Lance Armstrong - a famous endurance athlete, was on roids, right?
          So are most crossfit competitors.

          Also, there are a lot of "oh shit" collapse scenarios - including the nice Cold Culture War that we're seeing right now where you risk random violence in any urban environment. A larger person might give a random basketball american or homeless junkie pause.

          Roids doesn't mean Arnold or some lumbering powerlifter.
          A solid Rugby plater or something like a running back would be ideal under many conditions.

          And I certainly wouldn't want to sacrifice muscle to be lean - just be lean enough to run and have endurance. If things go wild, you'll have plenty of time to slim down.
          Do you guys not have enough food on hand so you worry about starting day 1 fighting starvation? I live in the sticks and can live on just the hogs and deer in my woods for a very long time. No neighbors, mostly woodlots. Even if all the deer died for some reason, I've got at least a year of food. I'm not bugging out, I'm starting in an idea location.

          Kek, look at pictures of most soldiers during/before the Vietnam war. 99% skinny, a lot would probably be even considered skinny fat. Modern roiding troops and SF only get away with it because first world logistics are good. Stockpiling roids for a SHTF scenario is dead weight, you're better off selling them before to buy more actual medical, building, food supplies, etc.

          >99% skinny
          I know, but I don't plan on walking all day looking for Charlie. I'm gonna be in my isolated house just securing my area. I'm gonna be more concerned with keeping my firewood supplies up, and even then, I'm set for years. (As is anyone who properly heats with wood - 2 years to season oak properly)

          • 7 months ago

            Lance armstrong was absolutely not on anabolic steroids and you're moronic if you think he was

            • 7 months ago

              Those veiny arms and traps are sus

            • 7 months ago

              He absolutely was. The only time I seriously considered taking roids was doing hill selection in the army. That would have been a godsend for recovery.

          • 7 months ago

            Lance Armstrong wasn't on roads, he was getting white blood cells pumped into him every night on the tour

        • 7 months ago

          Kek, look at pictures of most soldiers during/before the Vietnam war. 99% skinny, a lot would probably be even considered skinny fat. Modern roiding troops and SF only get away with it because first world logistics are good. Stockpiling roids for a SHTF scenario is dead weight, you're better off selling them before to buy more actual medical, building, food supplies, etc.

          Roids do a great job at driving up your red blood cell count which improves endurance. You also heal much faster. You hold onto muscle easier. You can get away with less sleep.

          You could conceivably have to walk for miles and miles carrying gear, you are almost certainly going to need the ability to sprint as well. A lot of cops use roids, same with prison guards, and they live a lot closer to a SHTF environment than we do.

          • 7 months ago

            Is this natty. Looks like it

      • 7 months ago

        Kek, look at pictures of most soldiers during/before the Vietnam war. 99% skinny, a lot would probably be even considered skinny fat. Modern roiding troops and SF only get away with it because first world logistics are good. Stockpiling roids for a SHTF scenario is dead weight, you're better off selling them before to buy more actual medical, building, food supplies, etc.

      • 7 months ago

        >If you unironically are training for chaos and war
        Lol you are sitting in your basement posting on IST
        But have fun larping about the end of the world before dying of a heart attack at age 43

      • 7 months ago

        >Explosive sausage

  23. 7 months ago

    Left looks better to people without body dysmorphia. This is the perfect post to demonstrate the mental illness of roidtrannies, literally the equivalent of bimbos with puffed up lips and orangutan asses or people who bog themselves with plastic surgery. You are attracting men, your point of reference for what is attractive to women is other men, you are GAY, that's why every homosexual here when they see a beautiful guy posted starts calling them twink and how they could rape them. All you need to do is see what media women actually consume and who they simp for, hint, it's not the right. If someone wants to disprove me I dare you to find roidtroony celeb/e-celeb with a greater female audience than male audience.

    • 7 months ago

      >literally the equivalent of bimbos with puffed up lips and orangutan asses or people who bog themselves with plastic surgery.
      I respect how hard bodybuilders push their bodies (to destruction) - that is in no way a good look.
      The best looking roiders are the fake natties or the crossfit frauds.


      Is bouncerbro on here? Some anon works as a bouncer, so his aesthetic goal is to look as big/strong/scary as possible to deter drunks.
      I know we've got at least 2 boxers here - that's another goal that will be different.

      because half of the "roiders" on IST are trying to talk themselves into doing it, and half of the other half are indeed super insecure.

      Look at the fraud threads sometime and you'll see - the advice frequently ranges from stupid to insane.
      100 mg per week Test-C recommended
      1,000 my per week Test-C is also recommended to newbies.

      just gotta look good in that shirt, lol.

      >Natty max = peak attractiveness.
      That's what I said elsewhere. Roids just let you skip to that faster.

      >bagging every qt girl at the gym or tinder.
      not agreeing or arguing - I'm just gonna say that of course gym girls will want that body type. Tinder sloots are the same, I'd wager.
      Women aren't a homogeneous group. (Except when it comes to bad driving.) Hell, I even know women that vote correctly.

      Unironically post body - I'm curious what your dose is and what your results are.

      used to live in an apartment complex next to a bouncer - I actually thought he was a stripper because he said he worked at "the strip club" and I just figured, hey, it pays.
      He was more traditionally "fit" looking, more like I'd expect a male stripper to look.

      This silences the roid larper

      this dude isn't going to post shit:

      And I’m on steroids are get 10x the attention/compliments you get. Strangers “accidentally” grope my arms; even the straight men take frequent glances at my arms mid conversation. I see guys like you; the “big fluffy arms”. No veins, no triceps/biceps separation, slightly thicker than normie arms. I’m sure you do get a comment once every two weeks by somebody being polite.

      Girls turn their heads and stare when I walk away. Every single day I get stopped and asked my routine/supplement stack. I have people asking me to be their trainer. Complete stranger women wanting me to come to their house for a “training session”

      We are not the same. You literally don’t even have a six pack.

  24. 7 months ago

    >I'm natty but people tell me I'm big. Your perception of what's big has been skewed. You'll be bigger than 99% of people natty.

    When will this meme end? No one is roiding to be bigger than the average person, they're roiding to get a chance at becoming exceptional.

  25. 7 months ago

    Imagine roiding just to get pussy

  26. 7 months ago

    >Anonymous 11/25/23(Sat)19:45:01 No.729
    I'm proud frick, what you're going to do about it? You're gf love to suck my fatty fat wiener.

  27. 7 months ago

    i like the idea of having a functioning heart

  28. 7 months ago

    To stay loyal to God
    The lord has made us in his image, we should intend to reflect it anon

    • 7 months ago

      god doesnt exist you fatfrick homosexual Black person

      • 7 months ago

        To the bitter and dismissive it would appear so.

  29. 7 months ago
    Revolver Ocelot

    Fix your diet.

    • 7 months ago

      theres nothing wrong with it2axv8

  30. 7 months ago

    Simple. You need to have functioning sperm to have children.

  31. 7 months ago

    I would go on test if I wasn't worried about losing my hair

  32. 7 months ago

    I'd roid but I'm about 23% bf. also no idea what sources to actually trust

  33. 7 months ago

    Yeah, roiding at elevated bodyfat is supposedly risky.
    It's been said that all the extra fat just makes the estrogenic side effects worse.
    You can cut like mad on gear, however, without losing nearly as much (or really any) muscle.

    As for sources, yeah, the reddit group is actually one of the best for source talk. It's all still so damn sketchy. I'm not surprised that a lot of guys do 'steroid vacations' to places where you can get legit, pharma grade gear, from a pharmacy, with no prescription (or they send you to a doc that gives you whatever you want.)

    Knowing how they bathtub brew a lot of that gear, any non-pharma stuff would worry me.

    • 7 months ago

      sorry mate I meant sources i.e. sources I can trust for information.

      seems 50% of threads on IST are like you're gonna ACK after 45yo , whereas the other 50% are like jump on gear it's fine.

      but yeah I'll check out the reddit group. gonna get a bit more gains in the runup to christmas then cut hard in preparation for potential roiding.

  34. 7 months ago

    >what even is the fricking point of staying natty
    healthier heart and liver and less chance of throwing a deep vein thrombosis

  35. 7 months ago

    Add me on the left.
    I’m 17years natty

    • 7 months ago

      >17 years to look like a 1 year roider
      Grim. I wonder what you truly look like without a pump and lightning.

      • 7 months ago

        What is even the goal? Is he suppose to be olympia sized or something? You’re moronic

        • 7 months ago

          not really but 17 years to look like that is fricking so much time, time is a valuable thing, anon

  36. 7 months ago

    >Refuse to show images of aesthetic natties because you accuse them of roiding
    >Post some aesthetic natties in poor lighting to "prove" your point

    Sad, shameful and pathetic roidtroony cope thread.

  37. 7 months ago

    The reason why most lifters look like shit is because they don't have the discipline and willpower to cut properly.

  38. 7 months ago

    You get chicks instead of gay guys.

  39. 7 months ago

    >tfw steroids could stop your ability to cum
    frick that

  40. 7 months ago

    I'll still look good when I'm 40
    Sry roidbros

  41. 7 months ago

    to all the steroid users on IST
    who / what are you blasting gear for?
    acting roles?
    doing porn?
    are you just blasting gear for yourself?

  42. 7 months ago

    functioning testicles

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