>What if....

>What if.... one set....
>What if it's.... what if it's too much?
>No.... that's crazy....
>....or is it?

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  1. 10 months ago

    How do I /halfsetmaxx/?

  2. 10 months ago

    When is the late 1800s look that mentzer rocked coming back into style? The stache, the longer hair

    • 10 months ago

      When you grow a moustache and bring it kicking and screaming back into style, brother.
      I'm already working on mine. Stache growths x absolute failure once every 4-8 days.

      • 10 months ago

        I feel like he could pull this look off because he had a solid chin for balance...if you have a weak chin this style would never work
        ..also does his hair have a style/name?

    • 10 months ago

      As long as you are hot you can make any style ever work

    • 10 months ago

      do you want some /misc/posting? I'm asking to be considerate rather than obtuse

  3. 10 months ago

    >1 rep... yes 1 rep, that's it, I've found thz holy grail

  4. 10 months ago

    if you reach failure with just your mind you don't have to do any sets

  5. 10 months ago

    For strength gains correctly applied mechanical tension is all that is necessary and for that one set is way too much. For hypertrophy however we need muscle damage AND metabolic fatigue and for the later we need at least one working set

    • 10 months ago

      >metabolic fatigue
      This is aquired through time under tension, for which volume is only one method of achieving. One set done correctly, i.e. done to concetric, isometric and eccentric failure done at a slow enough cadence, can achieve the same amount if not more time under tension than multiple sets. And if not more, then at least equivalent or more "effective" time under tension, once we understand that not all time under tension is equal.

      Example, if you do four eccentric reps at a cadence of one second, or one eccentric rep at a cadence of four seconds, which is more effective? They are both the same total time under tension, but the longer, slower eccentric is using more tension as it is eliminating momentum (gravity), while the four 1-second eccentrics are using that momentum to lower the tension. You can try this yourself. The same goes for fast concetric reps vs slow concentric reps; the slower rep will always yield more effective and efficient time spent because it is being accomplished wholly by the muscle itself rather than momentum.

      Now that we have concluded that not all time spent under tension is equal, we must logically then reach the conclusion that the goal is not actually to spend more -time- under tension, which would be raw volume, but rather to increase the tension itself and spend only enough time under said tension to stimulate growth.

      This can not only be done within a single set using the aformentioned method of triple-failure, but potentially even done in less than a set by using weights that one could not normally lift themselves but with the help of a training partner and focusing entirely on the isometric and then the eccentric portions of the exercise to maximize the tension under which we are spending time, cutting out the concentric part of the exercise alltogether which we know is the least efficient time spent of the three and significantly increasing the tension of the isometric and eccentric movements.

      *hits meth*

      • 10 months ago

        Mike is a fraud and HIT doesn’t work
        No I haven’t tried it and I never will because it doesn’t work

        • 10 months ago

          >words confuse and enrage the perpetually exhausted volumetard
          Get out of my thread and take all your sets with you, you're cluttering up the place. Leave the meth.

          • 10 months ago

            >no bro just load up as heavy as possible with no warmup and do one set a week until you hurt yourself not being able to lift it you’ll make crazy gains bro

            • 10 months ago

              HE SAID, homie
              LEAVE THE METH, homie
              I SAW YOU POCKETING A BAGGIE, homie
              GIVE IT BACK AND GET OUT, homie

            • 10 months ago

              I never said to not warm up, but you should to the minimal warmup possible as the goal there is get warm enough to avoid injury, not to tire yourself out or prefatigue.

              >until you hurt yourself
              Sounds like a skill issue. Either yours or your training partner's.
              Either way *puffs meth pipe* not my problem

            • 10 months ago

              >let me invent strawman to get mad at
              The israelite is getting desperate. There are warmups but there's no reason to do sets 20 with the bar like I see all the time. You just do a few reps to drill the movement down and warm the muscles up.

        • 10 months ago

          Wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg7mwETJwwk
          Found the homosexual at the gym who train high volume and play on his smartphone between 10 sets. Getting me really angry blocking the machines for ages.

          • 10 months ago

            >no you can’t do a few sets with high intensity and progressive overload, that’s impossible!!

            • 10 months ago

              If you do one set to complete muscle failure, more sets are complete useless. You can't handle any reps anymore.
              Like i stated before, you're obviously like many in the gym, doing his reps really fast, don't control the weight properly. Doing 5 sets 15 reps each:
              Then on rest between sets you playing on your smartphone for 10 minutes.
              Fricking atrocious, literally training like a entitled pussy, showing her farty ass in her leggings. While i train the fricking shit outta me, my whole body shake. Don't have the time for all the BS homosexuals do in the gym.

      • 10 months ago

        Why do any of this when you can just do drop sets and mayo reps and crank out the volume

        It’s still time under tension and all the same thing - Intensity

        • 10 months ago

          Myo reps are just volume nerds relabeling rest-pause to make it sound more "sciency" for the dimwits to get impressed by. Drop sets are fine but you can do infinite drop sets.
          >135lb bench
          >drop set to 100
          >drop set to 80
          >drop set...
          >drop set to the bar
          >drop set to light dumbbells
          >drop set to wearing a pair of gloves and mimicking the motion
          >drop set to mimicking the motion of a bench press while a fan blows air down on you
          >drop set to moving the fan farther away
          "oh but that's a hyperbole!" Why? It's the same logic every step. No, the real thing is that you know dropping the load too light will not provide a positive training effect, aka no fricking intensity. Also every dyel I see in gyms does endless dropsets on the cable machine. It's the common connection

          • 10 months ago

            Wow, you are one special breed of moronic Black person, aren’t you?

            Drop sets aren’t intensity.

            Do me a favour Black personhomosexual the next time you’re in the gym (which is probably a very rare occurrence), do your normal warm up set, then your working sets. Let’s call it 3 pretty intense sets of 10-15 reps.

            As soon as you’re done with your working sets, don’t rest. Rather, lower the weight by ~10kg and do as many reps as possible until you literally can’t do another.

            Drop by another 10%/10kg or whatever and do the same. Until failure.

            Then keep going until you’re down to either the bar or the last weight

            You limp dick b***h. How can you say working down to 10kg while your arms are literally shaking until you can’t lift 10kg for one rep isn’t intense? You can’t because it’s simply not true, you homosexual b***h. You’re literally maxing out time under tension and maxing out intensity while not having a gigantic weight under your frame and being at risk of snapping your shit

            In short, frick you dyel b***h

            • 10 months ago

              Because it is simply not intense, endurance is not intense.

              Even though the weights may be hard to lift, the tension on the muscle is shit. You go to failure within your respective area of tension, not complete muscular annihilation. If that is the goal, try to literally tear the muscle from the bone, complete and utter failure.

              We go to muscular failure within what we try to achieve, like an olympic lifter calling it a day when he can't work with his weights anymore, or a boxer stopping when he finds that his punches becomes too slow, no point on continuing even though it is "possible".

          • 10 months ago

            >Drop sets are fine but you can do infinite drop sets

            Yeah you can but you're not supposed to lol. There's a reason why dropsets are most commonly done with just one single drop, or maybe two. Anything more than that is just an IFBB pro who's filming a training video & wants to impress the viewers with their 4 to 1 plate high incline press.

        • 10 months ago

          >drop sets
          Nothing but junk volume. At best it's an attempt to get to eccentric failure that doesn't work. At worst, it's just overtraining
          >mayo reps
          Might as well just go to concentric failure and stop. It would be simpler.

        • 10 months ago


          Wow, you are one special breed of moronic Black person, aren’t you?

          Drop sets aren’t intensity.

          Do me a favour Black personhomosexual the next time you’re in the gym (which is probably a very rare occurrence), do your normal warm up set, then your working sets. Let’s call it 3 pretty intense sets of 10-15 reps.

          As soon as you’re done with your working sets, don’t rest. Rather, lower the weight by ~10kg and do as many reps as possible until you literally can’t do another.

          Drop by another 10%/10kg or whatever and do the same. Until failure.

          Then keep going until you’re down to either the bar or the last weight

          You limp dick b***h. How can you say working down to 10kg while your arms are literally shaking until you can’t lift 10kg for one rep isn’t intense? You can’t because it’s simply not true, you homosexual b***h. You’re literally maxing out time under tension and maxing out intensity while not having a gigantic weight under your frame and being at risk of snapping your shit

          In short, frick you dyel b***h

          >can you achieve intensity with drop sets and grow
          Sure. There are a million ways to train inefficiently and grow.
          >is it superior intensity to that of one hard set to triple failure
          No. Do me a favour and next time you reach concetric failure; instead of dropping to a lower weight simply hold an isometric contraction for as long as possible until you start to fail and lower it, then do slow and controlled eccentrics to failure and see which one you find more intense and stimulating.

          We know that the eccentric is more efficient than the concentric so you are denying yourself going to failure on the heavier eccentrics (more valuable time under tension) by focusing on being able to achieve more concentric failure via using lower weights which is by comparison just junk volume. And this isn't even taking into account the cadence and momentum of these drop sets.

          Ask yourself at the point of concentric failure, what is going to provide a greater stimulus: lifting a lower weight or holding and lowering a heavier weight equal to that which caused failure? One is hard because you are tired, one is hard because it is heavy and you are tired. You are focusing on the time rather than the quality of the tension, trading growth stimulus for endurance training. Heavier weight will always result in more tension.

          Even if they were equal in intensity (they aren't) one takes longer than the other so would it even be worth all that extra time? No. You're spending significantly more time for less result.

          >being at risk of snapping your shit
          Skill issue. Have you considered meth?

      • 10 months ago

        What the hell do concentric and excetric mean

        • 10 months ago

          Concetric is lifting, eccentric is lowering. Synonyms for positive/negative reps.
          Isometric is a static hold in between them.

          • 10 months ago

            Concentric = shortening muscle
            Eccentric = lengthening muscle
            Isometric = muscle stays the same but it's under load

            It's very basic stuff.

            Mentzer bros WAGMI

        • 10 months ago

          Concentric = shortening muscle
          Eccentric = lengthening muscle
          Isometric = muscle stays the same but it's under load

          It's very basic stuff.

      • 10 months ago

        are multiple sets of isometric and eccentric failure better than one set of isometric and eccentric failure?

        • 10 months ago

          No, the reason muscles grow is because they have a stimulus to grow. Once you hit that stimulus there's no need to do more, the body already knows "okay I gotta rebuild the muscle to be stronger" doing more work isn't going to make it build up more before it's had a chance to repair. Normally it takes days to rebuild and add that mass so you would work out multiple times a week. With stuff like steroids that time to rebuild is very short and it's why users can work out so much and still get an effect. There's a pretty hard limit on how much you can build in a given time and working out/eating more during that time period won't speed it up. Once you stimulate the muscles to grow you're done with working out till it's had time to rest

        • 10 months ago

          >multiple sets
          Once you reach concentric, isometric and eccentric failure in a single set you should have absolutely nothing left in the tank. Try it for yourself and see the next day if you feel like you should have done more.

          • 10 months ago

            i feel like i should have done less t. nta

          • 10 months ago

            Sorry I have a bigger tank than U 🙂
            German Volume Training for me

      • 10 months ago

        Well done, I thought it was a legit Mentzer quote until about halfway through.

  6. 10 months ago

    If there was a way to stimulate muscle growth that required no volume you know I'd do it. Well, besides steroids.

  7. 10 months ago

    Quite often I'm asked if posting a second reply would really make that much difference, and the answer is not only would it make a difference but going from one reply to two is the biggest mistake of all for it is the biggest increase possible — a 100% increase. Going from one reply to two replies represents a 100% increase in the volume of the posts making for twice the inroads into recovery ability.

  8. 10 months ago

    Ah yes, because he made his gains following his moronic hiit low volume approach and not being on steroids. Regarded shit.

  9. 10 months ago

    tbh I really dig the idea of going to failure on your first set. you are at your prime on that given day and gains will start to decrease from then on.

    imagine if mentzer had laid off the substances and would have made it till today, dude would be such a fricking rockstar. you have homosexual youtubers killing it with not even 1/10th of the experience he had with multiple clients. his book is full of goodies if you can make it past the first 60 pages. RIP

  10. 10 months ago

    Every Mentzer gay should be forced to post body before they give advice

  11. 10 months ago

    >Anything works if you use steroids.

  12. 10 months ago

    1 set? 1 rep per week per muscle group is all you need

  13. 10 months ago

    I don't take fitness advice from gay roid trannies

  14. 10 months ago

    Mike Mentzer got mogged so hard at the 1980 Olympia. I don't know why people would pay any attention to his training style.

    • 10 months ago

      If I want a pancake boxer chest maybe I will try out Mentzer's training protocol.

    • 10 months ago

      What a manlet

    • 10 months ago

      If I want a pancake boxer chest maybe I will try out Mentzer's training protocol.

      What a manlet

      Embarassing samegay. Literally post-cooldown timing apart

  15. 10 months ago

    Mentzer was infamously antisemitic and for that reason I will never follow his training regime

  16. 10 months ago

    >pumps asssload of roids for years
    >lifts multiple hours a day for years
    >starts lifting less for maintenance
    >here buy my program where you only lift 10 minutes a day goy
    the first influencer

  17. 10 months ago

    On the topic of drop sets:
    I do them sometimes, but I don't see them as a way to raise intensity. I see them as a way to gain another opportunity to hit the required intensity threshold at the cost of a negligible amount of volume. In the case that I failed to hit my rep goal (due to not being warmed up, being distracted, poor sleep last night, forgot to take pre-workout, any number of reasons) it gives me a second change to stimulate the growth I want.

  18. 10 months ago

    mentzer shills are the new peatgays
    >whoa you mean I can exert less effort and succeed sign me up!
    They all talk like they’re in an infomercial too shits weird

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