What is?

What is ISTs opinion on resistance bands? I just bought a pack of pick related. My pull ups is uneven and doing it banded seemed to help (although still, my right shoulder is a bit higher on my last rep or two).

Are resistant band pull ups even worth it? say if i want to crank out more reps after being tired? Was also thinking of using them as cables for chest and curling for biceps. This would be obviously packed in with other things such as ring push ups and dumbbell stuff etc but what is your opinion on bands? Are gains inevitable or are we doomed?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >What is ISTs opinion on resistance bands?
    underrated and essential.

    • 2 years ago

      im reading a bunch of normie articles on how assisted band pull ups are more detrimental to you than helpful. That your muscles need progress overload rather than assistance. How the frick can this be the case? Has to be bullshit right? If im already compensating somehow and not achieving decent pull up form then surely assisted pull ups will help me hone in on better form that I can then carry over to normal pull ups, right?

      • 2 years ago

        band assisted pull ups are pointless. just do negatives

        • 2 years ago

          are they really that pointless though? I want to get better range of motion with normal pull ups and I feel that when doing pull ups banded I have a chance to allow my smaller undeveloped muscles in my back a chance to actually activate and develop. Surely this is useful then, no?

        • 2 years ago

          Came here to say this.

          are they really that pointless though? I want to get better range of motion with normal pull ups and I feel that when doing pull ups banded I have a chance to allow my smaller undeveloped muscles in my back a chance to actually activate and develop. Surely this is useful then, no?

          Resistance bands are fine, as any other resistance method for your muscles. But you don't really need them, there's very limited scenarios where they're really useful.
          Af the other anon said, you could do negative, half reps, isometrics, chair pullups and a lot of other variations. That goes with almost every exercise.

        • 2 years ago

          >band assisted pullups
          absolute dyel spotted.
          band assisted is by far the easiest way to learn to activate pullup muscles which is completely different than learning to release pullup muscles.
          Pullup assist machine doesn't allow for proper form, but bands do.

          are they really that pointless though? I want to get better range of motion with normal pull ups and I feel that when doing pull ups banded I have a chance to allow my smaller undeveloped muscles in my back a chance to actually activate and develop. Surely this is useful then, no?

          bands can be extremely useful.
          I use them for doing stretches at home.
          1. rhomboid stretch
          2. external rotation overhead stretch
          3. all deltoid stretches
          I mean you can use a band for nearly every stretch or general mobility movement.
          Really the only issue is that a lot of bands go from no resistance to too much resistance too quickly.
          However to your original post, i started using bands in 2008 when i was overweight and couldn't do a pullup without kipping.
          Very easily started learning activation and was able to do a pullup without them within a month and started progressing from that point to more.
          I used them for years just to keep form without worrying about excess weight.

          • 2 years ago

            Thank you anon, this is exactly what I mean. Being able to activate all muscles when banded is my goal and im glad to see you agree. I will also look into mobility and stretches when using bands, didnt really think of that.

            I use them in combination with weights. For incline bench, loop the ends around a pair of dumbells, with the rest of the strap behind your back, and then press. You actually get a really good contraction, and it’s good for training your muscles to accelerate through the whole movement since as the band stretches throughout the whole movement, making you exert more force until you reach the peak of the movement. Plus, it forces you to slow down the eccentric as well.

            Sounds good but I dont currently have a bench. It is definitly on my list of equipment to buy so I will keep this in mind.

            • 2 years ago

              I don't own too many anymore, just a general medium resistance and a heavy boy for pullups, but I use to own all kinds.
              Sometimes I'd do retraction exercises, etc.
              Now i just use medium resistance for doing external arm rotations or arm lifts.
              The heavy boy i use for pullups or form movements.

              So you take the band and you wrap it around a doorknob (on the outside) make sure the band goes on either side of the door slide when you close the door (also make sure the door is actually secure otherwise the band will slap you in the face or such when you apply pressure).
              I take a few steps back and put a exercise mat down.
              From there I can do all kinds of stretches with it.
              One of my favorite is the external overhead rotation.
              Facing away from the door put the band on your forearm and begin to do an over head tricep extension.
              once your arm is almost above your head, the forearm being pulled towards the door ensures your arm is in external rotation.
              Slowly bring your arm back down and back up in very controlled motions.
              Congrats you are ensuring your external rotation is in proper range.

              • 2 years ago

                this guy
                bands are almost entirely for novice work, form, or mobility training.
                Once you go into bands like i said earlier they get extreme resistance very quickly. Some bands are as "heavy" as say a 3pl8's worth of resistance and unless you're buying a shit ton of various bands that is not economically realistic or even very practical.

                Use them for what I said and keep it that way.
                You don't want a home gym full of bands.
                just buy a few different tensions, don't buy any too absurd in resistance. have fun learning what you can do with them.

                Okay thanks bro Ill keep it for that then. I bought a pack of 4 bands. Maybe I will throw in some light work but yeah ill keep it for mobility and shiz. thanks. I have a 15kg dumbbell and in a couple weeks will buy more weights for it and get a bench.

            • 2 years ago

              I have several of those Bands and i think they are good. I achieved my pullups using them.

      • 2 years ago

        I actually always use bands on pullups just because the bottom of the motion doesn't agree with my shoulder. you can still progress this way, just start with the larger bands and work your way to using a smaller band that offers less assistance.

  2. 2 years ago

    I use them in combination with weights. For incline bench, loop the ends around a pair of dumbells, with the rest of the strap behind your back, and then press. You actually get a really good contraction, and it’s good for training your muscles to accelerate through the whole movement since as the band stretches throughout the whole movement, making you exert more force until you reach the peak of the movement. Plus, it forces you to slow down the eccentric as well.

  3. 2 years ago

    Perfect for speed work, overloading, controlling dips/pull ups and in general for traveling. I worked in different countrys for some time and always carried a pair of different bands, if the hotels have bad gyms.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds good. but can I make any noticeable gains from consistent use of them? Or are they more of a better than nothing kind of substitute? Im not expecting massive gains but definitely want some. Like I said I was thinking of doing curls with them but also pec flys and things like that

      • 2 years ago

        this guy

        I don't own too many anymore, just a general medium resistance and a heavy boy for pullups, but I use to own all kinds.
        Sometimes I'd do retraction exercises, etc.
        Now i just use medium resistance for doing external arm rotations or arm lifts.
        The heavy boy i use for pullups or form movements.

        So you take the band and you wrap it around a doorknob (on the outside) make sure the band goes on either side of the door slide when you close the door (also make sure the door is actually secure otherwise the band will slap you in the face or such when you apply pressure).
        I take a few steps back and put a exercise mat down.
        From there I can do all kinds of stretches with it.
        One of my favorite is the external overhead rotation.
        Facing away from the door put the band on your forearm and begin to do an over head tricep extension.
        once your arm is almost above your head, the forearm being pulled towards the door ensures your arm is in external rotation.
        Slowly bring your arm back down and back up in very controlled motions.
        Congrats you are ensuring your external rotation is in proper range.

        bands are almost entirely for novice work, form, or mobility training.
        Once you go into bands like i said earlier they get extreme resistance very quickly. Some bands are as "heavy" as say a 3pl8's worth of resistance and unless you're buying a shit ton of various bands that is not economically realistic or even very practical.

        Use them for what I said and keep it that way.
        You don't want a home gym full of bands.
        just buy a few different tensions, don't buy any too absurd in resistance. have fun learning what you can do with them.

  4. 2 years ago

    Just bought the same item off of Amazon (with bag, handles etc)
    I found it hard to use, even with YT videos
    IDK I kind of regret that purchase, maybe I'll get back to it at some point

  5. 2 years ago

    Does putting them around your legs for squats do anything or is it just form training wheels?

    • 2 years ago

      good for form but doing monster walks and side steps are where rbands shine

  6. 2 years ago

    I've started using them to work up to unaided muscle ups. It seems to help activate and strengthen the muscles for the transition and the grip. Or am I fricking everything up?

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