What is an actual EFFECTIVE method to lose weight?

What is an actual EFFECTIVE method to lose weight?

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  1. 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    #1 Fasting because it consumes proteins and fats in your skin and keeps skin elasticity and rebalances your hormones to what they should be
    #2 keto is satiating and will keep you burning fat
    #3 carnivore is satiating but you'd still be running on glucose and is less efficient for weight loss than 1 and 2
    Power gap
    Power gap
    Power gap
    CICO which is what this article is referring to. Don't do CICO you will fail unless you're deranged with motivation.

    • 1 year ago

      Eating meat breaks ketosis? What is good for ketosis then? Pure lard?

      • 1 year ago

        Higher fat contents / protein in your diet. So you can eat bacon but eat it with eggs too. Eat nuts, eggs, avocado. You can eat meat in keto but you have to get a majority of your calories from fats. Protein will break down into glucose but far far far slower than carbs do.

        >keto is satiating and will keep you burning fat
        >Keto is short for "ketoacidosis" and is literally starvation. Yeah, that stress must be good for you. Any diet where "you can eat meat and cheese forever bro, just no bread" is a meme.

        Just eat less, fatty. It's that easy.

        Our species and it's ancestors were eating like this for 2 million years until grains became the staple of settled society roughly 10000 years ago. We are biologically designed to eat high protein/fat with a bit of carbs, not the other way around. It's why we crave the taste of sugar and salt, because historically it was so rare for our ancestors to find and we only consumed it in the tiniest quantities. Sweetest thing we are for the last 2 million years were berries.

        • 1 year ago

          >Our species and it's ancestors were eating like this for 2 million years
          Yeah and they looked like shit and died before 40 years old.
          Look at African tribes that don't get 1st world medicine imports. Same shit. They all look hideous, and not just because they're Black.

        • 1 year ago

          That’s a lot of words to say you're a lazy sack of shit with no self control

    • 1 year ago

      >keto is satiating and will keep you burning fat
      >Keto is short for "ketoacidosis" and is literally starvation. Yeah, that stress must be good for you. Any diet where "you can eat meat and cheese forever bro, just no bread" is a meme.

      Just eat less, fatty. It's that easy.

      • 1 year ago

        Wrong keto is short for ketosis
        Ketosis and ketoacidosis are different things

      • 1 year ago

        Keto is short for Ketogenic, moron. And if CICO worked then there wouldn't be an obesity crisis now would there?

        • 1 year ago

          >Keto is short for Ketogenic, moron. And if keto worked then there wouldn't be an obesity crisis now would there?
          tf there are really people like this?

    • 1 year ago

      >CICO which is what this article is referring to. Don't do CICO you will fail unless you're deranged with motivation.
      this is moronic advice, CICO is the easiest shit ever just eat healthier, lower calorie versions of the shit you already eat

    • 1 year ago

      >Don't do CICO you will fail unless you're deranged with motivation.

      Lmao. My grandfather survived fighting the commies in Stalingrad, losing multiple toes to the cold and eating rats in the end, and modern "men" really whine about eating a tiny bit less every day being an unbearable challenge. O tempore, o mores.

      • 1 year ago

        how does it feel knowing your grandpa was a loser ?

        • 1 year ago

          Don't feel that at all coz he wasn't, very unlike how I feel about you.

        • 1 year ago

          My grandfather wasn't a political man, all he wanted was to survive together with his family. He accomplished both, so he's a winner in my book.

    • 1 year ago

      Years ago I tried both keto and fasting. It was very effective to do an extended fast and then stay on keto to goal weight.

    • 1 year ago

      >carnivore is satiating but you'd still be running on glucose
      Carnivore literally allows fewer carbs than keto. The strictest keto diet allows 20g of carbs per day (typically from cruciferous vegetables), while carnivore doesn't permit any plants or carbs at all because it only allows animal products.

      • 1 year ago

        Excess protein is converted to carbs. Carnivore normally isn't high enough fat to maintain ketosis..

        • 1 year ago

          >Excess protein is excreted

    • 1 year ago

      Post body, let’s see your advice manifest

    • 1 year ago

      Your still doing CICO with carnivore
      Eating 2lb of lettuce is as difficult as eating 2lb of unprocessed meat both will be under your daily expenditures.
      If you removed processed food from your diet, you could literally eat anything and stay at a healthy weight.

    • 1 year ago

      What is fasting if not CICO?

      Let's say your TDEE is 2500/day
      You fast one day
      You eat 3000 calories the next day.
      Over a two day period, it was 3000 calories in and 5000 out.

      You can literally apply this shit to all of your other points as well
      The "satiating" is just a way to control the CI in Cico
      See above

      • 1 year ago

        pretty much

      • 1 year ago

        this is why people b***hing about CICO are a meme, CICO isn't even a diet so much as a fundamental law. literally every diet is CICO

    • 1 year ago

      would recommend cico to anyone. lost 60lbs in 6months with it

    • 1 year ago

      #4 should be giving yourself hyperthyroidism, while doing OMAD or IF

    • 1 year ago

      I lost a ton of weight fasting and tried to do strict keto when eating but it was kind of a pain in the ass. Lost 80lbs and am happy I did it because it was easy to stick to. Now back to lifting and eating normally and I feel great.

  3. 1 year ago

    >patient fails to comply
    >this method is ineffective
    I fricking love Science

    • 1 year ago

      Gp doctors receive almost no education on diet and exercise. There are small exceptions depending on school or the individual doctor’s determination to continue learning once licensed. Most are more likely to prescribe you a medicine you don’t necessarily need because they are taught to do that, and there are a lot of monetary incentives from pharmaceutical companies.

      • 1 year ago

        >come again, you eat how many eggs in a day?
        >a gallon of raw w-what?
        >where do you even find horse blood?

        • 1 year ago


          So many of these homies are going off of information from 20 years ago when they graduated because they fail to continue to learn. People with these degrees often have insanely over-inflated egos and can’t handle being wrong, especially when a patient is the one that proved them wrong kek

      • 1 year ago

        The GP isn't a personal trainer or dietician. All he can do for obesity is tell you to get your fat ass in the gym and stop eating so much goyslop. How you do that is your own personal responsibility. You people honestly expect the GP to give a you a training program and make a diet for you. There are specialists just for that

  4. 1 year ago

    >step 1: eat less
    >step 2: there is no step 2
    that's it. the problem is you will not do it, because you want to stuff your face more than you want to lose weight and come up with every excuse you can think of before simply doing it. in a free society there is no way to get past this hurdle.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty obvious this is a genetic problem. Just give fatties drugs to stop the cravings and give them trt and test to get them motivated to workout and eat healthy.

      • 1 year ago

        This mentality is cancer. Drugs are not magic as much as drug companies and doctors would want you to believe that

        • 1 year ago

          50% will become obese in the next ten years, clearly what doctors are doing is not helping this gluttons. Like Asian countries they should be shamed and forced to lose the weight. Food company's taxed for corn syrup and added sugars. When obesity reaches 90% will you still advocate for just stop eating fatties?

          • 1 year ago

            I agree

      • 1 year ago

        Lock a fatty in solitary confinement for a month with nothing but water, and they WILL lose fat.

        • 1 year ago

          Most of those look sugar free?

      • 1 year ago

        No, there is nothing genetic about it. Eat less instead of looking for excuses.

        • 1 year ago

          >Eat less instead of looking for excuses.
          Your way is clearly not working. Simple deny fat people service and shame them. Lock them away without food if have to.

        • 1 year ago

          >No, there is nothing genetic about it
          Genetics clearly plays a role. When solely eating based on hunger queues, some people end up rail thin and some people end up 300 pounds. It's obvious that hunger signalling and your body's production/reaction to leptin/grehlin/insulin plays a large part on your bodyweight and howuch effort it will take to adhere to a diet.

    • 1 year ago

      eat less

      >keto is satiating and will keep you burning fat
      >Keto is short for "ketoacidosis" and is literally starvation. Yeah, that stress must be good for you. Any diet where "you can eat meat and cheese forever bro, just no bread" is a meme.

      Just eat less, fatty. It's that easy.

  5. 1 year ago

    fat people just need to stop eating shit and to go the pool 3 times per week and swim for an hour, even if you suck at swimming you'll still burn calories

    there you go I saved the obesity crisis

  6. 1 year ago

    behavioral therapy

  7. 1 year ago

    Willpower and actual desire for change. Similar to overcoming psychological hurdles you're not going to shed weight unless you admit there's an issue to yourself and want to change and commit to it.
    >throw out all the shit processed food that makes knocking back 1000 calories in minutes easy
    >eat three square meals of healthy filling food
    >exercise every day to burn a few calories (sure it's not much but if you do it every day for 100 days that's a lot of calories) and build muscle for QoL and to increase your base calorie burn
    >consider lifestyle changes that inherently increase calorie burn/activity such as ignoring elevators/escalators and taking the stairs, walking or cycling short distances you used to use a car for, etc

  8. 1 year ago

    Give them the same advice as usually, but cold turkey cut them off of their fat people circle jerk communities.

  9. 1 year ago

    >What is an actual EFFECTIVE method to lose weight?
    There is none.
    The regular (modern) human is fickle and weak. They cannot override it's bodies chemical signals that it needs to consume. Despite how much they desire to be more attractive/healthy/whatever they are unable to give up fleeting short term pleasure for substantial long term pleasure.
    The way to lose weight is through consistent dieting potentially supplemented through exercise.
    This requires willpower and inhibition, something most modern people do not have.
    Therefore there is no effective way for a normie/NPC to lose weight, not until they tackle the larger issue first.

    • 1 year ago

      Blackpilling and completely true

    • 1 year ago

      what diet? Or do you mean just eating less?

    • 1 year ago

      Damn, literally me.

  10. 1 year ago

    There are pharmaceuticals that decrease letting resistance and therefore stop cravings. You lose weight when you stop eating as much, but often people have high letting resistance so never fill full, making the "eat less" advice into a willpower exercise at all hours a day.

    A lot of doctors still won't prescribe these drugs, despite being some of the highest likelihood of decreased wieghtloss because "just don't eat lmao" is so ingrained in society.

    Unfortunately, even these drugs stop working when you get off them, so you have to make behavioral changes as well, and make sure you start to pay attention to how much food should make you full.

    Best advice is to not get fat in the first place.

    • 1 year ago

      *leptin resistance

  11. 1 year ago

    Imo work on midfullness. If you are present when you are eating or craving you won’t overeat or eat slop. You’ll also not eat when bored. You probably won’t get as skinny as you’d like but you won’t be fat.

  12. 1 year ago

    All diets come down to CICO.
    You can eat at McDonalds every day, as long as you're under maintenance, you'll lose weight.

    • 1 year ago

      You will lose weight, but the lack of macro and micro nutrients can cause other problems. You also would eat an extremely small amount of food and would become hungry again within an hour.

      Fork putdowns to failure

      • 1 year ago

        CICO doesn't just mean "eat less of what you're already eating", it means eating less calory dense food like lean meat, whole grains and vegetables, precisely because you need to avoid micronutrient deficiencies. Only utter morons do it the way you described.

        • 1 year ago

          it can mean either or both. the end result is you're eating less calories, whether you do that with smaller portions or less calorie dense foods or some mix of both doesn't matter

          • 1 year ago

            Of course it matters. The two options accomplish the same in terms of weight loss, but just eating smaller portions of the shit you have been eating before will often lead to a lack in micros, fiber and minerals while also causing rather unpleasant hunger. The only exception is if your diet was already decent in terms of composition and you only ate too much in general, but that's rather rare. So it's a lot better to eat less calorie dense food, both for your health and for your general well-being.

    • 1 year ago

      Having done both, I can definitely speak to this and say how wrong this statement is.
      You simply have not fasted enough to see its different and unique benefits.
      Keep in mind I prefer CICO and lifting with a normal diet, and I think that's best.
      Fasting is definitely superior for weight loss, reversing damage from weight gain, and being something that most people can actually do.

  13. 1 year ago

    Fork putdowns to failure

  14. 1 year ago

    >Eat less caloric dense foods
    Cutting out soda and fast food is enough for most people
    >Eat nutrient rich foods that will satiate you
    Fresh cooked meat, fruit and vegetables
    >Move more
    this can be as simple as a 30minute walk a day.

    That's it, that's literally it.

  15. 1 year ago

    #1 Cut out the obvious bad things, duh
    #2 Move more: LIke 3-7h per week is good
    #3 Check your caloric needs and subtract 300-500 cals from them
    #4 It takes time: Managing to consume 300-500 cals less for 10 months will take you further than going on a big cut and rebouncing, even once you have reached your "goal".
    #5 Compromise through calorie counting: You should still eat what you enjoy and just make enough sacrifices so that the 300-500 deficit is met for the day. To do that you need to track your cals. You can also just cut out stuff, but this may keep you from your goal.
    #6 Make alternatives: Obviously some of the things you like are still way too bad to have on a diet so you need to find alternative recipes for them or switch to something that is similar in taste without the excess calories.
    #7 Live healthy: spend your time in an active role for 50% of the day, including the 30% where you are asleep. You should not be holed up in a room throuout the day. Wageslaves can suck my dick.
    #8 Late night snacking is one of the most screw ups anyone makes, since even when you manage to resist the temptation throughout the day, you will eventually cave in at night. Therefore you should include a protein rich, but otherwise low calorie dessert after your dinner.

  16. 1 year ago

    Gps themselves are out of shape. Why take advice from other fat people?

    • 1 year ago

      varies vastly from GP to GP, my GP is an ex college lifter and now does mountain biking races

      • 1 year ago

        Well most GPs are skinny fat pajeets. Good for you I guess.

        • 1 year ago

          i've actually never met one that was a pajeet or skinnyfat. I'm a medgay so I've been shadowing a bunch of them/volunteering and most are either skinny asian dudes, fit white dudes, or overweight white dudes.

  17. 1 year ago

    CICO with an emphasis on unsaturated fats and fiber over carbs.

  18. 1 year ago

    hire someone to go to the store with them and put the candy back on the shelf

  19. 1 year ago

    Doctors tell people to count calories

    Nobody wants to count calories

    Even on IST people cope and come up with a million reasons why they “just don’t need to count calories bro” meanwhile they’ve never been lean on their life and some how are stuck on the idea they’ll just magically get shredded one day through lifting and cardio alone

    Everyone could not be fat if they tracked calories, the reality is nobody wants to do it, because it’s annoying to do it, but it works like a mathematical equation and it never fails

    • 1 year ago

      Doctors won't even tell people to eat less or exercise more because they don't want to hurt their feelings. They will probably prescribe some drug instead

      • 1 year ago

        >They will probably prescribe some drug instead
        To be fair to doctors, it's what fatties demand. Even the most ethical, knowledgeable, caring doctor can only treat so many cases of the yabuts before just caving and throwing pills at the fatties. Bottom line, if they had the discipline and willpower to get thin, they wouldn't have gotten fat in the first place.

        Keto is short for Ketogenic, moron. And if CICO worked then there wouldn't be an obesity crisis now would there?

        CICO does work, you ketoschizo. It's just that fatbrained drooling morons like (You) want a magic solution that doesn't involve fork putdowns because God forbid you spend more than three seconds at a stretch without shoveling something else down your eldritch maw!

        • 1 year ago

          >CICO does work, you ketoschizo
          If AnonAgreesWithCICO != true then do

          • 1 year ago

            >making an explicit comparison to true
            this is your brain on keto

            • 1 year ago

              IfMoxyteDiscovered == true then
              print ("OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN")

          • 1 year ago

            IfMoxyteDiscovered == true then
            print ("OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN")

            shut the frick up

    • 1 year ago

      People also miscount, lie to themselves, or otherwise fail to estimate the amount of calories in a meal accurately causing them to continue to fail to lose weight and give up.

  20. 1 year ago

    eat less and workout more

  21. 1 year ago

    saw off your left foot

  22. 1 year ago

    Become a cardio god. 3 hours of a variety of cardio a day + low intensity Loofting.
    Hit all electrolytes/macros/micros + whatever goyslop you want within reason.

  23. 1 year ago

    Eat 1lb of ribeye a day for 2 months and nothing else

    Report back

  24. 1 year ago

    If you throw up after eating the calories don't count. Just put your fingers in your throat and it'll trigger your gag reflex and make you puke.

  25. 1 year ago

    Eat food but don't have meals. Also, get rid of your fridge, no one needs to eat that much shit.

    • 1 year ago

      >get rid of your fridge
      kek the advice on this board

      • 1 year ago

        It's actually somewhat reasonable (though I wouldn't personally do it), because it forces you to eat fresh, which in turn forces you to start actively preparing your food every day. As long as you abstain from ordering goyslop instead, it will probably help with a diet.

    • 1 year ago

      I guarantee on anything that you have had an actual meal in the past 3 days, without realizing it

  26. 1 year ago

    Lifestyle change.
    Your body is a summation of your physical activity and what you eat. An average sum.
    The people who look amazing right now have been physically extremely active with a good diet for a very very long time.
    Fatsos think they can undo 25 years of trashing their body with a cute "2 month transformation program" from their doc.
    You will lose weight once you start living living like a thin person trapped in a fatty's body.
    >muh genetics
    >muh cravings
    >muh (instert cope)
    sneed Black person

  27. 1 year ago

    Fork put downs.

  28. 1 year ago

    Doctors give meme fad diet advice all the time, they're easy to trick with bullshit "studies" because they got through school by being good at reading and comprehending studies and papers. That skillset falls through when there are six million scammers selling snake oil pretending to be scientists.

  29. 1 year ago

    1. don’t eat 5 times a day
    2. If you feel hungry, drink tea
    3. Remove candies and soda in your house
    4. Get rid of your fatty friends
    5. Profit

  30. 1 year ago
  31. 1 year ago

    I think the biggest thing keeping people fat is food advertisement
    They stopped people from smoking by removing advertisement as a tool to get the product
    If they want to tackle obesity they need to implement ways to observe less food advertisement
    Less food in your face, less you eat
    I think the biggest issues fatties have is that they think "willpower" is something that will lead to success, but marketing ALWAYS wins

  32. 1 year ago

    Dude get a bicycle and ride it to do your errands, in the winter get a snow bike or fat bike

  33. 1 year ago

    eat less move more

  34. 1 year ago

    Weight loss advice is ineffective because fatties are addicted to junk food and too irresponsible to simply develop the discipline required to abstain from it
    Why the frick would normal GPs be able to give these c**ts hours of psychotherapy to break their addiction when you everyone gets about 10 minutes per appointment?

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