What is the optimal human diet for longevity and performance? Assume youre already in shape (you are in shape, right?

What is the optimal human diet for longevity and performance? Assume you’re already in shape (you are in shape, right? This is a fitness board…) so muh CICO doesn’t apply.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Why fixate on longevity when a drunk and/or texting driver can take you out early on any given day? You gotta live it

    • 5 months ago

      Why lift when you can get run over before you're out of dyel territory? Why lose weight when you can die while still a fatfrick?

  2. 5 months ago

    A whole foods plant based diet like the people in this pic does

    • 5 months ago

      Holy shit he's only 46, I thought he was 54 and was mildly impressed. Damn, he's 46 and he looks like a 54 year old lesbian.

      • 5 months ago

        Bryan doesn't belong on this. He looks his age.

        I put Bryan in this pic, not because he looks young (he has only been doing it for 2 years, the others for 20-30+ years) but because he has a team of scientists who has given him a plant based diet BECAUSE it's the most healthy and effective to not age

        • 5 months ago

          Damn a team of s()yientists, a plant-based diet, and he still looks aged as shit. Almost like it's all a complete meme..

    • 5 months ago

      Bryan doesn't belong on this. He looks his age.

    • 5 months ago

      I have met 3/4 of these people irl and I can I can tell you right now these pictures are heavily edited. If you saw them on the street you would think they're a doppelganger, assuming you even notice them. The internet has truely ruined people's ideas of what the average human looks like without make up, filters, custom lighting and Photoshop.

      • 5 months ago

        No you haven't
        No they don't
        There is independent interview videos of all of them.
        You're just a angry wrinkly coping ballsack

        • 5 months ago

          You're an idiot. If you want an example of what celebrities videos look like raw go look at Britney's insta.

          • 5 months ago

            You're the idiot, comparing these people to Britney, a deranged psycho who has never been healthy or tried to be healthy.
            These people look healthy because they've spent decades on a healthy diet, it's not filters or makeup. If it was, why doesn't every celebrity look like this?
            Why do they not look different in video interviews while others do?
            Fricking dunning kruger moron

    • 5 months ago

      this pic actually made me change my diet, thanks anon

      • 5 months ago

        Don't u need meat to survive?

        • 5 months ago

          this pic actually made me change my diet, thanks anon

          • 5 months ago

            Oh well if the israelites in Hollywood say that plant-based diet is most effective, I will certainly comply

          • 5 months ago

            Where's the b12?

            • 5 months ago

              In nori. (algae)

              But you should know that the body doesn't make sense, evolution doesn't make sense.
              Your body can be much healthier on a plant based diet while needing b12 supplementation than a meat based diet that contains b12.
              Why? Because of balance/imbalance/phytonutrients/flavanoids etc

              Apigenin for example is something that you can't find in meat, is it vital for your body to survive? No.
              Does it have benefits and make you healthier? Yes it very much seems like it.
              You see, biology and the body is very complex and not everything is very well understood yet. It is very likely that plants contain stuff that are very beneficial for us even if they aren't vital for the body to survive (short term). But they could contain nutrients that help the body repair cell damage, telomeres etc and keep the body functioning well for longer.
              This is why most people who study nutrition/longevity opt for a more plant based diet because as long as you know how to get the basics (b12, protein etc) a plant based diet yields a healthier body in every way.

        • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >Joleen Diaz, waist edited, big face reduced, skin smoothed, make-up maxxed with fake eyebrows, nose snatched up to look all cute and button like

      >Chuando Tan
      V-line face filter, face smoothing, lighting-maxxed and flexing traps, actually 5'6 manlet with like maybe a 500g chicken breast in each pec because he's a small midget framelet angle-frauding a downwards perspective shot backlit

      >Bryan Johnson
      actually on test, lighting-maxxed all his insertions, under 7 layers of concealers right now, sucking in hard, flexing hard, posing in a posture he can probably only maintain for like 2 minutes straight

      >Jared Leto : Regular run of the mill photoshop airbrush celebrity face, pores smoothed out, entire forehead one big rubber textureless plane, white of the eyes lightened, hair styled by a professional, filled in eyebrows with powder that looks about two tones lighter to his beard hair...

      Need I continue? The girl is actually max-frauding, Jared Leto is too and the other two guys actually look healthy, but still everyone displays a snapshot of their best, when in reality, it's not that all the time. It's just not representative or accurate.

      • 5 months ago

        OK but health wise how are they. Jared looks like a good 50.

      • 5 months ago

        >Joleen Diaz, waist edited, big face reduced, skin smoothed, make-up maxxed with fake eyebrows, nose snatched up to look all cute and button like

        >Chuando Tan, V-line face filter, face smoothing, lighting-maxxed and flexing traps, actually 5'6 manlet with like maybe a 500g chicken breast in each pec because he's a small midget framelet angle-frauding a downwards perspective shot backlit
        Again, false. He's 6'1

        >Bryan Johnson, actually on test, lighting-maxxed all his insertions, under 7 layers of concealers right now, sucking in hard, flexing hard, posing in a posture he can probably only maintain for like 2 minutes straight
        Has only been on the diet for 1-2 years so it doesn't matter. What matters is that his team has decided this is the healthiest and best diet for slowing/reversing aging when looking at all different data we have available.

        >Jared Leto : Regular run of the mill photoshop airbrush celebrity face, pores smoothed out, entire forehead one big rubber textureless plane, white of the eyes lightened, hair styled by a professional, filled in eyebrows with powder that looks about two tones lighter to his beard hair...
        Again, false. And if that was the case, how come other celebrities don't look as good as he does?
        Here's a high quality video interview with him, no filters, the other person looks remarkably much older with more signs of age than Leto.
        Does Leto have makeup? Possibly, but it doesn't hide wrinkles and other age marks, a old person with makeup still looks old.


        Now I've shown you a video of all 3, with 0 filters, videos that aren't their own so no edited or filtered footage, good quality, and you can see they look MUCH MUCH better than 99% of people their age. Now stop being a fricking moron

        Oh well if the israelites in Hollywood say that plant-based diet is most effective, I will certainly comply

        It's based on a recent twin study

        • 5 months ago

          When are you gonna admit that all 3 of these people only have the face they have because of plastic surgery? And thanks for posting that Chuando Tan video, it made me realize he did get work done on his face.

          If steroids and plastic surgery is ''aging great'' to you then I'm sorry but you'reliving in delululand like the zoomettes like to say. But sure, go get your botox and your korean placenta serum facials to ''look good'' as a 61 year old on this God's green Earth...

          • 5 months ago

            nice little botched nose job on Tan's bulbous tip btw

            Nose is just lighting, you can see in any, even his recent pictures that his nose doesn't look like that or has that kind of shape you're talking about.
            Nor has his face changed, no plastic surgery.

        • 5 months ago

          nice little botched nose job on Tan's bulbous tip btw

        • 5 months ago

          letos weakness are clearly the eyes. I think that goes for everyone trying to youthmaxx the eyes will be the biggest challenge

  3. 5 months ago

    >eat whatever is nutritional that you have access to
    >do not overeat more than what is required to gain enough muscle for the lifestyle you want (no "bulking", just eating enough to replenish and build muscle as you work out)
    >do not eat often, once or twice a day
    eating many times a day has a proven increased risk of disease and shorter life expectancy.

    • 5 months ago

      >eating many times a day has a proven increased risk of disease and shorter life expectancy.
      You know this is just propaganda to prepare you mentally for food shortages right?

      • 5 months ago

        >I need to eat my goyslop 6 times a day!! Or else I’ll literally go into starvation mode!!

        • 5 months ago

          So you don't know it, ok.

          Protip: The same goes for fad diets where you leave out vital macros, like fasting, veganism and carnivore.

          You won't rebel because of food shortages when you're already accustomed to starving.

          • 5 months ago

            The israelite doesn’t want you to fast or do carnivore moron
            The israelite wants you to eat large amount of processed food
            There already is a food shortage in America, 90% of what people eat is seed oil infused AI generated slop

            • 5 months ago

              God damn
              There really are NPCs everywhere that fall for this meme shit aren’t there

            • 5 months ago

              >The israelite doesn’t want you to fast or do carnivore moron
              So why is it pushed everywhere then? Stop coping.

              • 5 months ago

                It's not. Sugar and processed shit is. Are you moronic? This one forum and fat autists on reddit do not count as "everywhere" when the average normalgay is exclusively seeing commercials for sugar and eating sugar.

      • 5 months ago

        >You know this is just propaganda to prepare you mentally for food shortages right?
        hey moron i didn't say eat less food i said eat less often

  4. 5 months ago

    low PUFA has expressed the same benefits as fasting & calorie restriction in lifespan.
    all healthy organisms have a healthy metabolism. slowing your metabolism is not a path of health & longevity.

    goo luck!

  5. 5 months ago

    guy on the right looks like one of those robots from the alien movies

  6. 5 months ago

    Well Balanced, organic and maintainable

  7. 5 months ago

    Dude looks likes like an android with the tin man's sheet metal wiener stuck up his waste chamber

  8. 5 months ago

    >longevity and performance
    You have to choose one.

  9. 5 months ago

    For the average person, CICO and calorie counting is necessary.

    However, Bryan Johnson is correct in that CICO is an incomplete picture.

    When he ate the exact same 2000 total daily calories as one meal, versus as three separate meals, he actually lost more weight. How is this possible?

    You could argue metabolism and hormones are affected by a limited eating window.

    You could also argue that his body simply had less time to digest and absorb the calories. There is a sort of "slew rate" (in electrical engineering, the slew rate is the limiting maximal rate of change for a transistor to go from 0 to 1), of maximal absorption in your digestive tract. The limiting factors of how much nutrients you extract from your food are determined by your intestinal wall area size, length, and how long the digested food is in contact with the membrane of the intestine.

    Eating one meal per day might physically reduce how much time the food has to be in digestive contact with your intestines.

    • 5 months ago

      Anon, I could show you a campfire with one huge log vs 3 smaller ones

      • 5 months ago

        The mechanical explanation I gave has some validity, it can't just all be a hormonal effect. Three meals per day have more time in the digestive tract than one big meal. The bigger the impulse of the meal, the more inefficient you will be at extracting it.

        • 5 months ago

          That’s exactly what I was getting at
          You are essentially still just starving yourself
          But majority of the singular large will end up as waste

  10. 5 months ago

    definitly not carnivore or keto

  11. 5 months ago

    Raw eggs, raw fish, raw meat, raw animal fat.

    Add to that juices from, for example, Cucumber, Tomato, Celery, Carrot, Cilantro, Lemon, Grapefruit, Melon, Avocado, Berries.

    • 5 months ago

      >raw meme
      Imagine being so lazy to cook.

  12. 5 months ago

    >nah bro plant-based, high carbohydrate and low fat diets kill you, just listen to this FAT, BALD, GREASY, RED SKINNED SHILL ON YOUTUBE WHO'S ON STEROIDS
    It's an IQ check.

  13. 5 months ago

    I'm on a 30% protein, 30% carb and 40% fat ratio diet, omnivore, and I am immortal, I am 156 years young at the moment. I feel great.

  14. 5 months ago


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