what is your absolute best weightloss advice?

what is your absolute best weightloss advice?

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  1. 3 months ago

    my personal contribution is: starve

  2. 3 months ago

    Snake juice

  3. 3 months ago

    >what is your absolute best weightloss advice?


    • 3 months ago

      this question is more so for tips and tricks rather than standard weight loss adivice

      • 3 months ago

        >this question is more so for tips and tricks rather than standard weight loss adivice
        there are no tricks, eat less and work out fatass

      • 3 months ago

        do u recomend keeping like a diary?

        this is very helpful thank u

        Neat Tips and tricks for losing weight!
        1: Just fricking eat less.
        2: Stop putting as much food in your mouth.
        3: Seriously, what the frick, just don't eat as much.

        If you lack the self control to do this, then bear the burden (literally lol) of being a pathetic piece of shit. You are a weak coward, and you deserve to be fat.

        I'm not just being an butthole here anon (well I am, but still) I weighed 320lbs because I stopped giving a shit. Then I started giving a shit and I FRICKING ATE LESS and now I'm down to 190

  4. 3 months ago

    reduce carbs to only one meal per day and keep it low. if you are fat, you don't need them.

  5. 3 months ago

    always try to measure more -- whether that's weight, calories, macros, food type servings, routine, etc.

    More data is the best way to avoid tricking ourselves into thinking we're doing things sufficiently right.

    • 3 months ago

      do u recomend keeping like a diary?

      • 3 months ago

        always try to measure more -- whether that's weight, calories, macros, food type servings, routine, etc.

        More data is the best way to avoid tricking ourselves into thinking we're doing things sufficiently right.

        Be mindful.
        Never do anything automatically. Always make the conscious decision when and what you eat and record it.
        Some people find a journal to be useful but others buy a journal and it sits on their nightstand empty until it gets lost forever.
        Whatever it is that makes it easier for you to stop and think "am I a fat Black person homosexual?" Before you binge on shit and piss. Do it.

      • 3 months ago

        Nta but I use an app to log


        what is your absolute best weightloss advice?

        When you stall do a refeed, I like to eat McDonald's and then pig out on junk food. I shit it out the next day and 2-3 days later I'm down a pound or 2

      • 3 months ago

        Depends for which piece.

        Calories/Macros - I've gotten good enough to calculate on the fly, but the main thing is to sometimes weigh food to keep the eyeballing guesses honest that we use for calorie calcs. But sometimes I will start daily calculation/estimates if I'm stalling, doing something really specific, or doing something where the effects are not easily noticeable week to week.

        Weight - Spreadsheet with graph, trendline. Alot of daily variance (and weekly variance), simply disappears in the weight loss equation when you start to record and graph, especially when the amount you need to lose becomes less and less as you approach lower BFs. Need discipline to know you're actually trending in the right direction when changes are much less than natural variance. Also when you see your weight spike for 4 days because of a cheat meal, you start to reconsider sometimes.

        Routine - journal when freeballing. But with any serious program, a print out of the week to week spreadsheet simplifies life. Marking up the routines based on actual performance (and additions to customize) lets you adapt.

        But the real trick is to just commit to doing something for at least like 2 weeks. And then you can figure out if there are more efficient ways. But once you actually start doing it, efficiently or inefficiently, you are proving to yourself your commitment. And that itself is useful.

  6. 3 months ago

    Eat meat and veg for dinner. A reasonable amount of carbs for breakfast. Run as much as you can and lift as much as you can.

  7. 3 months ago

    Food and drink
    >coffee (black or with ONE 25 kcal little cup of coconut oil creamer, no goddamn starbies milkshakes) to fight hunger/fatigue
    >diet soder/mineral water/normal fricking water
    >celery/carrot sticks, dip in hummus, yoghurt, or fat-free dressings
    >popcorn (look for lowcal/"smartpop" shit with like 2g of fat per serving, you can binge on this shit until you're sick and it'll only be 300 kcal), DO NOT ADD OIL OR BUTTER
    >0% yoghurt
    >beans (invest in some actually tasty canned ones or learn to cook and they won't suck)
    >every meal should be mostly meat and vegetables
    >eat whole fruit, not dried shit or smooothies, to deal with sweet cravings
    >protein shakes with skim milk/almond milk/water
    >endurance lifting 4-5x/week (literally takes like 40 minutes tops since you rest ~30-60s between sets)
    >15-20 minutes of cardio every day
    You'll shed pounds like a cancer patient, just don't be a pussy
    >t. down 60 lbs and kept it off
    Wasn't even hard either

    • 3 months ago

      Also what worked for me was skipping breakfast, but not OMAD, just eat lunch and dinner. Fasting/OMAD doesn't teach you healthy habits that stick and you'll crumble after a week.

      • 3 months ago

        >Fasting/OMAD doesn't teach you healthy habits that stick and you'll crumble after a week.
        NTA but I have been doing IF/OMAD for 6 months and it's been the best thing ever. It's literally just how I eat now.a8mtm

    • 3 months ago

      this is very helpful thank u

  8. 3 months ago

    vynvanse 70mg will take away your hunger

    • 3 months ago

      yess same with 36 mg concerta (which i am on) sadly i have a tolerance now after taking it for about 2 years

      • 3 months ago

        vynvanse 70mg will take away your hunger

        what about meth
        serious question

        • 3 months ago

          vynvanse is lisdexamfetamine, so kinda same

        • 3 months ago

          If you think you can. Keep your shit together and not become a junkie go for it. Consider it like a way to challenge yourself

  9. 3 months ago

    If weightloss is main concern steer clear of weightlifting
    Low intensity cardio high volume cardio is best for burning fat, not sprinting or going ham or bicycle but actually just simple medium hardness workout with BPMs not exceeding 150 with proper breathing

    Also lower inflamation in the gut by increasing omega 3 and micronutrient intake by adding variety of the diet (a lot of different greens, fruits and meat) without any goyslop (no fizzy drinks or mcshits)

    After that has become the norm do 1 or 2 day fasts every 2 weeks to learn body to use fat cells (that is the whole reason why we have them, so we can go hungry for day or 2 without dying) followed by rigorous exercise and then high protein meal
    This will also lower insulin resistance making you want to eat less overall.

  10. 3 months ago

    Eat fewer calories than you use

  11. 3 months ago

    enjoy the pain
    Wait 40 minutes and when the hunger pang lessens don't eat.

  12. 3 months ago

    stop being fat.

  13. 3 months ago

    You can sit there and deprive yourself of nutrition every single day and be miserable as you lose MAYBE a pound a week, constantly hitting plateaus until you inevitably break and binge on junk food and undo all your “progress”. Or you can just 3 days a week and eat a respectable amount of food the other days

    • 3 months ago

      sustained CI<CO is how you lose weight. All that matters after that is something that can help you keep it up. What'll help you keep it up might not help someone else, so general advice is hard. What worked for me was
      1. tracking calories and projecting weight loss based on a weekly average caloric deficit and 3500kcal=1lb
      2. finding an aerobic exercise that I enjoyed enough to burn 800-1500 on a weekend and 200-400 daily.
      3. generally eating good food. I preferred protein but didn't get huge amount, 133g is a high day. Having a calorie target results in natural pressure to eat better, because slop takes up tons of calories (=your budget to eat more food) and while not satiating you.
      4. eating 1-2 large meals a day within an 8-hour window, and then not eating anything until the next day. With calorie total constrained, fewer meals = larger meals = more satisfying meals.

      I occasionally went to a restaurant or ordered a pizza and blew past my target for a day, but that's not devastating if your focus is on weekly average deficits. Frick up? Then maybe no progress for that week. But you're not going to undo "all" progress in one day. 3500kcal=1lb is a very soothing equation. Your body's not going to change fast (and even losing only 1lb a week is leaving me with some excess skin).

      • 3 months ago

        Maybe for a 300lb fatty trying to un fat himself, cheat days are just a drop in the bucket (keep telling yourself that ig), but for someone whose already fit and trying to do an actual cut to get to sub 12% bodyfat, one cheat day will absolutely undo a week of progress at that level.

  14. 3 months ago

    stop eating food

  15. 3 months ago

    You're not on a diet. You're eating what you will for the rest of your life. If that scares you, then have a nice day with processed slop. Die in a flesh coffin of your own making.

  16. 3 months ago

    1kg of fat = 7000 calories
    You might lose a lot of weight at the start of your diet (water retention) but you won't be able to keep it up.
    Trust the process, eat less than 1000 calories every day and in 6 months you'll lose a lot of weight.

  17. 3 months ago

    Why so many e girl onlyfans girl have this facial structure?

  18. 3 months ago

    Eat less, move more.

  19. 3 months ago

    Nicotine absolutely destroys appetite. I can poop in a zyn and the hunger completely goes away for about 1-2 hours.

  20. 3 months ago

    >nobody's mentioned pickles

  21. 3 months ago
  22. 3 months ago

    Consider that your body is not shit because you are fat. It is trusting you to lead and it stores and uses calories effectively.
    Lead well.

  23. 3 months ago

    Walk more, eat less

  24. 3 months ago

    I want to lose 25 lbs. I've been lifting 3 days a week doing all the main lifts: squat bench press deadlift chinups. I want to roll 24 and 48 hour fasts until I lose the weight. Should I lift during this, and if so how? Lighter weight? Decreased volume? Fewer times per week? Do I try to keep some intensity?

  25. 3 months ago

    Feeling hungry? Good.

  26. 3 months ago

    I did 48-hour fasts for 40 days with a moderately active job, dropped 20 lbs easy. No timed eating windows, just did it where every 2nd day after work ate as much as I wanted in 1 sitting.

    no tedious counting/apps
    very little craving
    save decent amount of time skipping 5 out of 6 meals
    even energy levels throughout day
    glut 3.5 times a week

    lost like 25% on every lift

  27. 3 months ago

    Go for a walk before you reach for seconds.

  28. 3 months ago

    Wake up at like 5, train every single day and don't eat before 12
    A lot of eating is stress related, have a laugh and socialize more. Bother people with your outgoingness and be yourself without caring

    I'm saying this as someone that lost about 80 pounds. People hate on fit people more viciously than fatties you'll find

  29. 3 months ago

    Get 16k steps per day and fast for 2 days straight per week.

  30. 3 months ago

    Zero seed oils and processed foods
    High carb and low fat, the fat you do consume should be saturated animal fat
    Nutrient-dense foods like red meat instead of stuff like chicken breast and protein powder which should be avoided as much as possible because of very low micronutrient content

  31. 3 months ago

    dont eat
    go on walks
    its literally that easy

  32. 3 months ago

    > Eat less than your TDEE while maintaining a high protein intake

    > Eating your meals in a fixed number of portions makes it easier to control how much you eat
    > You diet is mostly habitual, so gradually changing what and how you eat over long periods of time is more stable than cold turkey
    > Your diet is mental. If you find you can't maintain it, the problem isn't your diet, its that you are procrastinating, or have poor impulse control, or etc. So you need to solve that problem before you can solve your weight problem
    > Eating one fewer meals per day makes it much easier to eat fewer calories
    > Vegetables (especially carrots and spinach imo) are low calorie fillers; adding more vegetables to your meals makes you get fuller faster and for fewer calories
    > Drink tons of water before and during eating to fill your stomach up
    > Of the products I sampled from walmart, these are the cheapest per gram of protein: 20 lb bags of pinto beans, chicken breast, milk, pea protein powder, GV peanut butter natural
    > If you feel an impulse to eat something (eg: you see candy, or some other high-calorie shit food, and want to eat it; or, someone asks if you want to go to a restaurant / get ff with them; etc), just take a moment and feel the impulse itself, then imagine eating the thing. This can trick your brain into thinking you've satisfied the impulse
    > If you're moronic, or are generally stupid af, then you are probably not going to be successful at losing weight without help
    > Walking is one of the easiest ways to burn shitloads of calories. Ease into walking 10+ miles per day (20k steps per day) to easily burn 1000+ kcal per day
    > Tracking calories and weight is mainly about keeping your mind honed on your goals and allows you to see progress when it happens (I recommend nutritionix.com and / or a spreadsheet). But keep in mind that your weight fluctuates naturally with the water and food you eat; for best results weight in the morning before drinking water

    • 3 months ago

      >take a moment and feel the impulse itself, then imagine eating the thing. This can trick your brain into thinking you've satisfied the impulse
      Doesn't it increase anticipation and craving even more?

      • 3 months ago

        Not in my experience and not from the research I've heard about. But ultimately, everyone is different so if it consistently works for someone they should keep using it. It consistently works for me

  33. 3 months ago

    keto doesn't do more than cico in terms of weight lost.
    but it is magic for destroying your appetite and permitting you to eat the same shit every day.

  34. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Frick you

  35. 3 months ago

    CICO keto OMAD.

  36. 3 months ago

    You will have to get comfortable with hunger, there is no trick around it. If you have the willpower to go through that painful hour of the day, then you won.

    • 3 months ago

      It takes around a week or two to get used to it.

  37. 3 months ago

    i eat every other day and on eating days i try to stay under 3000kcal and i also drink a glass of pepsi max zero sugar when i feel hungry

  38. 3 months ago

    Be a smart fella, not a fart smella.

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