What sport/activity had the most social benefits in your experience?

What sport/activity had the most social benefits in your experience?

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  1. 12 months ago

    Well that depends what you mean. Actual real team sports are basically for highschool kids. But as you get older I know people do like club sports and then stuff like tennis and golf (if you want to them sports) have a social element for fancy buttholes and boomers. Alot of the city people do like cycling clubs as adults I guess but that's more of an exercise. Anyways it all depends what you are talking about.

    Where I live it is very rural so there are no adults playing sports- you tend to go fishing with your friends or maybe like some type of bird hunting but those aren't sports, and that's your neighbors etc. and you aren't like meeting new people.

    • 12 months ago

      It's true that I wasn't specific, I meant mostly to meet new friends and women to potentially date

      Also living in a rural place must suck socially but rock when it comes to nature

      Whatever happened to colleges having quidditch teams? I remember that being advertised as a quirky aspect about colleges while I was still in high school. When I had graduated high school and went off to college in 2013, there was no quidditch team. It just disappeared and no one spoke of it again.

      I just picked that pic for bait potential but yeah it was definitely a thing in the early 10s, though I think that it didn't keep up because Harry Potter gays are not the fittest of people

      • 12 months ago

        Depends on your age. In any case don't go into it trying to find someone to date, just do it cuz it's fun

    • 12 months ago

      >and golf
      As a high level manager and now a business owner in a professional service field I hate golf with a passion and yet every year get closer to learning it. Everyone always wants to do golf for meetings, deals, fundraisers, customer appreciation etc. I just send someone in my place.

      • 12 months ago

        > As a high level manager and now a business owner in a professional service field

        Wow that’s so cool anon. You sound so smart important and rich

  2. 12 months ago

    Whatever happened to colleges having quidditch teams? I remember that being advertised as a quirky aspect about colleges while I was still in high school. When I had graduated high school and went off to college in 2013, there was no quidditch team. It just disappeared and no one spoke of it again.

    • 12 months ago

      people realized that rugby, soccer, and whatever other actual sports colleges already have are more fun than trying to recreate something involving flying around

    • 12 months ago

      Those people grew up, now run your HR department, and compare everything they dont like to Voldemort

  3. 12 months ago

    roman orgy

  4. 12 months ago

    I hate social shit, but honestly they are all great for socializing,you are bound to meet lots of people if you practise any sport,just choose your favorite,if you want to avoid lower income individuals avoid soccer and bball

  5. 12 months ago

    Rugby. Lot of brotherhood with teammates and girls act like groupies.

  6. 12 months ago

    I've been playing spikeball with a group of people. It's how I met all my friends moving to a new city. Sports are fun but spikeball has very few women, I expect volleyball's better in that regard

    • 12 months ago

      Never heard of it though it looks like good fun! t's a shame because I live in shouthern europe so people only play mainstream sports (even rugby is rare here lmao)

      • 12 months ago

        >even rugby is rare here lmao
        Is Rugby mainstream in most of Europe or something? I've always assumed it was only remotely main stream in England and Australia.

        T. Ameribro

        • 12 months ago

          As a europoor, from what I gather it is big in the UK, Belgium and France. For sure the more south you go the less appeal it has

        • 12 months ago


          As a europoor, from what I gather it is big in the UK, Belgium and France. For sure the more south you go the less appeal it has

          UK, Ireland, France and Italy in EU; massive in Aus, NZ, and South Africa as well.

  7. 12 months ago

    Pick a popular sport that you think you could have a natural advantage at and train to become very good, this will grant you implicit respect amongst teammates, and socializing will be a piece of cake. It works with any sport really, as long as you live in a normal sized city

  8. 12 months ago

    kickball. There's adult leagues in most cities. There's nothing like instantly feeling like a kid again and having your mates cheer you for catching a high flyball.

    • 12 months ago

      But I live in southern Europe though... (baseball and by extension kickball are not popular here 🙁 )

      • 12 months ago

        >southern Europe
        then just play soccer. it's not like yurop has any other sports

  9. 12 months ago

    polo obvi

  10. 12 months ago

    Football and rugby because they are the most well-rounded athletes. Great strength and conditioning.

  11. 12 months ago

    i'm not an athletic person by any stretch but i started sparring at a BJJ gym a few months ago. it's a lot of fun and i've made a few friends.

  12. 12 months ago

    Sand volleyball and not even close

    - chill sport with chill vibes
    - women love it, easy to get chicks involved
    - one of the few sports you can play with women and not have a massive skill gap that ruins the game
    - always at the best areas. By a ocean, lake, bar, etc
    - can play shirtless and have plausible deniability you’re not a tool
    - good workout, but chill enough to drink beer or claws between games
    - actively encourages social interaction between games
    - bonus: manlets BTFO

    Sand volleyball is the answer

    • 12 months ago

      its called beach volley you troglodyte, but yeah its great

  13. 12 months ago

    I disdain golf as a sport. Making that your main hobby is basically accepting the npc uninteresting cubicle drone lifestyle. No one truly enjoys it, and it’s full of fat boomers and dad bod middle managers. Seriously every golf hobbiest I know is absolutely devoid of any hobbies or interests of their own because it’s basically the sport someone picks when society picks one for them

    • 12 months ago

      I agree that it's the move of an NPC to go with the flow and golf is indeed the "logical" sport to pick after getting a career and a family but I find it cosy being surrounded by greenery and taking it easy. Though yeah, it is not a sport in my opinion

      • 12 months ago

        Forgot picrel

      • 12 months ago

        Yea courses are beautiful. But literally every golfer I know is exact same type of loser. Married, slightly to very overweight, compensates for drinking beer or smoking cigars on course, other hobby includes smoking meat in a green egg and draft kings on college football games, ‘happy wife happy life’ etc. it’s the default “I’m old and need something to do and golf is the answer”.

        • 12 months ago

          >every golfer I know is exact same type of loser. Married
          lmfao seethe harder, gymcel

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