What supplements/vitamins do you take? I'm looking to take something for my brain fog

What supplements/vitamins do you take?
I'm looking to take something for my brain fog

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    You should try the .22's.

    • 4 months ago

      Gas yourself, Klaus.

      • 4 months ago

        have a nice day golem

  2. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      could use me summadat

      • 4 months ago

        It’s quite good, not one of those things you notice an immediate change but after a few weeks you find yourself thinking “I’ve been feeling good lately, oh it’s probably that stuff I’ve been taking”

        • 4 months ago

          i've been administering an dosage of alcohol for those symptoms but the side effects are getting annoying. maybe some of johns warts will help.

          • 4 months ago

            Oh I’m the same with alcohol, if you’re going to buy johns warts, a lot of people say to buy 5-htp as well, they do mix well but NOT if you’re drinking alcohol, i made the mistake of having 5htp before getting drunk and I felt like I was in a four hour long panic attack

            • 4 months ago

              >a four hour long panic attack
              sounds like fun

    • 4 months ago

      Some years ago when I was in my last year of college. I got hit with panic attacks out of nowhere. Doctors tried to dope me up with beta blockers and ssris. I felt really awful in those things. I took SJW 3x a day and in a month or two I was nearly 100% again. Haven't had any attacks since either. I keep on it just in case and because it's supposedly a potent antioxidant

  3. 4 months ago

    tangy tangerine 2.0 (not 2.5)
    maybe nature's way alive liquid, if tangy is too expensive for you

    • 4 months ago

      vitamin d causes tiredness and brain fog. But really good you should take it anyway

      This stuff is crazy. I could start seeing the pink in my nails again.

  4. 4 months ago

    01) Proteolytic enzymes
    02) Magnesium
    03) K2-MK7
    04) Vitamin E (A,D, G Tocopherols & Tocotrienols.)(DL is synthetic. )
    05) MSM and/or (Apple Cider Vinegar OR Lots of Garlic OR Tumeric)) for Sulfur
    06) Pygeum Bark or Stinging Nettle supplements or tea to lower Estrogen
    07) a good natural multivitamin Bio-Strath (Vegan) or Standard Process Catalyn (animal based)
    08) a form of minerals (Fulvic/Humic acid) or Shilajit
    09) Copper
    10) Baby Aspirin
    11) Zinc
    12) IP6 + Insitol
    13) NAC
    14) Kelp for Iodine
    15) Ubiquinol CoQ10 for your heart
    16) Selenium - l-Selenomethionine

    • 4 months ago

      you will surely live forever

    • 4 months ago

      I've been taking turmeric for at least 10 years I'm not sure it does anything. Maybe my skin. It's good for being 40 and playing in the Idaho desert year after year with no sun screen kek, few lines and no wrinkles. But my slow loss of collagen is what makes me look older.

      Still it's cheap so I take it. I've read it's not very bioavailable so it's tough to say what effectively it could have outside the petri dish or whatever. And yes I take it with black pepper extract

      • 4 months ago

        Why don't you take a collagen supplement? You should look into c60 too.

      • 4 months ago

        Turmeric gives me burning diarrhea.

      • 4 months ago

        Supplements aren't supposed to add anything. Stop thinking of them in terms of giving you something extra, rather supplements are for returning back to baseline. The best kind of health is one you don't notice, the opposite of that is a chronic feeling in the body.

        • 4 months ago

          id like to feel in your body anon. chronically.

          • 4 months ago

            That's pretty gay.

            • 4 months ago

              damn straight it is

          • 4 months ago

            Collect all the dragonballs and ask to be a virus then.

  5. 4 months ago

    Good luck, brain fog can be caused by a billion different things.

  6. 4 months ago

    >brain fog
    there can be many causes
    try NAC

    • 4 months ago

      >there can be many causes
      99% he's vaxxed
      but I recommend Lion's Mane

      • 4 months ago

        >Lion's Mane
        It's expensive, how did it help you?

  7. 4 months ago

    Do some blood tests Black person

  8. 4 months ago
    yids rape kids

    get away from flouridated water and take cod liver oil + magnesium glycinate

  9. 4 months ago

    Magnesium, Zinc, 5,000 IU D3 + K2, Boron. Eat eggs every day for every other vitamin.

    • 4 months ago

      I’m the same as you except no boron. I read it can make your hair fall out

  10. 4 months ago

    I take a lot. Mostly food style supps like cranberry extract, cinnamon and a ton of others.
    Now I take supplement to try and support my skin health and that tirs nicely into my other reason: running. Increasing speed and distance preventing injury. Some of the key ones are:
    HMB helps support muscle growth and rebound, helps prevent injury. It's no magic bullet but after several weeks this seems to be the real deal. You can find it by the ensure in something called Juven for wound healing. Cheaper to get it online. This one is really exciting.

    Hormone precursor. Some 30% of your test is from it and every year past 20 or so your body makes a percentage less of it. My local bimart carries this and I've been taking it for close to a year now. Hard to say how effective it is. I feel it's effective but I've been taking it as I train in distance running so hard to say what's helping and what's just from training.

    Beet root powder. Really does help endurance.
    Creatine a myriad of benefits not just exercise.

    Like I said I take lots, ashagwanda, St John's Wort, collagen. But the ones above seem to be effective for me in terms of running a d my muscular skeletal system a d what I'm putting it through. I do take a lot of antioxidants for skin health but the more I read the less I'm sure this is effective or a good idea. Better to just eat real foods for stuff like that

    • 4 months ago

      >he fell for the pajeet scam
      Good job with your herbal SSRI / phytoestrogens

      • 4 months ago

        Elaborate mate

        • 4 months ago

          Pajeet meme, literally an herbal SSRI. ALL the PubMed studies made by Pajeet scientists, as is clearily visible by surnames
          >interactions with 5 HT receptors, medium long term consequences unknown
          >direct SSRI action, medium long term consequences unknown
          >adrenal corticosteroid and mineralcorticoid suppression, medium long term consequences unknown
          >interaction with estrogen receptors, medium long term consequences unknown
          >recent in vivo non pajeet study found a GABAergic activity and a dopaminergic agonist activity, medium long term consequences unknown

          Stay away from this ''life changing'' zoomer pajeet scam

          • 4 months ago


            >he fell for the pajeet scam
            Good job with your herbal SSRI / phytoestrogens

            Also, most of the whitamnolides are also pytoestrogens

            • 4 months ago

              Pajeet meme, literally an herbal SSRI. ALL the PubMed studies made by Pajeet scientists, as is clearily visible by surnames
              >interactions with 5 HT receptors, medium long term consequences unknown
              >direct SSRI action, medium long term consequences unknown
              >adrenal corticosteroid and mineralcorticoid suppression, medium long term consequences unknown
              >interaction with estrogen receptors, medium long term consequences unknown
              >recent in vivo non pajeet study found a GABAergic activity and a dopaminergic agonist activity, medium long term consequences unknown

              Stay away from this ''life changing'' zoomer pajeet scam

              Thanks bro.
              Been taking it for like a week. Only began recently. Will hop off it now.
              I don't know half of what you said so I am out of my depth.

      • 4 months ago

        whats your opinion on tongkat ali?

  11. 4 months ago
  12. 4 months ago

    by brain fog do you really mean covid long?

  13. 4 months ago

    Medicinal amphetamine
    Fish oil

  14. 4 months ago

    >I'm looking to take something for my brain fog
    I recommend you a daily dose of not visiting IST

  15. 4 months ago

    Lions mane.
    Eating healthy is important, but you ahould also be doing brain/memory exercises.
    Dementia runs in my family, but it didn't hit my great grandpa until he was in his 90s, because he was a college professor & refused to retire.
    His mind was always going, & I'm 100% certain that's why he's still alive at 98.

    • 4 months ago

      >didn't hit my great grandpa until he was in his 90s, because he was a college professor & refused to retire.
      Sad to hear that it did, but I'm also glad he staved it out for so long. Always refreshing to hear about old people that don't simply give up in their 70s.

  16. 4 months ago

    Since we are talking about health, here is the craziness that I follow. Maybe it's nuts BUT I came back with zero pre-cancerous cells in my entire body after 20 plus years of hard living.(Blood tests/ Full body MIRs and CT-Scans) Maybe it's all silliness but it makes me feel pro-active in my own health and maybe that feeling of well being and control helps a bit. That or maybe I'm just nuts.

    EVERYONE on /misc/ needs to watch this video.
    One will understand why we are getting so much cancer today compared to 100 years ago and how you can simply cure it.

    This is the German video she briefly shows (boring as hell as it is for doctors) but it shows Parasite Cysts becoming Cancer.

    Parasites lead to cancer from millions of eggs sacs (called Cysts) in your muscles, organs and even blood.
    Their cysts turn into tumors. Cut out the tumor and you just relesed millions of new parasites.
    Listen to this board certified Surgeon who told us from day ONE that COVID was bullshit and to NOT get vaxxed.
    She believes that the vax has a manmade Hydra parasite in it.

    I've you got the COVID Vax you CAN rid yourself of spike proteins fairly easily.

    HUGE Interview! Dr. Lee Merritt- It's Not Science Fiction If It's the TRUTH!

    and yes she is a real Doctor

    She's also VERY anti-israeli
    Whites are #1 Target & Ashkenazi israelites Are Not Targeted for Sterilization by Covid Bioweapon Shots - Dr. Lee Merritt

    • 4 months ago

      Turns out ALL parasites cause Cancer and the WHY is VERY interesting
      That does NOT mean that ALL cancer is from parasites.

      So a worm will lay 20,000-200,000 eggs a day. The eggs group together into a cyst.
      The worm releases a hormone that keeps the cysts from hatching.

      BUT the cysts will turn into cancer eventually. So you have to kill the cysts..
      So first you have to kill the worms which then in-turn stop releasing the hormone to stop the cysts from hatching.

      The Cysts hatch millions of larvae. They turn into worms.
      That is why you have to do a program to kill first the worms, then the hatched larvae and then the eggs they laid.
      It takes 3 months or so.. BUT There are different types of cysts in your blood, muscles, organs and brain.
      This is WHY anti-intestional parasite regimes don't work. They only kill the parasites in your intestines.
      That's not the ones most likely to kill you. So, NO to herbal parasite tintures.

      Some of the cysts are formed from Hydra. They take a different type of anti-parasitic to kill.

      All the info is here

      Parasite Therapies
      Shedding Protection and Treatment
      Long Covid Therapies
      All Therapies

      • 4 months ago

        Opps she changed her links
        Parasite Therapies
        Shedding Protection and Treatment
        Long Covid Therapies
        All Therapies

  17. 4 months ago

    Also I think its funny that the majority of /misc/ has a hate boner for pharmaceutical companies like Monsanto/Beyer or anything Biotech related, but inhaling Vitamin D from mrna altered lab fungy or bacteria that are trademarked by Beyer is okay

    • 4 months ago

      You should be trying to get all your nutrients directly from real food, not supplements.
      But depending on your daily schedule that's not always possible, so supplements do just that- supplement.
      Just don't become reliant on them.

  18. 4 months ago

    picrel and a weekly regiment of cocaine(the good stuff, csnt buy it just off any corner)
    I'm age maxing, I'm 37 and look 55. By the time I'm 60 I'll look 137 and will be able to claim genius book of world records by claiming to be born in 1867.

    • 4 months ago

      Gave me a good laugh, Thnx alki.

  19. 4 months ago

    What about ashwagandha lads?

    • 4 months ago

      It's good for short term, but your body becomes used to it.
      It can also F with your heart rare & lower it too much. Learned that the hard way.
      I used it for about 2 months & quit.
      But it does work.
      My co-workers told me that I physically looked more relaxed, without even mentioning ashwaganda.

      • 4 months ago

        >It can also F with your heart rare & lower it too much. Learned that the hard way.
        Provide more details on your personal experience with this

        • 4 months ago

          >It can also F with your heart rare & lower it too much. Learned that the hard way.
          I've never heard of it having that effect

          If you take too much for long amounts of time, it will lower your hear rate & make you feel faint, combined with not enough sleep I blacked out while at work & went home early lol

        • 4 months ago

          If you have certain arrhythmias already, like PACs, A-flutter, A-fib the Ashwaganda will make them worse. I don't know if it affects ventricular problems. My baseline PACs were 1/20 - 1/40 With Ashwaganda it became 1/4.

      • 4 months ago

        >It can also F with your heart rare & lower it too much. Learned that the hard way.
        I've never heard of it having that effect

  20. 4 months ago

    focus on the wording
    which in marketing israelitespeak means:
    21st century snake oil and you're all idiots

  21. 4 months ago

    >feel for vitamins and mineral meme, slightly got better
    >stopped drinking and smoking, actually got better
    >keep doing it for a placebo effect

    • 4 months ago

      Just be careful with taking too much vitamin c, it can mess with your stomach.

  22. 4 months ago

    500 mg of lead per day. But you have to get it in the form of paint chips, other types of lead aren't processed properly by the body so they're really ineffective.
    Check with Farrow & Ball to make sure you get the right mix of properly digestible lead paint.

    • 4 months ago

      >500 mg of lead per day.
      Lead is a neuron-toxin, this anon is making a stupid joke. He should be recommending drinking bleach to clean your entrails from all the toxins from all the plastic wrapping.

      • 4 months ago

        I agree
        Neat not FRAGRANT BLEACH , needs to be poured in a pan on a Stove ,
        BOIL the bleach ,
        Dont let cystals form , the liquid turns milky ,
        You then have 60 ml from 500ml
        this milky SUPER Drug
        WOW ,
        Gve it your Family and the whole street and when they are all CHADS /Alphas come THANK us here
        If you want EXTRA HARD ERECTIONS @ 1ml of zinc ,
        Hope this helps


        What supplements/vitamins do you take?
        I'm looking to take something for my brain fog

        let us know how you go on

  23. 4 months ago

    Brain fog is caused by Candida Albicans. Eat raw garlic, buy yourself oregano oil and supplement it daily. Cut the grain and anything processed in your diet. Know your enemy.


  24. 4 months ago

    How to cure ~~*brain fog*~~
    >going IST every day
    >exercising vigorously every day (preferably not alone)
    >eating healthy
    >having quality time with male friends
    >having quality intimate time with female
    >having a meaningful project that you work towards
    Achieve all of these with regularity and you will not need drugs or supplements to feel alive

    • 4 months ago

      Vitamin d/k2 is necessary tho, and I've heard that we're magnesium deficient

      If you take too much for long amounts of time, it will lower your hear rate & make you feel faint, combined with not enough sleep I blacked out while at work & went home early lol

      I guess I should cycle it

    • 4 months ago

      most of that is literally unattainable for /misc/chuds

  25. 4 months ago

    vitamin d3
    vitamin k2

  26. 4 months ago

    I used to take a bunch of pills every morning, all sorts of suppliments. But now I've started replacing them with gummies. So now I eat a handful of gummies every morning.
    Zinc, Vitamin C, Beef Organ, Multi Vitamin, Fruit/Veggi concentrate, mushroom concentrates, omega oils.
    Anything you'd normally take in pill form you can get as a gummi.

    • 4 months ago

      Just make sure you take it while eating a meal, your body has an easier time absorbing the nutrients if they're combined with actual food

      • 4 months ago

        That depends on the supplement. Fat solubles like D3, K2, E almost have to be taken with a meal containing oil or fat to be well absorbed. Water soluble like C, the Bs, amino acids do better on an empty stomach with water. Herbals vary depending on the active components.

  27. 4 months ago

    I used to take a ton of supplements but concluded that they’re not really necessary, plus the high quality ones are an unnecessary expense. If you have a healthy diet and don’t drink so much alcohol (alcohol significantly drains nutrients) you should be fine.

    That said I still take vitamin d/k2 daily, zinc (with copper) once every 3 days, and sometimes magnesium usually for one week out of the month.

    I eat mostly beef, fish, eggs, yogurt, fruit, potatoes, rice, and some veg though, so you have to eat clean in the first place.

  28. 4 months ago

    for brain fog fill a bowl with cheap aftershave such as Old Spice, Brut or English Leather and dip your balls in there for 3 minutes when symptoms occur.
    proven to not only eliminate brain fog but also raises testosterone levels considerable.

  29. 4 months ago

    lots of guys ITT taking the D everyday

  30. 4 months ago

    the only thing that might work is red bull

  31. 4 months ago

    Eat a normal and healthy diet
    Then you won't need 99% of supplements. Stop the goyslop you dirty Black folk

    • 4 months ago

      bullshit empty words

      • 4 months ago

        No it isn’t, it’s common sense. People know how to eat right they simply choose not to because it “doesn’t taste as good”. They are accustomed to the amped flavors of chemically enhanced super processed foods. In other words they’re moronic cattle

        • 4 months ago

          So you know exactly how much glyophosphate in sprayed on your veggies ? You know the exact amount of Squid DNA in them ? You know exactly the amount of vegetables, legumes, nuts and fruits that humans evolved eating and how that effects our "normal healthy" diet ?

          • 4 months ago

            You’re mixing issues now. I don’t eat glyphosate because I buy organic, and that’s a potential cancer issue not a cause of weight gain. You’re acting like humans have an ultra precise set of food inputs they require to be a healthy weight, when in reality the two key elements are clean ingredients and portion control. Your argument falls apart because even not so old pictures from 40 years ago you look at people at a beach or shopping mall and they are all skinny. A 250 pound man 100 years ago was a circus freak attraction and now today I can watch 50 of them pass through a McDonald’s drive thru every hour. Did everybody 40 years ago have some homosexual in a white lab coat give them a precise list of foods to eat? No. The difference is the food inputs and quantities, it’s obvious

            • 4 months ago

              get back to work where's my double big mac and fries you slacker I've been out here for 5 minutes

              • 4 months ago

                I’ve never set foot inside a McDonald’s

              • 4 months ago

                you've missed out then you pretentious homo

              • 4 months ago

                Get mad gay

              • 4 months ago

                oh i am dont you worry

        • 4 months ago

          >common sense
          >eat right

          hippy empty rhetoric

  32. 4 months ago

    Smoke cigarettes
    Abstain from sleep for a bit

  33. 4 months ago

    Lion's Mane. I've been taking it for over three years. I am significantly less moronic now.

    • 4 months ago

      you eatin' Lions mayne?

    • 4 months ago

      > significantly less moronic now.
      Can you contextualize that?

      • 4 months ago

        No. I'm still too moronic to do that.

        • 4 months ago

          What makes you feel less moronic, anon?


          What should I take anons?

          >israelite doctor gave me anti biotics for acne worked amazing for a year till they stopped working
          >Stopped taking them gradually felt worse and worse acne is now 10X then before I started
          >Random intolerances to food stomach pain
          >My tongue is now white too (might be candida)

          Whatever it did it ruined my life and its been about 2 years tried probiotics the last 3 months it helped a tiny bit but the issue still remains. Felt worse in every way and my skin is always red around my face now. Is there any hope or should I just anhero?

          >Whatever it did it ruined my life
          >What should I take anons?
          Your life?
          There is no cure and this will continue for the rest of your life. Best you can to is treat symptoms like a heroin addict from a broken back.

          • 4 months ago


  34. 4 months ago

    i take 5000ui D3 2500 in the summer 1000 mg vitamin C and 1000 calcium 1200 mg B12, 600 mg of NAC and take 50 mg zink 2 a week haven't been sick in 3 years

  35. 4 months ago

    Nac, d3k2, msm, multivitmineral, kelp, spirulina, chanca piedra, electrolytes and a bunch of other stuff.

  36. 4 months ago

    You don't need those if you eat a steak from time to time.

  37. 4 months ago

    14 cans of picrel a nite

    • 4 months ago

      thats a bit our kid

      • 4 months ago

        used to be on this years ago , but they made it too soft

        • 4 months ago

          how dyou mean they made it soft?

          • 4 months ago

            Used to be rocket fuel , its wishy washy shyte now.

            • 4 months ago

              they put less booze in it now you mean?

              Thick Norfern Gravy lad

              just looking at that could scran it with warbies thick bread and best butter

              im a sheffield lad meself i'll av you no and no stranger to quality chippy faire.

              • 4 months ago

                Nah less alcohol
                A blades lad
                THA Knows yo know

              • 4 months ago

                aye, ah rait noes it lad

              • 4 months ago

                Those Blades Biz Crew are still pretty active still ,
                I left my local scene when lads were getting more on top than murderers and rapists ,
                I must say I liked the bants and casual attire back in the late 80s.

                Respectful man now , a pillar of my community now , even work for local Govt ,Kek
                retiring soon on a busting pension.

              • 4 months ago

                shit, i knew lads in the BBC back in the 90s. we used to hear about you lads and had respect.

              • 4 months ago

                I aint a Grass but obvious you know some Faces
                Most are ded now
                I got banged up 89, its always those crafty lil earners that get you on top ,
                I was in HMP Strangeways for my sins ,
                Decent bunch on my wing
                Everyone had heard about this AMAZING NEW DRUGGES coming over from the tulips
                E was hitting every Club doors
                terrace lads ran doors
                But I got into a bad deal ,
                Manc let us down , 7 Years at her Majesties pleasure,
                Got out broke as Frick Moved out and started a fresh ,
                I was in when they had a AWAY DAY on the roof , not on that wing, served rest out in Scally Walton .
                whether you believe or not , nah worry .

              • 4 months ago

                >I was in when they had a AWAY DAY on the roof
                i members that on the TV lol. what does a fella do in england for some peace and quite these days though? can't even picture driving int he UK anymore its so busy now. i only wish they hadn't brought the pakis in. thats what did it.

              • 4 months ago

                Now I will say got a based beloved family and grandkids here
                But for me its
                The Lakes for me , my escape now , fell walking ,stealth camping with our lass !
                Just being out in nature , AWAY from the shitskins and vile fricks , Based.

                >i only wish they hadn't brought the pakis in

                ENOCH was BASED , and us back then in NF had it right , dont let them settle, feelz safes , make them wanna FRICK OFF OUR Estates .

                Funny that we Got the French and Germans and Tulips Standing up too the israeliteS
                UK is weak and lost
                t.Tommo Robbo is just controlled opposition, run by Globohomosexual .
                I am lucky to have a place outside Kendal , as a base .

              • 4 months ago

                >make them wanna FRICK OFF OUR Estates
                out the whole country. those rats are a plague, why the FRICK did anyone ever put up with them for a fricking moment i'll never know. too nice for our own good.
                nice mate, very nice, very happy for you. you've got a quiet place and i actually happy for you. a quiet place is important.

              • 4 months ago

                My lass just brought me some perla here and said , Yer Daft La yis just doxxing self .
                I just told her
                b***h Be QUIET , and give her a backhander , Young Sean wants to step up grand kid at 7yo,
                at nanas and granpas,
                Put yer fist dawn la , (la and not Yorkie Lad)
                I will take the belt off and belt her arse around the house here , ye ken me
                I will use the brass buckle end ..
                Kids and wive crying
                and Doxxed self

                FECKIN hell
                my lass would Leather me
                I gotta watch some shite BBC drama now
                ALL Black folk and PAKIS
                go check a decent bloke I know on israelite tube called The Angry Bootneck
                TAKE CARE and WHEN it KICKS OFF we at old B.B.C at that hard pointy End , killing SHITSKINS and israeliteS ,
                IT will GO off

      • 4 months ago

        then for my scran

        makes a fricking man of yer

        • 4 months ago

          by 'ek lad thats the business.

          • 4 months ago

            Thick Norfern Gravy lad

            just looking at that could scran it with warbies thick bread and best butter

  38. 4 months ago

    What should I take anons?

    >israelite doctor gave me anti biotics for acne worked amazing for a year till they stopped working
    >Stopped taking them gradually felt worse and worse acne is now 10X then before I started
    >Random intolerances to food stomach pain
    >My tongue is now white too (might be candida)

    Whatever it did it ruined my life and its been about 2 years tried probiotics the last 3 months it helped a tiny bit but the issue still remains. Felt worse in every way and my skin is always red around my face now. Is there any hope or should I just anhero?

    • 4 months ago

      I normally wouldn’t recommend this but in your case I would do something extreme. I would eat meat, eggs, and potatoes, and a bit of lemon plus a high quality expensive probiotic supplement for a month

      • 4 months ago

        So what just the keto diet? I am going to maybe try hardcore carnviore I know someone it worked for.

        The basic theory I have is my gut is completely destroyed from anti biotics and my bacteria is out of whack so I need to just eat the least inflammatory food possible that will starve bad bacteria

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah that’s right and your theory was my thinking as well. Except I wouldn’t eat dairy because even in the absence of gut problems it is known to cause skin and acne issues. Also this shit feeds on sugar, so no sugar not even fruit. I just threw in potatoes for a little variety but you could just do pure meat and eggs if you are so inclined

          • 4 months ago

            How long should I try it for before seeing results?

            • 4 months ago

              I would do a full month but it’s not like a light switch turning on, where after exactly 30 days you look much better. You’ll probably start seeing improvement after just a few days but it will be very noticeable after a month. good luck to you

    • 4 months ago

      Kefir and Lion's Mane. I also had severe acne until my late 20s, could shit more than ten times a day and fart literally hundreds of times per hour. It is likely digestive system inflamation.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah been taking it the last 3 months hard to tell if its done anything small changes if any...

    • 4 months ago

      I guarantee you're allergic to something in your diet & that's what's causing this.
      You're eating something every day that's poisoning you & you don't even realize it.
      Go to a dermatologist.
      Also get an allergy test done on you.

      • 4 months ago

        >Go to a dermatologist

        I did anon and got put on antibiotics. Yeah I had acne before but it really was just some acne here and there. Only good thing I got was retionol helps some but the antibiotics geniunely fricked up my gut

        • 4 months ago

          They frick up your stomach because they work

          • 4 months ago

            It works in the short term but not the long term. Also doctors aren't supposed to keep you on them for more then a few weeks at most my dermatologist kept giving me them.

            Eventually this killed all the good bacteria and made my situation 10X worse

    • 4 months ago

      Jesus that’s bad

    • 4 months ago

      i'd stop eating shit food, drinking lots of water, probably fix gut bacteria and getting rid of parasites, maybe go to a different israelite see if antifungal works and whatnot

    • 4 months ago

      Go Carnivore, zero seed oils and wash your face with your own urine.. seriously.

      • 4 months ago

        Its super expensive anon. If I just eat 2 pounds of grass fed beef a day is that enough? Can't afford anything more then that

        • 4 months ago

          Checked and yes it's enough. You can eat anything animal based so it doesn't have to be just beef.. BUT that would be a good place to start. Doesn't have to be grass fed. All cows are grass fed. What you mean is grass finished.
          It's definite not a huge issue. Just get whatever meat is cheap. Roasts are very very cheap, just need a Crock pot.

          Also you think I am kidding about washing your face with your own urine. I have told this to many people with chronic acne. It works.
          Also if you want to kill it dead right now get grapefruit SEED extract and wash your face with it in a 10/1 water/GSE mixture. it kill acne in a day.

          • 4 months ago

            I guess urine has anti bacterial properties right?

            • 4 months ago

              The theory is that when you eat something that gives you body a reaction, your body immediately creates anti bodies towards it that end up in your urine. That's the whole idea of urine therapy. Look into it.
              Just know this, urine is not dirty like poop is. It is very clean.

          • 4 months ago

            >All cows are grass fed

            No they aren’t, some cows only eat grain

            • 4 months ago

              Nah, they aren't raised like pig. Birth to death grain fed wouldn't work. Cows need to walk outside and eat grass.
              Many are grain finished but all are grass fed.

              • 4 months ago

                >all are grass fed

                No they aren’t you’re simply wrong. Many only eat grain, and there are some that eat a mixture of grain and grass. Very few cattle in the US are 100% grass fed, most 100% grass fed beef has to be imported from places like New Zealand or Argentina

              • 4 months ago

                Grass fed and grass finished are two different things. All cows are in pasture to at least 8 months old unless they are being raised specifically for veal.

              • 4 months ago

                I know the difference between grass fed and grass finished but you’re still wrong. I don’t know where you got this info but many cows only eat stuff like onions, corn, barley

              • 4 months ago

                I grew up in cattle country.
                Why do you think they have 10,000 acre ranches ?
                Wouldn't it be cheaper just to stuff them all in pig-pens ?
                You're just wrong. Simple as.

                41 percent of land in the continental US is used for meat production... because they are GRAZING

              • 4 months ago

                So did I that’s how I know you’re wrong. There are cattle that eat only grain. Furthermore it is a misleading industry talking point to call cattle “grass fed” if they eat a mixture of grain and grass. I am not taking about eating all grass then being finished with grain. That is very unusual, most cattle eat all grain the entire lives, or a mixture of grain and grass their entire lives.

                You’re misinformed

              • 4 months ago

                Dude this is really simple.
                41% of ALL airable land in the US is used for beef production...
                Simple Logic, the Cows need to graze.

                but you would have us believe that he cows are fed grain. So why the need for that much pasture ?

                Hmmmm ?

            • 4 months ago

              >No they aren’t, some cows only eat grain

              >all are grass fed

              No they aren’t you’re simply wrong. Many only eat grain, and there are some that eat a mixture of grain and grass. Very few cattle in the US are 100% grass fed, most 100% grass fed beef has to be imported from places like New Zealand or Argentina

              >>all are grass fed
              >No they aren’t you’re simply wrong. Many only eat grain

              So did I that’s how I know you’re wrong. There are cattle that eat only grain. Furthermore it is a misleading industry talking point to call cattle “grass fed” if they eat a mixture of grain and grass. I am not taking about eating all grass then being finished with grain. That is very unusual, most cattle eat all grain the entire lives, or a mixture of grain and grass their entire lives.

              You’re misinformed

              >There are cattle that eat only grain

              Show us these cows. We can easily figure out the supply chain here.

      • 4 months ago

        Good advice, Saar.

        • 4 months ago

          Or he could just do it in Germany

    • 4 months ago

      Eat raw coriander daily for at least a month.

    • 4 months ago

      damn bro, maybe find a better dermatologist for starters. That's not normal acne, that's some kind of reaction. Start by eliminating makeup and cleaning your face, maybe get some of that acne face cleanser stuff. Probably won't fix it but it'll be better than nothing.

    • 4 months ago

      For me, only retinoids helped against acne. When I was young, had to take isotretinoin, because it was pretty bad and on body too. Cleared up completely for many years. But when covid started and they forced to wear masks, it came back around lips. Not nearly as bad as it was though. But after the war started, even though no more masks, probably due to stress and also shitty diet, it started to appear not only around the lips. Still not as bad as before isotretinoin, but bad enough to force me to do something. Surprisingly nothing on body though, so maybe not perfect, but isotretinoin still has longterm effect. So I read that after isotretinoin you should do topical tretinoin as prevention of relapse, and it helped. And unlike isotretinoin it's tolerable for longterm use, skin gets used to it. Good for anti-aging too.
      So basically, you probably have to take isotretinoin and use tret after it. Don't know about the antibiotics damage though. Antibiotics are just shit.

  39. 4 months ago

    My Pharma industry scientist friend told me that you piss most of them out and that they don't really do anything unless you are old or sick. Dunno if he's right but he always seems to know about this science shit.

  40. 4 months ago

    exercise is guaranteed to work and is free
    there is and never will be a magic pill for your brain gay you homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      It doesn't work if you have actual physiological problems.

  41. 4 months ago

    Two Per-Day Multivitamin
    Benfotiamine (Vit B1)
    NAC (on and off)

  42. 4 months ago

    >vitamin D
    >a vitamin

    That's a hormone you dumb shit. Better stay away

  43. 4 months ago

    The name is unfortunate but Rainbow Light once daily vitamins have the most nutrients at lowest price for what's available around here and seem to clear up my brain fog well. The excessively expensive for what they are Ancient Nutrition daily vitamins make me feel better, give me more energy, and give me better quality sleep but they do lack quite a bit of nutrients compared to the Rainbow Lights. I do 3 months of the former and 1 of the latter for cost purposes, and if money wasn't a factor I'd probably alternate weekly.

  44. 4 months ago

    >brain fog
    did you get the jab?
    that's a side effect my coworker has now.

  45. 4 months ago

    Most people here rarely step outside to get some sun. They definitely should get some Vitamin D supplements.

  46. 4 months ago

    I followed this anons advice and got everything except the color code and I feel great!

  47. 4 months ago

    D, Zinc, Magnesium and not on an empty stomach.

  48. 4 months ago

    stop jerking off and stop being on the computer for hours every day

    • 4 months ago

      >shitposts that reply here
      Brilliant and Top Tier Kek

      • 4 months ago

        he really needs to think about where the frick he is. you drinking tonight lad? what is it now, about 8 where you are?

        • 4 months ago

          Oh so you in Cannuck land for realz ?
          thought you were flag baiting
          Yes 7.40pm here
          What tuck you over there
          How you fairing that UTTER SHITTY c**t Castros Bastard ?
          I know most inner shitties here are No Go areas now , but the Level of HATE and Sheer Evil Taxation you lot face there ,
          How does tha lad cope ?

          • 4 months ago

            oh yeah im really here, for my many sins. only thing keeping me here is that i can be way out in the woods and not give a frick. they start fricking with that and they'll lose another Englishman, to their great and lasting shame. Honestly though, i couldn't go back to living on the estates and the terraces. just hearing another person gets me all up tight these days lol. But i do miss the lads and other things from home for sure. you never really fit in, you know.

            • 4 months ago

              I hear you loud
              I could of gone same way , was no sever half a sentence then , bird was harsh , always a str8tener to be had ,
              Hated the wiener sure young scallies in Walton,
              I made some good muckers in there
              I could of gone Rogue on release
              I was lucky met some very decent lads , settled in Scouseland ,
              I could see how the local Councillors were all well Bent ,Got a start in there been there ever since,there was and still is the brown envolope monthlies dropped in your tray .

  49. 4 months ago

    l arginine for my massive cum shots

  50. 4 months ago

    Vitamin B Complex
    Vitamin D
    Digestive probiotics
    Sometimes iron if I haven't been eating enough red meat and spinach.

    Also, have your doc do blood work at your annual physical to see if you're low on anything.

    • 4 months ago

      >your annual physical
      look my Black person, this is canada and we aren't given such luxuries.

      • 4 months ago

        They won't even do blood tests if you visit the doctor with symptoms, let alone annual tests here.

        • 4 months ago

          tell me aboot it eh. if they ever do take blood you aren't getting the results anyway because like frick you pleb. its bullshit.

  51. 4 months ago

    Nitrous Oxide

    • 4 months ago

      Nitric Oxide* (L-Arginine)

    • 4 months ago

      pretty good. try adding pine bark extract for better focus and libido. combines well with the l arginine and zinc

      • 4 months ago

        Will look into that thanks. I mainly supplement immune system and muscle/recovery from workouts.

  52. 4 months ago

    I just eat traditional German meat dishes and drink solely sparkly water sourced from the alps from glass bottles cuz plastics make you gay

  53. 4 months ago

    Rate my stack bros

    5k iu vit d plus 800mg k2 k7 stuff
    Nac 1200mg
    Ashgawandha 700mg
    Resveratrol japanese knotwood
    Fish oil

    • 4 months ago

      For the NAC o would switch to a protein shake powder that has a good Amino acid profile. You can get a ton for BCAA and non essential aminos through a good protein shake supplement.

      • 4 months ago

        I got a shake too I take for when I lift weights, so I guess I got that covered

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah check the label. You might be doubling up. But if you’re not doubling up I would still switch to a protein shake that has a good amino acid profile. Usually cheaper and easier.

  54. 4 months ago

    Another placebo israelite vitamin thread. None of this shit does anything. If it did, then they’d require a prescription for it

    • 4 months ago

      No mate. Pharma israelites hate vitamins.

      In fact they hate vitamins so much they create fake research companies to produce bogus results which make vitamins look bad.

      I remember a case of a pharma israelite company that sold hear medications creating a "nutritionfacts" organisation that published a study saying vitamin E does nothing for the heart. As you could imagine they took the form of vitamin E that isn't even meant for supplementarion/heart health and used that in their studies. So when normies search "is vitamin E good for my heart?" the pharmacies study will appear. This is just one of many examples.

      Supplements make israelites seethe, you should max out on all of them and be strong and healthy as frick.

  55. 4 months ago

    Try lions main mushrooms and cordyceps

  56. 4 months ago

    >omega 3 fish oil
    >magnesium L-threonate

  57. 4 months ago

    >takes D3
    >doesn't include magnesium
    Balance that shit, OP.

  58. 4 months ago


    Add a b-complex if you have a shitty diet

  59. 4 months ago

    ONLY eating meat keeps you telomeres from shortening.
    It's science now. Do you science bro ?

    The relationship between peripheral blood mononuclear cells telomere length and diet - unexpected effect of red meat

    • 4 months ago

      the length of your telomeres is just a biomarker indicating to your immune system the risk a cell has for developing cancerous mutations, lengthening your telomeres will just trick your immune system into not culling high-risk cells and you will get cancer and die anyways. Some longevity hack.

      • 4 months ago

        Conclusions: Unexpected correlation of telomere length with the frequency of consumption of red meat indicates the need for further in-depth research and may undermine some accepted concepts of adverse effects of this diet on the health status and life longevity.

        vs your BS

        • 4 months ago

          >eating too much red meat prevents your telomeres from shrinking
          >we are operating under the false assumption that extra long telomeres are good for you and not actually the health hazard they almost certainly are
          >between our correlation and false assumption, we can assume that red meat is actually good for you
          >we just have to figure out how, though, because there's actually a lot of contradictory data that says you get more cancer for some reason
          did I miss anything?

          • 4 months ago

            >>we are operating under the false assumption that extra long telomeres are good for you
            Really ?
            >lengthening your telomeres will just trick your immune system into not culling high-risk cells and you will get cancer and die anyways.
            So when do we have the longest telomere lengths ? When we are children.
            When are we most susceptible to getting Cancer ?
            When we are old.. you know when out telomeres are shorter.

            Basic logic destroys you homosexuals

            • 4 months ago

              You're falling for the correlation/causation trap. The shortening of your telomeres is not the only thing that happens to your DNA as you age. If your DNA methylates wrong, you are at higher risk for cancer, if your DNA is transcribed wrong, you are at higher risk for cancer. Your DNA is constantly being re-methylated and transcribed as cells grow, reproduce, and die naturally. Over time, this risk compounds. All the telomeres do is act as an indicator to show how much the risk of cancer has compounded for a cell, how many times it has been replicated from the original pattern. It's like photocopying something repeatedly, it just distorts. The only way to reset that distortion is to start over, the DNA in reproductive cells like sperm and eggs is packaged differently, so when they combine and start to replicate into new cells, it's a genetic age reset. Only way to reset your cellular age is to like, make a clone of yourself and steal its organs.

              • 4 months ago

                Telomeres gradually shorten every time a cell divides, however, resulting in less protection for the chromosomes. After a certain number of divisions, one of two things happens: The chromosomes become damaged and genetically unstable to the point that the cells can’t divide any more — a state called senescence.

                Cancer cells senescence or cell death by maintaining their telomeres despite repeated cell divisions. This is possible because the cancer cells activate an enzyme called telomerase, which adds genetic units onto the telomeres to prevent them from shortening to the point of causing senescence or cell death.

                Imagine thinking that longer telomeres are a bad thing.

              • 4 months ago

                >shortening telomeres prevent a damaged cell from replicating and becoming cancerous
                >sometimes cancerous cells figure out how to turn this off by MAKING THEIR TELOMERES LONGER SO THEY CAN KEEP REPLICATING AND KILL YOU
                what are you missing here?

              • 4 months ago

                you cherry picked two lines out of a Dutch study that everyone ignores.
                The fact is each time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter. When they get too short, the cell can no longer divide; it becomes inactive or "senescent" or it dies. This shortening process is associated with aging, cancer, and a higher risk of death. A healthy cell with longer telomeres never becomes cancerous. it has to be a cell with very short telomres close to the point of death that is highjacked.
                This is why people don't get heart cancer because Telomeres do not shorten in tissues where cells do not continually divide, such as heart muscle

              • 4 months ago

                Are you a bot? You just keep repeating yourself.

                >This shortening process is associated with aging, cancer, and a higher risk of death. A healthy cell with longer telomeres never becomes cancerous. it has to be a cell with very short telomres close to the point of death that is highjacked.
                >This is why people don't get heart cancer because Telomeres do not shorten in tissues where cells do not continually divide, such as heart muscle
                This literally proves my point, but you still seem to possess a misunderstanding about how cancer works. Cancer doesn't "hijack" cells with short telomeres, a cell that is mutated in such a way that it can replicated unchecked is just cancer. Small mutations happen with each time a cell divides, and the telomeres are just one of the mechanisms that prevents unchecked cell division, and thus cancer. Which is to say, a cell that is the product of too many divisions will have both mutations and short telomeres as a product of dividing, the telomeres are just a corollary to this and not a cause of the cancer-causing mutations.

              • 4 months ago

                This is very simple and you are playing games.

                Normal Cell with Correct number of Telomeres
                It losses a telemere after so many replications

                Until it reaches Cell near death and without the normal ability to replicate a healthy cell
                at this point the cell dies

                Also at this point Cancer can hijack this cell and force it to NOT lose another telemere which allows said cell to replicate it's damaged DNA Blueprint and NOT die

                This means that all the following cells are damaged AND replicated leading to cells made up of
                +-+-+-+-+-+- that do NOT die and DO not pass on proper Genetic code like a new cell with a Correct number of Telomeres like
                -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- (a healthy cell)

                Heart cells never lose telemeres and never misreplicate (normally without any outside damage say from radiation)
                So a heart cell replicates like this

                So if we can keep telemere lengths long there is less chance for Cancer because Cancer needs a call to hijack that is near cell death due to lose of telemeres.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't know why I let myself believe pol users are anything short of incurably brain dead.

              • 4 months ago

                ah the old let's resort to ad hominem!

                Cancer spectrum and outcomes in short telomere syndromes studies showed clearly that young people with short telomere syndromes got Cancer at a Much higher rate because of genome instability.

                Think about the types of cancer that are most common-- breast, colon, and skin, among others. Most of the cells in these tissues are replacing themselves all the time. Breast tissue is constantly affected by hormones and is always growing and shrinking. The lining of the colon is continually sloughing off and being replaced. The same is true of the skin. In addition, skin and colon cells are constantly being exposed to things that induce mutations--ultraviolet rays for the skin and carcinogens in food for the colon. As a result, the likelihood of mutations is higher, and there is ample opportunity to pass these mutations on to daughter cells during cell division. This is why these types of cancer are common. Heart cells never/very seldom lose telemeres and never misreplicate. This is why we dont see much cancer of the heart muscle. Indeed, according to cancer statistics, it does not appear to occur at any measurable rate.

              • 4 months ago

                >Cancer doesn't "hijack" cells with short telomeres
                Yes it does

  60. 4 months ago

    fish oil pills are awesome for brain fog

  61. 4 months ago

    Nature Made actually has their vitamins tested to confirm that they are what they say they are

  62. 4 months ago

    take cocaine like a real man

  63. 4 months ago

    4 drops of 5% Lugol's iodine/day. See amazon for supply.

  64. 4 months ago

    Don't forget vitamin A in retinol form. It works in synergy with D3 and K2.

  65. 4 months ago

    literally hits within 30 seconds sometimes instantly i have no idea how thats possible but i pretty much can verify that
    i would take it and go on runs
    Highly recommend

  66. 4 months ago

    Citrulline makes pp hard. vitamin k2 makes baby batter white again. NAC clears nose. Magnesium makes nightmares real.

  67. 4 months ago
  68. 4 months ago

    Before you remove this, Jannies:
    This is highly political. Being healthy and well adjusted is vital for a functioning society.

  69. 4 months ago

    Just eat meat moron. Brain fog if it isn't drugs is almost certainly dietary and pretty much everyone is nutrient deficient due to not enough animal foods.

  70. 4 months ago

    Beef liver supplements because I have chronic iron deficiency since I was a kid

    • 4 months ago

      no you dont. what you have is vampires drinkin yo blood

  71. 4 months ago

    chlorine dioxide

  72. 4 months ago

    at most I recommend creatine and a generic multi vit/min as insurance.
    don't waste money on oriental supplements or mega dose vitamins.

  73. 4 months ago

    10 raw eggs, few bites of raw beef liver and gelatin

  74. 4 months ago

    6 gram vitamin c per day
    vitamin d high dose once a week
    vitamin b12 high dose once a month

  75. 4 months ago

    I just discovered the LECTIN FREE diet.
    Lectins are plant poison and they are the true cause for brain fog and Inflammation and auto immune responses.
    Also sweeteners, sugars and some medication are responsible too.

  76. 4 months ago

    >brain fog
    No such thing. Just say you're a lazy homosexual.

  77. 4 months ago

    I take creatine
    omega-3 fish oil

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