what was your best interaction with a girl at the gym

what was your best interaction with a girl at the gym

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  1. 1 year ago

    >farming for free greentexts to post to r/IST
    no karma for you gayget

    • 1 year ago

      gottem. will post to r/4reddit

    • 1 year ago

      fpbp. It's a fricking genre on youtube now. They make money doing this.

  2. 1 year ago

    >girls sets up in the rack closest to mine
    >think "hehe she obviously wants the dick"
    >ignore her and finish my workout
    >go home

  3. 1 year ago

    >qt3.14 walks over in middle of my bench sets and asks if i want a spot
    >oh, no thanks i'm good
    >successfully avoid wasting my time and energy on a girl

  4. 1 year ago

    >interaction with a girl

    sorry loser, I'm busy lifting

  5. 1 year ago

    Ask Gril if she's done with Leg Press
    She says I can "work in"
    I know what she means
    Deny her
    Won't lose my precious bodily fluids

  6. 1 year ago

    >"wow bro, you are looking buff"
    Home gym master race

  7. 1 year ago

    Girl asked to pass her a 5kg plate, so i did

  8. 1 year ago

    >Lifting near gym gf
    >Finish up on my smith machine at a similar time as her on her machine
    >Going to get tissue, wipe it down
    >Come back to pickup my phone and water
    >Feel her behind me waiting
    >As im bent down with my ass in the air take a glance behind
    >She's waiting on the smith machine
    >Lock eyes but neither of us say a word
    >Quickly scoot off to another part of the gym

    We've both been doing this weird thing of not acknowledging eachothers presence for months, we've probably had eye contact 5 times in 6 months of being at the gym several days a week.

    • 1 year ago

      You’ve been staring at a girl for six months straight and you romanticized it

    • 1 year ago

      Same here mate, we are both just so mentally ill and starved out of love that we think those are hints. Mate I would love to invite you to a drink, I know exactly how you feel. Sadly it's all in your head, let me guess you also made research about body language, different forms of eye contacts and think about moments you passed each other in your free time.

  9. 1 year ago

    >girl approaches
    >clearly miring
    >asks to frick right here right now
    >we do it in the squat rack and everyone claps
    >3 more girls give me their numbers after that
    >more clapping and applause

    • 1 year ago

      gz bro, sounds like you clearly made it

    • 1 year ago

      You can tell this is a fake and gay because no one is exchanging numbers anymore, you just swap snap or insta.

  10. 1 year ago

    I think it's better without context, but a girl said "you're the best" to me.

  11. 1 year ago

    She smiled at me once, I smiled back.

  12. 1 year ago

    When this ugly tattooed b***h personal trainer wearing "problem glasses" was taking up multiple pieces of equipment at the shithole Anytime Fitness I used to go to and I got into an argument with her and called her a b***h in front of her client. For a second she thought she would be tough and I got in her face and she cried and went to the owner who told her to use one piece of equipment at a time.

    • 1 year ago

      Never thought another man could make me come

  13. 1 year ago

    None. I only interact with men at the gym. A lot of them come up to me and ask about my routine or say I'm ripped and they remember when I was fat etc. I know basically all the regulars at my gym now (the men). I've never had a woman compliment my physique and I really, really hope it happens someday soon.

  14. 1 year ago

    I occasionally make eye contact with this qt ginger who's the strongest girl at my gym. We have the same schedule but I don't have the balls to talk to her.

  15. 1 year ago

    >locker will not open for my gym card
    >beeps, like an error
    >flashes, clearly an error
    >goto chick at front desk
    >tell her that it won't open
    >she assumes I'm trying to open the wrong locker and not mine
    >I swear to her I have the right one
    >she gets her friend who's worked there longer
    >"are you sure you're trying the right one?"
    >"I'm positive"
    >"I took a photograph of it right before I locked it to be 100% sure"
    >first girl sighs and follows me to the locker room
    >she tries my card on every locker
    >then on my one several times
    >finally decides she believes me
    >asks me what she'll find in there, just describe my belongings
    >she comes back with a suction cup and opens it for me
    Ever since then though she smiles at me when I come around, or smirks when she wanders the floor and sees me lifting, and it seems good natured.

  16. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      You don't need to work hard when you are gifted penalty

  17. 1 year ago
    Chuddie Chudson

    I told the receptionist I puked again and we stared at each other for a minute and she was like “are you for real” and i said no. She laughed really hard. I think I managed to save the situation.

    • 1 year ago

      janny threatening to ban you from the gym huh.

      • 1 year ago

        Jannies don’t have permission to ban

    • 1 year ago

      Heh, nice

    • 1 year ago

      I remember that thread.

    • 1 year ago

      Bro you a real Chad.
      The balls it takes to nt only go back there but make light of it. That's maturity frick yeah man inspirational

  18. 1 year ago

    >at gym this morning
    >5/10 redhead keeps looking at me doing incline bench
    >starts doing RDLs right behind me, see her glancing a lot in the mirror
    >I move to cable rows, follows me there and starts doing kickbacks with her ass facing me
    >took 10mg cialis before gym so I have a joocy pump
    >she stares at me for like 5 second increments
    >stares at me when I walk by expecting me to look back
    >never looked at her once and leave
    I told God I’d wait for the one he wants to send my way and I intend on keeping that promise

    • 1 year ago

      How do you know she wasn't the one

      • 1 year ago

        >because its obvious she was an attention prostitute and not a trad qt waifu material.

  19. 1 year ago

    >Go to gym
    >Receptionist says "Hello"
    >As I'm leaving she says "Goodbye"
    >Fellas she does this every day what does this mean??

  20. 1 year ago

    >Be me
    >Notice cute latina at the gym
    >we both make eye contact several times
    >do nothing because I have a gf
    >leave, in gym parking lot and taking off my shirt at my truck cuz sweaty
    >cute girl followed me out and approached ME!
    >"hey anon, I noticed you checking me out, and I wanted to come give you my #"

    I had to turn her down, but wow, that shit made me feel good. Since breaking up with my gf, I dream of the day I see the cutie at the gym again.

  21. 1 year ago

    >On the double sided cables doing bicep curls.
    >Some old dude comes over, I'd seen him before but not in a long time.
    >close to 60 but kinda jacked on arms his, jarhead look but in Ireland it's scumbag haircut, drives a motorbike.
    >Wants to work in with me, yeah ok, we both do a set, i'm lazy so I tell him to take his time as I like to rest for 2-3 mins between
    >"How long have you been coming here", I thought he'd recognised me from before, "Ehh about 18 months", "ahh I'm just down on a day membership and I'm wondering if I should buy membership here", obliged to ask him where he normally goes, "I'm an honorary member in 'boomer gym' so I get membership for free"
    >Throughout all this he's got a very strong local accent, he's also extremely close to my face and I smell his bad breath
    >Both do a set
    >As I step up to do mine he says "now make sure you hit the long head and the short head"
    >As I'm finishing my set and lowering the weight he comes right back up in my face "how often do you check your form", "what", "you're phone, how often do you charge it", "Once a day is normally fine", "I'm after getting one of them smartphones and the feckin thing runs out of battery the whole time, the charge used to last a week on me last phone".
    After this he fricked off to do 21s on the otherside of the gym, but then he came back 2 mins later to say there was no barbells or something.

    • 1 year ago

      Thread about interactions with women at the gym
      >So this old guy walks up to me

    • 1 year ago


      Other story
      >Heavily roided and jacked dude in the gym, about 5'6 but really strong, mid 40's I'd say.
      >Talk to him a few times and he's actually quite nice, always says hello to me and stuff.
      >He posts a lot of stuff on instagram involving the gym so I found his page, has about 20k followers which is a lot more than I was expecting for his level of content.
      >He is either dyslexic or has no education as he cannot spell for shit, just a thick motherfricker. See he has a son which he posts about but I know he doesn't live with the son, he told me about driving to collect him one day.
      >Anyway chatting to him the week before christmas and I was asking him how he was fixed for it, he said it's hard because it's the first time he won't see his son on christmas day. Then I asked would he be going out over christmas at all, "No I don't drink lad, I had to give it all up, I had a bad bender a few years ago that went on all night and I had to mind my son the next morning". Was extremely bleak knowing that he's probably referring to him splitting up with his then wife for doing something fricked up with his son.

      grim as frick, sad existence for some of these old losers, honestly freaks me out a bit when I meet older guys who are stupid or don't have their shit together. Makes you realise how easy it is to frick your life up, and you only get one shot at it, so easy to waste your life. Thankful to have a brain in my head that works properly

      • 1 year ago

        Pain and suffering is easily available, anon. It's free and goes around like nothing else.
        Being able to choose which lot you want is a superpower.

  22. 1 year ago

    >doing clean & jerk
    >16 year old girl approaches me
    >asks me to show her how to do it
    >tell her she needs to book a session
    >smack her butt, turn 360 degrees and walk away
    >mfw I don't even work at this gym
    Why do people at my home gym think coaching is free?

    • 1 year ago

      I've tried coaching both wife and son in homegym and its fricking painful
      Typical workout with wife
      >tell them to squat lower to use the stretch reflex to start back up
      >why are you so critical, anon, this is why I don't work out (and also stuff my face with snacks constantly)
      >think whatever fricking hurt yourself then prostitute
      >scowl at her the rest of the workout
      >repeat every few months/years
      Love from Kazakhstan

  23. 1 year ago

    Other story
    >Heavily roided and jacked dude in the gym, about 5'6 but really strong, mid 40's I'd say.
    >Talk to him a few times and he's actually quite nice, always says hello to me and stuff.
    >He posts a lot of stuff on instagram involving the gym so I found his page, has about 20k followers which is a lot more than I was expecting for his level of content.
    >He is either dyslexic or has no education as he cannot spell for shit, just a thick motherfricker. See he has a son which he posts about but I know he doesn't live with the son, he told me about driving to collect him one day.
    >Anyway chatting to him the week before christmas and I was asking him how he was fixed for it, he said it's hard because it's the first time he won't see his son on christmas day. Then I asked would he be going out over christmas at all, "No I don't drink lad, I had to give it all up, I had a bad bender a few years ago that went on all night and I had to mind my son the next morning". Was extremely bleak knowing that he's probably referring to him splitting up with his then wife for doing something fricked up with his son.

    • 1 year ago

      nice, what a cute story

  24. 1 year ago

    >be me and wife
    >we don't do moron couple workouts so we are each doing separate workouts
    >doing heavy hack squats
    >random femanon asks me "hey anon what is the difference form this to the smith machine?"
    >conversation moves to me spotting for her cuz femanon is a noob
    >"wow anon this is hard, can't believe you loaded that much weight!"
    >meanwhile wife throws me a poisoned glare that latinas have mastered to art level
    >decide to ignore her and continue chatting with femanon
    >wife comes in straight line like a hawk swooping down a rabbit
    >"hey you done here? we have to go HOME to prepare supper for CHILDREN"
    >femanon retreats muttering kthxanonbye
    >"who was that?" - no idea
    >gets horny shower together, gives me the best bj i've had in years and sex before sleeping

    jealousy is the best aphrodisiac

  25. 1 year ago

    >One time i replaced a handle at the lat pulldown machine because the girl was too short
    >One time i changed the leg press setting because the girl was too weak
    Pretty much that's all, most of the girls at the gym look with despite to me for some reason.

    • 1 year ago
      Sister red

      You need more self confidence
      These girls just have resting b***h faces

  26. 1 year ago

    Bros I beardmaxxed and 2 gym thots I like tell me that I look like shit

  27. 1 year ago

    I had a cute pajeeta with an amazing ass ask me for my number. She ended up sucking my dick in an airplane.

    • 1 year ago

      You are disgusting. Pajeets are nasty as frick. That ass is for street shitting, have a nice day

      • 1 year ago

        She smelled nicer than me so I didn't mind

  28. 1 year ago

    >8/10 blonde qt I've never talked to before or seen smiles at me
    >make eye contact second time, smiles at me again
    >begins saying hi when she sees me even though I've never initiated conversation
    >find out she has bf of 1.5 years

  29. 1 year ago

    >see someone from the corner of my eye coming from behind
    >glance over
    >just a girl walking to the dumbbell rack
    >don't end up on TikTok or a $300 bounty on my head for looking at her
    it was good

  30. 1 year ago

    Ive never interacted with a girl at the gym in the thousands of times ive been there

    • 1 year ago

      God bless you and keep you.

      People at my gym might think I'm a duck because I avoid looking at anyone, at least more than a quick glance. I only ever say hi to the reception person, one guy I know from highschool and thats basically it. There's a trainer girl who is friendly and always says hi and I almost asked her a question yesterday but thought meh.

      Why? Why bother? To find out she has a bf and or kids?

  31. 1 year ago

    When they get frick off from the squat rack

  32. 1 year ago

    This one still keeps me up at night

    >Couple of years ago, relative gym noob
    >Doing my thing minding my own business
    >Hear a "see you" as I leave
    >Ignore it, assuming it was for someone else
    >ffw later
    >Walk into gym, hear the same voice "hey there"
    >Turn, see hot slavic receptionist girl
    >And realize she was talking to me
    >I muster up all the charisma of years of faking confidence, respond back with a "hey" and shoot her a smile
    >Then proceed to panic, not follow up at all and immediately go into my workout and ignore her
    >My autism was too powerful, I didn't know what to do, and this pattern of me ignoring her greetings continued for shamefully long
    >At one point I wasn't sure if these greetings were just for me, so I would time when I would leave to be just after someone else to see if she's being friendly with everyone
    >but no, I'm getting special "see you's from this girl going out of her way to try talk to me and I'm too autismaxxed to respond
    >Eventually she sees me hanging out with a female friend of mine outside of the gym
    >I wasn't sure if she noticed me at first but when I got to the gym the next day I knew right away

    >The "see you"s stopped immediately after that

    She eventually stopped coming to that gym, I'm assuming she either switched or found a different job. Either way this one's gotta be the most painful one. I owe her an apology.

    • 1 year ago

      >not hitting on female receptionists
      That's half the reason they're there. It's not like they do anything of worth when it comes to helping gym-goers.
      I bet you never even tipped her once

      • 1 year ago

        >tip the receptionist
        Do Americans really

        • 1 year ago

          Lurk moar, newbie

        • 1 year ago

          >he doesn't tip the nice lady who smiles at him and scans his club card

          europoor detected

  33. 1 year ago

    i looked at a girl while she was laughing with someone. she looked around and saw me. we made eye contact and it would've been rude of her to stop smiling, though, i could tell she was disgruntled about having technically given me a smile.
    also, a some fat chick went on the lat pulldown next to me, there were no other lat pulldown machines available, but then again, she was new, so i don't know if it was an ioi or not.

  34. 1 year ago

    >hottest chick at the gym caught me staring
    >"know any sweet tricks?"
    >ask her if she has any go-gurt
    >she pulls out 14 tubes of go-gurt
    >proceeds to open them one at a time and press them out in luscious plops on the floor
    >pathetic drippy plops of yogurt on the floor
    >what a mess you've made
    >oblige immediately
    WAGMI bros

  35. 1 year ago

    one of the biggest reasons I bought a home-gym was because of interactions such as described in this thread. Happens to the best of us
    >start doing weighted pull-ups
    >chick starts looking at me like I'm some sort of magician
    >start doing heavy back squats
    >couple of women look over and check me out from the back of the gym
    This is just non-verbal examples. I have dozens of interactions of women invading my personal space under the only pretense of starting a conversation or getting my attention. It's genuinely a problem and warranted, partly, for me to spend money on a home-gym.
    I went on an overseas trip recently and it was long enough that it justified a local gym membership, and I remembered why I quit public gyms.
    >almost alone in the gym, training squats and stuff
    >cardiobunny is miring my back squats from her treadmill (not even heavy at all, barely over2pl8 but I guess that's impressive at that gym or something)
    >keeps glancing over, I try to ignore it
    >once I'm done and moved on to cables she steps down and comes right over to the cable arm next to me
    >asks me if I'm using it ("No.")
    >try to ignore her, she's doing some bullshit straight arm lat pulls meme exercise (count her sets, she did 8 sets total with 0 intensity). Clearly just there to invade my space
    >move onto bench exercises, she moves onto the machine directly next to the bench
    >so inside my personal space that I slap her ass with my foot as I turn around to do my spider curls set
    >she laughs and blushes and keeps fricking orbiting me until she gets the message that I'm not interested
    Now the only other soul I see is my cat who comes to mire and meow at me inbetween sets. Feels good man.

  36. 1 year ago

    >Doing seated overhead press
    >Seat is right behind girl doing curls or some shit
    >We make eye contact a few times
    >She leaves to get a bar
    >Makes the extra effort to come back across the gym and do RDLs right in front of me, shoving her ass in my face
    I never spoke a word to her because I'm moronic but I've never been hit on that aggressively.

  37. 1 year ago

    the little rigician riggi riggitini

  38. 1 year ago

    >woman asks if I'm done using the ab machine
    >tell her I only have a couple of sets left
    >she wanders off
    >I finish my sets
    >go tell her I'm done and that the machine is open
    >she thanks me and goes to the machine
    She was cute in a MILFy way.
    I'll probably get the nerve to hit on a chick at the gym, soon. Been single for a few months

  39. 1 year ago

    >two absolute qt314 girls loitering near mens room door for some reason
    >obv I dont know
    >blast the door open with more force than necessary for some reason

    • 1 year ago

      based. BTFO'd the femoid invaders. Twinks only plz

    • 1 year ago

      >>obv I dont know
      You knew, and you did the right and based thing anon. Godspeed

  40. 1 year ago

    >real hot athletics girl comes up and talks to me at the gym for no reason
    >tells me about how she's working to recover from a hamstring tear
    >shows me the movements where it still hurts which is basically her bending and flexing while in leggings
    >I assume she wants to talk about injuries so I start listing off all my rugby injuries
    >say, ok well I gotta finish this set now
    >never talk to her again
    >years later realize she was flirting with me

    • 1 year ago

      this the bane of men's existence. so many qts trying something and our autistic asses just totally miss it

      • 1 year ago

        I am an ogre of a man, so it never even entered my mind that someone that attractive would flirt with me.

  41. 1 year ago

    >Doing heavy bench press
    >Get nose bleed two reps in to a 5 rep set
    >Can feel the blood pooling in my throat
    >Keep going
    >Can't breathe
    >Keep going, this is metal as frick
    >Push through 6 reps, basically holding my breath the whole time, really grind through the last one
    >Sit up, cough up blood, grinning like a lunatic because PR
    >Make eye contact with cardio bunny in the squat rack
    >She quickly leaves never to be seen again

    This is basically my only fun gym story.

    • 1 year ago

      >>Keep going, this is metal as frick
      That's the spirit, anon.

  42. 1 year ago

    >accidentally grabbed girls hand by dumbbell rack
    >I look at her
    >She has gorgeous face, smiles to me
    >I smile too a bit
    >She glances at me couple times from other side of the gym

    Then i havent seen her, and next time she was liftinh with some chad dude

    Wish i wasnt ugly as shit

  43. 1 year ago

    A black lesbian came in to workout and we were the only two people at the gym. It’s a CrossFit so people are more cordial than at a globohomosexual gym. I introduced myself and she did the same. We both went in about our workout. A little while later I realized I was wearing a shirt that said “I identify as non-Bidenary” on the back.

  44. 1 year ago

    Women stare with lust all the time. You get used to it.

  45. 1 year ago

    > Told a girl she's cute and I wanted her number
    > gave it to me and later told me I impressed her with the guts to ask her
    > succed me of on the next date
    > she's married with a kid
    > ghosted her

    • 1 year ago

      if a woman is interested in you for no reason, chances are good she has a lil Black person a home

  46. 1 year ago

    >Cute 22yo-ish
    >Does shit correctly
    >Super nervous but had to approach
    >Walk up, ask her out, but too nervous, so it ends up being a pretty awkward and bad approach
    >Still exchange instas
    >Later on she says she's "not looking for anything right now so no to coffee"
    I feel good about having balls to approach but not the gym is sorta tained. And I have to wait out some time before approaching a girl again so that I don't get a reputation.

    >Roided 35yo+ monster lady
    >Asks me "How much you've got on this bench?"
    >"I'm only starting"
    >Semi-aggressively: "I freaking asked you how much you've left, not when you started"
    >"4 sets, geez"
    We didn't speak in English, the exchange is translated poorly. Roids do mad shit to femoids.

    • 1 year ago

      >but now the gym is sorta tainted

    • 1 year ago

      Exactly how did you approach her?

      • 1 year ago

        >Walk up
        >Hey you look cute, what's your name
        >Wanna hang out later?

        • 1 year ago

          Would this work if a girl did it to a guy? Nice digits btw

          • 1 year ago

            You know damn well

            • 1 year ago

              Not really. I've heard guys say that if a girl hit on them at the gym they'd feel sketched out and wouldn't trust her.

              • 1 year ago

                these might be the guys that would think that way in any scenario in which a girl asks them out

          • 1 year ago

            Probably. Its a numbers game. Just keep in mind that socializing in the gym will attract others who like to socialize or want to hit on you, and you might not be able to close pandora's box once you are considered a social gym person.

    • 1 year ago
  47. 1 year ago

    Pessi is a fricking fraud. His trophies were all won during the time Barcelona was paying referees, not to mention the rigged world cup.

  48. 1 year ago

    >focus on just working out
    >see same couple of chicks I've never said anything to nearly every time
    >they always say "see you next time" and "have a good workout" and smile at me
    >always just awkwardly smile back
    I'm socially moronic, why do they keep talking to me

  49. 1 year ago

    When I slam the weights and they go away

  50. 1 year ago

    What's linus doing playing soccor?

    • 1 year ago

      Rigging WC trophies and paying referees.

  51. 1 year ago

    >gym has powercages facing eachother
    >usually people wait for eachother so you're not squatting at the same time
    >qt half black girl l sometimes see is squatting on the other side
    >she keeps standing in the middle while I'm squatting looking at me
    >does the wipe your face with your shirt thing
    >tummy flash gives me test boost
    >never talk to her

  52. 1 year ago

    She gave me a piggyback ride

  53. 1 year ago

    Couple years ago
    >Be 17 go to gym everyday and finally went with a friend of mine
    >Forgot my hat at the bench press
    >Cutie same age as me walks up to me and gives me my hat and says: ''I think you forgot this" and smiles and walks away.
    > I answer with: "Thank you miss''

  54. 1 year ago

    None because when they smile at me and I either look away, pretend I didn't notice, turn my back or look at my phone.

  55. 1 year ago

    >at gym
    >notice gril staring at me
    >avoid eye contact because I don't want to embarrass myself

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