What will the fitness industry look like in 30 years?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Body enhancements in terms of genetic engineering increasing muscle strength and endurance thanks to ai research led technological advancements.

    And it'll only be for the rich.

    • 6 months ago

      Probably even dumber than it is now.

      Society will be even fatter, /fitizens/ will stand out even more. It'll be Gods and Clods with our bodies.
      My question is - what will the food industry look like? Will we finally start to ban all the chemicals, additives, and general goyslop?
      What about the pharma industry? Will they come out with an ozemPIG that actually does what they wish it did?

      >And it'll only be for the rich.
      I was gonna say, "yeah right - you're the person who in the 80s thought that we'd have flying cars by now."
      Until I got to that last part - yeah, probably. Or at least extremely tailored training, supplements, and drugs based on someone's specific genetic profile.

      I'm gonna go on a limb and say future generations will not be hyper focused on social media so the fitness industry will look entirely different.

      I hope you're right. That said, they thought that TV was a fad.

      i’m honestly wondering if roids and sarms will be easier to obtain and/or 100% legal

      My inner /misc/ says that roids will never be tolerated. They want the slow decline in Test levels to continue.
      Then again, haven't a few states legalized (decriminalized, whatever) basically everything?
      Maybe with all this troony shit we'll get over the counter roids like some places are trying to get over the counter birth control.

      • 6 months ago

        The more I think about it, no way will they ever let roids become commonplace - unless you go all zipperbreasts.

      • 6 months ago

        >Society will be even fatter, /fitizens/ will stand out even more. It'll be Gods and Clods with our bodies.
        100% agree. It's going to be a very stark difference in people.
        >What about the pharma industry? Will they come out with an ozemPIG that actually does what they wish it did?
        I'm mostly worried about pharma. I'm expecting it to be normal in the future to just per-emptively be on medication. Heart disease meds and ozempic will be as common as taking ibuprofen for day to day life. Think Brave New World, but completely related to physical health with some mood stabilizers added in.
        What's been weird is the narrowing of the definition of normal. People have always had a huge variety is likes, personalities, etc. but for some reason these days people want to classify themselves as "not normal" if they fall even the tiniest amount outside the top of the bell curve in anything. I've seen people on ADHD meds because they have trouble concentrating, as if some people don't naturally have trouble concentrating, or people on anti-depressants as if people don't naturally become depressed every now and then. Anxiety is normal. People will now immediately jump on anti-anxiety meds if they have it for something as normal as public speaking.
        Same with looks. People are regressing to the mean. With the advent of globalization of social media, people with really neat features that aren't typically "beautiful" (but absolutely are 10/10 to some people) are averaging out their features; think greek noses, for example.
        I think this narrowing of "normal" will continue and people will take meds if they fall even the tiniest bit outside of "normal". Scary world.

        • 6 months ago


          Probably even dumber than it is now.

          Society will be even fatter, /fitizens/ will stand out even more. It'll be Gods and Clods with our bodies.
          My question is - what will the food industry look like? Will we finally start to ban all the chemicals, additives, and general goyslop?
          What about the pharma industry? Will they come out with an ozemPIG that actually does what they wish it did?

          >And it'll only be for the rich.
          I was gonna say, "yeah right - you're the person who in the 80s thought that we'd have flying cars by now."
          Until I got to that last part - yeah, probably. Or at least extremely tailored training, supplements, and drugs based on someone's specific genetic profile.

          I hope you're right. That said, they thought that TV was a fad.

          My inner /misc/ says that roids will never be tolerated. They want the slow decline in Test levels to continue.
          Then again, haven't a few states legalized (decriminalized, whatever) basically everything?
          Maybe with all this troony shit we'll get over the counter roids like some places are trying to get over the counter birth control.

          Unless a new war breaks out

        • 6 months ago

          >but absolutely are 10/10 to some people
          I used to be a mod for OKCupid waaaaaay back in the day - back when it was actually a valid way of finding dates.
          (Believe me, I spent all of my time trying to delete catfish threads - I could also delete profiles where a fit b***h said she was "athletic" - they actually gave a shit back then.)
          Anyway, I used to post a lot of data before that got you a 3 day ban from IST
          Turns out that most of the highly rated women are also low-rated.
          That is to say, a 4/5 (the rating system OKC used) chick would have mostly 4/5 ratings, with almost no 1/5s.
          A chick with a 1/5 rating would have a few 5/5s with fewer in between.
          They went from a skewed bell curve, for most users, to a bimodal distribution.

          Think of a chick with a ton of tattoos, that would be a turnoff for me, but some guys like that. Anyone with stark or 'non-normal' features would have that bimodal curve. A wheyfu chick would be the same, I'd probably give a high rating, but a lot would give a low rating.
          A normie chick would just have a normal distribution that more 'correctly' ranked her.

          Pic related, some random info dump that was posted in a thread years ago. I think IST should be allowed at least one dating thread. A fitizen's dating game is going to be different than the aggregate on 4chin.

          • 6 months ago

            >fit b***h said she was "athletic"
            Funny typo. I remember reading somewhere long ago that most people cap out at 8/10 objectively and then the final 2 points are completely subjective and that's been my philosophy ever since. I feel bad for men who need to have an objectively beautiful woman as a reflection of his success when their romantic goal should be him and his personal 10/10 existing in the bubble of their love.

            • 6 months ago

              maybe, IDK, I think a lot of women that guys would agree are 10s frequently rely on heavy makeup to even out skin tone.

              • 6 months ago

                I feel like that's a man's fault for being unable to parse 'no makeup' makeup. Being friends with some girls has unlocked this game-changing ability.

      • 6 months ago

        its funny how you could tell by their faces alone you dont even need to see their bodies which would be an even more dead giveaway

  2. 6 months ago

    Dead lifts, only its literal.

  3. 6 months ago

    homosexual Black folk stealing old routines and pretending like they came up with it and more homosexual Black folk selling protein or other useless supplements. the government will ban creatine for pharma israelites so they can market it to old people for brain health or something.

  4. 6 months ago

    doing my best to stay on track with my fitness goals and PPL + cardio daily routine but today I set up a projector displaying on the wall directly in front of my bed. Needless to say I used it once and decided to take down the set up right after because it ended up being a really good goon cave setup. I could cast porn on essentially a 100in tv in my room and no one including my roommate would ever possibly know.
    In order to keep to my fitness goals I immediately knew couldn’t keep it.
    but it was so fricking good having literal life size girls in front of my bed. i didn’t even get a chance to try any POV stuff :/

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      I returned my meta quest 3 for the same reason

      500 inch cinema screen anywhere I wanted

      Multiple screens

      Chaturbate pornhub and Instagram

      Gooning so hard

    • 6 months ago

      projector recommendations?

    • 6 months ago

      pathetic as frick ngl

    • 6 months ago

      fricking kek I needed this laugh today brother, cheers

  5. 6 months ago

    The same 3 repackaged fad diets, 40th Gen roids that get you hyper jacked abut still toast your organs by 40, gym thots expanding their territory, and an endless cycle of new years tourists. Oh and this will just be for light weights and cardio equipment. Proper lifting equipment at a gym will require a doctor's prescription that will be nearly impossible to get unless you're a sponsored athlete.

    There will still be hole in the wall traditional gyms with the same rusted plates and ancient racks you know today. It will be the same locals and regulars like you know today doing basic lifts that date back to the gymnasiums in ancient Greece. The owner will be simultaneously too low iq and too cunning to ever be shut down despite never paying taxes.

    Men will still lift for women, body dysmorphia, women, general health, women, gay men, women, and to challenge themselves. Women will still go there to get attention primarily, and do absurd weighted hip thrusts and stretches to put their spandex wrapped coochie on display. The water fountain will still be a cess pit of primordial ooze. An old man is in the locker room airing out his balls at all times.

    The media and pop culture will still revile you for working out. They'll find new ways to try making you give up and just eat your way to a fat dumb happy life. But you still won't care. You have your fitness community where no one actually lifts but jumps at the chance to give their stupid uneducated opinions. They keep screeching about meat or no meat. Carbs or fat. But most importantly, even in the future we will all make it

  6. 6 months ago

    It's going to be totally different
    You won't have a bunch of weak fricked up adults taking up fitness and strength training
    Every person will do it from the start and be fit for life

  7. 6 months ago

    There will be anti-grav plates. Say you want to squat 310, you can just put the 3 plates on with the 2.5 lb mini anti-grav plates.

  8. 6 months ago

    - Three miles sprints through hostile territory.
    - Bag carries of 50 lb sacks of grain you stole from a military warehouse.
    - hand to hand combat with bandits and with National Guard soldiers.

    In 30 years, Western society will be so degraded and chaotic that most people will be forced to band together in smaller communities while Fourth-Generation pseudo civil wars occur throughout most North American and European countries.

  9. 6 months ago

    Naked gyms
    Screen cap this you heard it here first

    • 6 months ago

      I’m cool with this as long as there’s an attractiveness standard to enter.

  10. 6 months ago

    I'm gonna go on a limb and say future generations will not be hyper focused on social media so the fitness industry will look entirely different.

  11. 6 months ago

    i’m honestly wondering if roids and sarms will be easier to obtain and/or 100% legal

  12. 6 months ago

    Too many pathetic roid trannies

  13. 6 months ago

    It will be the exact same

    80% will be clueless people who make no progress at all
    15% will be at least making an effort
    5% will be making actual progress, knowing that natty training is a waste of time

    Nobody will invent any miraculous new supplement or steroid and society will still favor the weak over the strong

  14. 6 months ago

    women will be naked and men will be arrested if you look at a girl unless you're tall and handsome

  15. 6 months ago

    Girls that only train butt

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