What's a good form of exercise for someone who hates every form of exercise with every fibre of their being?

What's a good form of exercise for someone who hates every form of exercise with every fibre of their being?

I hate being outdoors and being exposed to weather, I hate being in gyms, I hate martial arts no matter how many times I've tried to get into them, I hate group sports because I always end up hating the people in them, and while I can make myself jog or run, I hate dragging myself to do it so much I eventually run out of capacity to force myself to do it.

I am aware that regular exercise is supposed to improve your mood and quality of life, but I hate exercise so much that even if it would physically help, spending so many hours of my life forcing myself to do something I hate on every cellular and metaphysical level makes the cost-benefit of it too steep. I can't fathom a form of exercise I could force into my life that would make life more, not LESS worth enduring.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Just go to the gym with your friends. It's way more fun.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't have that sort of friends. The friends I have all live in different cities than I do, even if I could bully them into going to a gym when I hate it myself, and I have no idea where I'd even find that sort of people whom I would also get along with.

      • 1 year ago

        Just make friends at the fricking gym. Jesus, stop making that so hard.

        • 1 year ago

          How do you make friends with people you have nothing in common with? I can't picture myself tolerating talk about counting proteins or weights or lifting or sports any more than I can picture making myself making someone listen to me talking about something I find interesting and they obviously don't.

          • 1 year ago

            You really need to step away from the computer and socialize more. Your view of other people is cartoonish and very immature. People at the gym are humans and not 2d characters that only have npc dialogue.
            Here's my advice:
            1. Find out if your city has a hash house harriers kennel. They're the most accepting, funny, social group of weirdos on the planet. They will welcome you and help you to come out of your shell. It's what we do. Everyone is welcome. You can choose whether you want to run or walk. No one cares. You don't even have to drink beer. Just come ready for fun.
            2. Do the fifty push ups challenge. The progression is slow and simple but you'll immediately see improvements in your physique, posture and self confidence.
            3. Do a daily Plank challenge. It starts at 20 seconds per day. If you cannot even commit 20 seconds a day to self improvement, then visit a doctor or therapist. There's something bigger going on there.
            4. Step away from the computer and anime/cartoons/discord groups that have given you a cartoonish world view. You live in a hell of your minds own making.

            • 1 year ago

              I had to google what that was, and I don't think that kind of clubs are a thing around here. I know how I sound like here but I'm really actually not a shut-in, I'm a social people person, but I've never met a gym bro I had anything to talk with.

              I've tried building up strength with push-ups before but eventually I run out of motivation to keep forcing myself to do it. My therapist was the one telling me I should be exercising more to help me sleep but she couldn't suggest anyting more useful after I told her that the people I asked for advise told me to seek therapy.

              • 1 year ago

                Ask your therapist to help you find out why you cannot commit go 20 seconds of exercise but you can commit an hour on an internet message board to make excuses about why you can't find 20 seconds to exercise.

              • 1 year ago

                I can tell you that myself:

                One of them requires me to force myself to do something I hate doing, for no other reason than because people are nagging me to do it, for nothing in return.

              • 1 year ago

                >for nothing in return
                Weak ass bait

    • 1 year ago


  2. 1 year ago

    >I hate being outdoors and being exposed to weather
    you're morally and genetically weak. I can understand not liking gyms, but not liking being outside? Why are you even on this earth if you don't like it here? just kys already

    • 1 year ago

      >genetically weak

      brother my entire bloodline is such a shitshow that making sure that it ends with me isn't just my pleasure, but downright my moral duty. Having kids by accident isn't in the books for me either due to medical reasons, but I'd still like to continue to live, personally.

      There's been at least one suicide in my family in every generation, and I refuse to be the one in this one out of pure spite.

  3. 1 year ago

    Do strength training. Don't train like a bodybuilder because is boring as frick.

    do strength. You will be amazed by how much you can improve.

    There is very few sports that you can triple your initial performance in few time

    • 1 year ago

      I guess that's the most efficient way. I've tried going to a gym to do exercises before, and I could stick to it regularly when I was living with my family and would welcome any way I could stay out of the house and enjoy the luxury of not having to tolerate them, but now that I live in a home I can have peace in, it's going to be harder to drag myself to leave the house to go do something I hate three times per week.

  4. 1 year ago

    you gotta love it

  5. 1 year ago

    >how can I do something but while also avoiding doing anything even remotely related to that particular something? It's uncomfy 🙁
    Have you considered growing a pair and just fricking doing it? You whiny fricking b***h.

    • 1 year ago

      You sound like a brainlet. Exercise isn't always fun. It can be fun and rewarding but it is also hard and painful. Most things worth doing aren't "fun" in the moment. Grow up and stop chasing short-term dopamine highs, take the hard path, and maybe just maybe you will look back on your life without regret.

      The problem with forcing yourself to do something you hate is that it's a limited resource. I am perfectly capable of forcing myself to do things that I hate, but you run out of that fuel eventually. It's not that I don't want to do things that I hate and which hurt because I couldn't endure things that I hate and the hurt, the problem is that I know from experience that it doesn't work in the long run.

      • 1 year ago

        You're just factually wrong about that and you never got through the beginner-phase. The more you do it the more you like it and the better it gets. You're the guy who goes to a gym for a week and then quits.
        >I know from experience
        how much experience? a week or two of training and then giving up for 6 months before trying another week just to quit again?

        • 1 year ago

          How long is the beginner phase? I can push through something I hate for months, I pushed through a job I hated for years, I've pushed myself into getting burnout in a job I love and am passionate about because I thought I could just push through the hard part until it gets easier, and it never did.

          I know I can wear myself out to the point where I'm incapable of forcing myself any further, to the point where all I can do is sit on the floor staring at the floor for three hours straight because I've lost all willpower to force myself to move.

          • 1 year ago

            Honestly it just sounds like you’re looking for an excuse to not exercise. Nobody here can help you if you don’t want to fix yourself. Just go to the gym rather than spending time replying to people here. Try different things out in terms of exercise and maybe you’ll grow to like certain parts but you complaining here on this board will lead nowhere

          • 1 year ago

            Beginner phase is as long as it takes for you to get into a routine. After a few months you will crave the gym. For most people who "hate exercise" I would recommend things like hiking and rowing/kayaking to get out and get started...but you already said you hate nature so it sounds like you have deeper problems. Honestly it might not be that you hate exercising anon, it sounds like you hate life in general and you need to either find a way to fix that or just keep on sliding.

            hint: no one is going to help you, it's all up to you.

            but if you overcome whatever mental issues you have and make some progress the sense of accomplishment you will feel will be the strongest drug.

      • 1 year ago

        You're just factually wrong about that and you never got through the beginner-phase. The more you do it the more you like it and the better it gets. You're the guy who goes to a gym for a week and then quits.
        >I know from experience
        how much experience? a week or two of training and then giving up for 6 months before trying another week just to quit again?

        who even cares. you're either gonna do it or you won't what's the fricking point in posting here about it. Modern society can perfectly enable you to live the easy life for as long as you want to, so go ahead. You supposedly came here asking for advice only to argue with every good advice you get and make excuses as to why you are a failure.

        So who cares, keep being a low-impulse weakling for the rest of your life knowing that at any other time in history any self-respecting man would kill you on site on mere principle.

      • 1 year ago

        >limited resource
        So? It's not like you ever reached that limit, proof being that going to the gym and screwing around with weights is what frickin broke you. Like there's any psychological strain in curling a dumbbell. You just never had to push yourself past that limit because you fear discomfort more than you hate failure.
        Grow a pair and learn to deal with discomfort or forever stay a weak whiny loser.

        How long is the beginner phase? I can push through something I hate for months, I pushed through a job I hated for years, I've pushed myself into getting burnout in a job I love and am passionate about because I thought I could just push through the hard part until it gets easier, and it never did.

        I know I can wear myself out to the point where I'm incapable of forcing myself any further, to the point where all I can do is sit on the floor staring at the floor for three hours straight because I've lost all willpower to force myself to move.

        Oh, so you burnt yourself out at your job. Cool. Where's your workout burnout?

        • 1 year ago

          We're talking about different subjects here. You're talking about the physical limit, I am talking about the mental strain. There IS a mental strain to forcing yourself to do shit you don't want to do and see no point or purpose in doing. I am not talking about physical burnout, I am talking about the mental burnout.

          Beginner phase is as long as it takes for you to get into a routine. After a few months you will crave the gym. For most people who "hate exercise" I would recommend things like hiking and rowing/kayaking to get out and get started...but you already said you hate nature so it sounds like you have deeper problems. Honestly it might not be that you hate exercising anon, it sounds like you hate life in general and you need to either find a way to fix that or just keep on sliding.

          hint: no one is going to help you, it's all up to you.

          but if you overcome whatever mental issues you have and make some progress the sense of accomplishment you will feel will be the strongest drug.

          I get that "I can't do shit because ADHD uwu" is a meme at this point, but it's a diagnosed brain issue I have. I literally have brain damage that makes it essentially impossible to develop and maintain routines.

          My therapist was the one to tell me to spend time outdoors and exercise. I asked her for advice and her advice was to look up advice from elsewhere.

          • 1 year ago

            what is the mental strain in in exercising? It's literally the opposite! Exercise stimulates brain activity this was known even by Aristotle and the peripatetic school of ancient philosophers who would go on long walks to think and formulate their arguments.
            >see no point or purpose in doing
            don't fricking do it then if you don't see a purpose, why are you even asking for exercise advice if you don't see a purpose? you have serious mental issues

            • 1 year ago

              Let me clarify before you get angry: I'm not talking about not consciously, rationally KNOWING there are benefits to exercising. The matter is hating it because it's mandatory.

              I know that I'm supposed to exercise to maintain my health and be able to sleep and do the things I want to do. The problem with it is that I hate exercise, and being forced to do something I hate in order to be able to do the things I'd wather be doing makes it feel like a hostage situation. If someone put a gun to your head and told you to push your arm elbow-deep in a vat of cold wet dog shit, you wouldn't think "I am so glad that I get to push my arm in there in order to live!", you would hate having a gun pointed to your head.

              The mental strain is being forced to do something, and having to force YOURSELF to do something, because otherwise you'll lose the things you want to do. Mandatory obligations you have to force yourself to put up with because otherwise the things you hold dear will be taken away from you.

              That is the mental strain.

              • 1 year ago

                you have the most fricked-up brain, I can't even imagine what it would be like to live a day in your body. I can only imagine what kinds of trauma led to this fricked up and backwards world-view.

                Forcing YOURSELF to endure suffering and mastering mind over body is the most empowering and enlightening force on the planet. And yet you refer to it as "mental strain" and make analogies of "wet dog shit" and "guns to your head". It's pathetic and cringe. You're not even asking for advice you're just fishing for feel-good affirmation for your degenerate lifestyle and backwards mental state, it's weak and pathetic.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm aware that it's an attitude matter, but I really don't see how I can make myself feel empowered by being physically forced to do something that every thread of the fabric of my being fricking hates to do.

                I hate doing the dishes too. But they have to be done. Doesn't mean I'm gonna curl into a ball and cry cause I need to scrub plates every day.
                Again, grow a pair and learn how to deal with discomfort or stay a whiny loser.
                >That is the mental strain.
                You'll get used to it and grow stronger, just like with routinely straining any muscle. Your problem is that you're too pussy to stick to it until you get comfortable with the strain.

                I actually enjoy doing the dishes because there's a visible result to it. I know it's an effeminate thing to do but I often go wash dishes when I'm angry or frustrated, since if I'm going to be mad and not enjoying myself anyway I might as well do something productive so the anger isn't useless.

                Stop framing things in terms of "like" and "dislike." This frame of things I wanna and don't wanna is literally the mindset of a child. There are just things you do, and things you don't do. Do you want to be someone who does things, or do you want to be a homosexual?

                I am aware that the framing I have is the problem, the problem is figuring out how to change that framing, and I don't know how else I am supposed to feel about shit I hate doing that I am nonetheless forced to do.

              • 1 year ago

                you need a shrink. stop posting.

              • 1 year ago

                My therapist was the one who told me that I should exercise more to feel better. She sent me TO YOU.

                >visisble result
                So this is the problem.
                Literally just do a minimalist routine at the gym for a few weeks, the moment you start seeing results you'll stop hating it. Eat big lift heavy

                I don't really care about the way my body looks - as a matter of fact I'm completely fine with the way it looks now - but "visible" as in "tangible, observable" in general. Dragging myself to the gym three times per week feels futile because I still feel like shit mentally and physically while I do it.

                what do you want? you asked for exercise advice and lots of anons gave it and all you do is cope and cringe about how you can't do it because it's too hard on your mental state. All you do is give excuses why you don't want to exercise, if you don't want to do it then don't fricking do it.

                I am asking for advice on how to have a better attitude about it and how to stop hating exercise as a concept. I am aware that it's not the exercise itself that's hard, it's forcing myself to do something I hate doing from the very core of my being. My problem is figuring out how to stop seeing something that I am physically forced to do as something I am physically forced to do.

              • 1 year ago

                this isn't a mental help board and we aren't your therapists. It sounds like you need a better shrink who will actually try to fix your underlying mental issues surround exercise (and a lot more) instead of just telling you to exercise. If you want advice on diet or what lifts to do then come back.

              • 1 year ago

                >My problem is figuring out how to stop seeing something that I am physically forced to do as something I am physically forced to do.
                By doing it until it becomes habitual.
                There's no magic pill, you're gonna hate the first few weeks, you just have to stick with it. Just do it, or don't we don't care, just stop whining and make a decision.

              • 1 year ago

                >visisble result
                So this is the problem.
                Literally just do a minimalist routine at the gym for a few weeks, the moment you start seeing results you'll stop hating it. Eat big lift heavy

              • 1 year ago

                what do you want? you asked for exercise advice and lots of anons gave it and all you do is cope and cringe about how you can't do it because it's too hard on your mental state. All you do is give excuses why you don't want to exercise, if you don't want to do it then don't fricking do it.

              • 1 year ago

                I hate doing the dishes too. But they have to be done. Doesn't mean I'm gonna curl into a ball and cry cause I need to scrub plates every day.
                Again, grow a pair and learn how to deal with discomfort or stay a whiny loser.
                >That is the mental strain.
                You'll get used to it and grow stronger, just like with routinely straining any muscle. Your problem is that you're too pussy to stick to it until you get comfortable with the strain.

              • 1 year ago

                Stop framing things in terms of "like" and "dislike." This frame of things I wanna and don't wanna is literally the mindset of a child. There are just things you do, and things you don't do. Do you want to be someone who does things, or do you want to be a homosexual?

              • 1 year ago

                You’re not forced to do it. It’s not a situation were you have no choice. It’s choosing to slowly pass when your elbow into cold dog shit. You only need to do it twice a week to be 400% better of then doing it 0 times a week. Did you do anything athletic during your formative years? If not perhaps this left certain ((“normal”)) connections in the brain unconnected. And if this is the chase I imagine you have to do physical activity for years do undo this environmental/genetic/upbringing frick ups. >Dubs and brain placidity save your life

              • 1 year ago

                I have slept six hours altogether in the past two nights. I've been told my problems with sleep are about needing more exercise. I am physically incapable of doing the things I want to do because I am physically incapable of staying asleep for more than three hours after being awake for 24 hours. I am physically forced to find some sort of exercise I don't hate more than life itself.

          • 1 year ago

            Anyone answering you at this point is just wasting their time. You sound depressed. Take some vitamin D3 and get some sun. You don't want help you just want to b***h. I used to be like you and it was pathetic. I learned to love the trauma of wrecking your body every other day and putting the work in to transforming. If you can't mold yourself and embrace the only real semblance of control you have then you're at mercy to nature and you have only yourself to blame for your pathetic existence.

            • 1 year ago


              If you don’t learn to enjoy exercising and the beauty of improving yourself little by little everyday then you’re NGMI

  6. 1 year ago

    You need to embrace being uncomfortable

    Try to put yourself in uncomfortable situation, even something as little as finishing your showers with cold water. Then increase to forcing yourself to go run/lift weights/swim/cycle/climb etc

    Then add in socialising, seek out uncomfortable situations, make smalltalk with strangers, then build up to making more meaningful conversations

    If you agent constantly trying to grow as a person, then you are regressing. Life is a constant struggle to improve

  7. 1 year ago

    You need to grow up.

  8. 1 year ago

    You sound like a brainlet. Exercise isn't always fun. It can be fun and rewarding but it is also hard and painful. Most things worth doing aren't "fun" in the moment. Grow up and stop chasing short-term dopamine highs, take the hard path, and maybe just maybe you will look back on your life without regret.

  9. 1 year ago

    Some fitness game at home?
    Home gym in general?
    Some sport like polo, dancing?

  10. 1 year ago

    You sound like fatty coping extremely hard bro.
    Do a simple full body routine with only compounds for a bit, you'll start liking it, quick 30-40 minute workouts 3x a week.
    Start building a home gym if you must, it's not that expensive.

  11. 1 year ago

    Op it sounds like you’re an insufferable homosexual and a massive pussy. Enjoy your life of mediocrity

    • 1 year ago

      summer is around the corner and dyels are starting to flood the board again.

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