What's a good way to lose weight fast?

What's a good way to lose weight fast? I'm preparing to get rid of all my male body fat and potentially muscle before I start HRT. One meal a day that's just vegetables ?

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  1. 12 months ago

    losing weight gradually is a lot better

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        bc if you're losing weight fast you're depriving your body of the things it needs so you start feeling tired all the time and you get headaches and you get dizzy when you stand up you might even faint sometimes and your hair might get worse and etc but if you're fine with those things go for it i guess

      • 12 months ago

        bc if you're losing weight fast you're depriving your body of the things it needs so you start feeling tired all the time and you get headaches and you get dizzy when you stand up you might even faint sometimes and your hair might get worse and etc but if you're fine with those things go for it i guess

        Not only that but starving fricks up your hormones and could lead to hair loss I speak from experience it’s not worth it anon trust me a year or two will go by like nothing take your time

    • 12 months ago

      t.lost 20 kilos by rotting all day in bed for 2 months

  2. 12 months ago

    3500 calories deficit is what it takes to lose a pound. You need to find your resting metabolic rate (RMR) and figure out your activity level to determine how many calories you burn in a day. Eat at a deficit, a 500 calorie per day deficit will lose a pound a week. Don't deficit too much or it could lower your RMR. Adding exercise and gaining muscle helps to increase your RMR. Try to find a diet that you can stickl with life long otherwise you'll end up yo-yo-ing your weight. You could literally live on only beef and be very healthy and lose weight. Avoid carbs as much as possible.

  3. 12 months ago

    calorie deficit
    >One meal a day that's just vegetables ?
    no, just calorie deficit

    • 12 months ago


      3500 calories deficit is what it takes to lose a pound. You need to find your resting metabolic rate (RMR) and figure out your activity level to determine how many calories you burn in a day. Eat at a deficit, a 500 calorie per day deficit will lose a pound a week. Don't deficit too much or it could lower your RMR. Adding exercise and gaining muscle helps to increase your RMR. Try to find a diet that you can stickl with life long otherwise you'll end up yo-yo-ing your weight. You could literally live on only beef and be very healthy and lose weight. Avoid carbs as much as possible.

      Is keto diet the best option for me?

      • 12 months ago

        no, just calorie deficit

      • 12 months ago

        It works, it just takes discipline. I've done it a few times and weight drops off fast, you stop getting hungry after a while. It may be hard to maintain long term but you could switch to low carb and maintain your daily calorie intake to stay at the same weight. I wouldn't recommend keto for a vegetarian, although there are guides out there on how to do it.

    • 12 months ago

      no, just calorie deficit

      also dont listen to that other anon, 500 calories a day is unsustainable and that's the biggest pitfall in dieting
      just stay under 1000-1200 calories during the week and under 1500 during the weekend

      it doesnt have to be the weekend per se but try to have 2 days where you eat a little more — this way you dont allow your body to get used to you eating very few calories so you prevent a plateau where your body just adapts to running on low energy

      i personally lost 5kg in a month by eating 800 calories during the week and 1200-1500 during the weekend but everyone's body is different so don't get too upset if your progress is a bit slower, the important thing is that its there

      lastly, it doesnt really matter what you eat on paper as long as your calorie count checks out but the crux with unhealthy food is that it doesnt always fill you up leading to you still feeling hungry despite consuming a lot of calories; but it's not like you're not allowed to eat any treats (honestly i recommend you do eat them, just of course in way lower amounts — that way your diet will be more sustainable because you're not depriving yourself of whatever you find tasty)
      and remember this: foods high in protein ensure you feel full after eating

      oh and dont forget to count liquid calories, something A LOT of people forget to do. count EVERYTHING, every little cookie and every cup

      wtf are you doing here

  4. 12 months ago

    drink a lot of water/caffeine, take a multi vitamin everyday, eca stack, eat around 500 cal a day all at once or at most two separate meals (preferably breakfast and lunch), do intense cardio everyday or 5 days a week, you'll be able to lose about 5 pounds a week if you do all this

  5. 12 months ago

    >just vegetables
    eat protein or you won't be ever be full + your muscles will wither away

  6. 12 months ago

    also dont listen to that other anon, 500 calories a day is unsustainable and that's the biggest pitfall in dieting
    just stay under 1000-1200 calories during the week and under 1500 during the weekend

    it doesnt have to be the weekend per se but try to have 2 days where you eat a little more — this way you dont allow your body to get used to you eating very few calories so you prevent a plateau where your body just adapts to running on low energy

    i personally lost 5kg in a month by eating 800 calories during the week and 1200-1500 during the weekend but everyone's body is different so don't get too upset if your progress is a bit slower, the important thing is that its there

    lastly, it doesnt really matter what you eat on paper as long as your calorie count checks out but the crux with unhealthy food is that it doesnt always fill you up leading to you still feeling hungry despite consuming a lot of calories; but it's not like you're not allowed to eat any treats (honestly i recommend you do eat them, just of course in way lower amounts — that way your diet will be more sustainable because you're not depriving yourself of whatever you find tasty)
    and remember this: foods high in protein ensure you feel full after eating

    oh and dont forget to count liquid calories, something A LOT of people forget to do. count EVERYTHING, every little cookie and every cup

  7. 12 months ago

    what bmi is roughly ideal before starting hrt, my bmi is roughly 19 now and i don’t have that much fat i think so how much weight would it be best to lose before hrt since i don’t want to lose too much and look bad

    • 12 months ago

      Why wait to start HRT? Start it now, prevent T putting fat in the bad places, whilst also losing it. Unless there's some secret I'm missing?

      • 12 months ago

        You want to gain fat in female regions of the body (butt, hips, thighs, boobs), and also want to lose fat in the male region (belly, arms, shoulders, back)

        You can't do both at once.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm not an idiot anon.
          Why let T destroy you whilst losing weight?

  8. 12 months ago

    Honestly ignore all these "science" tards. If you want to get rid of male pattern fat and muscle, starve yourself and minimize exercise. This will also destroy your T levels at the same time. Literally nothing can go wrong except for developing an eating disorder but thats fine because its fembrained. Also loose skin if youre losing a lot of weight

  9. 12 months ago

    just eat one meal a day and eat basically whatever you want.

    It's pretty chill and you'll lose tons of weight at a reasonable weight

    I went from 210 to 150 lbs over a few months.

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