What's going to happen is the athletes involved in this are still not going to even come close to the performance of real pro athletes.

What's going to happen is the athletes involved in this are still not going to even come close to the performance of real pro athletes. Then all the people that are so sure "all pro athletes are on steroids" are going to be really fricking embarrassed.

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  1. 3 months ago

    wouldn't that just prove that all athletes are on steroids?

    • 3 months ago

      >wouldn't that just prove that all athletes are on steroids?
      how is it going to prove all athletes are on steroids if guys take steroids and can't even remotely compete with them?

      What really happens, let's take baseball as an example.
      >Fraud league starts
      >People are crushing dingers like it was the 90's
      >People take notice
      >Homeruns are exciting
      >Fraud league overtakes MLB viewership
      >WWF vs WCW type rivalry
      >We get EXTREME baseball
      It will be kino

      >What really happens, let's take baseball as an example.
      If that happens I will admit I was wrong. I'm not literally a paid professional on this issue, but I am almost certain the vast majority of athletes are not on steroids.

      • 3 months ago

        Because how can you compete with the guys on steroids if you're not also on steroids?
        Are you really going to assume that natty+talent beats steroids+talent

        • 3 months ago

          >Are you really going to assume that natty+talent beats steroids+talent
          I've been following pro sports for 30 years, I used to believe that obviously steroids made someone a better athlete. But after doing a lot of research and weightlifting instead of running/martial arts, I very strongly suspect steroids are not actually the best way to improve athletic performance.

          They are most likely very good for bodybuilding and strongman type stuff, because they help create massive growth in a few muscle groups. But in order to be a truly effective pro athlete, you need much more balanced muscle growth than bodybuilding/strongman/powershitting.

          • 3 months ago

            There's hundreds of drugs that will increase different aspects of ur body, not everyone is doing test or Tren
            Black folk in MMA take halotestin which makes you aggressive and angry as shit

            • 3 months ago

              This, there's different types of banned PEDs depending on the specifics of the sport. AAS are the most popular, but there's others too. Endurance athletes may use EPO stimulating agents etc. Saying they don't make much difference is ridiculous. They make huge difference

          • 3 months ago

            ever sport is going to have people talented in the actual specialized things of that sport. take someone who can dribble 2 basketballs at once while blindfolded and put them against another person of equal skill. they are evenly matched yes? ok now inject one of them with boldenone, now he has 2x the endurance, 2x the pulmonary capacity, can do everything the other guy can but for longer, faster, and better.

            that is what it is, specialized drugs for enhancing specific niches in athletic performacne. giving a jockey deca and anadrol is going to make him ride a horse worse, because hes gonna gain weight like a motherfricker. give a jockey meth and hes gonna have faster reaction time, not eat for days and be lighter, hes going to be a better athlete. you wouldnt give an NFL linebacker meth and DNP then expect him to hold the line better

      • 3 months ago

        the event hasnt even happened yet and youre acting like it has, take your fricking meds

      • 3 months ago

        Then that means the supposedly clean Olympians are taking super-steroids.

        • 3 months ago

          >Then that means the supposedly clean Olympians are taking super-steroids.
          they also secretly inject their competition with space AIDS

      • 3 months ago

        >how is it going to prove all athletes are on steroids if guys take steroids and can't even remotely compete with them?
        steroids makes you stronger, stronger than the natty limit
        so someone stronger than any one else can get with steroids must be on them too as well, because if he were natty his limit would be lower than that
        it's pretty basic logic anon

    • 3 months ago

      if you are intelligent, then yes, you would come to this conclusion
      if you are moronic it would support the opposite idea

      • 3 months ago

        if people openly do steroids and can't compete with pro athletes how does it prove they are all on steroids

        • 3 months ago

          Again, if you are intelligent, yes you would come to that conclusion
          If you are moronic we get questions like this

          • 3 months ago

            Sorry does the question go over your head? Should I use easier words and talk slower? Is your tardwrangl- handler here to help you?

          • 3 months ago

            I can tell you make the big bucks and get all the girls (with veganas)

          • 3 months ago

            if people openly do steroids and can't compete with pro athletes how does it prove they are all on steroids

            based as frick, would buy you a beer.

        • 3 months ago

          Bro do you have a phd in statistics?

  2. 3 months ago

    What really happens, let's take baseball as an example.
    >Fraud league starts
    >People are crushing dingers like it was the 90's
    >People take notice
    >Homeruns are exciting
    >Fraud league overtakes MLB viewership
    >WWF vs WCW type rivalry
    >We get EXTREME baseball
    It will be kino

    • 3 months ago

      More like
      >fraud league starts
      >gladiators are ready to take anything just for a win
      >they die from overdose, heart attack, organ failure etc.
      >don't do this at home, kids

    • 3 months ago

      Everyone in baseball is already on steroids. It is the dirtiest sport. They have no drug testing.

    • 3 months ago
  3. 3 months ago

    Sponsored competitions are moronic, and so are you if you watch them.
    I say do it. Let the morons poison themselves.

  4. 3 months ago

    with that being said, I full 100% support a steroid league

    it's legit good science and I am extremely interested what open steroid users can do in athletic events beyond powershitting and bodybuilding

  5. 3 months ago

    then people will wake up to the real predictor of success, genetics

    it's literally all genetics

    • 3 months ago

      >it's literally all genetics
      it's literally not

      I used to believe that, so I understand if you feel that way but it's not genetics, it's literally all hard work unless it's a sport that requires very specific heights like gymnastics or the NBA, even then allen iverson was one of the best players ever at 5'11"

      • 3 months ago

        >it's literally not

        • 3 months ago

          I never get any real arguments from you people all I get are smug anime faces telling me that I'm just wrong without any explanation.

          • 3 months ago

            there's nothing to be said that wasn't already said, you're wrong and I'm right
            I could post a bunch of reasons as to why there is a drastic individual variance in training such as a 2-fold variance in muscle fiber counts in human muscles on an individual basis, or the fact that some people have more muscle heads on their quads/triceps/biceps than the vast majority of humanity, or that some people are born with more tendon mass than others or more cartilage and bone mass or born with superior CNS blessing them with more efficient motor unit recruitment thus higher speed/power/strength potential and you would just ignore it with your "it's not genetics it's all hard work" cope
            it is genetics, genetics determine your body plan, training merely expresses your genetic potential
            your genetics influence how you fight off disease, how well you can tolerate nutritional deficiencies and low levels of bodyfat, how you react to drugs, genetics are everything
            just stop with the fricking cope

            • 3 months ago

              cool story bro

              Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson couldn't even make a CFL team.

      • 3 months ago

        >it's literally all hard work
        yeah and the people with better genetics can work harder and get more out of their hard work
        anyone can work hard but nobody gets as much bang for their buck than the talented

      • 3 months ago

        If it were all hard work, then there would be a cap on the ability to progress which would be the time available to work hard. There's genetics, hard work, and recovery. Steroids affect recovery which allows someone to work harder. So your point is stupid.

  6. 3 months ago

    a steroid sports league is a trillion times more useful science than smashing particles in an accelerator in switzerland

  7. 3 months ago

    I laughed back in the day when people said "steroids don't help you hit a baseball"

    but now I have to admit they were actually right, and this league will prove that

    • 3 months ago

      I mean they may not help you hit it (jury is actually out on if some steroids improve reaction times) but when you do hit it they certainly help you hit it farther.

  8. 3 months ago

    This steroid league is gonna give me body dysmorphia. Frick you

  9. 3 months ago

    >it's all hard work bro

    • 3 months ago

      the guy who has held the NFL combine record since 1999 for 51 reps with 225lb on the bench press. wasn't even good enough to play one game in the NFL

      Stephen Paea, DT, 2011: 49
      Mitch Petrus, OL, 2010: 45
      Jeff Owens, DT, 2010: 44
      Dontari Poe, DT, 2012: 44
      Tank Tyler, DL, 2007: 42
      Russell Bodine, C, 2014: 42
      Harrison Phillips, DT, 2018: 42

      Of those guys one, Dontari Poe, has made the pro bowl at least once. A few of them didn't even start a single game or started less than 10 games.

      • 3 months ago

        every single person who has ever been considered for a start in the NFL has elite genetics
        it's a tiny pool of people out a population in the hundreds of millions, are you really stupid enough to think some average joe just hard worked his way to being 6'5 265 with a 37" vert and a 4.4 40? have you ever trained with elite athletes in your life? there is nothing remotely normal about these people

        • 3 months ago

          >muh roided nogcollision ball players are inhuman superheroes
          mios dios

          • 3 months ago

            touch grass

        • 3 months ago

          Kind of a pathetic attitude there tbh. They’re still just humans. Yes anyone who makes it to the nfl combine is among the top fraction of a percentage genetics wise. They’re still on steroids though

  10. 3 months ago

    Why are there so many morons in this thread? Virtually all elite athletes are already on PEDs. Though testing does mean they have to be careful about what compounds they use. Genetics AND drugs both matter.
    > The team had gone 4–10 in 1962 but rebounded with an 11–3 record, winning the AFL West by one game over the Oakland Raiders, who were coached by former Chargers assistant Al Davis. San Diego scored the most points in the league and conceded the fewest.[1] Their offense, led by veteran quarterback Tobin Rote, and featuring future Hall of Fame receiver Lance Alworth, gained more yards than any other team; Rote and Alworth were each named the league MVP, by the Associated Press and UPI, respectively.
    What changed? Their coaches made the entire team take dianabol (on its own FAR less potent than the stuff being used today). Steroids won’t make an average guy an elite athlete. But if the other guys are taking steroids in a mostly physical sport you have almost no chance of making it as a natty even with the best genetics. Ussain bolt absolutely used steroids. Pic related. Obviously bolt could still beat the vast majority of planet earth in the 100 as a natty. But he could ABSOLUTELY not beat Justin gatlin as a natty. The margins between elite athletes are so small- even between lebron james and some starting power forward you’ve never heard of- that gear will absolutely determine who is the best among elite athletes. There is too much at stake for people not to use.

  11. 3 months ago

    if someone manages to beat an olympic record in this i'll be impressed, otherwise it seems like a gimmick

    • 3 months ago

      Lmao how many world records are set in the olympics anyway, they definitely don’t set any of the strength records

    • 3 months ago

      Bulgarian records are still unbeaten and they had to change weight classes to make it more interesting to viewers because nobody came close for three decades
      the only real freak in weightlifting is Lasha

      • 3 months ago

        Weightlifting and cycling are the only sports that ped use is objectively proven to be an overwhelming advantage

        • 3 months ago

          No. The same kind of PEDs that work for cycling work in running and swimming and so on. And they are very effective. Not saying they're good for you

  12. 3 months ago

    what will happen is, the people who have the disciplne to go for the sports leagues that are more popular where steroids are banned, who are disciplined enough to do all the things they have to do to take PED's discretely and not get caught, and who do it in enough moderation that its not hard to hide and doesn't injure their bodies, will out perform the people in the steroid sport.

    becuase the steroid sport will invite people who have less discipline, and will choose the sports league where they can take steroids unrestrained, and will injure their bodies more, and this lack of discipline will carry over into their athletic performance.

    • 3 months ago

      steroid league will attract lesser talent simply because there will be less money involved. companies aren't going to want to sponsor this thing. think wheaties is gonna put the roid league guy on their box?>

  13. 3 months ago

    Nah it's just going to prove that Chinese have been abusing drugs for decades and that their lifts are actually garbage.

  14. 3 months ago

    Do they allow other performance enhances like meth? Because then sports would be actually fun to watch

  15. 3 months ago

    Lot of dead athletes soon followed by some big government crack down on steroid and drug importation cost of gear skyrockets half the fake natty youtubes and istas go dark. It would be funny nonetheless.

  16. 3 months ago

    Good, this will help to normalize gear and one day we can have the bullshit laws inhibiting it dismantled like with weed.

    • 3 months ago

      Steroids actually kill you, especially if there is a financial incentive to abuse it., weed hasn't killed anyone no matter how much you abuse it.

      • 3 months ago

        >Steroids actually kill you

        You're moronic.

        • 3 months ago

          Steroids cause 3x higher chance of early death

      • 3 months ago

        Some guy ate a shitload of edibles and jumped off a building

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