What's it like being?

I'm only average/athletic here in America but when I went to Athens people thought I was jacked. Greeks facemog us though you guys are handsome.

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  1. 12 months ago

    Greek fellow here. Here in thessaloniki there is a divide in younger people, those who are fit/skinny and those who are fat. Also thessalonikians are quite tall for some reason, as 5ft11 dude I get mogged all the time, while when I am in Athens I can height mog most men in a club

    • 12 months ago

      Depends on where you live. I'm greek, while I was living in Crete I was constantly mogged, because women flocked to athens and there was a lot of competition between men who stayed behind. In other cities people aren't as fitness obsessed.

      Here in the uk you get a few kinds of people:

      >Naturally thin, look like they're on drugs (sometimes they are)
      >cardiogays (usually 40s+, motivated by a fear of strokes and heart attacks)
      >gymbruvs & steroid gymbruvs, the type of guy who takes coke and starts fights on weekends
      >regular people, fat, always spaghetti arms (most visible on sunny days, they're the first to take shirts off)
      >landwhales, a direct result of transatlantic cultural trade

      me, going through my usual bulk-fatten-depressed-lose weight-bulk 5 year cycle.

      Χαιρετώ τα αλάνια, ειδικά τον Σαλονικιό

    • 12 months ago

      Cuz those gays in Thessaloniki are mostly israelites or Bulgarians. you know people say that the North is Bulgarian

      • 12 months ago

        are you implying that israelites and Bulgarians heightmog (and by extension gene mog) the real greeks of the south?

    • 12 months ago

      Athens has no fitness culture. I'm Thessalonian living in Athens. The north is both more athletic on average for having intensive sport culture, and different culture influence, and also produces the most notable athletes per capita.
      Delete that pic though. I hate the USA.

      Younger people have this divide for some reason but I think the old fitness mindset is fading. Fewer are doing competitive sports and there's just this divide between ottermode zoomers and fat people. I think it's an effect of westernization.
      >when I am in Athens
      I've lived in Athens for a while now and I'll never get used to it. I'll just move abroad to work there, it's going to be the same minus the language.
      Also, what the frick is wrong with women in Athens. They all look like shit. Thessaloniki looks like a beauty contest in comparison.

      Cuz those gays in Thessaloniki are mostly israelites or Bulgarians. you know people say that the North is Bulgarian

      >people say that the North is Bulgarian
      There was a significant Bulgarian minority, and israelites, but historically. This isn't true anymore and southerners are just jealous. The most of us are from Asia Minor or Pontus. Pontus will be Greek again in my lifetime.

  2. 12 months ago

    Depends on where you live. I'm greek, while I was living in Crete I was constantly mogged, because women flocked to athens and there was a lot of competition between men who stayed behind. In other cities people aren't as fitness obsessed.

    Here in the uk you get a few kinds of people:

    >Naturally thin, look like they're on drugs (sometimes they are)
    >cardiogays (usually 40s+, motivated by a fear of strokes and heart attacks)
    >gymbruvs & steroid gymbruvs, the type of guy who takes coke and starts fights on weekends
    >regular people, fat, always spaghetti arms (most visible on sunny days, they're the first to take shirts off)
    >landwhales, a direct result of transatlantic cultural trade

    me, going through my usual bulk-fatten-depressed-lose weight-bulk 5 year cycle.

    • 12 months ago

      >while I was living in Crete I was constantly mogged, because women flocked to athens and there was a lot of competition between men who stayed behind. In other cities people aren't as fitness obsessed
      I will move to Crete for work, what would you advise for getting chicks and making friends? (also, is mogging unavoidable? lmao)

      • 12 months ago

        Do you speak Greek? Ngl we hate foreigners who don't speak the language at all

        • 12 months ago

          Εννοείται! Για κάνε με redpill για την Κρήτη και τις Κρητικιές

  3. 12 months ago

    shut the frick up, amerifat

  4. 12 months ago

    How long 'till the Turko-Greek forum war starts? I give it about 5 more replies

    • 12 months ago

      They're the same people, how much can they possibly hate each other?

      • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        n-not eating the b8

  5. 12 months ago

    exburger in Italy here, in my town pretty much everyone young is dyel, everyone old is skinnyfat. Still better than America though

  6. 12 months ago

    I look bigger since there aren't as many obese people walking around.

  7. 12 months ago

    Women give me more leeway when it comes to being autistic

  8. 12 months ago

    In Sweden (at least stockholm), younger people and young adults are active (gym, runs blabla) so not a lot of fat people. Hard to mog unless you're a big dude.

    Roids (outside of test and light orals) are pretty rare since police are known to regularly check gyms and do random blood tests if your look sus

    • 12 months ago

      >do random blood tests if your look sus
      what the frick. Is Sweden some moronic police state

  9. 12 months ago

    Getting fit in America is a damn head trip. It heavily depends on where in the country you are. If you're in a college town, you're going to see 10/10 alpha-chads that look like they live in the gym. Then you go to a major city and 95/100 people are skinnyfat or just blobs. Some days I feel like I mog everyone in the room, other days I feel like a spooky skelly.

  10. 12 months ago

    being IST in the uk is seen as a lower class thing (unless you're a rugby player)
    so many coked up roided deanos in gymshark shirts getting aggy in clubs. roids are extremely common here
    and lower class slags love bulky bearmode guys over lean ottermode guys

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