Whats the absolute simplest food to lose weight? As in like 5 ingredients or less and a simple cooking process?

What’s the absolute simplest food to lose weight? As in like 5 ingredients or less and a simple cooking process?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Veggie stir fry with chicken breast strips

    • 3 months ago

      Any sounds good any low in calorie condiments you’d recommend?

      • 3 months ago

        hot sauce

        salt and pepper

  2. 3 months ago

    Cottage cheese / curds
    Don't even need to cook.

    • 3 months ago

      Just eat them straight out the of pack? I guess it’s efficient.

      hot sauce

      salt and pepper

      Sounds pretty good actually, thanks

  3. 3 months ago

    Lean ground beef, brown rice and frozen veggie mix. Sub rice for potatos if you want.

    Spice any way you want. Do taco seasoning if youre in the mood for mexican or do onions sauce with garlic and ginger if youre in the mood for asian.

    • 3 months ago

      Sounds good, I think they have all that pretty cheap at my local supermarket.

      >put in rice cooker
      >put in water
      Chicken tit
      >turn on oven
      >season tit with salt and pepper at a minimum
      >bake until done

      Cabbage or cucumber
      >slice vegetable to fit on a plate with oats and chicken
      >sprinkle with salt before serving

      Adjust proportions as needed, prioritizing chicken and veggies.
      >chicken tit

      Think I can use a air fryer instead of a oven?

      • 3 months ago

        >Think I can use a air fryer instead of a oven?
        I'm sure you could but I wouldn't recommend it. Never used one to cook from scratch, but I think the convection may make the outside really tough by the time the inside of the tit is safe to eat

        • 3 months ago

          Ah I own one and my chicken is usually fine, never had any problems with it.

          Just stop eating bread and cookies. Only eat lunch and dinner. Meat, vegetables and potatoes. Rice is a meme for fat people because you guys never eat the recommended serving. Walk 5 miles every single day. Drink gallons of water


          "simplest food to lose weight" would be 0 food. Skip breakfast: 0 calories before lunch. You want high volume, low calorie foods (vegetables, chicken breast) and totally avoid drinking your calories/sugar/bread. Potatoes or brown rice is fine. Get 0 calorie seasonings/dry rubs. Bbq sauce or hot sauce. Cook chicken in the air fryer, steam the vegetables.
          If you start to get bored remind yourself that you're trying to lose weight, not win a cooking competition. You get to eat what you want again after you aren't shaped like the Michelin man.

          >What’s the absolute simplest food to lose weight?
          unironically chicken breasts,brocolli and rice.
          hard to frick up the macros.
          undercooked? pop it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, now it's cooked.
          you're a minority who find the taste bland? marinate your chicken in random shit you find in the corners of your house. vinegary hot sauce is cool. put some salt & pepper on it after cooking.

          Meat veggies and potatoes (or maybe rice) seems to be the consensus. I’ll probably add some tzatziki or hot sauce with it.

          • 3 months ago

            Good luck anon. Potatoes have a bunch of extra vitamins and such so I'd go with that over rice but you can't go wrong with that diet.

          • 3 months ago

            Good luck anon. Potatoes have a bunch of extra vitamins and such so I'd go with that over rice but you can't go wrong with that diet.

            i don't like potatoes coz it takes too long to cook and sweet potatoes don't come in uniform sizes.

  4. 3 months ago

    >put in rice cooker
    >put in water
    Chicken tit
    >turn on oven
    >season tit with salt and pepper at a minimum
    >bake until done

    Cabbage or cucumber
    >slice vegetable to fit on a plate with oats and chicken
    >sprinkle with salt before serving

    Adjust proportions as needed, prioritizing chicken and veggies.
    >chicken tit

  5. 3 months ago

    Black beans and salsa. Wash it down with a protein shake.

    • 3 months ago

      No meat?

      • 3 months ago

        Well you wanted simplicity. This takes 2 minutes when meat takes 15-20 minutes.

  6. 3 months ago


  7. 3 months ago

    chicken and rice

  8. 3 months ago


  9. 3 months ago

    Just stop eating bread and cookies. Only eat lunch and dinner. Meat, vegetables and potatoes. Rice is a meme for fat people because you guys never eat the recommended serving. Walk 5 miles every single day. Drink gallons of water

  10. 3 months ago

    "simplest food to lose weight" would be 0 food. Skip breakfast: 0 calories before lunch. You want high volume, low calorie foods (vegetables, chicken breast) and totally avoid drinking your calories/sugar/bread. Potatoes or brown rice is fine. Get 0 calorie seasonings/dry rubs. Bbq sauce or hot sauce. Cook chicken in the air fryer, steam the vegetables.
    If you start to get bored remind yourself that you're trying to lose weight, not win a cooking competition. You get to eat what you want again after you aren't shaped like the Michelin man.

  11. 3 months ago

    >What’s the absolute simplest food to lose weight?
    unironically chicken breasts,brocolli and rice.
    hard to frick up the macros.
    undercooked? pop it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, now it's cooked.
    you're a minority who find the taste bland? marinate your chicken in random shit you find in the corners of your house. vinegary hot sauce is cool. put some salt & pepper on it after cooking.

  12. 3 months ago

    if you want to replace a meal but still get proein consider eating just tunafish with something in it you like, like hot sauce, mayo, etc. limit it to about 3 times a week.

    as a snack just put your sliced turkey on a plate and just fricking eat that, and you can eat it with a handfull or two of mixed nuts since those are high in micronutrients.

    just eat chicken by itself with some broccoli. thats a generic one.

    a few eggs every now and then are a good meal by themselves you can chop up vegetebale and mix those in.

    a fruit smoothy two or three times a week. just put in a bottle of water and throw in a banana some berries/ carrots/ an apple, switch it up and use strawberries some days or add spinach to it even, you can squeeze a lemon into it or add orange slices.

    all of these are hunger satiating and nutrtious and low in fat/ calories.

  13. 3 months ago

    I usually just make a one pot soup involving onions, chicken, green lentils, and another vegetable for more potassium. Add a lot of olive oil for fat content and garlic because I like what it's doing to me. It's a pretty simple and filling. Let's me get 1100 kcal at about 130g of protein and about 30g of carbs. Could probably make it bigger but I like having 400-500 kcal to do whatever with

  14. 3 months ago

    >crack three eggs into glass bowl, stir into soup
    >pour soup onto oiled pan
    >heat soup until it gains consistency enough to fold it
    >repeat, fold it again
    >put it on plate, eat
    only one required ingredient, but you can add a small amount of salt, sugar, and of course vegetables and meats and whatever else you want. You can also add volume with water or milk. My first omelette was oversalted and horrible. My second was alright. My third, I forgot to season it at all and still thought it was pretty good. The process is simple but there's still some skill to it.
    weightloss benefit: it's filling and with reasonable extras is still only 300 kcal or so

    • 3 months ago

      Chuck a heap of shredded cabbage in too if you need more volume.

  15. 3 months ago

    This is a stupid, fail sure approach.
    Just eat regular food and track macros. You can even eyeball them once you get the hang of it, it's still gonna work.

  16. 3 months ago

    Shrimp. 500g with 1-3tsp olive oil based off preference and lemon pepper seasoning with a little salt. "Fry" it for 5 ish minutes. Or instead, with garlic butter.
    Pre cooked frozen shrimp is often the same price as raw frozen. Using this means you cannot possibly frick up the cooking.

    Add rice or potatoes and broccoli as a side.

    There is always the default chicken breast (any chicken seasoning please season it) and rice.

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