What's the best shot you can give yourself to maintain your hair short of hormone altering drugs?

What's the best shot you can give yourself to maintain your hair short of hormone altering drugs?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I mean you can't. Minoxidil can slow it a bit (though modern research actually shows it may suppress androgens) but not long term, all you really get is a slight amount of regrowth and i really do mean slight. Oral minoxidil works better but it has major risks for heart problems so it's potentially even worse than finasteride.

    My advice is just try finasteride, but don't just expect you're not gonna get sides or will be able to ignore them, I couldn't and I tried and tried for months to get used to it. Eventually you just need to know when to throw in the towel and shave it.

    Because we can't actually cure it. It's not a hormone problem really, plenty of guys have high DHT and no hair loss, its not related to test or DHT levels at all. It has to do with the binding affinity of your hair follicles to DHT and that's genetic and we can't change that any time soon.

    So all we can do is suppress your hormones but that isn't without consequences

    • 1 year ago

      >>My advice is just try finasteride, but don't just expect you're not gonna get sides or will be able to ignore them, I couldn't and I tried and tried for months to get used to it. Eventually you just need to know when to throw in the towel and shave it.
      Did you try lowering your dose? The standard in Korea and Japan is 1/4th of what you get in the US,.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, I wasn't even using it orally, i was using 1/20th of a pill applied topically every day and I STILL got bad sides

        • 1 year ago

          This has to be larp.

          • 1 year ago

            I mean it's not. Even topical minoxidil gives me sides, drowsiness, brain fog, but usually I can tolerate it. Topical finasteride, even low dose, just fricks me up hard. And the microdosing studies show it inhibits the same amount of DHT at miniscule doses, like 0.25 inhibits almost exactly the same as 5mg.

            I am not saying guys shouldn't try it, I mean I did. But if you're already prone to depression and erectile dysfunction, finasteride will almost certainly make that shit worse like it did for me, even at microdoses

            >It has to do with the binding affinity of your hair follicles to DHT and that's genetic and we can't change that any time soon.
            The technology exists already and is getting better. You just need to design and formulate a selective receptor antagonist for those hair follicle receptors. Do you know if those receptors are expressed solely in follicles, or do they serve other roles elsewhere?

            They're tried this, pyrilutamide claims to do this, but it's still years away from being approved by the FDA (if it ever gets approved, I doubt it will) and guys who have purchased it themselves notice the exact same sides as fin. It's almost impossible to make a receptor antagonist that doesn't go systemic and just stays in the hair folicles. CosmeRNA claims to do this as well but it's almost certainly bullshit.

            Yes in 20 years we probably will have a cure but not any time soon and my hair is gonna be gone within a year at most. It blows

            • 1 year ago

              sounds psychosomatic

              you're basically taking homeopathic doses of nothing

              • 1 year ago

                It's not. I mean look at DHT inhibition curve charts like this one, even minuscule doses still inhibit significant amounts of DHT and we know from topical studies that it always goes systemic, the molecular weight is too low to stop it.

                You either take a wienertail of hormone altering drugs or just embrace the baldness.

                Keep your haircut short (or go for full shave), balding looks horrible with long hair.

                Honestly bald looks pretty horrible too but its marginally better than balding i guess.

                Lose your attachment to your hair, simple as, grow a beard to cope

                This didn't help me

                Good genes

                Unfortunately, yes

                homie just get on fin and move on, its that simple. Dont wait till ur hair is fricked like most people

                Fin and min can cause tons of major side effects, some permanently. I think guys should try it but my experience with both drugs was definitely negative

              • 1 year ago

                how do you guys take less than one mg? do you guys break the pills or what?

              • 1 year ago

                You can cut the pills into quarters with a pill cutter. You can also dissolve them in liquid minoxidil and apply it topically, 6 pills in 60ml of minoxidil would then be like 0.1mg a day. But even a dose that low still gave me unbearable side effects.

    • 1 year ago

      >It has to do with the binding affinity of your hair follicles to DHT and that's genetic and we can't change that any time soon.
      The technology exists already and is getting better. You just need to design and formulate a selective receptor antagonist for those hair follicle receptors. Do you know if those receptors are expressed solely in follicles, or do they serve other roles elsewhere?

  2. 1 year ago

    Just avoid stress.
    My dad started having a family at 20, moved out of his parents' house around that age, has had many unsuccessful businesses, marital problems, is borderline homer simpson levels of bald.
    My uncle (his brother) never moved out, is a slob that works like 10 hours a week, his only offspring was mostly taken care of by my grandma (who didnt pass away until said offspring was already a grown adult), and now just kinda NEETs most of the time. He has a full head of hair.

    • 1 year ago

      There's zero evidence "stress" is causing male pattern baldness. I mean yeah there's some guys who get temporary baldness from stress but it goes away after a while, male pattern baldness doesn't, once it's gone it's gone forever. There's a reason it's called androgenic allopecia

  3. 1 year ago

    If you have really bad hair genetics the only option you have is finesteride and minoxodil combo.

  4. 1 year ago

    You either take a wienertail of hormone altering drugs or just embrace the baldness.

    Keep your haircut short (or go for full shave), balding looks horrible with long hair.

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    Lose your attachment to your hair, simple as, grow a beard to cope

  7. 1 year ago

    Good genes

  8. 1 year ago

    homie just get on fin and move on, its that simple. Dont wait till ur hair is fricked like most people

  9. 1 year ago

    Die young

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