what's the deal with "medicinal" cannabis?

what's the deal with "medicinal" cannabis?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Its so you can get a bullshit prescription as an excuse for getting high

    • 7 months ago


      I hate junkies just like any other people but medicinal uses for cannabis are a thing

      • 7 months ago

        Of course it has genuine uses but for the vast majority of “patients” it’s bullshit.
        Yeah because you’ve become to accustomed to using your happy bush to override shitty feels and healthy anxieties that you now cannot go without it due to the accumulative brick of those shitty feels you’ve repressed for years hitting you all at once. It just makes you more anxious/depressed.
        Same as above
        It does very little for most pains. It essentially does the same as the above, it gives you instant no effort gratification which makes you feel good. “Oh my knee hurts… *rips bong, inhales a blunt, obliterates 3 1g bowls*… but you know what it doesn’t suck that bad I feel pretty good otherwise.” *gets distracted and forgets about pain*

        Very few legitimate uses. New studies are also starting to show daily chronic weed smokers develop many of the same health issues as cigarette smokers.

        I enjoy weed as much as any pot head but I at least never got stuck into that delusional camp of “oh I swear I’m in the top 3% of stoners who are functional haha it helps me I need it” I frequently take long breaks, haven’t smoked in a year. I’ve been dependent on it, I’ve used it correctly, I can easily go without it. It’s literally just a vice for most people that makes them feel good for no reason. I’ll likely smoke my entire life but I doubt I will ever become on of those daily perpetually high potheads again.

        T. Hates junkies too

        • 7 months ago

          Based acknowledger.

          • 7 months ago

            Cringe hater more like it. Self-hater too. Shame

            • 7 months ago

              Spotted the addict

            • 7 months ago

              Spotted the addict

              Lol spotted the junkie DUDE WEED

              You just know he justifies it and gets upset if any of his friends (assuming lol) decide to take a break, like he feels personally attacked over it. Which is why he even replied like that to begin with

        • 7 months ago

          Do people really use weed for that? Back when i was a stoner weed just amplified whatever i was feeling. That applies to most people. If i had anxiety, pain, depression, i would just feel much worse.

          • 7 months ago

            I miss smoking weed every day specifically because it deducts about 50 iq points. Life is very easy when you are moronic and don't care. people are nicer to you and even if they aren't you don't care. The magical quality of weed is not giving a shit, it's also its greatest downfall

  2. 7 months ago

    wdym? it's good for some people, but can be abused recreationally and can be habit forming like most other substances

  3. 7 months ago

    its just a bullshit term for moronic boomers. weed doesn't help pain at all, but boomers will believe it does help with pain because...theyre stupid

  4. 7 months ago

    hit the blunt before a workout the other day. Got an insane pump and had the confidence to walk right up to a cutie and tell her I liked her hair. Its best when you only do it once or twice a week though I'd say. Diminishing returns beyond that, at least for me.

  5. 7 months ago

    CBD is an excellent resource for chronic pain management.
    A friend broke his spine in a car accident and had been taking narcotics 4 days a week, 3days off to avoid addiction but would end up bedridden by the 3rd day, when introduced to CBD capsules he was able to stop taking narcotics AND not be bedridden every week from pain.
    It's been about 2 years and he hasn't noticed any side effects.

    CBD oil cool.

  6. 7 months ago

    for me it helps with focus on interests/work instead of just having constant intrusive thoughts (and constantly wanting to jerk off) that this place probably gave me from bein on here for 20 years or whatever. I vape ~1g throughout the day, everyday. The only downside ive found over the last like 7 years of consistently getting high is it takes me a lot longer to ramp up the charisma I used to have when I was an alcoholic. but im so big n buff now nobody wants to talk to me anyway .

    • 7 months ago

      based and dudeweedlmaopilled
      the charisma part is true, i CANNOT socialize when high. but i also don't really want to, so its not a big problem.

  7. 7 months ago

    There's not much clinical data on it but there's some evidence (very little clinical studies on humans, so mostly animals and anecdotal reports) that CBD has anti-epicleptic, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.

  8. 7 months ago

    They bred out all the mellow shit. It's all like getting hit by a frieght train now.

    Now a days if you smoke, you only need 1 puff. Anything more and you are rendered moronic or you are going to take a nap.

  9. 7 months ago

    I'm addicted to weed.
    3 years ago I moved to Colorado because weed is legal here.
    I have managed to cut back slowly but haven't stopped completely.
    I've stop going to the dispensary and blowing $150 every two weeks.
    Now I'm scraping spilled dabs off the bottom of of my weed drawer just to get a little high


    • 7 months ago

      did it ever occur to you to grow your own?
      invest some money in a small growbox and some time in learning how to use it, the savings are enormous for daily smokers

    • 7 months ago

      that looks like when I would spill ketchup on my desk and just never clean it up. If you really want to cut back but keep getting high invest in a dry herb vape. an O ($120 AZ Medical) lasts me about 2 weeks and i stay high all day everyday. definitely not as fun as cumbussin, but im 32 and have to consider my gay health

  10. 7 months ago

    It's shit and you don't need it

    99% of pot heads are losers

    It's like with smoking where you see some cool actor smoking and you think frick me Brad Pitt or whatever looks cool. But the average smoker is bydlo smelly poor gay that no-one looks up to

    • 7 months ago

      whooooooo ccaaaaaaaaaaareeesssss hahaha
      I was gonna clean my room
      >until I got HIGH
      I was gonna get up and find the broom
      >then I got higigiigiigh
      >why man?!
      Bacus I gott high
      because I got HIGHHHH

    • 7 months ago

      I know a group of about 10 people that used to be my main circle who would throw an absolute fit if you told them this lmfao.

      You’d get responses along the lines of
      >I-I just n-need it b-because [see

      Of course it has genuine uses but for the vast majority of “patients” it’s bullshit.

      Yeah because you’ve become to accustomed to using your happy bush to override shitty feels and healthy anxieties that you now cannot go without it due to the accumulative brick of those shitty feels you’ve repressed for years hitting you all at once. It just makes you more anxious/depressed.
      Same as above
      It does very little for most pains. It essentially does the same as the above, it gives you instant no effort gratification which makes you feel good. “Oh my knee hurts… *rips bong, inhales a blunt, obliterates 3 1g bowls*… but you know what it doesn’t suck that bad I feel pretty good otherwise.” *gets distracted and forgets about pain*

      Very few legitimate uses. New studies are also starting to show daily chronic weed smokers develop many of the same health issues as cigarette smokers.

      I enjoy weed as much as any pot head but I at least never got stuck into that delusional camp of “oh I swear I’m in the top 3% of stoners who are functional haha it helps me I need it” I frequently take long breaks, haven’t smoked in a year. I’ve been dependent on it, I’ve used it correctly, I can easily go without it. It’s literally just a vice for most people that makes them feel good for no reason. I’ll likely smoke my entire life but I doubt I will ever become on of those daily perpetually high potheads again.

      T. Hates junkies too]
      Or, in an extremely belittling tone ironically enough
      >I don’t know dude look at me, I smoke weed all day every day from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep at 3am and I’ve built an amazing life for myself. I have a great job [making less than $50k as call support], I have a bad b***h [230lb cow who is mentally ill], I have my own house [has an apartment his mother gave to him for 1/4th the actual cost] it’s all about being a real man and having the right mindset!
      Then they would all insist you smoked weed and basically adamantly claim you had to smoke, getting actually mad if you didn’t, making passive aggressive comments to the air such as “hey what was this strain called again? I’m so glad I got to experience this and I feel pretty bad for anyone who’s missing out!”

      That’s one circle but it’s not very different from the other stoner circles I used to be in. All just loser bucket crabs

  11. 7 months ago

    ive been smoking every day for like 5 years now and its kind of ruined my life but im going to keep doing it because i like it

  12. 7 months ago

    It's a backdoor to get drug use legalized.

  13. 7 months ago

    Makes you feel good duh. Doesn’t fix anything but it’ll mellow your whole system out for a while and give you some relief. And idk why people are saying it doesn’t help with pain, yes the frick it does, stomach pain especially

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