What's the Deal with Rippetoe swearing that endurance exercises aren't productive?

What's the Deal with Rippetoe swearing that endurance exercises aren't productive?

Don't tell me he's just a restart, because he's obviously not.

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  1. 1 year ago

    Idk about restart but he's pretty moronic yeah

  2. 1 year ago

    Because "cardio" just means your heart rate is high which should be happening during your lifting otherwise you're a total pussy. Furthermore we already know that HIIT is more productive than LISS because you get almost the same "gains" in 8-15 minutes compared to the 30-60m+ you take in "cardio" sessions. This is solved science even the guy that originally made aerobics popular even said you don't need to train that long.

    Read Body by Science if you want to hear it from someone not fat. Lifting is by far the most productive activity you can do then people sandbag it with running that does nothing.

    • 1 year ago

      >we already know that HIIT is more productive than LISS because you get almost the same "gains" in 8-15 minutes compared to the 30-60m+ you take in "cardio" sessions. This is solved science even the guy that originally made aerobics popular even said you don't need to train that long.
      But that is not true. Even top endurance athletes do most of their cardio training at lower intensities.

    • 1 year ago

      I want to believe this because running is boring as frick. But why do too fighters in combat sports say that nothing can come close to running or swimming to get you conditioned?

      • 1 year ago

        Appeal to authority
        People do things because other people did things, not necessarily because they know it's good
        You cannot logically infer "successful boxer did x therefore x makes you successful"
        You can only correctly infer "successful boxer did x therefore x is not SO BAD that it will always 100% stop you from being successful"
        which is of course kind of worthless info
        So the correct strategy is to (a) widely research the topic, find out what people are doing and what people are saying to do, and why they do it and why they say you should do it, and develop such an understanding that you can decide based on evidence whether you should do it or not, AND/OR (b) experiment on yourself very carefully and mindfully by doing different things and evaluating the outcome
        Basically, if you're a fighter, start gradually reducing your running volume and substituting (not necessarily 1:1) this kind of training, and evaluate your own performance. Do it gradually and carefully enough that you avoid swings (i.e. if you go to no running and lots of lifting in a week you might feel shit, but that doesn't mean the method is wrong, it probably means you did the method wrong)
        If you are too dumb to experiment carefully - not me insulting you - then you might get "wrong" outcomes but you'll land on what you do most effectively anyway, because what works for you might work differently for other people
        i.e. you'll get the best outcome from training the way you train in the best way, not necessarily the best way to train, which you might do worse
        Basically just try and find out

        • 1 year ago

          I've experimented and know that Kettlebell swings give me decent stamina bit not sure if could ever be as good as someone who runs 30 miles, which is way too time consuming to try.

    • 1 year ago

      Haha, there it is
      I came into this post to talk about how there's a subset of the High Intensity Training camp that believe "cardio" is more about the ability of muscles to clear waste products (I think? Something like that) which can be trained by high intensity sets in the gym, doing reps in the constant-tension style
      The idea is roughly that your fatigue during cardio is not to do with the heart itself but the blood (which is what "cardiovascular" actually refers to) and in particular the ability of the blood circulation system to pump good shit into the muscles and bad shit out of the muscles. When you do a set like this you will find your heart rate goes up a ton and you breathe very heavily by the end. So you lift like this to train your muscles to work more efficiently
      One of the James (Fisher, Steele or Krieger, I forget) researchers anecdotally cited that he completed a half marathon with his girlfriend despite zero running training, basing his good-for-a-non-runner performance on this idea
      I actually kind of agree in principle even though I don't train like this and I used to run when I was fighting. If you run at easy pace it's your legs that will give out, not your breathing - which is the point of easy pace, you run slow enough that it isn't your breath that tires, basically. Obviously a runner will still need to run in training, nobody is saying "just lift weights and never run you idiot"
      No idea what Rip is saying, who fricking cares what that fat cuckhold thinks

      • 1 year ago

        Anon didn't talk about waste products. You're arguing with your mind.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm agreeing with anon, what I talked about is in Body By Science iirc

          • 1 year ago

            I realised. I was eating earlier and not reading properly.

            • 1 year ago

              All good friend
              Tbqh I don't think anybody ever actually reads my autismo posts

    • 1 year ago

      this may be the least intelligent thing ever posted on this website. HIIT is a false god and LISS shits all over it.

    • 1 year ago

      This thinking was played with seriously for a little while but is presently out of date. HIIT is king for VO2 Max, but training at a lower intensity for mitochondrial efficiency gains is still necessary to build up the whole cardio picture. HIIT for athleticism + Zone 2 for aerobic base is king, neglecting either is leaving gains on the table, and weightlifting only serves as cardio if you're a fat unhealthy frick.

    • 1 year ago

      Then why are all the buff guys out of breath from climbing up 1 set of stairs.

    • 1 year ago


      This thinking was played with seriously for a little while but is presently out of date. HIIT is king for VO2 Max, but training at a lower intensity for mitochondrial efficiency gains is still necessary to build up the whole cardio picture. HIIT for athleticism + Zone 2 for aerobic base is king, neglecting either is leaving gains on the table, and weightlifting only serves as cardio if you're a fat unhealthy frick.


      No-one wants to do LISS though, myself included so all sorts of copes are made up to avoid it. Rippetoe is the king of copes too

      • 1 year ago

        Mark is a God. You guys love to present he's not kek.

        • 1 year ago

          He is a knowledgeable powerlifting coach. When he opines on cardio/endurance he literally doesn't know what he's talking about. And he has no reason to know what he's talking about. He just shouldn't talk about it.

  3. 1 year ago

    I think his opinion is that, if, for instance, you're a runner or soccer player, you get all the endurance adaptations needed for running / playing soccer by running or playing soccer. You don't need any specific endurance training on top of that, but you do need strength training.

    Also: endurance and cardio/oxygen capacity adaptations happen relatively quickly (and fade away quickly too), unlike strength adaptions.

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