What's the deal with SSRIs?

Trying to decide if I should take Zoloft again. Everybody on this site seems to hate SSRIs but I never actually see anyone explain why and I want to know what it isnabout them that's so bad.

Before when I took it, it made me not be overwhelmed by absolutely everything, I wasn't hungry all the time like I usually am no matter how much I eat (lost 20 pounds without trying), everything looked much more colorful, my eyes weren't sensitive to light, I had energy and was able to cook and clean instead of struggling to get the energy to get off the couch etc

I don't like taking these things because I don't want to be lumped in with crazy suicidal people but nothing else gives me the energy to get out of bed. What's the negatives on these?

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  1. 11 months ago

    The real catch is that if you like them, you're a huge homosexual

  2. 11 months ago


  3. 11 months ago

    There is literally no link between depression and the amount of serotonin in your brain. Taking SSRIs is a placebo with dependency issues at best.

    • 11 months ago

      But doesn't it do other things also like increase BDNF?

    • 11 months ago

      I obsessively thought about death/dying and suicide ever since I can remember. Some of the drugs I’ve tried made me even crazier and way more suicidal so after a bad reaction to pristiq (where I had a loaded gun in my mouth) I swore off them forever.

      Well, a year later I fell into a really bad depression. It was even scarier than the other time because this time was like two months of working up the nerve to end it, maxing out credit cards, using drugs, just really boxing myself in so I had no choice. My girlfriend blocked me from leaving the house with a gun after we had a big fight the previous night and said the only way you’re leaving this house with that gun is if you kill me first. Ended up in a mental institution where they started me on Cymbalta. It took probably 4-6 months for me to notice a huge difference and the only thing that changed from the previous year was adding the SNRI.

      So yeah man I’m TOTALLY placebo’ing myself lmao

      • 11 months ago

        >It took probably 4-6 months for me to notice a huge difference
        Placebo moment. Whatever, keep making the israelites richer. I'm not your mother.

        • 11 months ago

          generic duloxetine costs about £1.28 a month in the uk, nobody’s getting rich off that……….

          • 11 months ago

            The israelite doctor you go visit every month for evaluations of your dose is making a lot more than that. Not to mention the israelite therapist you go to weekly.

            • 11 months ago

              Based knower

            • 11 months ago

              Probably worth it given their training was expensive & they look after people who are literally suicidal *shrug*

              • 11 months ago

                Good goy

            • 11 months ago

              You should literally have a nice day

            • 11 months ago

              Based knower

              try not to pat yourself on the back too hard for being a moron

              >generic Cymbalta is less than $20 a month without insurance
              Kek. Where do you homosexuals come up with this shit? It takes a while to take effect, that’s common knowledge. I am in a completely different head space than I have ever been in my life, you can’t placebo your way out of suicidal ideation when I haven’t changed a single thing aside from adding the drugs.

              I’d be willing to bet that the placebo conclusion you’re so weirdly insistent on being true IS true for the majority of people because the majority of people on anti depressants aren’t clinically diagnosed with major depressive disorder. It was either meds or electro shock therapy, I’ve tried everything else. Ketamine, psychedelics, diet, exercise, everything. It’s just another example of normalgays muddying the waters so that nobody believes people who have an actual problem.

              I keep this shit to myself IRL and I’m firmly convinced anybody who wears their “mental illness” on their sleeve is just an attention whoring normie

              >you can’t placebo your way out of suicidal ideation
              i feel that, shit sticks like a fricking cloud in your thoughts and after a while on a SSRI, you can get still get sad and mopey like a normal person but you don't get to this whole "holy fricking shit, god damn I am an awful rotten p.o.s who doesn't deserve to do this to anyone anymore" level of sadness that leads to those suicidal thoughts

              OP here. This stuff is concerning but I was always as hypersexual as ever even on SSRIs. Is it just that a few months wasn't long enough to get those problems? Concerned about some of the things I've heard about St. John's Wort.. Ashwagandha doesn't sound bad but I'm just worried about wasting more time taking something that isn't enough.

              been on a ssri for 2 years now, not a single sexual issue or any issues with libido have occurred at all
              most side effects i experienced was some dizziness or nausea at times, but that was during the starting of a dose

            • 11 months ago

              You have actual brain rot. Stop visiting /misc/

        • 11 months ago

          >generic Cymbalta is less than $20 a month without insurance
          Kek. Where do you homosexuals come up with this shit? It takes a while to take effect, that’s common knowledge. I am in a completely different head space than I have ever been in my life, you can’t placebo your way out of suicidal ideation when I haven’t changed a single thing aside from adding the drugs.

          I’d be willing to bet that the placebo conclusion you’re so weirdly insistent on being true IS true for the majority of people because the majority of people on anti depressants aren’t clinically diagnosed with major depressive disorder. It was either meds or electro shock therapy, I’ve tried everything else. Ketamine, psychedelics, diet, exercise, everything. It’s just another example of normalgays muddying the waters so that nobody believes people who have an actual problem.

          I keep this shit to myself IRL and I’m firmly convinced anybody who wears their “mental illness” on their sleeve is just an attention whoring normie

          • 11 months ago

            Self medicated with ketamine, or did you get IVs / nasal? Genuinely curious. It failed technological appraisal in the UK so can’t prescribe - still think it should be an option in resistant cases personally.

            • 11 months ago

              I’ve used it recreationally in the past and have done spravato and IV. I actually just had an IV ketamine treatment today and I do find it really helpful for anxiety/cravings (I’m also a recovering alcoholic coke head). I had a course of IV treatment which is six sessions last year before I almost an hero’d. didn’t do anything. I had another course in March a few months after starting Cymbalta and getting sober and I do think it helps while you’re on an SNRI.

              It’s 100% covered by my insurance so why not.

              • 11 months ago

                Thanks for the lived experience. good luck on the road ahead.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s hard to speak to its efficacy when you have to also factor in being on an SNRI for 3 months as well as three months off of drugs and alcohol as being major contributors to my improved mental state.. I think it has a synergistic effect when combined with other big lifestyle changes but on its own I think it is useless.

                Thanks man.. you a psych?

              • 11 months ago

                Yes: I work in emergency community psychiatry in the NHS. Crisis work is wearisome tbh (self harm assessments are really boring), but the acute SMI cases we see make up for it: particularly first psychotic episodes.

              • 11 months ago

                Interesting. The time I had the muzzle of an ar-15 mashed against the roof of my mouth with my thumb on the trigger and the safety off can definitely be directly attributed to Pristiq. I just snapped; no idea how the gun didn’t go off as it has less than a 5lb trigger pull and I was hammered drunk while fingerfricking that trigger. I still remember going outside after I snapped out of it to get the rifle and I was like no way the safety was off.. it was. Then I was like, okay, NO WAY it’s loaded, so I dropped the magazine out and racked the slide and a round flew out of the chamber. Fricking terrifying, I still get panicky almost daily thinking about that.

                I found that round that almost ended up through the back of my skull and still have it on the night stand next to me (sold the gun though). Therapy starts Wednesday.

              • 11 months ago

                Have seen a few cases of acute suicidality on most commonly prescribed ADs (although not desvenlafaxine, can’t prescribe in UK) - it is a real thing, sure. All the more reason to go to the appointments! Hope the therapy works out.

              • 11 months ago

                >alcoholic coke head junky
                you dug your own grave, loser moron lol

      • 11 months ago

        how do you manage to have a gf in that situation? I can't even get one while good looking, fit, healthy, with hobbies and with a job.

        • 11 months ago

          Maybe it’s your personality? People love me for some reason. Charisma, charm and a sense of humor all work in my favor.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm tall

        • 11 months ago

          It's luck for fricks sake, why is it so hard for people to accept probably the simplest concept in the fricking world. This isn't to say that anon is totally super lucky or whatever, he literally mentioned how fricked in the head he was, but the fact that he could get a gf in that case is in fact different areas of life where he was lucky that allowed him to get a gf, he might not admit to this because it's one of the few things he has but that doesn't change the reality.

      • 11 months ago

        All modern research draws no conclusive links between serotonin levels and depression.

        I don't give a frick if you acknowledge the placebo or not. In fact, if you did, it wouldn't work anymore. So do whatever you need to you schizo homosexual.

        • 11 months ago

          Every bit of advice anybody gives me on this website, I do the exact opposite of and am better off for it .

          If you’re so smart, how come different medications didn’t work and this one did? Bear in mind it’s an SNRI not an SSRI. Okay so its a placebo, I don’t believe it works anymore. Can’t wait until I feel like killing myself again, thanks man.

          • 11 months ago

            I legitimately don't care. I'm not a brain-broken homosexual who's depressed.

        • 11 months ago

          >All modern research draws no conclusive links between serotonin levels and depression
          Yet 2/3 of depressive people are better on SSRIs. It somehow works, we still don't know why. Refractory cases need something else, though.

      • 11 months ago

        >be depressed and suicidal most of my life due to circumstances outside my control
        >decide to just stop being depressed and suicidal years ago
        It worked great and I'm not dependent on drugs lol.

        • 11 months ago

          There has been nothing in my life to be suicidally depressed over. It hasn’t ever been situational, people would kill to have had my life.

          • 11 months ago

            Great so you're just a gigantic homosexual, even worse.

          • 11 months ago

            I do not agree with the people in this thread that it is placebo effect per se that stopped you from feeling depressed(Still could be a huge factor)It probally has more something to do with destroying you receptors with ssri's. Ssri's do have a clear effect but the mechanism is a lie its not because a serotonine deficiency was restored(no serotonine deficiency in the first place) Its because it rewires and degenerates your brain(brain volume becomes less when on ssri's) Ssri's are also prescribed to people with chronic pain because it numbs pain like every other sensation you will ever feel for the rest of your life. You chemically lobotomized yourself so now you are numb and do not feel le sad great work homosexual

          • 11 months ago

            Liar or just a sheltered spoiled sweet summer child oof miiineee

            • 11 months ago

              I’ve been suicidal since I was at least 7, I told my mom I was going to throw myself out of the car on the highway kek. You’re just a homosexual who can’t comprehend that some people have things wrong them.

              In spite of this I’ve lived all over the country, worked as a sous chef at very nice restaurants in major cities on the west coast and in the south, have tons of friends and have fricked tons of women, and now I’m in school full time. What have you done with your life, homosexual?

              • 11 months ago

                Good on you anon, and you never did any meds?

              • 11 months ago

                I’m both sober and on meds now but I wasn’t medicated until recently except sporadically as a teenager. I coped with alcohol and drugs.

              • 11 months ago

                Honestly, I'm fricked up too but I never stopped trying, I self medicated with alcohol but I replaced it with the gym. Never give up.

    • 11 months ago

      >no link between depression and the amount of serotonin in your brain
      Try molly and see how you feel the next day when your serotonin levels have dropped to near zero, and you'll probably make some adjustments to your little theory. They named it suicide tuesday for a reason

      • 11 months ago

        Had pretty severe anorgasmia to the point my gfs at the time started getting very self conscious. Between that and the dead-eyes, ssri stare, general indifference and no actual improvement in mood, I won't ever be going near them. If they work go for it.

        >There is literally no link between depression and the amount of serotonin in your brain.
        >Take ecstacy, feel amazing
        What did he mean by this?

        Molly was the single most overrated shit I ever did. Mushrooms was a genuinely more enjoyable high.


        >drugs that both reduce and increase seretonin have the same efficacy on treating depression
        That's because some people are depressed due to low serotonin, and others by high serotonin. Therefore raising and lowering serotonin will work in different people. Some other people are depressed due to low dopamine, gaba, epinephrine, etc.
        That's why people who are depressed try different drugs until they find the one that works. Everyone has a different brain.

        Some people take magnesium at night and it helps them sleep, some people get insomnia. Some people take zinc and feel amazing and others feel tired and depressed.
        Everyone is different which is why drugs with opposite actions have the same efficacy in groups of different people.
        Some people take SSRIs and feel the best they ever felt and others get every side effect and feel like shit. We are all different.

        >go through a roller coaster of israelite pills
        >most of which completely frick my life up while my street shitting doctor furrows his brow at every step, adding shit to deal with sides, changing dosages
        >end up giving up and thinking this is what life is gonna be
        >get off all of them and feel amazing
        The fact that 'professionals' like this exist, collect government money and a pension, and allow their children to have a 'better life' is a crime against humanity. Maybe they do help some people, but one frick up is far too many. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and lord I am very willing to take them to their destination.

    • 11 months ago

      >There is literally no link between depression and the amount of serotonin in your brain.
      >Take ecstacy, feel amazing
      What did he mean by this?

      • 11 months ago

        drugs that both reduce and increase seretonin have the same efficacy on treating depression. both are likely plaecbo. same as St Johns Wort approved in some EU countries to treat depression

        • 11 months ago

          >drugs that both reduce and increase seretonin have the same efficacy on treating depression
          That's because some people are depressed due to low serotonin, and others by high serotonin. Therefore raising and lowering serotonin will work in different people. Some other people are depressed due to low dopamine, gaba, epinephrine, etc.
          That's why people who are depressed try different drugs until they find the one that works. Everyone has a different brain.

          Some people take magnesium at night and it helps them sleep, some people get insomnia. Some people take zinc and feel amazing and others feel tired and depressed.
          Everyone is different which is why drugs with opposite actions have the same efficacy in groups of different people.
          Some people take SSRIs and feel the best they ever felt and others get every side effect and feel like shit. We are all different.

          • 11 months ago

            >Some people take SSRIs and feel the best they ever felt and others get every side effect and feel like shit. We are all different.
            So true. I've taken the antidepressant wellbutrin (not an SSRI) and basically got no side effects whatsoever, but then I started reading the wellbutrin subreddit and all these people complaining about crazy side effects like panic attacks, rage, 130 bmp heart rates, hair falling out, insomnia, mood swings, hives etc. I'm like, am I even taking the same drug as these people? how can they get all these side effects when I barely feel like I'm on a drug apart from a bit more energy and better mood. Even coffee feels stronger than welbutrin to me.
            If I read these internet forums before taking the drug I would have been scared off and never taken it.

          • 11 months ago

            >That's because some people are depressed due to low serotonin, and others by high serotonin. Therefore raising and lowering serotonin will work in different people. Some other people are depressed due to low dopamine, gaba, epinephrine, etc.
            this has also been tested and disproven

            • 11 months ago

              >this has also been tested and disproven

              >Feel depressed
              >take heroid/meth/alcohol/ketamine/etc
              >depression gone
              >drug wears off
              >depression comes back
              What did my brain mean by this?

              • 11 months ago

                its called the placebo effect

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, nodding off in bliss on heroin is the placebo effect.

    • 11 months ago

      SSRIs: 66%

    • 11 months ago

      moron take.

  4. 11 months ago

    Crazy suicidal people are exactly who should be taking these, not people whose problems could mostly be alleviated by lifestyle changes.

    I had a loaded gun in my mouth and almost blew my head off in front of my girlfriend last year. Cymbalta saved my life; I was fervently anti-pharmaisraelite but I’m glad I gave them a shot instead of giving myself a shot (in the head).

    • 11 months ago

      glad the placebo pills worked for you but you could have chosen a way more fun placebo like grounding or mushrooms instead and gotten hippie prostitutes on your dick while you are at it.

    • 11 months ago

      lmao. sad motherfrickers neck themselves all the time after hopping on SSRIs. suicidal ideation is side-effect numero dos after ED.

      and how do you "almost" blow your head off?
      fricking around with a gun while you fantasize about suicide is pretty normal. when you hand a gun to a normie it's 50/50 whether they will point it at themselves or at (you).
      you're either gonna do it (and you do it) or you're just fricking around. the only grey area would be playing russky roulette.

      • 11 months ago

        >fricking around with a gun while you fantasize about suicide is pretty normal.

        not that anon but no its not lmao

      • 11 months ago

        >sad motherfrickers neck themselves all the time after hopping on SSRIs
        Probably because they didn’t actually solve the problems in their life, he was kind of saying this. Most people who are “depressed” have actual reasons to be but as a mental illness SSRIs could possibly help

      • 11 months ago

        I have no idea how the gun didn’t go off. I accidentally put a round through my night stand earlier in the night unloading it because I was feeling crazy like I might kill myself. The safety was off with the barrel in my mouth and my thumb on the trigger that had a VERY light trigger pull. No idea why I’m still alive.

        >alcoholic coke head junky
        you dug your own grave, loser moron lol

        The depression started was before the drug use. The substance abuse was a result of the depression, not the other way around but it obviously compounds the problem.

        I didn’t get totally clean until recently and even while using the meds alleviated the suicidal ideation.
        >loser moron
        Post body

    • 11 months ago

      actually demographic data has proven significantly that a lot more of murder-suicidal people are on SSRIs than are not. Do with that information what you will.
      It's in fact extremely rare to find a guy raw dogging life that will go out and do shit like that. Mfs are always on some kind of substance, whether psychiatric or street drug (also pharma's fault, but black market).

      • 11 months ago

        >It's in fact extremely rare to find a guy raw dogging life that will go out and do shit like that
        So I just gotta never do drugs and I'll either be normal or prove I'm just Built Different

        • 11 months ago

          Yes, not doing drugs (prescribed or not), specifically the psycho-active substances which alter your cognition, will drastically reduce your likelihood of committing crimes, or even considering them. Why? Because most of us, believe it or not, would never induce harm unless our decision center was alter, whether by doing risk-reward analysis or simply by going by your morals/values.

  5. 11 months ago

    All meds are bad, specially the ones related to mental illness. You are only masking the problem, not solving it.

  6. 11 months ago

    I prescribe sertraline ~500 times a year, prescribed it today for complex case of depression & anxiety, confident it will help build a foundation to be built on with psychological therapy - and plan to withdraw in ~6/12 if patient engages well with therapist. Thank you next.

  7. 11 months ago

    SSRIs don't just alleviate bad emotions, but they cause emotional blunting overall. You don't get as sad as you used to, but you can't get as happy as you used to either. You become sort of an emotional zombie. If you're depressed then having numbed emotions can feel much better, but in the long term you want to be able to get to a point in your life where you can get off the drugs and live with actual emotions.

    That's what SSRIs are primarily for. It's a short term solution, meant to help you get out of your dark room and fix whatever it is in your life that is making you depressed, so that you can come off it and live normally

    • 11 months ago

      I think I get what you're saying about emotional blunting.. But I don't feel anything aside from depressed and low energy right now. I have total anhedonia, I enjoy nothing. Can't follow movies, video games are boring, can't concentrate enough to read books, music is grating and painful to listen to.

      • 11 months ago

        Then using SSRIs as a crutch to get your life in order and develop healthy hobbies and a good social life is likely the best way. Just make sure you actually work to make your life better so you don't end up being one of the people who choose the zombie existence forever

    • 11 months ago

      Yes exactly, they helped me leaving incel virgin status at 24 (8 years ago) and I quit them cold turkey after 6 months when things got better. Weightlifting was the only thing I was able to do but I almost had to quit my last year of college. The only issue was the lack of inhibition it gave me, I did very stupid shit and dealt with very awkward situations but the good thing is I didn't care about it.

    • 11 months ago

      this except the "emotional zombie" part. yeah if a normal person took ssris then theyd end up blunted and unfeeling, but someone whose emotions are insanely out of whack would just be put at the level a normal person usually is. i love my 50 mg sertraline it helps me to not sperg out at the slightest issue and to handle things like a normal person

    • 11 months ago

      If you’re an emotional zombie, your dosage was too high.

  8. 11 months ago

    They can cause permanent infertility and any minute benefit is mostly or entirely placebo. Herbals like St Johns Wort are as effective as some SSRIs with much fewer adverse effects

    • 11 months ago

      >cites controversial journalist who’s show got canned because she’s a crackpot

      • 11 months ago

        >ignores references to drug regulators acknowledging the issue
        try again pharma shill

    • 11 months ago

      Makes you impotent and asexual. Literally nearly everyone who takes this is affected (women and men).
      Pharma actively suppresses the truth.

      OP here. This stuff is concerning but I was always as hypersexual as ever even on SSRIs. Is it just that a few months wasn't long enough to get those problems? Concerned about some of the things I've heard about St. John's Wort.. Ashwagandha doesn't sound bad but I'm just worried about wasting more time taking something that isn't enough.

      • 11 months ago

        It's literally an OTC SSRI who permanently mess up your 5ht receptors and even increase estrogen sensobility, and crush your cortisol leve to suboptimal ranges
        It's very popular here and on Reddit but it's shit.
        5 months on it an gave me a bad anhedonia and rage moments.

  9. 11 months ago

    Makes you impotent and asexual. Literally nearly everyone who takes this is affected (women and men).
    Pharma actively suppresses the truth.

  10. 11 months ago

    Sertraline ruined my life, I have spent the past decade as a NEET and am now almost thirty. I have no emotions, no ambition, and what's more attempting to come off of them fried my brain so badly I had a severe mental breakdown and lost contact with reality. I was completely dependent on the people around me for aid. SSRIs are literally suicide drugs, read the warnings provided inside the box, I'm not being hyperbolic.

    • 11 months ago

      You have to taper, moron.

  11. 11 months ago

    I'm about to take SSRIs again. Had major depressive disorder diagnosed since 16. I was first put on them at the mental hospital (cause suicidal), taking sertraline 100 mg for 2 years. I didn't get any of those bad side-effects people always complain about, like low libido or weight gain. I cried less and did more. It's cheap af too ($3). The only downside was that I had to learn to make art without being motivated by fear. Without fear, I felt like I didn't really care about art as much cause I was just fine with work, college, and friends taking up all my time. When I got off them, I started spiraling like I always do, and now I'm back to being a work-a-hol-ic cause that's how I cope. I just want to feel balanced again.
    Anyways, I think you should take it. I remember thinking that if I took it, I would change permanently. But since I've been off it, I reverted back to my ways, so

  12. 11 months ago

    SSRIs are crisis management drugs. People who stay on them for a year or more turn into horrible emotional zombies, they turn people into real uncanny valley shit. They're like chemo, use them at utmost need, but only as long as you need them.

  13. 11 months ago

    I've had TERRIBLE depression in the past and I can go on a long story on how awful that period was but it is not that interesting for the average anon. However what saved me from that shitty state of mind is.

    For everyone that reads this is and is at least moderately/slightly depressed here and there: FIX YOUR DIET! I incorporated some other things like regular exercise and meditation as well but those two are hard to do when you are in that mind state as simply going out of bed is already hard enough. But changing your diet genuinenly can make a difference and it is not as hard and I say this as a former fatty that loves his food. Go full stop on everything that is shit (cookies, pastry, fast food, pizza, don't even begin on alcoholic drinks or other drugs) and start to only eat healthy for at least 2 months. Very high probability that you will notice improvements overall. Good luck to everyone that is currently in that rut and im happy to help any anon.

    I've no SSRI experience but overall it is shitty for your brain health and mental health on the long term so take that in mind. Fixing it naturally is definitely possible: western science overemphasize solvig the symptoms regarding a hormonal imbalance and lack the focus on why it is there in the first place.

  14. 11 months ago

    they make you retain water like crazy, everyone i know who takes this stuff always gain like 10-12 lbs in a week, i don't know the mechanism behind this phenomena and neither do most psychiatrists

  15. 11 months ago

    I took Effexor XR for 3 years and loved it. I think SSRI's generally work.

    Problem is the side effects.

    The Effexor made it so I had very little sensitivity in my penis. That's the only reason I stopped taking it.

  16. 11 months ago

    Psychiatry is a fake and gay scam pseudoscience and you are a paypiggy who will spend years roiling in unnecessary agony while they milk you dry if you fall for it.

    • 11 months ago

      I can't wait until society leaves morons like you behind. All you anti mental health morons act like you hunt for your own food and built your own house and live for free. The reality is humans are becoming more "dependant" on supplementation. Which is why you single, childless incel losers have all kinds of time to go to the gym, mediate all day and jack off to bbc porn. And then act like normal people should do the same when literally 99% of society doesn't work like that. Then you autistically seethe that other people should do what a single childless autistic incel should do. Honestly just have a nice day gay.

      • 11 months ago

        baitposters these days have really lost their touch. Sad to see :/

  17. 11 months ago

    The people on it are somehow more fricked up after they take them than before yet this is never seen as an issue

  18. 11 months ago

    I wouldn't mind giving them a try but I've heard that sexual issues tend to come with them (lack of drive, ED etc) and I'm just not willing to risk losing the relationship I have with my big ol' dick.

    • 11 months ago

      Anon, you're doing some real charity work, you champ.

  19. 11 months ago

    I know the evidence for them working isn't great but 2 years ago I started fluvoxamine and it was quite helpful.
    It was immediately obvious that it was working because I stopped grinding my teeth in my sleep. It also heavily reduced my negative rumination. Basically, like I became a meditation master. Fortunately, the only side effect I had was a small increase in hunger.
    With therapy it significantly reduced my anxiety, and I was actually able to leave my room during daytime.

    However, within the past month or two it has lost effectiveness. Teeth grinding has returned, and symptoms of depression have developed, such as anhedonia and hypersomnolence.
    I am thinking of changing med.

    Has anyone tried escitalopram? if so, please share your experience.

  20. 11 months ago

    idk but effexor really helped me.

  21. 11 months ago

    I'm on this shit and its hard to tell if I prefer being a zombified slow thinking brainfog moron or my usual self of a constant never ending stream of negative and suicidal thoughts but with a quick thinking and clever (comparatively) brain.

  22. 11 months ago

    I've been taking 50 mg of sertraline for about 6 months. The positives are an almost complete alleviation of my anxiety and much better sleep. It has also helped alot with ocd and ruminating. The downsides are I have gained about 15 pounds, I have been training consistently on them so some of that is muscle. I also feel sleepier and lazier during the day but caffeine and cardio help a lot with that. Also takes longer to ejaculate, sexual sensitivity and libido are about the same as before though.
    I think it just comes down to whether your anxiety/depression is bad enough to where living with a few side effects is completely tolerable in comparison. I think it is because sticking to good sleep, diet, training, and useful supplements seems to manage the side effects fine in my experience.

  23. 11 months ago

    Best threads

  24. 11 months ago

    The only downsides I found are:
    - Weight gain because fricked appetite and cravings for sweets I never had before. 10-12 lbs.
    - sex health issues. For me, luckily, it was just weeks of anorgasmia. Nothing would make me nut and I'm prone to premature ejaculation. Neither the gf nor the most depraved porn could help. Also, desensitized to rekt as a side effect.
    - rebound effect if you taper too quickly.
    - no psychedelics due to the risk of fatal serotoninergic syndrom. Never tried them but can't wait I'm off the meds.

    If I knew better, I'd have tried shrooms, LSD, ketamine, MDMA before. But SSRI was better than nothing. Life is liveable again.

  25. 11 months ago

    I tried one once for anxiety. Trintelex i think it was called. Didnt help my anxiety and made it really hard to coom.

    I know most people have to try multiple before they find something that works but i didn't. Found that working outside a few times a week helped more.

    T. Part time arborist

    • 11 months ago

      trintellix, i currently use it for depression/anger issues and honestly, it works way better than this lexapro/wellbutrin combo that this pajeet doctor put me on.
      sucks that it didn't work out for you but surprising I never had any issues like you had. just always felt a little dizzy or lightheaded afterwards and then it started to feel better throughout the day

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, bupropion would suck for someone with anger issues.

  26. 11 months ago

    SSRIs seem like a scam. Between there being no provable link between serotonin levels and depression, and SSRIs inducing depersonalization and violent outbursts (https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-evidence-for-antidepressants); there risks clearly outweigh any benefits. Anecdotally, everyone I know whose been on antideppressants gains weight, feels like a zombie, and usually loses their sex drive. Really fricking evil drug imo, or more like really fricking evil doctors.

    • 11 months ago

      >there risks clearly outweigh any benefits

      It's literally an OTC SSRI who permanently mess up your 5ht receptors and even increase estrogen sensobility, and crush your cortisol leve to suboptimal ranges
      It's very popular here and on Reddit but it's shit.
      5 months on it an gave me a bad anhedonia and rage moments.

      In the US where opioids are sold like candy maybe I could agree with you. But SSRIs being authorized in the EU make me doubt your opinion. Also, though your right about weight gain, don't mistake the symptoms of depression with the side effects of the meds (anhedonia, lethargy, poor emotion regulation...). If you put on more than 10lbs on the med, ask for another one.

      • 11 months ago

        Don't fall for the pajeet dry herb (with ALL the ''PubMed studies'' made by indians) , there are more useful supplements for stress management

  27. 11 months ago

    I'm going to start his guy for my bing eeating and OCD

  28. 11 months ago

    A thread of goys discussing their fee-fees and ''attitudes'' about their preferred pharma poisoning. Take the israelite toxin's slave they are good for israelite

    • 11 months ago

      Don't fall for the pajeet dry herb (with ALL the ''PubMed studies'' made by indians) , there are more useful supplements for stress management

      Enjoy depression not being real (for you)

      • 11 months ago

        >depression cured wirh Paki weed

  29. 11 months ago

    developing yet another dependency is generally a poor idea.
    side effects like emotional numbness, limp dick etc don't really show up untill you've put ssri's aside.
    And eventually you'll consider it. Like with any mind affecting drug, you build up tolerance and they don't do their job, and there IS upper limit where doc just won't perscribe more (and long by then side effects are getting violent, like needing sleepibng pills to knock you out).
    ssri's are a tool, dangerous one at that. use them to (hopefully) lessen your symptoms and use opened up energy to fix your life, or thinking at least.
    It shouldn't last longer than half a year, mby full one. Just don't repeat my mistake of stopping taking drugs in winter, one of worst experiences of my life (i've gotten out of weed, coke, alcochol, nicotine addictions and only ciggs were worse).

  30. 11 months ago

    I think they're over prescribed, same with most medication in general. Although they seem to basically give anyone whose "depressed" or "anxious" this stuff instead of getting them to work on solving what the cause is.
    I might have to go on some form of medication but that's because my family has a history of mental issues (mother had bad bipolar, great uncle was schizophrenic, aunt has bipolar) and I've started noticing some signs like depressive/manic emotional cycles which have started recently developing.

    TLDR basically just a way to get patients out of offices by prescribing them shit they don't need but there they are good for the small percent who actually need them for actual mental conditions

  31. 11 months ago

    OP here, surprised the thread is still up. Another possibility I guess worth checking out is that I have severe indoor allergies (dust mites and duat mite poop) as well as severe outdoor allergies in every seasom except winter. I'm also allergic to cats and dogs apparently (currently have cats and have them my whole life + dogs for a while).

    Could I be getting fricked by bad sleep from allergies?

  32. 11 months ago

    >Everybody on this site seems to hate SSRIs but I never actually see anyone explain why and I want to know what it isnabout them that's so bad.
    the people on this website are mentally ill. you would have to be literally moronic to take advice from here instead of from people who have spent over a decade going to medical school, completing a residency and becoming board certified as a doctor

    • 11 months ago

      israeli hands typed this post

      • 11 months ago

        thanks for proving my point

    • 11 months ago

      Overprescribing of medication is a very real issue, you dimwit. It doesn't mean all doctors do it but many do. Why do you think the opioid epidemic happened? Because a lot of idiot doctors were prescribing oxycontin like it was fricking candy for things like mild headaches

      • 11 months ago

        Blame Purdue pharma, they advertised it as a non addictive pain killer kek

        • 11 months ago

          It became clear pretty quickly that it was very addictive but doctors kept prescribing it for years and years and it was only when people were dropping like flies by the tens of thousands that the government decided it was time to intervene. Purdue was also paying kickbacks to doctors who were prescribing it.

          Nobody gives a shit about the overprescribing of amphetamines and SSRIs because people aren't dying, but it's a huge problem nonetheless. But the industry keeps pushing it because 10-15 years down the line the people who've fried their brains need to be put on a wienertail of 10 other drugs which is very good for the bottom line

  33. 11 months ago

    Unless you have a severe depression or OCD diagnoses, cognitive behavioral therapy has similar effectiveness. SSRIs rob you of your vitality, and you often don't even recognize this until you're off of them. I felt a lot better during the year I was on them, but I regret it. It's better to work through uncertainty and strife than to take a drug that makes you stop thinking about it.

  34. 11 months ago

    Sounds like you have a cortisol issue, not a depression issue

    Take rhodiola and stop being a homosexual

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