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What's the most IST dog companion breed?

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  1. 11 months ago

    PitChads rise up

    • 11 months ago

      nah nigbulls are naturally high test maul machines. Fitizens are fricking beta losers trying for greatness.

  2. 11 months ago

    Any herding dog. They are smart and trainable. Athletic and need exercise. Loyal and happy to be around their owner.

    • 11 months ago

      Cruel to get a herding dog and not have animals for it to herd.

      Bullmastiff, big dogs that like to run in short fast bursts. Stronger biteforce than a wolf so they're kings of tug of war, improved my grip strength dramatically. They're bred for home defense

  3. 11 months ago

    A b***h

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        Hip Fitness

  4. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Spaniels are great.
      Had to put my girl to sleep a year and a half ago after her legs went and I used to have to hold her in my arms to let her take a shit.
      She was 16 and had a good life and I thought I had taken it pretty well after they put her down.
      Then a neighbour randomly asked me about her in the street a few days later and I couldn't keep my voice from breaking.
      Went back to my car and broke down crying, a fricking grown ass man in his 30s, never even cried when any person I knew died.
      Anyway, I got a new lad a few months back that's either lab / spaniel or pure lab and he's bretty cool too.

      • 11 months ago

        Sorry to hear that anon. My guy is 18 months old and is my first dog. He's terrible on the lead despite extensive training but is a dream when he's let off. Always comes back first time and doesn't stray too far. He goes out with me on 5km-10km runs and hikes. He also loves going deep with me in the sea. Such a good boy.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah, I'm wary about bringing my lad out hiking until he's fully grown as labs can have issues with their joints.

  5. 11 months ago

    Jack russels or rat terriers, small dogs with big dog personality, fun, energetic, athletic, can fit in our modern 500sqft apartment lifestyle the israelites were nice enough to let us have in exchange for a 60 hour work week and compulsory indoctrination for 16 years of our life.

  6. 11 months ago

    What humans have done to dogs is absolutely disgusting.

    • 11 months ago

      >What humans have done to dogs is absolutely disgusting
      This but instead of humans black "people" and instead of dogs america

      • 11 months ago

        Who do you think brought them to America? That's like saying the rabbits are to blame for fricking up Australia's eco system.

        • 11 months ago

          Not rabbits, rabbi's

  7. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Cute pupper!

  8. 11 months ago

    love these lil guys

  9. 11 months ago

    my Bassett because she's a good girl even though she keeps killing bunnies left and right

  10. 11 months ago

    What'd be a good dog for me if I fail at getting a wife and move to my childhood house when my mom dies?
    >30 km away from my job
    >work in academia, humanitites, so a lot can be done from home
    >small high trust village of about 50 people, lots of horses and some other dogs
    >temprature ranges from -20C to +20C, with +/- 30 being the extremes. There can be a frickton of snow but usually that's only for a few weeks
    >lots of forests
    >lots of boars in the forests plus a deer or two
    >the hunting parties need young replacement = I will hunt boar
    >I hate loud little hunting dogs who bark at everything
    >every now and then gypsies cruise by to see if they can steal shit but I can't remember the last time there was an actual break-in
    >I like running
    >I like hiking
    >I have a big garden

  11. 11 months ago

    My favorite breed is Golden Retrievers. My first dog was a Basset Hound. And while I loved that dog to death, we couldn't house train her to save our lives. And so she would poop and pee in the house almost every single day. It was awful. In comparison, I successfully house trained my Golden Retriever puppy in like a week despite not really knowing what I was doing. I just took her outside every 15 minutes or so, especially after she ate and drank, or when she would get up and sniff the ground. And then I'd give her a treat and praise her every time she squatted. And so she started to squat to pee to get a treat even though nothing came out. And I maintained this reward system for her entire life. And so she didn't pee or poop in the house even once after she was 10 weeks old. And she lived to be 10.

    And so the difference between how easy it was to train my Golden Retriever in comparison to my Basset Hound was so insane to me. It all boils down to the intelligence of the breed. Golden Retrievers are like the 5th most intelligent dog breed, while Basset Hounds are near the bottom. And so I'll never own a dumb dog breed ever again. Intelligent dog breeds are so much easier to live with.

    Another thing I really liked about my Golden Retriever is that she was uber safe to be around and only barked when necessary. I don't agree at all with the people who say that Golden Retrievers make terrible guard dogs because they'd supposedly lick a home invader rather than attack them. While I agree that my Golden Retriever would probably never bite a home invader, she'd definitely bark at them. And that's all I really need. I honestly don't want a vicious dog that would actually attack a home invader because dogs like that can turn on you and are dangerous around strangers, other dogs, and other house pets. I just want to know if someone is trying to break into my house so that I can go get a weapon and investigate myself. And Golden Retrievers are great for that.

    • 11 months ago

      Golden retrievers are moronic and super basic b***h dogs, no offence

    • 11 months ago

      She also didn't bark a lot when I let her out in my backyard to go to the bathroom. And so she wasn't annoying to my neighbors.

      They also love going for walks and following you on adventures. My Basset Hound would bolt out of the door and run all over the neighborhood if she ever got a chance to escape. She'd also chase down a scent for miles if I let her off the leash while hiking. In comparison, I could let my Golden Retriever out the front door and she'd stay right by my side as I brought in groceries. She followed me wherever I went and was obsessed with me. Sometimes she'd run off to meet another person that she saw because she loved people, but she was never threatening while doing so, and she'd run back to me when I called her.

      She also wasn't very destructive either. She did chew up some of the woodwork on my stairs when she was like 4 months old. But besides that, she never destroyed things besides her toys. She also didn't try to steal food, but she would stare at me and whine when I ate since she knew I'd always give her my leftovers.

      The downsides are shedding and getting knots in their fur, so they have to be brushed regularly, and the high rates of cancer.

      So, yeah - highly recommend Goldens. They're fantastic dogs in general. Perfect family pet.

  12. 11 months ago

    Most working breeds are a good choice, if you can commit to them.
    We have a German shorthaired pointer. Hunt birds with him and take him backpacking (he carries his own food and water).
    He's a good boy, pic rel

  13. 11 months ago

    Australian Shephards. Those things are the sharpest dogs around. Require massive amounts of exercise. If you find yourself running long distances, that's your dog. Not to mention a dog will bond with you as you train together to degrees that a normal dog owner can't with their sedentary lifestyles. The dog will come to respect you in terms of physical ability.

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