What's the worst injury you ever had? How did you recover?

What's the worst injury you ever had? How did you recover?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago

    Never had an injury because I don't trian to failure, because I'm not a moron

    • 3 weeks ago

      >I’m not a moron

      • 3 weeks ago

        Sorry but you are still using unofficial sources to prove nothing and the only way to cope is insulting me when i put facts on your face.

        Cope harder moron

        • 3 weeks ago

          get your fricking facts off my face right now, c**t

    • 3 weeks ago

      I never had an injury and I always train to failure, t. 28

    • 3 weeks ago

      You forgot to mention you also got no gains

  2. 3 weeks ago

    I've had a broken hand, broken toe and currently a cracked rib. All from sports and non of them really overly debilitating.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    something in my knee moved while warming up with just the bar. I couldn't squat down in general for a month

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Lower back, originally from a snowboard fall on ice, who got worse when overextended my back on squats.

    By doing jefferson curls and yoga.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Pain wise?
    Rhabdo in my Quad
    You can't sleep and get cramps 24/7
    The first 2 weeks were the worst, you sleep 2 hours max, wake up from pain or have massive cramps. Took me 6 months to recover.

    Half Broken arm
    Patella tendonitis(still have it after 2 years)

    • 3 weeks ago

      What caused it? Dehydration? Only guy I know who had it liked to drink beer instead of water during and after his workouts.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Pretty much.
        I didn't drank water and did a high rep one legged dumbbell deadlift workout as a beginner.
        My quad did hurt but I told myself "Don't be a pussy and push tough the pain."
        Woke up with cramps in my quad and my piss was dark yellow/brown.

    • 3 weeks ago
      • 3 weeks ago

        I already know this.
        I do heel elevated front squats in a very upright position, do my leg extensions and goblet squats.
        Thanks tho.

      • 3 weeks ago

        e3 rehab is based as frick. every one of their uploads is worth watching and i respect how they preach physical rehab over surgery. their meniscus, patella, and shoulder impingement videos are all on point.

    • 3 weeks ago

      fart on my dick, gayboy

  6. 3 weeks ago

    Fell off a bench as a kid, landed with my elbow hitting a rock. It broke the bump of my elbow off, spun it to the other side, cracked one of my forearm bones down the shift, and bent my arm backwards. Had to relearn how to use my dominant hand. Got out of doing written school work for the whole year though.
    I cant rotate my wrist and my arm still can hyperextend like 30 degrees the wrong way.
    Also got my big toe cut off as a kid. They sewed it back on, but I had to wear a boot for a year or so.

    • 3 weeks ago

      what in the frick were you doing to get your big toe cut off? I feel like you are either the most adventurous kid ever or some sort of ancient warrior kid

      • 3 weeks ago

        Wood slab fell over and the narrow edge landed on my toe, slicing it off.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Holy sick bro. Imagine if that landed on your head instead. Do you feel lucky?

          • 3 weeks ago

            Yeah, I guess. They reattached the toe too, so no real consequences for it.

            • 3 weeks ago

              do you have full control of the toe? a weak big toe can easily cause a flat foot

    • 3 weeks ago


  7. 3 weeks ago

    Back injury.

    By being patient, letting it be and waiting to heal on its own

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Stress fractured metatarsal from rooning. Only person in my immediate family to have ever broken a bone. Great shame and dishonour.

    Also, fricked back doing gardening, just kneeling down and putting seeds in pots. Couldn't stand up for a week but nothing was broken.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    right labrum tear

    I didn't recover, even with surgery

    • 3 weeks ago

      shoulder injuries are the worst innit? how do you lift nowadays?

      • 3 weeks ago

        sorry, was hip, not shoulder. Forgot to mention that. Although I think my shoulder labrums are also torn, I get pain in both of them, but I know that labrum repair surgery is a scam, so I just exercise however I can to mitigate the pain.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I took me 5 yrs to recover from upper-middle labral tears in both shoulders. You need to do lot of front plank variations for serratus, isolation shoulders exercises with serratus involvment (side, front raises) dont overhead press, bench press, face pull. Do lot of mainly horizontal pulling movements and rotator cuff rear delt band work, also take care of shoulder mobility. Go for manuał therapy, roll out your back esp.shoulder girdle area.

  10. 3 weeks ago

    I have had constant lower back pain on the right side for 8 years. I'm aware of it every second of every day.

    • 3 weeks ago

      stretch your quad

  11. 3 weeks ago

    >What's the worst injury you ever had?
    Tore my shit working out like an idiot.

    >How did you recover?
    no more lifting like a fricking idiot after three months of no lifting.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    my shoulder is still fricked after many months of rest and self-rehab. probably gonna need scans and shit done. i just wish this shit didn't fricking happen, it's a real pain in the ass

    • 3 weeks ago

      how did it happen?

      • 3 weeks ago

        i tried to do a handstand push up without having warmed up beforehand and ever since every pushing movement kills my shoulder.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Dealing with what I suspect is a strained quad right now, got a dull pain at the top of my kneecap. I have no loss of stability or feelings of weakness, so I suspect it's nothing too serious, and I just gotta let ot rest as much as I can. Strained it on the Leg Press, and it sucks since I wasn't pressing heavy weight and have had zero issues up until now with it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I got pretty much that exact injury on hack squat lol. I’ve been resting with the leg up, ice pack on the knee and taking ibuprofen and that’s been helping a lot.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    bent down to get weight off a weight rack, stood up and smashed my head off a weight peg so loud the entire gym noticed

    still finished my leg press set dizzy and head pounding in pain lol trying to play it cool

  15. 3 weeks ago

    >decided to swap from back squats to front squats
    >day 1 load 100kg on the bar. Nbd since my back squat is 140kg
    >get under bar in the clean position
    >stand up and feel and hear a huge crack all down my thoracic spine
    >rerack bar, feel upper back muscles spasming like crazy so just walk out of the gym and go home
    >do some research at home and realise full clean positions requires upper back mobility that I clearly didn’t have
    >rest and do some light stretches and good to go in a few weeks

    Ngl the crack felt nice on my spine but was a very weird sensation. Would not recommend.

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Neck snap. Had to look for a new body to possess.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    tore my meniscus and was out for months. it wasn't really the physical but the mental toll it took on me. wasn't able to work my job or lift so i just ended up neeting and drinking liquor every day.

    what i shouldve done was just hit upper body more but man it really fricking hurt to just walk anywhere.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    rest and fasting.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    Dislocated my right arm in wrestling. Took like 2 years to fully recover but I’m still paranoid about it to this day. Fricked up my QL which took like 10 years to mostly get over. Sprained my knee pretty badly which basically has made that knee a creaky mess.

    Never broken any bones but honestly I think those wouldn’t be any worse than those 3.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    I feel for pic related. He was the only hungarian lifter in Beijing, and got famous, sadly not for being such a good lifter...
    I headbutted the barbell while snatching (it was 40kg). Guess who improved his technique after that?
    I also had rarely problems with cleaning, where I got the barbell on a vein and blacked out for a quarter of a minute usually not getting seriously injured, but it is scary laying on the floor and not knowing how did you get there, surrounded by concerned mates.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I recently head butted the bar while doing muscle snatches with 60kg. Was a unicorn for a few days.

  21. 3 weeks ago

    Acanthamoeba keratitis, right eye
    Cornea eaten alive and lost vision for about two years. Got a cornea transplant with a partial restoration of vision. Infection came back recently, so I'm treating it again.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Sound scary. Is that some kind of bacteria? How do you got infected? And how to prevent it?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Single-celled flesh eating parasite, multiplies much like bacteria would. It's an amoeba, hence the name. Long incubation time so it's hard to tell exactly how I got it, but what we think is:
        >be doing yard work with my contacts in
        >get slight corneal abrasion from dirt getting behind my sunglasses
        >no big deal, dont even notice
        >take shower later
        >slight pain when taking out contacts that night
        >end up with excruciating pain and ulcers in my cornea about a month later

        >how to prevent it
        Acanthamoebas are everywhere in the air, soil, and water, but rarely cause infection. For every 1,000,000 contact lenses wearers, on average only 2 people will develop the infection. Basically:
        >dont sleep in your contacts
        >dont shower in your contacts
        >dont swim in your contacts (especially freshwater)
        >dont rinse your contacts with tap water
        >dont wear them if you scratched your eye until it heals
        >use dailys instead of biweeklys
        And you should never have to worry. It really is stupid rare, if contacts weren't invented, this would probably be no more than a footnote in medical literature.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Well im a contact wearer too but i use daily disposable because i only use it when i want to look good for the girls. And your story scared me for wearing it. But really thankyou bro for the warning and headsup. I hope you healing soon and get well anon. All the best and my prayer for you

  22. 3 weeks ago

    Sacroiliac joint dysfunction from deadlift. Lay down for a week then didn't train for 6 months. Still clicks on command now though.

  23. 3 weeks ago

    >What's the worst injury you ever had?
    Herniated disk.
    How did you recover?
    I didn't.

  24. 3 weeks ago

    Worst injuries both happened in my early 20s.
    >broke my pinky toe on left foot
    Took some cocaine and popped it back in myself. Rested it for a week and was back at it

    >stabbed my hand by accident and the knife went in the palm and out the back
    >yes I am moronic
    >no I don't cook in the first 30 minutes of waking up anymore
    Tied a tourniquet on my arm so I wouldn't bleed out and got a ride to the hospital. The nurses were impressed and told me I saved my own life, I also nearly ended it though... I had stopped bleeding though so I was ok. Then 4 guys came in from a car accident so I had to wait for stitches while the ER team stabilized them. Had to wait so long the cut sealed itself back up and they would have to reopen it to stitch. Insisted they give me some pain meds and left in the end (6 hours later). Went to a foam party that night with a bandage, glove over bandage and a plastic bag with a rubber band over it. I didn't drink at the party though. Took a few weeks but it healed eventually. By some miracle I missed everything important, and the only nerve damage is that when I squeeze my pinky I only feel it where I was stabbed, and if I squeeze where I stabbed I feel it in the tip of my pinky instead. Full mobility regained. Anyway don't go to the hospital in the third world if you can help it.

    Never had an injury as a result of exercise though. I have been active since I was a kid so I have good body awareness and know my limits. Also don't do drugs kids.

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Pelvic floor dysfunction from pull-ups and chin-ups. I did too many for too long using too much added weight. It developed after three years of intensive training. Symptoms were wild. Basically felt like I badly needed to go pee all the time even when my bladder was empty. Pressure sensation in my groin and penis. Felt spasms in abdominal wall down to groin. Urinary leakage.
    Three years to completely heal.
    No longer do any exercise where my feet are not on ground, I.e. no pull-ups, no chin-ups, no muscle ups, no dips, etc.
    Only do exercises where my feet are on ground.
    Been fine ever since.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Dude that's wild, I had no idea that could even happen. I have pelvic issues so I will definitely stay away from that stuff as well.

    • 3 weeks ago

      damn that sounds scary. is this just from using weights / the belt causing pressure to lower body? I'm having trouble trying to understand what would cause this if the pulls/chins were unweighted.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Started after I started adding weights to pull-ups, chin-ups and dips. Once I started adding 25 lbs, the symptoms started. I stupidly ignored them and increased weight over time, reaching fifty pounds. At that point I finally realized I had to stop.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Damn dude thank you for putting this into perspective. I have been getting symptoms once I hit 100lbs on squat, but now I'm thinking maybe I should roll back a bit and just let it go. I guess I just need to accept my limits, as shitty as that is.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Had a similar thing which made me more and more stiff resulting in being not able to function. It took me years to get to the bottom of it all.
      General tip - release your muscles daily. I had knots in my sphincter which shut down my back... the body can be "devious".

  26. 3 weeks ago

    broke my left wrist 10 years ago,there isnt anything wrong with it currently but it makes a sound similar to when you crack your knuckles when I rotate my wrist.

  27. 3 weeks ago

    Fishbone in my throat had me throwing up blood from the cut for 2 hours
    couldn't eat solid food for a month

  28. 3 weeks ago

    I fricked my knee up bad in the pandemic. I have trained for over a decade but I only really got into lifting seriously last year.

    2018-22 I was basically doing HIIT workout and calisthenics exclusively. I was in good shape e.g. I could land a 40 inch vertical jump and do 50 push ups in one go. In 2020 I switched gyms because of the pandemic. One day I was warming up and doing box jumps. In my old gym the box was wooden. In the new one the box was soft. I don't know how but somehow as I jumped 26" in I fricked my landing up. I landed on 2 feet and was steady. But I could feel straight away that I had broken or snapped something in my knee. From that point on my knee was in excruciating pain. For almost a year I could barely walk 15 minutes without agonising pain. Something inside my knee broke badly, the cartilage a joint. Even to this day my knee now randomly clicks. I used to think I was going to be one of those young guys with a walking stick. Most of 2021 I didn't train/exercise hard due to my knee injury. Thankfully by 2022 it got better. I gave up heavy impact on my knees and changed my workouts e.g. cycling. I started lifting seriously last year and my leg feels the strongest it has for many years.

  29. 3 weeks ago

    >What's the worst injury you ever had?
    I was born
    >How did you recover?
    Still working on the solution

  30. 3 weeks ago

    did he died?

  31. 3 weeks ago

    broken heart. lost two years.

  32. 3 weeks ago

    Fell onto my side while climbing, put my.arn out like an idiot and snapped my forearm in half. It was probably an 8 foot fall. My arm was in the shape of a U-Bend, it was fricking horrible, looked like a floppy rubber gloves.
    I jacked up my shoulder lifting a box of clothes hangers from a high shelf when I worked in a clothes shop warehouse, some dick had decided to put the heavy shit above shoulder height.
    I also fricked my back up when my pull up bar fell off the doorframe in the middle of a rep, took me a few weeks to get over that one

  33. 3 weeks ago

    Got fired from my job then wrecked my back on a deadlift warmup set with bad form. couldn't walk for like a week and intense back pain for a few months after. One of the darkest times of my life. Now a year later I've pretty much fixed by quitting powersnapping for a bro split bodybuilding type program and foundation training.

  34. 3 weeks ago

    Burst a disc.
    Surgery and years of healing. Scarred the spinal cord, I lose strength in lower body after a while of movement.

  35. 3 weeks ago

    Left Shoulder - Grade III Acromioclavicular Joint Separation - BMX Bike Riding
    >doc recommended no surgery
    >worked out/rehabilitated
    >no problems
    >doesn't prevent me from doing anything
    >full strength
    >full ROM

  36. 3 weeks ago

    I sprained my ankle while playing basketball one time. It hurt so bad I got tears in my eyes and this ripped black dude started to stroke my leg going "it gon' be aight, bruh, jus breef." It was very embarrassing.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >it gon' be aight bruh,jus breef

    • 3 weeks ago


    • 3 weeks ago

      >jus breef
      how's that gonna help with his ankle dum dumb?

  37. 3 weeks ago

    I broke my arm once as a kid when I was walking along a log across a river. My mother forgot to take me to a follow up appointment with the doctor, so now my left arm is about 2 inches shorter than my right. I also suspect it led to some bone spurs on my elbow later in life, which I needed expensive surgery for and still don't have full elbow mobility from.
    So I "made a recovery". I can still do all exercises, but it gets pretty obvious on things like OHP where my bent elbow and shorter arm compound to put a pretty big angle on the bar at the top of the lift.

  38. 3 weeks ago

    Back when I was a youngun I didn't know overtraining was a thing, so I ended up showing up to every MMA class they offered at the gym. I was training like 10+ hours a week of just stamina training and crossfit essentially. Crossfit is fine in a way (think boxing), but when you also land on your knees and lift people up etc you tend to wear out your tendons and ligaments. I kept doing this for months until one day my knee just popped from landing slowly on the mat with almost no pressure. I was out for 6 months, couldn't walk straight. It healed with time, but it's gotten permanently weaker I feel.

  39. 3 weeks ago

    synovial cyst on my right hand due to not worming up, or over use, or who fricking know why I've seen 4 doctors already and all said diferent things.

    I had surgery for it in early 2023 didn't train for 6 months did some light streches, never recoverd first month of training it came back, so i never recover, I lost full range of motion because the cyst preses on some nervs and it couses me pain and now I need to do push ups and frick misionary on my fists.
    Also now I do every exercise with wrist straps and my right arm is significantly weaker then my left. I took mesurments and there's a diference only of half an inch between them wich is considered normal.

  40. 3 weeks ago

    Crack in big toe. Borderline fainting while doing OHP and dropped the weight.

  41. 3 weeks ago

    he was completely fine alfterwards

  42. 3 weeks ago

    tore the tendon in my forearm while trying to curl 180lbs

    couldnt use that arm/hand for several months but it healed on its own

  43. 3 weeks ago

    I dropped a deadlift on my knee which was luckily not that far

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