What's your motivation for lifting? And why isn't it family

What's your motivation for lifting? And why isn't it family

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  1. 10 months ago

    My family is my motivation. I'm not letting my daughter grow up in a house that doesn't value taking care of oneself, like I did.

  2. 10 months ago

    > family
    yeah good luck gaslighting yourself into believing that your wife is different from other w*men

  3. 10 months ago

    You can just tell she makes gluten free homemade fig and rosemary crackers

    • 10 months ago

      totally, and that she likes doing ass to mouth

      • 10 months ago

        You need to get help man

  4. 10 months ago

    I lift because my boys do what I do, and I want them strong. I lift because my daughter uses me as an example she'll compare men to, and I don't want her interested in weak men.

    Also I lift because my wife wets her pants when I pick her up and carry her off.

  5. 10 months ago

    I think my family went shizo to some point right now.

  6. 10 months ago

    I lift for the incoming social strife that will see widespread violent spring up randomly. I will have a family when I re-incarnate in a few generations after the collapse and it is safe to bring a children into this world again. I'll have to make due with just eating people and their families in the new post apocalyptic cannibal hellscape that is to come

  7. 10 months ago

    >What's your motivation for lifting?
    Total Aryan Victory

  8. 10 months ago

    >why isn't it family
    Nobody wants me anon... I would like to start a family but I can't even get a girl... I've been rejected by so many girls and I am legit considering roping myself

    • 10 months ago

      Make sure to train neck well so that the rope doesn't kill you.

      • 10 months ago

        I just jizzed to this WebM
        >What does this mean?
        It means that 1) Semen left my penis 2) Prior to semen leaving my penis, I was rubbing my penis 3) During the rubbing of my penis, I was looking at the WebM that you posted
        >What were the circumstances leading up to the ejaculation?
        Leading upto the ejaculation I was wearing a glove on my hand. This is because I have warts on my hand, and I don't want to get warts on my penis.
        >Why did you do this?
        When I clicked the WebM you posted, I felt horny enough and I decided to jerk off to it.
        >Does this make me gay?
        No. Despite the fact that you helped a man ejaculate, you are not gay, because you did so unwittingly.
        >Does this make you a rapist?
        Yes. You helped me cum, and I did not ask for your consent before hand, which makes me a rapist.

        • 10 months ago

          >Does this make you gay?
          For typing all this bullshit it makes you flaming gay. homosexual

  9. 10 months ago

    Out of all of the daily spam threads, this is one of the dumbest. Lifting is a fun pass time/hobby. Hobbyist bodybuilding will not make her notice you, get you a family, save the white race, etc. All of those things are great, but they aren't bodybuilding related.

  10. 10 months ago

    replace the woman with an asian or wasian and it is my dream

  11. 10 months ago

    My motivation for lifting is so that my brain performs better and I can perform in my job better, so I will climb corporate ladder faster.
    I don't fricking care about family, I'm ultra virgin.

  12. 10 months ago

    >And why isn't it family?
    Because I'm a mentally ill loser. I will die alone. Hopefully soon.

  13. 10 months ago

    I'm too scared to kill myself so shit guess I gotta live instead.

  14. 10 months ago

    I lift for Asuka and our future children.

  15. 10 months ago


  16. 10 months ago

    you've got it, it is my family

  17. 10 months ago

    For the anon who’s thread was deleted about his gf cheating, I hope you’re still here and come into this thread and see this:


    >i just wanted an explanation from her. why? why did this happen? what caused it? what else has happened?
    Anon it’s rare that they even admit to, even if caught in the act or with hard real proof and evidence. Any explanation you get would be garbage and cause more hurt.
    The only one you need is that she didn’t value, respect, or truly love/care about you. That she is a trashy low value piece of shit.
    You are better off. Her shitty actions are of zero reflection to yourself. You got rid of a shitty person for cheap. Thank that you didn’t get married and have kids with this prostitute. You found out easily: this isn’t the mother of your future kids. Congrats man.

    Another thing, dating is all about interviewing and figuring out what you want in the person you’ll spend the rest of your life with. Sometimes you’ll realize as early as the first date she’s a no go, sometimes it will take years. Sometimes it will be a character trait or it may be a shitty action of betrayal. Bottom line, you got hurt and betrayed and that’s not the type of woman you want in your life at all.
    I know it sucks man. You will pull through. Keep pushing and you’ll find a better b***h. She will gain 50lbs. She’ll eventually look you up and realize how stupid she was, she’ll cling to her frick ups forever while you will have moved on and not care anymore, gone on to be happier and have something much better with a way better woman. But that is only if you keep pushing through the suck.

  18. 10 months ago

    Why in the FRICK would anyone want a family?

    So let me get this straight. You're going to strap yourself down to 1 girl who statistically has a 50% chance of not just becoming overweight, but becoming OBESE along with a 20% chance of cheating on you and a 50% chance of divorcing you... all so that you can have 2 years of sleepless nights with an infant followed by 10 years of having to have someone look after your kid if you want to actually do anything with your wife followed by 8 years of simply praying your kid doesn't become a homosexual (20% of Gen Z identifies as LGBT) or a drug addict all for what? For fricking what?

    So you can see what half of your genes look like mixed with someone else's?

    Back in the day, having kids was meant to literally create an extra set of hands on the farm. They had a purpose. What in the frick do you actually want a kid for? Because you're "supposed to"? LMAO, no fricking thanks. There's literally like a 10% chance you have a long happy marriage with a normal kid. The risk to reward ratio is fricktarded. I could understand having a kid if the mother is a stay at home mom and I have a dozen other side mommies and make MINIMUM $500,000 a year, but otherwise absolutely frick that shit. Once again, risk to reward. And there isn't even a reward lmao, just another human you HAVE to take care of or it dies or becomes a drug addict/ISTner

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